
89 lines
2.7 KiB

; SKINT Startup code (minimal)
(load "n-service.sf") ; needed for constants (pairs, strings, symbols)
; Runtime globals
(%localdef "#include \"i.h\"")
(define *globals* (make-vector 991 '())) ; nice prime number
(define *dynamic-state* (list #f)) ; for dynamic-wind
(define *current-input* #f)
(define *current-output* #f)
(define *current-error* #f)
; Code deserializer and Evaluator (use built-ins)
(define execute-thunk-closure
(%prim "{ /* define execute-thunk-closure */
static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+0) };
$return objptr(c); }"))
(define make-closure
(%prim "{ /* define make-closure */
static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+1) };
$return objptr(c); }"))
(define decode-sexp
(%prim "{ /* define decode-sexp */
static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+2) };
$return objptr(c); }"))
(define decode
(%prim "{ /* define decode */
static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+3) };
$return objptr(c); }"))
; Initial environment
; initial transformers
(define *transformers* '())
; adapter code for continuation closures produced by letcc
(define continuation-adapter-code #f) ; inited via (decode "k!...") in i.c
; adapter closure for values/call-with-values pair
(define callmv-adapter-closure (make-closure (decode "K5")))
(define install-global-lambdas
(%prim "{ /* define install-global-lambdas */
static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+6) };
$return objptr(c); }"))
(define initialize-modules
(%prim "{ /* define initialize-modules */
static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+7) };
$return objptr(c); }"))
; Main
(define (tcode-repl)
(execute-thunk-closure (make-closure (decode "${@(y4:repl)[00}"))))
(define (main argv)
; if we fell out of tcode repl on error, go back
(unless (eq? (tcode-repl) #t) (main #f)))