; LibN: Large RNRS compatibility library for #F, fixnum/flonum arithmetics ; #F's predefined forms: ; ; begin define define-syntax if lambda quote ; set! syntax-lambda syntax-rules ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; basic syntax constructs, extended lambda (define-syntax syntax-rule (syntax-rules () [(_ pat tmpl) (syntax-rules () [(__ . pat) tmpl])])) (define-syntax let-syntax (syntax-rules () [(_ ([kw init] ...)) (begin)] [(_ ([kw init] ...) . body) ((syntax-lambda (kw ...) . body) init ...)])) (define-syntax letrec-syntax (let-syntax ([let-syntax let-syntax] [define-syntax define-syntax]) (syntax-rules () [(_ ([kw init] ...) . body) (let-syntax () (define-syntax kw init) ... (let-syntax () . body))]))) (define-syntax lambda (let-syntax ([old-lambda lambda]) (letrec-syntax ([loop (syntax-rules () [(_ (narg . more) (arg ...) . body) (loop more (arg ... narg) . body)] [(_ rarg (arg ...) . body) (make-improper-lambda ; see definition below #&(length (arg ...)) (old-lambda (arg ... rarg) (let-syntax () . body)))])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ (arg ...) . body) (old-lambda (arg ...) (let-syntax () . body))] [(_ args . body) (loop args () . body)])))) ; definition forms (define-syntax define (let-syntax ([old-define define]) (letrec-syntax ([new-define (syntax-rules () [(_ exp) (old-define exp)] [(_ (var-or-prototype . args) . body) (new-define var-or-prototype (lambda args . body))] [(_ . other) (old-define . other)])]) new-define))) (define-syntax define-inline (letrec-syntax ([loop (syntax-rules () [(_ id ([v e] ...) () . body) (begin (define-syntax id (syntax-rules () [(_ e ...) ((lambda (v ...) . body) e ...)] [_ #&(string->id #&(string-append "%residual-" #&(id->string id)))])) (define #&(string->id #&(string-append "%residual-" #&(id->string id))) (lambda (v ...) . body)))] [(_ id (b ...) (v . vs) . body) (loop id (b ... [v e]) vs . body)])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ (id v ...) . body) (loop id () (v ...) . body)] [(_ #&(id? id) val) (define-syntax id val)]))) (define-syntax define-integrable (syntax-rules () [(_ (op . ll) . body) (define-syntax op (%quote (letrec ([op (lambda ll . body)]) op)))])) ; primitive definition helpers (define-syntax %prim*/rev (letrec-syntax ([loop (syntax-rules () [(_ prim () args) (%prim* prim . args)] [(_ prim (arg . more) args) (loop prim more (arg . args))])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ prim arg ...) (loop prim (arg ...) ())]))) ; binding forms (define-syntax let (syntax-rules () [(_ ([var init] ...) . body) ((lambda (var ...) . body) init ...)] [(_ name ([var init] ...) . body) ((letrec ([name (lambda (var ...) . body)]) name) init ...)])) (define-syntax let* (syntax-rules () [(_ () . body) (let () . body)] [(_ ([var init] . bindings) . body) (let ([var init]) (let* bindings . body))])) (define-syntax letrec (syntax-rules () [(_ ([var init] ...) . body) (let () (define var init) ... (let () . body))])) (define-syntax letrec* (syntax-rules () [(_ ([var expr] ...) . body) (let ([var #f] ...) (set! var expr) ... (let () . body))])) (define-syntax rec (syntax-rules () [(_ (name . args) . body) (letrec ([name (lambda args . body)]) name)] [(_ name expr) (letrec ([name expr]) name)])) (define-syntax letcc (let-syntax ([old-letcc letcc]) (syntax-rules () [(_ var . body) (old-letcc var (let-syntax () . body))]))) (define-syntax receive (syntax-rules () [(_ formals expr . body) (call-with-values (lambda () expr) (lambda formals . body))])) (define-syntax let*-values (syntax-rules () [(_ () . body) (let () . body)] [(_ ([(a) x] . b*) . body) (let ([a x]) (let*-values b* . body))] [(_ ([aa x] . b*) . body) (call-with-values (lambda () x) (lambda aa (let*-values b* . body)))])) (define-syntax let-values (letrec-syntax ([loop (syntax-rules () [(_ (new-b ...) new-aa x map-b* () () . body) (let*-values (new-b ... [new-aa x]) (let map-b* . body))] [(_ (new-b ...) new-aa old-x map-b* () ([aa x] . b*) . body) (loop (new-b ... [new-aa old-x]) () x map-b* aa b* . body)] [(_ new-b* (new-a ...) x (map-b ...) (a . aa) b* . body) (loop new-b* (new-a ... tmp-a) x (map-b ... [a tmp-a]) aa b* . body)] [(_ new-b* (new-a ...) x (map-b ...) a b* . body) (loop new-b* (new-a ... . tmp-a) x (map-b ... [a tmp-a]) () b* . body)])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ () . body) (let () . body)] [(_ ([aa x] . b*) . body) (loop () () x () aa b* . body)]))) #;(define-syntax set!-values (letrec-syntax ([loop (syntax-rules () [(_ new-aa ([a tmp-a] ...) () x) (call-with-values (lambda () x) (lambda new-aa (set! a tmp-a) ...))] [(_ (new-a ...) (map-a ...) (a . aa) x) (loop (new-a ... tmp-a) (map-a ... [a tmp-a]) aa x)] [(_ (new-a ...) (map-a ...) a x) (loop (new-a ... . tmp-a) (map-a ... [a tmp-a]) () x)])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ () x) (define x)] [(_ aa x) (loop () () aa x)]))) (define-syntax define-values (letrec-syntax ([loop (syntax-rules () [(_ new-aa ([a tmp-a] ...) () x) (begin (define a (void)) ... (define (call-with-values (lambda () x) (lambda new-aa (set! a tmp-a) ...))))] [(_ (new-a ...) (map-a ...) (a . aa) x) (loop (new-a ... tmp-a) (map-a ... [a tmp-a]) aa x)] [(_ (new-a ...) (map-a ...) a x) (loop (new-a ... . tmp-a) (map-a ... [a tmp-a]) () x)])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ () x) (define x)] [(_ aa x) (loop () () aa x)]))) ; control (define-syntax when (syntax-rules () [(_ test . body) (if test (let-syntax () . body))])) (define-syntax unless (syntax-rules () [(_ test . body) (if test (if #f #f) (let-syntax () . body))])) (define-syntax cond (syntax-rules (else =>) [(_) (if #f #f)] ; undefined [(_ [else . exps]) (let () . exps)] [(_ [x] . rest) (or x (cond . rest))] [(_ [x => proc] . rest) (let ([tmp x]) (cond [tmp (proc tmp)] . rest))] [(_ [x . exps] . rest) (if x (let () . exps) (cond . rest))])) (define-syntax and (syntax-rules () [(_) #t] [(_ test) (let () test)] [(_ test . tests) (if test (and . tests) #f)])) (define-syntax or (syntax-rules () [(_) #f] [(_ test) (let () test)] [(_ test . tests) (let ([x test]) (if x x (or . tests)))])) (define-syntax do (let-syntax ([do-step (syntax-rules () [(_ x) x] [(_ x y) y])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ ([var init step ...] ...) [test expr ...] command ...) (let loop ([var init] ...) (if test (begin (if #f #f) expr ...) (let () command ... (loop (do-step var step ...) ...))))]))) