;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Stack-Based Model compiler/vm, derived from ; ; Three Implementation Models for Scheme ; TR87-0ll ; 1987 ; R. Kent Dybvig ; ; https://www.cs.unc.edu/techreports/87-011.pdf ; ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (load "k.sf") ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Utils ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define set-member? (lambda (x s) (cond [(null? s) #f] [(eq? x (car s)) #t] [else (set-member? x (cdr s))]))) (define set-cons (lambda (x s) (if (set-member? x s) s (cons x s)))) (define set-union (lambda (sl s2) (if (null? sl) s2 (set-union (cdr sl) (set-cons (car sl) s2))))) (define set-minus (lambda (sl s2) (if (null? sl) '() (if (set-member? (car sl) s2) (set-minus (cdr sl) s2) (cons (car sl) (set-minus (cdr sl) s2)))))) (define set-intersect (lambda (sl s2) (if (null? sl) '() (if (set-member? (car sl) s2) (cons (car sl) (set-intersect (cdr sl) s2)) (set-intersect (cdr sl) s2))))) (define-syntax record-case (syntax-rules (else) [(record-case (pa . ir) clause ...) (let ([id (pa . ir)]) (record-case id clause ...))] [(record-case id) 'record-case-miss] [(record-case id [else exp ...]) (begin exp ...)] [(record-case id [key ids exp ...] clause ...) (if (eq? (car id) 'key) (apply (lambda ids exp ...) (cdr id)) (record-case id clause ...))])) (define syntax-match? (lambda (pat exp) (or (eq? pat '*) (equal? exp pat) (and (pair? pat) (cond [(and (eq? (car pat) '$) (pair? (cdr pat)) (null? (cddr pat))) (eq? exp (cadr pat))] [(and (pair? (cdr pat)) (eq? (cadr pat) '...) (null? (cddr pat))) (let ([pat (car pat)]) (define (f lst) (or (null? lst) (and (pair? lst) (syntax-match? pat (car lst)) (f (cdr lst))))) (f exp))] [else (and (pair? exp) (syntax-match? (car pat) (car exp)) (syntax-match? (cdr pat) (cdr exp)))]))))) ; unique symbol generator (poor man's version) (define gensym (let ([gsc 0]) (lambda args ; (), (symbol), or (#f) for gsc reset (set! gsc (fx+ gsc 1)) (if (null? args) (string->symbol (string-append "#" (fixnum->string gsc 10))) (if (symbol? (car args)) (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string (car args)) (string-append "#" (fixnum->string gsc 10)))) (set! gsc 0)))))) (define posq (lambda (x l) (let loop ([l l] [n 0]) (cond [(null? l) #f] [(eq? x (car l)) n] [else (loop (cdr l) (fx+ n 1))])))) (define list-diff (lambda (l t) (if (or (null? l) (eq? l t)) '() (cons (car l) (list-diff (cdr l) t))))) (define-inline (string-cmp x y) (%prim? "fixnum(strcmp(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)))" x y)) (define (pair* x . more) (let loop ([x x] [rest more]) (if (null? rest) x (cons x (loop (car rest) (cdr rest)))))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Syntax of the Scheme Core language ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -> (quote ) ; -> (ref ) ; -> (set! ) ; -> (lambda ) where -> ( ...) | ( ... . ) | ; -> (begin ...) ; -> (if ) ; -> (call ...) ; NB: (begin) is legit, returns unspecified value ; on top level, these two extra core forms are legal: ; -> (define ) ; -> (define-syntax ) ; convention for 'flattened' is to put rest arg if any at the front (define flatten-idslist (lambda (ilist) (if (list? ilist) ilist (let loop ([l ilist] [r '()]) (cond [(pair? l) (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))] [else (if (null? l) (reverse! r) (cons l (reverse! r)))]))))) (define idslist-req-count (lambda (ilist) (if (pair? ilist) (fx+ 1 (idslist-req-count (cdr ilist))) 0))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Macro transformer (from Scheme to Scheme Core) derived from Al Petrofsky's EIOD 1.17 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; An environment is a procedure that accepts any identifier and ; returns a denotation. The denotation of an unbound identifier is ; its name (as a symbol). A bound identifier's denotation is its ; binding, which is a pair of the current value and the identifier's ; name (needed by quote). Biding's value can be changed later. ; Special forms are either a symbol naming a builtin, or a transformer procedure ; that takes two arguments: a macro use and the environment of the macro use. ; -> | ; -> | ; -> ( . ) ; -> | ; -> | ; -> syntax | define | define-syntax | ; quote | set! | begin | if | lambda | body ; -> (define-inline (val-core? val) (pair? val)) (define-inline (val-special? val) (not (pair? val))) (define-inline (binding? x) (pair? x)) (define-inline (make-binding s v) (cons s v)) (define-inline (binding-val bnd) (cdr bnd)) (define-inline (binding-special? bnd) (val-special? (cdr bnd))) (define-inline (binding-sym bnd) (car bnd)) (define-inline (binding-set-val! bnd val) (set-cdr! bnd val)) (define-inline (find-top-binding s blist) (assq s blist)) (define (new-id den) (define p (list den)) (lambda () p)) (define (old-den id) (car (id))) (define (id? x) (or (symbol? x) (procedure? x))) (define (id->sym id) (if (symbol? id) id (den->sym (old-den id)))) (define (den->sym den) (if (symbol? den) den (binding-sym den))) (define (empty-xenv id) (if (symbol? id) id (old-den id))) (define (extend-xenv env id bnd) (lambda (i) (if (eq? id i) bnd (env i)))) (define (add-binding key val env) ; adds as-is (extend-xenv env key (make-binding (id->sym key) val))) (define (add-var var val env) ; adds renamed var as (extend-xenv env var (make-binding (id->sym var) (list 'ref val)))) ; xform receives Scheme s-expressions and returns either Core Scheme ; (always a pair) or special-form, which is either a builtin (a symbol) or ; a transformer (a procedure) (define (xform appos? sexp env) (cond [(id? sexp) (let ([hval (xform-ref sexp env)]) (if (and (procedure? hval) (not appos?)) (xform appos? (hval sexp env) env) ; id-syntax hval))] [(not (pair? sexp)) (xform-quote sexp env)] [else (let* ([head (car sexp)] [tail (cdr sexp)] [hval (xform #t head env)]) (case hval [(syntax) (car tail)] [(quote) (xform-quote (car tail) env)] [(set!) (xform-set! (car tail) (cadr tail) env)] [(begin) (xform-begin tail env)] [(if) (xform-if tail env)] [(lambda) (xform-lambda tail env)] [(body) (xform-body tail env)] [(define) (xform-define (car tail) (cadr tail) env)] [(define-syntax) (xform-define-syntax (car tail) (cadr tail) env)] [else (if (procedure? hval) (xform appos? (hval sexp env) env) (xform-call hval tail env))]))])) (define (xform-quote sexp env) (list 'quote (let conv ([sexp sexp]) (cond [(id? sexp) (id->sym sexp)] [(pair? sexp) (cons (conv (car sexp)) (conv (cdr sexp)))] [(vector? sexp) (list->vector (map conv (vector->list sexp)))] [else sexp])))) (define (xform-ref id env) (let ([den (env id)]) (cond [(symbol? den) (list 'ref den)] [else (binding-val den)]))) (define (xform-set! id exp env) (let ([den (env id)] [xexp (xform #f exp env)]) (cond [(symbol? den) (list 'set! den xexp)] [(binding-special? den) (binding-set-val! den xexp) '(begin)] [else (let ([val (binding-val den)]) (if (eq? (car val) 'ref) (list 'set! (cadr val) xexp) (error 'transform "set! to non-identifier form")))]))) (define (xform-begin tail env) (if (list? tail) (let ([xexps (map (lambda (sexp) (xform #f sexp env)) tail)]) (if (and (pair? xexps) (null? (cdr xexps))) (car xexps) ; (begin x) => x (cons 'begin xexps))) (error 'transform "improper begin form"))) (define (xform-if tail env) (if (list? tail) (let ([xexps (map (lambda (sexp) (xform #f sexp env)) tail)]) (case (length xexps) [(2) (cons 'if (append xexps '((begin))))] [(3) (cons 'if xexps)] [else (error 'transform "malformed if form")])) (error 'transform "improper if form"))) (define (xform-call xexp tail env) (if (list? tail) (let ([xexps (map (lambda (sexp) (xform #f sexp env)) tail)]) (if (and (null? xexps) (eq? (car xexp) 'lambda) (null? (cadr xexp))) (caddr xexp) ; ((let () x)) => x (pair* 'call xexp xexps))) (error 'transform "improper application"))) (define (xform-lambda tail env) (if (list? tail) (let loop ([vars (car tail)] [ienv env] [ipars '()]) (cond [(pair? vars) (let* ([var (car vars)] [nvar (gensym (id->sym var))]) (loop (cdr vars) (add-var var nvar ienv) (cons nvar ipars)))] [(null? vars) (list 'lambda (reverse ipars) (xform-body (cdr tail) ienv))] [else ; improper (let* ([var vars] [nvar (gensym (id->sym var))] [ienv (add-var var nvar ienv)]) (list 'lambda (append (reverse ipars) nvar) (xform-body (cdr tail) ienv)))])) (error 'transform "improper lambda body"))) (define (xform-body tail env) (if (null? tail) (list 'begin) (let loop ([env env] [ids '()] [inits '()] [nids '()] [body tail]) (if (and (pair? body) (pair? (car body))) (let ([first (car body)] [rest (cdr body)]) (let* ([head (car first)] [hval (xform #t head env)]) (case hval [(begin) (loop env ids inits nids (append (cdr first) rest))] [(define) (let* ([id (cadr first)] [init (caddr first)] [nid (gensym (id->sym id))] [env (add-var id nid env)]) (loop env (cons id ids) (cons init inits) (cons nid nids) rest))] [(define-syntax) (let* ([id (cadr first)] [init (caddr first)] [env (add-binding id '(undefined) env)]) (loop env (cons id ids) (cons init inits) (cons #t nids) rest))] [else (if (procedure? hval) (loop env ids inits nids (cons (hval first env) rest)) (xform-labels (reverse ids) (reverse inits) (reverse nids) body env))]))) (xform-labels (reverse ids) (reverse inits) (reverse nids) body env))))) (define (xform-labels ids inits nids body env) (let loop ([ids ids] [inits inits] [nids nids] [sets '()] [lids '()]) (cond [(null? ids) (let* ([xexps (append (reverse sets) (map (lambda (sexp) (xform #f sexp env)) body))] [xexp (if (and (pair? xexps) (null? (cdr xexps))) (car xexps) (cons 'begin xexps))]) (if (null? lids) xexp (pair* 'call (list 'lambda (reverse lids) xexp) (map (lambda (lid) '(begin)) lids))))] [(symbol? (car nids)) ; define (loop (cdr ids) (cdr inits) (cdr nids) (cons (xform-set! (car ids) (car inits) env) sets) (cons (car nids) lids))] [else ; define-syntax (binding-set-val! (env (car ids)) (xform #t (car inits) env)) (loop (cdr ids) (cdr inits) (cdr nids) sets lids)]))) (define (xform-define id exp env) ; top-level only (if (id? id) (list 'define (id->sym id) (xform #f exp env)) (error 'transform "define of non-identifier form"))) (define (xform-define-syntax id exp env) ; top-level only (if (id? id) (list 'define-syntax (id->sym id) (xform #t exp env)) (error 'transform "define-syntax of non-identifier form"))) ; ellipsis denotation is used for comparisons only (define denotation-of-default-ellipsis (make-binding '... (lambda (sexp env) (error '... sexp)))) (define *transformers* (list (make-binding 'syntax 'syntax) (make-binding 'define 'define) (make-binding 'define-syntax 'define-syntax) (make-binding 'quote 'quote) (make-binding 'set! 'set!) (make-binding 'begin 'begin) (make-binding 'if 'if) (make-binding 'lambda 'lambda) (make-binding 'body 'body) denotation-of-default-ellipsis)) (define (top-transformer-env id) (let ([bnd (find-top-binding id *transformers*)]) (cond [(binding? bnd) ; special case: syntax-rules in sexp form (left by init) (let ([val (binding-val bnd)]) (when (and (pair? val) (eq? (car val) 'syntax-rules)) (binding-set-val! bnd (transform #t val)))) bnd] [(symbol? id) (let ([bnd (make-binding id (list 'ref id))]) (set! *transformers* (cons bnd *transformers*)) bnd)] [else (old-den id)]))) (define (install-transformer! s t) (binding-set-val! (top-transformer-env s) t)) (define (install-transformer-rules! s ell lits rules) (install-transformer! s (syntax-rules* top-transformer-env ell lits rules))) (define (transform appos? sexp . optenv) (gensym #f) ; reset gs counter to make results reproducible (xform appos? sexp (if (null? optenv) top-transformer-env (car optenv)))) ; 'syntax-rules' transformer produces another transformer from the rules (define (syntax-rules* mac-env ellipsis pat-literals rules) (define (pat-literal? id) (memq id pat-literals)) (define (not-pat-literal? id) (not (pat-literal? id))) (define (ellipsis-pair? x) (and (pair? x) (ellipsis? (car x)))) (define (ellipsis? x) (if ellipsis (eq? x ellipsis) (and (id? x) (eq? (mac-env x) denotation-of-default-ellipsis)))) ; List-ids returns a list of the non-ellipsis ids in a ; pattern or template for which (pred? id) is true. If ; include-scalars is false, we only include ids that are ; within the scope of at least one ellipsis. (define (list-ids x include-scalars pred?) (let collect ([x x] [inc include-scalars] [l '()]) (cond [(id? x) (if (and inc (pred? x)) (cons x l) l)] [(vector? x) (collect (vector->list x) inc l)] [(pair? x) (if (ellipsis-pair? (cdr x)) (collect (car x) #t (collect (cddr x) inc l)) (collect (car x) inc (collect (cdr x) inc l)))] [else l]))) ; Returns #f or an alist mapping each pattern var to a part of ; the input. Ellipsis vars are mapped to lists of parts (or ; lists of lists ...). (define (match-pattern pat use use-env) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return) (define (fail) (return #f)) (let match ([pat pat] [sexp use] [bindings '()]) (define (continue-if condition) (if condition bindings (fail))) (cond [(id? pat) (if (pat-literal? pat) (continue-if (and (id? sexp) (eq? (use-env sexp) (mac-env pat)))) (cons (cons pat sexp) bindings))] [(vector? pat) (or (vector? sexp) (fail)) (match (vector->list pat) (vector->list sexp) bindings)] [(not (pair? pat)) (continue-if (equal? pat sexp))] [(ellipsis-pair? (cdr pat)) (let* ([tail-len (length (cddr pat))] [sexp-len (if (list? sexp) (length sexp) (fail))] [seq-len (fx- sexp-len tail-len)] [sexp-tail (begin (if (negative? seq-len) (fail)) (list-tail sexp seq-len))] [seq (reverse (list-tail (reverse sexp) tail-len))] [vars (list-ids (car pat) #t not-pat-literal?)]) (define (match1 sexp) (map cdr (match (car pat) sexp '()))) (append (apply map (cons list (cons vars (map match1 seq)))) (match (cddr pat) sexp-tail bindings)))] [(pair? sexp) (match (car pat) (car sexp) (match (cdr pat) (cdr sexp) bindings))] [else (fail)]))))) (define (expand-template pat tmpl top-bindings) ; New-literals is an alist mapping each literal id in the ; template to a fresh id for inserting into the output. It ; might have duplicate entries mapping an id to two different ; fresh ids, but that's okay because when we go to retrieve a ; fresh id, assq will always retrieve the first one. (define new-literals (map (lambda (id) (cons id (new-id (mac-env id)))) (list-ids tmpl #t (lambda (id) (not (assq id top-bindings)))))) (define ellipsis-vars (list-ids pat #f not-pat-literal?)) (define (list-ellipsis-vars subtmpl) (list-ids subtmpl #t (lambda (id) (memq id ellipsis-vars)))) (let expand ([tmpl tmpl] [bindings top-bindings]) (let expand-part ([tmpl tmpl]) (cond [(id? tmpl) (cdr (or (assq tmpl bindings) (assq tmpl top-bindings) (assq tmpl new-literals)))] [(vector? tmpl) (list->vector (expand-part (vector->list tmpl)))] [(pair? tmpl) (if (ellipsis-pair? (cdr tmpl)) (let ([vars-to-iterate (list-ellipsis-vars (car tmpl))]) (define (lookup var) (cdr (assq var bindings))) (define (expand-using-vals . vals) (expand (car tmpl) (map cons vars-to-iterate vals))) (let ([val-lists (map lookup vars-to-iterate)]) (append (apply map (cons expand-using-vals val-lists)) (expand-part (cddr tmpl))))) (cons (expand-part (car tmpl)) (expand-part (cdr tmpl))))] [else tmpl])))) (lambda (use use-env) (let loop ([rules rules]) (if (null? rules) (error 'transform "invalid syntax" use)) (let* ([rule (car rules)] [pat (car rule)] [tmpl (cadr rule)]) (cond [(match-pattern pat use use-env) => (lambda (bindings) (expand-template pat tmpl bindings))] [else (loop (cdr rules))]))))) (install-transformer! 'syntax-rules (lambda (sexp env) (define syntax-id (new-id (make-binding 'syntax 'syntax))) ; sexp can be either (if (id? (cadr sexp)) ; (_ ellipsis (litname ...) . rules) (list syntax-id (syntax-rules* env (cadr sexp) (caddr sexp) (cdddr sexp))) ; or (_ (litname ...) . rules) (list syntax-id (syntax-rules* env #f (cadr sexp) (cddr sexp)))))) ; non-recursive transformer for define relies on old definition (install-transformer! 'define (let ([env (add-binding 'define 'define top-transformer-env)]) (syntax-rules* env #f '() '( [(_ (name . args) . forms) (define name (lambda args . forms))] [(_ name exp) (define name exp)])))) ; Remaining transformers are made with the help of syntax-rules* ; NB: order of installation is important -- each transformer can ; be self-recursive but can't use transformers defined later! (define-syntax install-sr-transformer! (syntax-rules (quote syntax-rules) [(_ 'name (syntax-rules (lit ...) . rules)) (install-transformer-rules! 'name #f '(lit ...) 'rules)] [(_ 'name (syntax-rules ellipsis (lit ...) . rules)) (install-transformer-rules! 'name 'ellipsis '(lit ...) 'rules)])) (install-sr-transformer! 'letrec-syntax (syntax-rules () [(_ ([key trans] ...) . forms) ; non-splicing! (body (define-syntax key trans) ... . forms)])) (install-sr-transformer! 'let-syntax (syntax-rules () [(_ () . forms) (body . forms)] [(_ ([key trans] . bindings) . forms) (letrec-syntax ([temp trans]) (let-syntax bindings (letrec-syntax ([key temp]) . forms)))])) (install-sr-transformer! 'letrec (syntax-rules () [(_ ([var init] ...) . forms) (body (define var init) ... . forms)])) (install-sr-transformer! 'let (syntax-rules () [(_ ([var init] ...) . forms) ((lambda (var ...) . forms) init ...)] [(_ name ([var init] ...) . forms) ((letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) . forms))) name) init ...)])) (install-sr-transformer! 'let* (syntax-rules () [(_ () . forms) (body . forms)] [(_ (first . more) . forms) (let (first) (let* more . forms))])) (install-sr-transformer! 'and (syntax-rules () [(_) #t] [(_ test) test] [(_ test . tests) (if test (and . tests) #f)])) (install-sr-transformer! 'or (syntax-rules () [(_) #f] [(_ test) test] [(_ test . tests) (let ([x test]) (if x x (or . tests)))])) (install-sr-transformer! 'cond (syntax-rules (else =>) [(_) #f] [(_ (else . exps)) (begin . exps)] [(_ (x) . rest) (or x (cond . rest))] [(_ (x => proc) . rest) (let ([tmp x]) (cond [tmp (proc tmp)] . rest))] [(_ (x . exps) . rest) (if x (begin . exps) (cond . rest))])) (install-sr-transformer! 'case-test (syntax-rules (else) [(_ k else) #t] [(_ k atoms) (memv k 'atoms)])) (install-sr-transformer! 