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; scheme data types (%definition "/* basic object representation */") ; there are two types of immediate objects: those with 30 bits of payload data ; and no secondary tag (lower two bits are 11), and those with 3-bit tag and 24 ; bits of payload data (lower two bits are 01); in both cases lsb is 1 (%definition "#define isim0(o) (((o) & 3) == 3)") (%definition "#define isimm(o, t) (((o) & 0xff) == (((t) << 2) | 1))") (%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG #define getim0s(o) (long)((((o >> 2) & 0x3fffffff) ^ 0x20000000) - 0x20000000) #define getimmu(o, t) (long)(((o) >> 8) & 0xffffff) #else extern long getim0s(obj o); extern long getimmu(obj o, int t); #endif") (%localdef "#ifndef NDEBUG long getim0s(obj o) { assert(isim0(o)); return (long)((((o >> 2) & 0x3fffffff) ^ 0x20000000) - 0x20000000); } long getimmu(obj o, int t) { assert(isimm(o, t)); return (long)((o >> 8) & 0xffffff); } #endif") (%definition "#define mkim0(o) (obj)((((o) & 0x3fffffff) << 2) | 3)") (%definition "#define mkimm(o, t) (obj)((((o) & 0xffffff) << 8) | ((t) << 2) | 1)") ; native blocks are 1-element blocks containing a native ; (non-cx) pointer as 0th element and cxtype ptr in block header (%localdef "#ifndef NDEBUG int isnative(obj o, cxtype_t *tp) { return isobjptr(o) && objptr_from_obj(o)[-1] == (obj)tp; } void *getnative(obj o, cxtype_t *tp) { assert(isnative(o, tp)); return (void*)(*objptr_from_obj(o)); } #endif") (%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG static int isnative(obj o, cxtype_t *tp) { return isobjptr(o) && objptr_from_obj(o)[-1] == (obj)tp; } #define getnative(o, t) ((void*)(*objptr_from_obj(o))) #else extern int isnative(obj o, cxtype_t *tp); extern void *getnative(obj o, cxtype_t *tp); #endif") ; tagged blocks are heap blocks with runtime int tag as 0th element ; (disjoint from closures which have a foreign pointer as 0th element ; and from typed blocks which have scheme heap pointer as 0th element) (%definition "extern int istagged(obj o, int t);") (%localdef "int istagged(obj o, int t) { if (!isobjptr(o)) return 0; else { obj h = objptr_from_obj(o)[-1]; return notaptr(h) && size_from_obj(h) >= 1 && hblkref(o, 0) == obj_from_size(t); } }") (%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG #define cktagged(o, t) (o) #define taggedlen(o, t) (hblklen(o)-1) #define taggedref(o, t, i) (&hblkref(o, (i)+1)) #else extern obj cktagged(obj o, int t); extern int taggedlen(obj o, int t); extern obj* taggedref(obj o, int t, int i); #endif") (%localdef "#ifndef NDEBUG obj cktagged(obj o, int t) { assert(istagged(o, t)); return o; } int taggedlen(obj o, int t) { assert(istagged(o, t)); return hblklen(o) - 1; } obj* taggedref(obj o, int t, int i) { int len; assert(istagged(o, t)); len = hblklen(o); assert(i >= 0 && i < len-1); return &hblkref(o, i+1); } #endif") ; typed blocks have non-immediate scheme tag as 0th element ; (disjoint from closures and native/tagged blocks) (%definition "extern int istyped(obj o);") (%localdef "int istyped(obj o) { if (!isobjptr(o)) return 0; else { obj h = objptr_from_obj(o)[-1]; return notaptr(h) && size_from_obj(h) >= 1 && isobjptr(hblkref(o, 0)); } }") (%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG #define cktyped(o, t) (o) #define typedtype(o) (&hblkref(o, 0)) #define typedlen(o) (hblklen(o)-1) #define typedref(o, i) (&hblkref(o, (i)+1)) #else extern obj cktyped(obj o); extern obj* typedtype(obj o); extern int typedlen(obj o); extern obj* typedref(obj o, int i); #endif") (%localdef "#ifndef NDEBUG obj cktyped(obj o) { assert(istyped(o)); return o; } obj* typedtype(obj o) { assert(istyped(o)); return &hblkref(o, 0); } int typedlen(obj o) { assert(istyped(o)); return hblklen(o) - 1; } obj* typedref(obj o, int i) { int len; assert(istyped(o)); len = hblklen(o); assert(i >= 0 && i < len-1); return &hblkref(o, i+1); } #endif") ; booleans ; #f is (obj)0, #t is immediate 0 with tag 0 (singular true object) ; this layout is compatible with C conventions (0 = false, 1 = true) ; note that any obj but #f is counted as true in conditionals and that ; bool_from_obj and bool_from_bool are already defined in std prelude (%definition "/* booleans */") (%definition "#define TRUE_ITAG 0") (%definition "typedef int bool_t;") (%definition "#define is_bool_obj(o) (!((o) & ~(obj)1))") (%definition "#define is_bool_bool(b) ((void)(b), 1)") (%definition "#define void_from_bool(b) (void)(b)") (%definition "#define obj_from_bool(b) ((b) ? mkimm(0, TRUE_ITAG) : 0)") (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (syntax-rules (boolean) [(_ boolean b) (%prim ("bool(" b ")"))] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)]))) (define-inline (boolean? x) (%prim "bool(is_bool_$arg)" x)) (define-inline (not x) (%prim "bool(!bool_from_$arg)" x)) (define-syntax boolean=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(bool_from_$arg == bool_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (boolean=? x t) (boolean=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-boolean=?])) ; void ; void object redefined as immediate with payload 0 and immediate tag 1 (%definition "/* void */") (%definition "#define VOID_ITAG 1") (%definition "#define mkvoid() mkimm(0, VOID_ITAG)") (%definition "#define isvoid(o) ((o) == mkimm(0, VOID_ITAG))") (%definition "#undef obj_from_void") (%definition "#define obj_from_void(v) ((void)(v), mkimm(0, VOID_ITAG))") (define-inline (void) (%prim "void(0)")) (define-inline (void? x) (%prim "bool(obj_from_$arg == obj_from_void(0))" x)) ; unit ; this is the value to be used when zero results are returned to a context ; where one result is expected; it