'case (syntax-rules () [(_ x (test . exprs) ...) (let ([key x]) (cond ((case-test key test) . exprs) ...))])) (install-sr-transformer! 'do (syntax-rules () [(_ ((var init . step) ...) ending expr ...) (let loop ([var init] ...) (cond ending [else expr ... (loop (begin var . step) ...)]))])) (install-sr-transformer! 'quasiquote (syntax-rules (unquote unquote-splicing quasiquote) [(_ ,x) x] [(_ (,@x . y)) (append x `y)] [(_ `x . d) (cons 'quasiquote (quasiquote (x) d))] [(_ ,x d) (cons 'unquote (quasiquote (x) . d))] [(_ ,@x d) (cons 'unquote-splicing (quasiquote (x) . d))] [(_ (x . y) . d) (cons (quasiquote x . d) (quasiquote y . d))] [(_ #(x ...) . d) (list->vector (quasiquote (x ...) . d))] [(_ x . d) 'x])) (install-sr-transformer! 'delay (syntax-rules () [(_ exp) (make-delayed (lambda () exp))])) (install-sr-transformer! 'when (syntax-rules () [(_ test . rest) (if test (begin . rest))])) (install-sr-transformer! 'unless (syntax-rules () [(_ test . rest) (if (not test) (begin . rest))])) ;(install-sr-transformer! 'define-inline ; (syntax-rules () ; [(_ . rest) (define . rest)])) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Runtime ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (%localdef "#include \"i.h\"") (define *globals* '()) (define global-location (lambda (sym) (let ([loc (assq sym *globals*)]) (if (pair? loc) loc (let ([loc (cons sym 'undefined)]) (set! *globals* (cons loc *globals*)) loc))))) (define-syntax index-global cdr) (define-syntax index-set-global! set-cdr!) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; String representation of S-expressions and code arguments ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define (write-serialized-char x port) (cond [(or (char=? x #\%) (char=? x #\") (char=? x #\\) (char? x #\~)) (write-char #\% port) (let ([s (fixnum->string (char->integer x) 16)]) (if (fx=? (string-length s) 1) (write-char #\0 port)) (write-string s port))] [else (write-char x port)])) (define (write-serialized-size n port) (write-string (fixnum->string n 10) port) (write-char #\: port)) (define (write-serialized-element x port) (write-serialized-sexp x port) (write-char #\; port)) (define (write-serialized-sexp x port) (cond [(eq? x #f) (write-char #\f port)] [(eq? x #t) (write-char #\t port)] [(eq? x '()) (write-char #\n port)] [(char? x) (write-char #\c port) (write-serialized-char x port)] [(number? x) (write-char (if (exact? x) #\i #\j) port) (write-string (number->string x 10) port)] [(list? x) (write-char #\l port) (write-serialized-size (length x) port) (do ([x x (cdr x)]) [(null? x)] (write-serialized-element (car x) port))] [(pair? x) (write-char #\p port) (write-serialized-element (car x) port) (write-serialized-element (cdr x) port)] [(vector? x) (write-char #\v port) (write-serialized-size (vector-length x) port) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx=? i (vector-length x))] (write-serialized-element (vector-ref x i) port))] [(string? x) (write-char #\s port) (write-serialized-size (string-length x) port) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx=? i (string-length x))] (write-serialized-char (string-ref x i) port))] [(symbol? x) (write-char #\y port) (let ([x (symbol->string x)]) (write-serialized-size (string-length x) port) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx=? i (string-length x))] (write-serialized-char (string-ref x i) port)))] [else (error 'encode-sexp "cannot encode literal: ~s" x)])) (define (write-serialized-arg arg port) (if (and (number? arg) (exact? arg) (fx<=? 0 arg) (fx<=? arg 9)) (write-char (string-ref "0123456789" arg) port) (begin (write-char #\( port) (write-serialized-sexp arg port) (write-char #\) port)))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Compiler producing serialized code ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define find-free* (lambda (x* b) (if (null? x*) '() (set-union (find-free (car x*) b) (find-free* (cdr x*) b))))) (define find-free (lambda (x b) (record-case x [quote (obj) '()] [ref (id) (if (set-member? id b) '() (list id))] [set! (id exp) (set-union (if (set-member? id b) '() (list id)) (find-free exp b))] [lambda (idsi exp) (find-free exp (set-union (flatten-idslist idsi) b))] [if (test then else) (set-union (find-free test b) (set-union (find-free then b) (find-free else b)))] [begin exps (find-free* exps b)] [call (exp . args) (set-union (find-free exp b) (find-free* args b))]))) (define find-sets* (lambda (x* v) (if (null? x*) '() (set-union (find-sets (car x*) v) (find-sets* (cdr x*) v))))) (define find-sets (lambda (x v) (record-case x [quote (obj) '()] [ref (id) '()] [set! (id x) (set-union (if (set-member? id v) (list id) '()) (find-sets x v))] [lambda (idsi exp) (find-sets exp (set-minus v (flatten-idslist idsi)))] [begin exps (find-sets* exps v)] [if (test then else) (set-union (find-sets test v) (set-union (find-sets then v) (find-sets else v)))] [call (exp . args) (set-union (find-sets exp v) (find-sets* args v))]))) (define find-integrable-encoding (%prim "{ /* define find-integrable-encoding */ static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+4) }; $return objptr(c); }")) (define encode-integrable (%prim "{ /* define encode-integrable */ static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+5) }; $return objptr(c); }")) (define codegen ; x: Scheme Core expression to compile ; l: local var list (with #f placeholders for nonvar slots) ; f: free var list ; s: set! var set ; g: global var set ; k: #f: x goes to ac, N: x is to be returned after (sdrop n) ; port: output code goes here (lambda (x l f s g k port) (record-case x [quote (obj) (case obj [(#t) (write-char #\t port)] [(#f) (write-char #\f port)] [(()) (write-char #\n port)] [else (write-char #\' port) (write-serialized-arg obj port)]) (when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))] [ref (id) (cond [(posq id l) => ; local (lambda (n) (write-char #\. port) (write-serialized-arg n port) (if (set-member? id s) (write-char #\^ port)))] [(posq id f) => ; free (lambda (n) (write-char #\: port) (write-serialized-arg n port) (if (set-member? id s) (write-char #\^ port)))] [else ; global (write-char #\@ port) (write-serialized-arg id port)]) (when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))] [set! (id x) (codegen x l f s g #f port) (cond [(posq id l) => ; local (lambda (n) (write-char #\. port) (write-char #\! port) (write-serialized-arg n port))] [(posq id f) => ; free (lambda (n) (write-char #\: port) (write-char #\! port) (write-serialized-arg n port))] [else ; global (write-char #\@ port) (write-char #\! port) (write-serialized-arg id port)]) (when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))] [begin exps (let loop ([xl exps]) (when (pair? xl) (let ([k (if (pair? (cdr xl)) #f k)]) (codegen (car xl) l f s g k port) (loop (cdr xl))))) (when (and k (null? exps)) (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))] [if (test then else) (codegen test l f s g #f port) (write-char #\? port) (write-char #\{ port) (codegen then l f s g k port) (write-char #\} port) (cond [k ; tail call: 'then' arm exits, so br around is not needed (codegen else l f s g k port)] [(equal? else '(begin)) ; non-tail with void 'else' arm ] ; no code needed -- ac retains #f from failed test [else ; non-tail with 'else' expression; needs br (write-char #\{ port) (codegen else l f s g k port) (write-char #\} port)])] [lambda (idsi exp) (let* ([ids (flatten-idslist idsi)] [free (set-minus (find-free exp ids) g)] [sets (find-sets exp ids)]) (do ([free (reverse free) (cdr free)] [l l (cons #f l)]) [(null? free)] ; note: called with empty set! var list ; to make sure no dereferences are generated (codegen (list 'ref (car free)) l f '() g #f port) (write-char #\, port)) (write-char #\& port) (write-serialized-arg (length free) port) (write-char #\{ port) (cond [(list? idsi) (write-char #\% port) (write-serialized-arg (length idsi) port)] [else (write-char #\% port) (write-char #\! port) (write-serialized-arg (idslist-req-count idsi) port)]) (do ([ids ids (cdr ids)] [n 0 (fx+ n 1)]) [(null? ids)] (when (set-member? (car ids) sets) (write-char #\# port) (write-serialized-arg n port))) (codegen exp ids free (set-union sets (set-intersect s free)) g (length ids) port) (write-char #\} port)) (when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))] [call (exp . args) (cond [(and (eq? (car exp) 'lambda) (list? (cadr exp)) (fx=? (length args) (length (cadr exp)))) ; let-like call; compile as special lambda + call combo (do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)]) [(null? args)] (codegen (car args) l f s g #f port) (write-char #\, port)) (let* ([ids (cadr exp)] [exp (caddr exp)] [sets (find-sets exp ids)] [news (set-union (set-minus s ids) sets)] [newl (append ids l)]) ; with real names (do ([ids ids (cdr ids)] [n 0 (fx+ n 1)]) [(null? ids)] (when (set-member? (car ids) sets) (write-char #\# port) (write-serialized-arg n port))) (if k (codegen exp newl f news g (fx+ k (length args)) port) (begin (codegen exp newl f news g #f port) (write-char #\_ port) (write-serialized-arg (length args) port))))] [(and (eq? (car exp) 'ref) (not (posq (cadr exp) l)) (not (posq (cadr exp) f)) (find-integrable-encoding (cadr exp) (length args))) => ; integrable function/procedure (lambda (ienc) ; regular convention is 1st arg in a, others on stack (do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)]) [(null? args)] (codegen (car args) l f s g #f port) (unless (null? (cdr args)) (write-char #\, port))) (encode-integrable (length args) ienc port) (when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port)))] [k ; tail call with k elements under arguments (do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)]) [(null? args) (codegen exp l f s g #f port)] (codegen (car args) l f s g #f port) (write-char #\, port)) (write-char #\[ port) (write-serialized-arg k port) (write-serialized-arg (length args) port)] [else ; non-tail call; 'save' puts 2 extra elements on the stack! (write-char #\$ port) (write-char #\{ port) (do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l (cons #f (cons #f l)) (cons #f l)]) [(null? args) (codegen exp l f s g #f port)] (codegen (car args) l f s g #f port) (write-char #\, port)) (write-char #\[ port) (write-serialized-arg 0 port) (write-serialized-arg (length args) port) (write-char #\} port)])]))) (define (compile-to-string x) (let ([p (open-output-string)]) (codegen x '() '() '() (find-free x '()) #f p) (get-output-string p))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Code deserializer and Evaluator (use built-ins) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define execute-thunk-closure (%prim "{ /* define execute-thunk-closure */ static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+0) }; $return objptr(c); }")) (define make-closure (%prim "{ /* define make-closure */ static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+1) }; $return objptr(c); }")) (define execute (lambda (code) (execute-thunk-closure (make-closure code)))) (define decode-sexp (%prim "{ /* define decode-sexp */ static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+2) }; $return objptr(c); }")) (define decode (%prim "{ /* define decode */ static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(vmcases+3) }; $return objptr(c); }")) (define (evaluate x) (execute (decode (compile-to-string (transform #f x))))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; File processor (Scheme => Serialized code) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;(define *defined-refs* '()) ;(define *free-refs* '()) (define *hide-refs* '( define-inline nullary-unary-adaptor nullary-unary-binary-adaptor unary-binary-adaptor unary-binary-ternary-adaptor unary-binary-ternary-quaternary-adaptor binary-ternary-adaptor cmp-reducer addmul-reducer subdiv-reducer append-reducer )) (define (display-code cstr oport) (let loop ([i 0] [l (string-length cstr)]) (let ([r (fx- l i)]) (cond [(<= r 70) (display " \"" oport) (display (substring cstr i l)) (display "\"," oport)] [else (display " \"" oport) (display (substring cstr i (fx+ i 70))) (display "\"\n" oport) (loop (fx+ i 70) l)])))) (define (process-define-syntax id xval oport) (newline oport) (display " \"" oport) (display id oport) (display "\",\n" oport) ; hack xval's define-inline leftovers (set! xval (let hack ([v xval]) (cond [(procedure? v) 'syntax-rules] [(eq? v 'define-inline) '_] [(pair? v) (cons (hack (car v)) (hack (cdr v)))] [else v]))) (let ([p (open-output-string)]) (write-serialized-sexp xval p) (display-code (get-output-string p) oport) (newline oport))) (define (process-statement xval oport) (define cstr (compile-to-string xval)) (newline oport) (display " 0,\n" oport) (display-code cstr oport) (newline oport)) (define (process-define id xlam oport) ;(newline oport) ;(display " \"P\", \"" oport) (display id oport) (display "\",\n" oport) ;(display-code (compile-to-string xlam) oport) (newline oport) (process-statement (list 'set! id xlam) oport)) (define (process-top-form x oport) (cond [(pair? x) (let ([hval (transform #t (car x))]) (cond [(eq? hval 'begin) (let loop ([x* (cdr x)]) (when (pair? x*) (process-top-form (car x*) oport) (loop (cdr x*))))] [(eq? hval 'define-syntax) (let ([xval (transform #t (caddr x))]) (install-transformer! (cadr x) xval) (unless (memq (cadr x) *hide-refs*) (process-define-syntax (cadr x) (caddr x) oport)))] [(eq? hval 'define) (let ([xval (transform #f (caddr x))]) (process-define (cadr x) xval oport))] [(procedure? hval) (process-top-form (hval x top-transformer-env) oport)] [else (process-statement (transform #f x) oport)]))] [else (process-statement (transform #f x) oport)])) (define (path-strip-directory