is analogous to a 0-element tuple (%definition "/* unit */") (%definition "#define obj_from_unit() (obj_from_size(0x6DF6F577))") ; numerical helpers (%definition "/* numbers */") (%definition "#define FIXNUM_BIT 30") (%definition "#define FIXNUM_MIN -536870912") (%definition "#define FIXNUM_MAX 536870911") (%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG #define fxneg(x) (-(x)) #define fxabs(x) (labs(x)) #define fxadd(x, y) ((x) + (y)) #define fxsub(x, y) ((x) - (y)) #define fxmul(x, y) ((x) * (y)) /* exact integer division */ #define fxdiv(x, y) ((x) / (y)) /* truncated division (common/C99) */ #define fxquo(x, y) ((x) / (y)) #define fxrem(x, y) ((x) % (y)) /* floor division */ static long fxmqu(long x, long y) { long q = x / y; return ((x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q; } static long fxmlo(long x, long y) { long r = x % y; return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? r + y : r; } /* euclidean division */ static long fxeuq(long x, long y) { long q = x / y, r = x % y; return (r < 0) ? ((y > 0) ? q - 1 : q + 1) : q; } static long fxeur(long x, long y) { long r = x % y; return (r < 0) ? ((y > 0) ? r + y : r - y) : r; } static long fxgcd(long x, long y) { long a = labs(x), b = labs(y), c; while (b) c = a%b, a = b, b = c; return a; } #define fxasl(x, y) ((x) << (y)) #define fxasr(x, y) ((x) >> (y)) #define fxflo(f) ((long)(f)) #else extern long fxneg(long x); extern long fxabs(long x); extern long fxadd(long x, long y); extern long fxsub(long x, long y); extern long fxmul(long x, long y); extern long fxdiv(long x, long y); extern long fxquo(long x, long y); extern long fxrem(long x, long y); extern long fxmqu(long x, long y); extern long fxmlo(long x, long y); extern long fxeuq(long x, long y); extern long fxeur(long x, long y); extern long fxgcd(long x, long y); extern long fxasl(long x, long y); extern long fxasr(long x, long y); extern long fxflo(double f); #endif") (%localdef "#ifndef NDEBUG long fxneg(long x) { assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN); return -x; } long fxabs(long x) { assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN); return labs(x); } long fxadd(long x, long y) { long z = x + y; assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX); return z; } long fxsub(long x, long y) { long z = x - y; assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX); return z; } long fxmul(long x, long y) { double z = (double)x * (double)y; assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX); return x * y; } /* exact integer division */ long fxdiv(long x, long y) { assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1); assert(x % y == 0); return x / y; } /* truncated division (common/C99) */ long fxquo(long x, long y) { assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1); return x / y; } long fxrem(long x, long y) { assert(y); return x % y; } /* floor division */ long fxmqu(long x, long y) { long q; assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1); q = x / y; return ((x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q; } long fxmlo(long x, long y) { long r; assert(y); r = x % y; return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? r + y : r; } /* euclidean division */ long fxeuq(long x, long y) { long q, r; assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1); q = x / y, r = x % y; return (r < 0) ? ((y > 0) ? q - 1 : q + 1) : q; } long fxeur(long x, long y) { long r; assert(y); r = x % y; return (r < 0) ? ((y > 0) ? r + y : r - y) : r; } long fxgcd(long x, long y) { long a = labs(x), b = labs(y), c; while (b) c = a%b, a = b, b = c; assert(a <= FIXNUM_MAX); return a; } long fxasl(long x, long y) { assert(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT); return x << y; } long fxasr(long x, long y) { assert(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT); assert(!y || x >= 0); /* >> of negative x is undefined */ return x >> y; } long fxflo(double f) { long l = (long)f; assert((double)l == f); assert(l >= FIXNUM_MIN && l <= FIXNUM_MAX); return l; } #endif") (%definition "static int flisint(double f) { return f > -HUGE_VAL && f < HUGE_VAL && f == floor(f); }") (%definition "extern long fxpow(long x, long y);") (%localdef "long fxpow(long x, long y) { assert(y >= 0); retry: if (y == 0) return 1; if (y == 1) return x; if (y % 2 == 1) x *= fxpow(x, y-1); else { x *= x; y /= 2; assert(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX); goto retry; } assert(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX); return x; }") (%definition "extern long fxsqrt(long x);") (%localdef "long fxsqrt(long x) { assert(x >= 0); if (x < 2) return x; else { long s = fxsqrt(x >> 2) << 1, l = s + 1; return l*l > x ? s : l; } }") (%definition "extern int fxifdv(long x, long y, long *pi, double *pd);") (%localdef "int fxifdv(long x, long y, long *pi, double *pd) { assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1); if (x % y == 0) { *pi = x / y; return 1; } else { *pd = (double)x / (double)y; return 0; } }") (%definition "extern double flquo(double x, double y);") (%localdef "double flquo(double x, double y) { double z; assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y)); modf(x / y, &z); return z; }") (%definition "extern double flrem(double x, double y);") (%localdef "double flrem(double x, double y) { assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y)); return fmod(x, y); }") (%definition "extern double flmqu(double x, double y);") (%localdef "double flmqu(double x, double y) { assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y)); return floor(x / y); }") (%definition "extern double flmlo(double x, double y);") (%localdef "double flmlo(double x, double y) { assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y)); return x - y * floor(x / y); }") (%definition "extern double flgcd(double x, double y);") (%localdef "double flgcd(double x, double y) { double a = fabs(x), b = fabs(y), c; assert(flisint(a) && flisint(b)); while (b > 0.0) c = fmod(a, b), a = b, b = c; return a; }") (%definition "extern double flround(double x);") (%localdef "double flround(double x) { double f = floor(x), c = ceil(x), d = x-f, u = c-x; if (d == u) return fmod(f, 2.0) == 0.0 ? f : c; else return (d < u) ? f : c; }") (%definition "extern int strtofxfl(char *s, int radix, long *pl, double *pd);") (%localdef "int strtofxfl(char *s, int radix, long *pl, double *pd) { extern int strcmp_ci(char *s1, char *s2); /* defined below */ char *e; int conv = 0, eno = errno; long l; double d; for (; s[0] == '#'; s += 2) { switch (s[1]) { case 'b': case 'B': radix = 2; break; case 'o': case 'O': radix = 8; break; case 'd': case 'D': radix = 10; break; case 'x': case 'X': radix = 16; break; case 'e': case 'E': conv = 'e'; break; case 'i': case 'I': conv = 'i'; break; default: return 0; } } if (isspace(*s)) return 0; for (e = s; *e; ++e) { if (strchr(\".eEiInN\", *e)) break; } if (!*e || radix != 10) { /* s is not a syntax for an inexact number */ l = (errno = 0, strtol(s, &e, radix)); if (errno || *e || e == s) { if (conv == 'i') goto fl; return (errno = eno, 0); } if (conv == 'i') return (errno = eno, *pd = (double)l, 'i'); if (FIXNUM_MIN <= l && l <= FIXNUM_MAX) return (errno = eno, *pl = l, 'e'); return (errno = eno, 0); /* can't represent as an exact */ } fl: if (radix != 10) return (errno = eno, 0); e = \"\", errno = 0; if (*s != '+' && *s != '-') d = strtod(s, &e); else if (strcmp_ci(s+1, \"inf.0\") == 0) d = (*s == '-' ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL); else if (strcmp_ci(s+1, \"nan.0\") == 0) d = HUGE_VAL - HUGE_VAL; else d = strtod(s, &e); if (errno || *e || e == s) return (errno = eno, 0); if ((conv == 'e') && ((l=(long)d) < FIXNUM_MIN || l > FIXNUM_MAX || (double)l != d)) return (errno = eno, 0); /* can't be converted to an exact number */ return (errno = eno, (conv == 'e') ? (*pl = fxflo(d), 'e') : (*pd = d, 'i')); }") ; fixnums ; fixnums are tag-less immediates with 30 bits of payload (%definition "/* fixnums */") (%definition "typedef long fixnum_t;") (%definition "#define is_fixnum_obj(o) (isim0(o))") (%definition "#define is_fixnum_fixnum(i) ((void)(i), 1)") (%definition "#define is_bool_fixnum(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define is_fixnum_bool(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define fixnum_from_obj(o) (getim0s(o))") (%definition "#define fixnum_from_fixnum(i) (i)") (%definition "#define fixnum_from_flonum(l,x) ((fixnum_t)(x))") (%definition "#define bool_from_fixnum(i) ((void)(i), 1)") (%definition "#define void_from_fixnum(i) (void)(i)") (%definition "#define obj_from_fixnum(i) mkim0((fixnum_t)(i))") (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (letrec-syntax ([bin->oct (syntax-rules () [(_ b sign digs) (bin->oct b sign #&(string->list digs) ())] [(_ b sign () l) (%const integer b sign #&(list->string l) 8)] [(_ b sign (#\0) l) (bin->oct b sign () (#\0 . l))] [(_ b sign (#\1) l) (bin->oct b sign () (#\1 . l))] [(_ b sign (#\0 #\0) l) (bin->oct b sign () (#\0 . l))] [(_ b sign (#\0 #\1) l) (bin->oct b sign () (#\1 . l))] [(_ b sign (#\1 #\0) l) (bin->oct b sign () (#\2 . l))] [(_ b sign (#\1 #\1) l) (bin->oct b sign () (#\3 . l))] [(_ b sign (d ... #\0 #\0 #\0) l) (bin->oct b sign (d ...) (#\0 . l))] [(_ b sign (d ... #\0 #\0 #\1) l) (bin->oct b sign (d ...) (#\1 . l))] [(_ b sign (d ... #\0 #\1 #\0) l) (bin->oct b sign (d ...) (#\2 . l))] [(_ b sign (d ... #\0 #\1 #\1) l) (bin->oct b sign (d ...) (#\3 . l))] [(_ b sign (d ... #\1 #\0 #\0) l) (bin->oct b sign (d ...) (#\4 . l))] [(_ b sign (d ... #\1 #\0 #\1) l) (bin->oct b sign (d ...) (#\5 . l))] [(_ b sign (d ... #\1 #\1 #\0) l) (bin->oct b sign (d ...) (#\6 . l))] [(_ b sign (d ... #\1 #\1 #\1) l) (bin->oct b sign (d ...) (#\7 . l))])]) (syntax-rules (integer exact inexact) [(_ integer 8 sign digs 2) (bin->oct 8 sign digs)] [(_ integer 16 sign digs 2) (bin->oct 16 sign digs)] [(_ integer 24 sign digs 2) (bin->oct 24 sign digs)] [(_ integer 8 sign digs 8) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) "0" digs ")"))] [(_ integer 16 sign digs 8) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) "0" digs ")"))] [(_ integer 24 sign digs 8) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) "0" digs ")"))] [(_ integer 8 sign digs 10) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) digs ")"))] [(_ integer 16 sign digs 10) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) digs ")"))] [(_ integer 24 sign digs 10) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) digs ")"))] [(_ integer 8 sign digs 16) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) "0x" digs ")"))] [(_ integer 16 sign digs 16) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) "0x" digs ")"))] [(_ integer 24 sign digs 16) (%prim ("fixnum(" #&(id->string sign) "0x" digs ")"))] [(_ exact (integer . r)) (%const integer . r)] [(_ inexact (integer . r)) (exact->inexact (%const integer . r))] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)])))) (define-inline (fixnum? x) (%prim "bool(is_fixnum_$arg)" x)) (define-inline (fixnum-width) (%prim "fixnum(FIXNUM_BIT)")) (define-inline (least-fixnum) (%prim "fixnum(FIXNUM_MIN)")) (define-inline (greatest-fixnum) (%prim "fixnum(FIXNUM_MAX)")) (define-syntax fx=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(fixnum_from_$arg == fixnum_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (fx=? x t) (fx=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-fx=?])) (define-syntax fx? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(fixnum_from_$arg > fixnum_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (fx>? x t) (fx>? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-fx>?])) (define-syntax fx<=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(fixnum_from_$arg <= fixnum_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (fx<=? x t) (fx<=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-fx<=?])) (define-syntax fx>=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(fixnum_from_$arg >= fixnum_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (fx>=? x t) (fx>=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-fx>=?])) (define-inline (fxzero? x) (%prim "bool(fixnum_from_$arg == 0)" x)) (define-inline (fxpositive? x) (%prim "bool(fixnum_from_$arg > 0)" x)) (define-inline (fxnegative? x) (%prim "bool(fixnum_from_$arg < 0)" x)) (define-inline (fxodd? x) (%prim "bool((fixnum_from_$arg & 1) != 0)" x)) (define-inline (fxeven? x) (%prim "bool((fixnum_from_$arg & 1) == 0)" x)) (define-syntax fxmax (syntax-rules () [(_ x) x] [(_ x y) (let ([a x] [b y]) (if (fx>? a b) a b))] [(_ x y z ...) (fxmax (fxmax x y) z ...)] [_ %residual-fxmax])) (define-syntax fxmin (syntax-rules () [(_ x) x] [(_ x y) (let ([a x] [b y]) (if (fx) (%include ) (%definition "/* flonums */") (%localdef "static cxtype_t cxt_flonum = { \"flonum\", free };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *FLONUM_NTAG = &cxt_flonum;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *FLONUM_NTAG;") (%definition "typedef double flonum_t;") (%definition "#define is_flonum_obj(o) (isnative(o, FLONUM_NTAG))") (%definition "#define is_flonum_flonum(f) ((void)(f), 1)") (%definition "#define is_flonum_bool(f) ((void)(f), 0)") (%definition "#define is_bool_flonum(f) ((void)(f), 0)") (%definition "#define is_fixnum_flonum(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define is_flonum_fixnum(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define flonum_from_obj(o) (*(flonum_t*)getnative(o, FLONUM_NTAG))") (%definition "#define flonum_from_flonum(l, f) (f)") (%definition "#define flonum_from_fixnum(x) ((flonum_t)(x))") (%definition "#define bool_from_flonum(f) ((void)(f), 0)") (%definition "#define void_from_flonum(l, f) (void)(f)") (%definition "#define obj_from_flonum(l, f) hpushptr(dupflonum(f), FLONUM_NTAG, l)") (%definition "extern flonum_t *dupflonum(flonum_t f);") (%localdef "flonum_t *dupflonum(flonum_t f) { flonum_t *pf = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(flonum_t)), \"malloc(flonum)\"); *pf = f; return pf; }") (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (syntax-rules (decimal e exact inexact inf nan) [(_ decimal e str) (%prim* ("flonum($live, " str ")"))] [(_ decimal e ms indigs frdigs es exdigs) (%prim* ("flonum($live, " #&(id->string ms) indigs "." frdigs "e" #&(id->string es) exdigs ")"))] [(_ inexact (decimal . r)) (%const decimal . r)] [(_ exact (decimal . r)) (inexact->exact (%const decimal . r))] [(_ inf ms) (%prim* ("flonum($live, " #&(id->string ms) "HUGE_VAL)"))] [(_ inexact (inf . r)) (%const inf . r)] [(_ nan ms) (%prim* ("flonum($live, HUGE_VAL-HUGE_VAL)"))] [(_ inexact (nan . r)) (%const nan . r)] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)]))) (define-inline (flonum? x) (%prim "bool(is_flonum_$arg)" x)) (define-inline (fixnum->flonum n) (%prim* "flonum($live, (flonum_t)fixnum_from_$arg)" n)) (define-inline (flonum->fixnum x) (%prim "fixnum(fxflo(flonum_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (real->flonum n) (if (flonum? n) n (fixnum->flonum n))) (define-inline (real->fixnum n) (if (fixnum? n) n (flonum->fixnum n))) (define-syntax fl=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(flonum_from_$arg == flonum_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (fl=? x t) (fl=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-fl=?])) (define-syntax fl? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(flonum_from_$arg > flonum_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (fl>? x t) (fl>? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-fl>?])) (define-syntax fl<=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(flonum_from_$arg <= flonum_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (fl<=? x t) (fl<=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-fl<=?])) (define-syntax fl>=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(flonum_from_$arg >= flonum_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (fl>=? x t) (fl>=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-fl>=?])) (define-inline (flinteger? x) (%prim "bool(flisint(flonum_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (flzero? x) (%prim "bool(flonum_from_$arg == 0.0)" x)) (define-inline (flpositive? x) (%prim "bool(flonum_from_$arg > 0.0)" x)) (define-inline (flnegative? x) (%prim "bool(flonum_from_$arg < 0.0)" x)) (define-inline (flodd? x) (%prim "bool(flisint((flonum_from_$arg + 1.0) / 2.0))" x)) (define-inline (fleven? x) (%prim "bool(flisint(flonum_from_$arg / 2.0))" x)) (define-inline (flnan? x) (%prim "{ /* flnan? */ flonum_t f = flonum_from_$arg; $return bool(f != f); }" x)) (define-inline (flinfinite? x) (%prim "{ /* flinfinite? */ flonum_t f = flonum_from_$arg; $return bool(f <= -HUGE_VAL || f >= HUGE_VAL); }" x)) (define-syntax flmax (syntax-rules () [(_ x) x] [(_ x y) (let ([a x] [b y]) (if (fl>? a b) a b))] [(_ x y z ...) (flmax (flmax x y) z ...)] [_ %residual-flmax])) (define-syntax flmin (syntax-rules () [(_ x) x] [(_ x y) (let ([a x] [b y]) (if (flfixnum x))) (define-inline (inexact x) (if (flonum? x) x (fixnum->flonum x))) (define-syntax inexact->exact exact) (define-syntax exact->inexact inexact) (define-syntax real-binop (syntax-rules () [(_ x y fxop flop) (let ([a x] [b y]) (if (fixnum? a) (if (fixnum? b) (fxop a b) (flop (fixnum->flonum a) b)) (if (fixnum? b) (flop a (fixnum->flonum b)) (flop a b))))])) (define-syntax = (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (real-binop x y fx=? fl=?)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (= x t) (= t z ...)))] [_ %residual=])) (define-syntax < (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (real-binop x y fx (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (real-binop x y fx>? fl>?)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (> x t) (> t z ...)))] [_ %residual>])) (define-syntax <= (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (real-binop x y fx<=? fl<=?)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (<= x t) (<= t z ...)))] [_ %residual<=])) (define-syntax >= (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (real-binop x y fx>=? fl>=?)