filename) (let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))] [r '()]) (cond [(null? l) (list->string r)] [(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string r)] [else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))]))) (define (path-strip-extension filename) (let ([l (reverse (string->list filename))]) (let ([r (memv #\. l)]) (if r (list->string (reverse (cdr r))) filename)))) (define (module-name filename) (path-strip-extension (path-strip-directory filename))) (define (process-file fname) (define iport (open-input-file fname)) (define oport (current-output-port)) (define mname (module-name fname)) (display "/* " oport) (display mname oport) (display ".c -- generated via skint -c " oport) (display (path-strip-directory fname) oport) (display " */" oport) (newline oport) (newline oport) (display "char *" oport) (display mname oport) (display "_code[] = {" oport) (newline oport) (let loop ([x (read iport)]) (unless (eof-object? x) (process-top-form x oport) (loop (read iport)))) (display "\n 0, 0\n};\n" oport) (close-input-port iport)) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Test environment ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NB: 'nuate' restores stack with fn arg on top of return triple (define continuation-closure-code (decode "%1.0K2]1")) #| (define (install-global-lambdas) (define (install-global-lambda! sym cstr) (index-set-global! (global-location sym) (make-closure (decode cstr)))) ; top-level definitions using integrables (install-global-lambda! 'eq? "%2.1,.1q]2") (install-global-lambda! 'car "%1.0a]1") (install-global-lambda! 'cdr "%1.0d]1") (install-global-lambda! 'null? "%1.0u]1") (install-global-lambda! 'pair? "%1.0p]1") (install-global-lambda! 'cons "%2.1,.1c]2") (install-global-lambda! 'list "%!0.0]1") (install-global-lambda! 'append "%2.1,.1L6]2") (install-global-lambda! '+ "%2.1,.1+]2") (install-global-lambda! '- "%2.1,.1-]2") (install-global-lambda! '* "%2.1,.1*]2") (install-global-lambda! '< "%2.1,.1<]2") (install-global-lambda! '= "%2.1,.1=]2") (install-global-lambda! 'zero? "%1.0z]1") (install-global-lambda! 'not "%1.0~]1") (install-global-lambda! 'string ; ("eight" "eleven" "five" "four" "nine" "one" "seven" "six" "ten" "three" "twelve" "two") ; ; (evaluate test2) => ; 70 ; ; (evaluate test3) => ; 92 ; ; (evaluate test4) => ; 3628800 ; ; (evaluate test5) => ; (3628800 3628800 3628800 3628800) ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; REPL ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define (run-tests) (define start (current-jiffy)) (display "Running tests ...") (newline) (write (evaluate test1)) (newline) (write (evaluate test2)) (newline) (write (evaluate test3)) (newline) (write (evaluate test4)) (newline) (write (evaluate test5)) (newline) (display "Elapsed time: ") (write (* 1000 (/ (- (current-jiffy) start) (jiffies-per-second)))) (display " ms.") (newline)) (define (repl-eval x) (let ([xexp (transform #f x)]) (display "TRANSFORM =>") (newline) (write xexp) (newline) (if (eq? (car xexp) 'define) (set-car! xexp 'set!)) (display "COMPILE-TO-STRING =>") (newline) (let ([cstr (compile-to-string xexp)] [start #f]) (display cstr) (newline) (display "DECODE+EXECUTE =>") (newline) (set! start (current-jiffy)) (let* ([thunk (decode cstr)] [foo (begin (display "decoded: ") (write thunk) (newline))] [res (execute thunk)]) (write res) (newline)) (display "Elapsed time: ") (write (* 1000 (/ (- (current-jiffy) start) (jiffies-per-second)))) (display " ms.") (newline)))) (define (repl-eval-top-form x) (cond [(and (list? x) (= (length x) 2) (eq? (car x) 'load) (string? (cadr x))) (let ([iport (open-input-file (cadr x))]) (repl-from-port iport) (close-input-port iport))] [(pair? x) (let ([hval (transform #t (car x))]) (cond [(eq? hval 'begin) (let loop ([x* (cdr x)]) (when (pair? x*) (repl-eval-top-form (car x*)) (loop (cdr x*))))] [(eq? hval 'define-syntax) (let ([xval (transform #t (caddr x))]) (install-transformer! (cadr x) xval))] [(procedure? hval) (repl-eval-top-form (hval x top-transformer-env))] [else (repl-eval x)]))] [else (repl-eval x)])) (define (repl-read iport) (when (eq? iport (current-input-port)) (display "\n3imp> ")) (read iport)) (define (repl-from-port iport) (let loop ([x (repl-read iport)]) (unless (eof-object? x) (repl-eval-top-form x) (loop (repl-read iport))))) (define (run-repl) (repl-from-port (current-input-port))) (define (main argv) (let ([args (cdr (command-line))]) (cond [(syntax-match? '("-c" *) args) (process-file (cadr args))] [else ;(run-tests) (run-repl)])))