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (>= x t) (>= t z ...)))] [_ %residual>=])) (define-inline (zero? x) (if (fixnum? x) (fxzero? x) (flzero? x))) (define-inline (positive? x) (if (fixnum? x) (fxpositive? x) (flpositive? x))) (define-inline (negative? x) (if (fixnum? x) (fxnegative? x) (flnegative? x))) (define-inline (even? x) (if (fixnum? x) (fxeven? x) (fleven? x))) (define-inline (odd? x) (if (fixnum? x) (fxodd? x) (flodd? x))) (define-inline (nan? x) (and (flonum? x) (flnan? x))) (define-inline (infinite? x) (and (flonum? x) (flinfinite? x))) (define-inline (finite? x) (or (fixnum? x) (not (flinfinite? x)))) (define-syntax max (syntax-rules () [(_ x) x] [(_ x y) (let ([a x] [b y]) (if (and (fixnum? a) (fixnum? b)) (if (fx>? a b) a b) (%residual-max/2 a b)))] [(_ x y z ...) (%residual-max x y z ...)] [_ %residual-max])) (define-syntax min (syntax-rules () [(_ x) x] [(_ x y) (let ([a x] [b y]) (if (and (fixnum? a) (fixnum? b)) (if (fxflonum x))) (define-inline (exp x) (flexp (real->flonum x))) (define-syntax log (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (fllog (real->flonum x))] [(_ x b) (if (fx=? b 10) (fllog10 (real->flonum x)) (fl/ (log x) (log b)))] [_ %residual-log])) (define-inline (sin x) (flsin (real->flonum x))) (define-inline (cos x) (flcos (real->flonum x))) (define-inline (tan x) (fltan (real->flonum x))) (define-inline (asin x) (flasin (real->flonum x))) (define-inline (acos x) (flacos (real->flonum x))) (define-syntax atan (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (flatan (real->flonum x))] [(_ y x) (flatan (real->flonum y) (real->flonum x))] [_ %residual-atan])) (define-inline (expt x y) (if (and (fixnum? x) (fixnum? y) (fx>=? y 0)) (fxexpt x y) (flexpt (real->flonum x) (real->flonum y)))) (define-inline (square x) (* x x)) ; characters (%include ) ; characters are 24-bit immediates with immediate tag 2 (%definition "/* characters */") (%definition "#define CHAR_ITAG 2") (%definition "typedef int char_t;") (%definition "#define ischar(o) (isimm(o, CHAR_ITAG))") (%definition "#define is_char_obj(o) (isimm(o, CHAR_ITAG))") (%definition "#define is_char_char(i) ((void)(i), 1)") (%definition "#define is_char_bool(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define is_bool_char(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define is_char_fixnum(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define is_fixnum_char(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define is_char_flonum(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define is_flonum_char(i) ((void)(i), 0)") (%definition "#define char_from_obj(o) ((int)getimmu(o, CHAR_ITAG))") (%definition "#define char_from_char(i) (i)") (%definition "#define bool_from_char(i) ((void)(i), 1)") (%definition "#define void_from_char(i) (void)(i)") (%definition "#define obj_from_char(i) mkimm(i, CHAR_ITAG)") (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (syntax-rules (char) [(_ char 8 c) (%prim ("char(" c ")"))] [(_ char cs) (%prim ("char('" cs "')"))] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)]))) (define-inline (char? x) (%prim "bool(is_char_$arg)" x)) (define-syntax char=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(char_from_$arg == char_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (char=? x t) (char=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-char=?])) (define-syntax char>? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(char_from_$arg > char_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (char>? x t) (char>? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-char>?])) (define-syntax char=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(char_from_$arg >= char_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (char>=? x t) (char>=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-char>=?])) (define-syntax char<=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(char_from_$arg <= char_from_$arg)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (char<=? x t) (char<=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-char<=?])) (define-syntax char-ci=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(tolower(char_from_$arg) == tolower(char_from_$arg))" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (char-ci=? x t) (char-ci=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-char-ci=?])) (define-syntax char-ci>? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(tolower(char_from_$arg) > tolower(char_from_$arg))" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (char-ci>? x t) (char-ci>? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-char-ci>?])) (define-syntax char-ci=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(tolower(char_from_$arg) >= tolower(char_from_$arg))" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (char-ci>=? x t) (char-ci>=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-char-ci>=?])) (define-syntax char-ci<=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(tolower(char_from_$arg) <= tolower(char_from_$arg))" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (char-ci<=? x t) (char-ci<=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-char-ci<=?])) (define-inline (char-alphabetic? x) (%prim "bool(isalpha(char_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (char-numeric? x) (%prim "bool(isdigit(char_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (char-whitespace? x) (%prim "bool(isspace(char_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (char-upper-case? x) (%prim "bool(isupper(char_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (char-lower-case? x) (%prim "bool(islower(char_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (char->integer x) (%prim "fixnum((fixnum_t)char_from_$arg)" x)) (define-inline (integer->char x) (%prim "char((char_t)fixnum_from_$arg)" x)) (define-inline (char-upcase x) (%prim "char(toupper(char_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (char-downcase x) (%prim "char(tolower(char_from_$arg))" x)) (define-syntax char-foldcase char-downcase) (define-inline (digit-value x) (and (char<=? #\0 x #\9) (fx- (char->integer x) (%prim "fixnum('0')")))) ; strings (%include ) (%definition "/* strings */") (%localdef "static cxtype_t cxt_string = { \"string\", free };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *STRING_NTAG = &cxt_string;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *STRING_NTAG;") (%definition "#define isstring(o) (isnative(o, STRING_NTAG))") (%definition "#define stringdata(o) ((int*)getnative(o, STRING_NTAG))") (%definition "#define sdatachars(d) ((char*)((d)+1))") (%definition "#define stringlen(o) (*stringdata(o))") (%definition "#define stringchars(o) ((char*)(stringdata(o)+1))") (%definition "#define hpushstr(l, s) hpushptr(s, STRING_NTAG, l)") (%localdef "char* stringref(obj o, int i) { int *d = stringdata(o); assert(i >= 0 && i < *d); return sdatachars(d)+i; }") (%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG #define stringref(o, i) (stringchars(o)+(i)) #else extern char* stringref(obj o, int i); #endif") (%definition "extern int *newstring(char *s);") (%localdef "int *newstring(char *s) { int l, *d; assert(s); l = (int)strlen(s); d = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(int)+l+1), \"malloc(string)\"); *d = l; strcpy(sdatachars(d), s); return d; }") (%definition "extern int *newstringn(char *s, int n);") (%localdef "int *newstringn(char *s, int n) { int *d; char *ns; assert(s); assert(n >= 0); d = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(int)+n+1), \"malloc(stringn)\"); *d = n; memcpy((ns = sdatachars(d)), s, n); ns[n] = 0; return d; }") (%definition "extern int *allocstring(int n, int c);") (%localdef "int *allocstring(int n, int c) { int *d; char *s; assert(n+1 > 0); d = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(int)+n+1), \"malloc(string)\"); *d = n; s = sdatachars(d); memset(s, c, n); s[n] = 0; return d; }") (%definition "extern int *substring(int *d, int from, int to);") (%localdef "int *substring(int *d0, int from, int to) { int n = to-from, *d1; char *s0, *s1; assert(d0); assert(0 <= from && from <= to && to <= *d0); d1 = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(int)+n+1), \"malloc(string)\"); *d1 = n; s0 = sdatachars(d0); s1 = sdatachars(d1); memcpy(s1, s0+from, n); s1[n] = 0; return d1; }") (%definition "extern int *stringcat(int *d0, int *d1);") (%localdef "int *stringcat(int *d0, int *d1) { int l0 = *d0, l1 = *d1, n = l0+l1; char *s0, *s1, *s; int *d = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(int)+n+1), \"malloc(string)\"); *d = n; s = sdatachars(d); s0 = sdatachars(d0); s1 = sdatachars(d1); memcpy(s, s0, l0); memcpy(s+l0, s1, l1); s[n] = 0; return d; }") (%definition "extern int *dupstring(int *d);") (%localdef "int *dupstring(int *d0) { int n = *d0, *d1 = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(int)+n+1), \"malloc(string)\"); memcpy(d1, d0, sizeof(int)+n+1); return d1; }") (%definition "extern void stringfill(int *d, int c);") (%localdef "void stringfill(int *d, int c) { int l = *d, i; char *s = sdatachars(d); for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) s[i] = c; }") (%definition "extern int strcmp_ci(char *s1, char *s2);") (%localdef "int strcmp_ci(char *s1, char *s2) { int c1, c2, d; do { c1 = *s1++; c2 = *s2++; d = (unsigned)tolower(c1) - (unsigned)tolower(c2); } while (!d && c1 && c2); return d; }") (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (syntax-rules (string) [(_ string s) (%prim* ("obj(hpushstr($live, newstring(\"" s "\")))"))] [(_ string 8 c ...) (%prim* ("{ static char s[] = { " (c ", ") ... "0 };\n" " $return obj(hpushstr($live, newstring(s))); }"))] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)]))) (define-inline (string? x) (%prim "bool(isstring(obj_from_$arg))" x)) (define-syntax make-string (syntax-rules () [(_ k) (%prim* "obj(hpushstr($live, allocstring(fixnum_from_$arg, '?')))" k)] [(_ k c) (%prim* "obj(hpushstr($live, allocstring(fixnum_from_$arg, char_from_$arg)))" k c)] [_ %residual-make-string])) (define-syntax string (syntax-rules () [(_ c ...) (%prim* "{ /* string */ obj o = hpushstr($live, allocstring($argc, ' ')); unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)stringchars(o); ${*s++ = (unsigned char)char_from_$arg; $}$return obj(o); }" c ...)] [_ %residual-string])) (define-inline (string-length s) (%prim "fixnum(stringlen(obj_from_$arg))" s)) (define-inline (string-ref s k) (%prim? "char(*(unsigned char*)stringref(obj_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg))" s k)) (define-inline (string-set! s k c) (%prim! "void(*stringref(obj_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg) = char_from_$arg)" s k c)) (define-syntax string=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim? "bool(strcmp(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)) == 0)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (string=? x t) (string=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-string=?])) (define-syntax string? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim? "bool(strcmp(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)) > 0)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (string>? x t) (string>? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-string>?])) (define-syntax string<=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim? "bool(strcmp(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)) <= 0)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (string<=? x t) (string<=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-string<=?])) (define-syntax string>=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim? "bool(strcmp(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)) >= 0)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (string>=? x t) (string>=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-string>=?])) (define-syntax string-ci=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim? "bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)) == 0)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (string-ci=? x t) (string-ci=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-string-ci=?])) (define-syntax string-ci? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim? "bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)) > 0)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (string-ci>? x t) (string-ci>? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-string-ci>?])) (define-syntax string-ci<=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim? "bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)) <= 0)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (string-ci<=? x t) (string-ci<=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-string-ci<=?])) (define-syntax string-ci>=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim? "bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)) >= 0)" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (string-ci>=? x t) (string-ci>=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-string-ci>=?])) (define-inline (string-upcase s) (%prim*? "{ /* string-upcase */ int *d = dupstring(stringdata(obj_from_$arg)); char *s; for (s = sdatachars(d); *s; ++s) *s = toupper(*s); $return obj(hpushstr($live, d)); }" s)) (define-inline (string-downcase s) (%prim*? "{ /* string-downcase */ int *d = dupstring(stringdata(obj_from_$arg)); char *s; for (s = sdatachars(d); *s; ++s) *s = tolower(*s); $return obj(hpushstr($live, d)); }" s)) (define-syntax string-foldcase string-downcase) (define-inline (substring s start end) (%prim*? "{ /* substring */ int *d = substring(stringdata(obj_from_$arg), fixnum_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg); $return obj(hpushstr($live, d)); }" s start end)) (define-inline (%string-append s1 s2) (%prim*? "{ /* string-append */ int *d = stringcat(stringdata(obj_from_$arg), stringdata(obj_from_$arg)); $return obj(hpushstr($live, d)); }" s1 s2)) (define-syntax string-append (syntax-rules () [(_) ""] [(_ x) x] [(_ x y) (%string-append x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (%string-append x (string-append y z ...))] [_ %residual-string-append])) (define-inline (%string-copy s) (%prim*? "{ /* string-copy */ int *d = dupstring(stringdata(obj_from_$arg)); $return obj(hpushstr($live, d)); }" s)) (define (substring-copy! to at from start end) (let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (string-length to) at)))]) (if (fx<=? at start) (do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)]) [(fx>=? j limit)] (string-set! to i (string-ref from j))) (do ([i (fx+ at (fx- end start 1)) (fx- i 1)] [j (fx- limit 1) (fx- j 1)]) [(fx=? i end)] (string-set! str i c))) (define-inline (%string-fill! s c) (%prim! "void(stringfill(stringdata(obj_from_$arg), char_from_$arg))" s c)) (define-inline (string-position c s) (%prim? "{ /* string-position */ char *s = stringchars(obj_from_$arg), *p = strchr(s, char_from_$arg); if (p) $return fixnum(p-s); else $return bool(0); }" s c)) ; vectors (%definition "/* vectors */") (%definition "#define VECTOR_BTAG 1") (%definition "#define isvector(o) istagged(o, VECTOR_BTAG)") (%definition "#define vectorref(v, i) *taggedref(v, VECTOR_BTAG, i)") (%definition "#define vectorlen(v) taggedlen(v, VECTOR_BTAG)") (define-inline (vector? o) (%prim "bool(isvector(obj_from_$arg))" o)) (define-inline (%new-vector n) (%prim* "{ /* new-vector */ int c = fixnum_from_$arg; hreserve(hbsz(c+1), $live); /* $live live regs */ hp -= c; memset(hp, 0, c * sizeof(obj)); *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); $return obj(hendblk(c+1)); }" n)) (define-inline (%make-vector n i) (%prim* "{ /* make-vector */ obj o; int i = 0, c = fixnum_from_$arg; hreserve(hbsz(c+1), $live); /* $live live regs */ o = obj_from_$arg; /* gc-safe */ while (i++ < c) *--hp = o; *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); $return obj(hendblk(c+1)); }" n i)) (define-syntax make-vector (syntax-rules () [(_ n) (%new-vector n)] [(_ n i) (%make-vector n i)] [_ %residual-make-vector])) (define-syntax vector (syntax-rules () [(_ i ...) (%prim*/rev "{ /* vector */ hreserve(hbsz($argc+1), $live); /* $live live regs */ ${*--hp = obj_from_$arg; $}*--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); $return obj(hendblk($argc+1)); }" i ...)] [_ %residual-vector])) (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (syntax-rules (vector) [(_ vector x ...) (vector x ...)] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)]))) (define-inline (vector-length v) (%prim "fixnum(vectorlen(obj_from_$arg))" v)) (define-inline (vector-ref v i) (%prim? "obj(vectorref(obj_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg))" v i)) (define-inline (vector-set! v i x) (%prim! "void(vectorref(obj_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg) = obj_from_$arg)" v i x)) (define (subvector-copy! to at from start end) (let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (vector-length to) at)))]) (if (fx<=? at start) (do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)]) [(fx>=? j limit)] (vector-set! to i (vector-ref from j))) (do ([i (fx+ at (fx- end start 1)) (fx- i 1)] [j (fx- limit 1) (fx- j 1)]) [(fx=? i end)] (vector-set! vec i x))) ; bytevectors (%definition "/* bytevectors */") (%localdef "static cxtype_t cxt_bytevector = { \"bytevector\", free };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *BYTEVECTOR_NTAG = &cxt_bytevector;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *BYTEVECTOR_NTAG;") (%definition "#define isbytevector(o) (isnative(o, BYTEVECTOR_NTAG))") (%definition "#define bytevectordata(o) ((int*)getnative(o, BYTEVECTOR_NTAG))") (%definition "#define bvdatabytes(d) ((unsigned char*)((d)+1))") (%definition "#define bytevectorlen(o) (*bytevectordata(o))") (%definition "#define bytevectorbytes(o) (bvdatabytes(bytevectordata(o)))") (%definition "#define hpushu8v(l, s) hpushptr(s, BYTEVECTOR_NTAG, l)") (%localdef "#define mallocbvdata(n) cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(int)+(n)), \"malloc(bytevector)\")") (%definition "static int is_byte_obj(obj o) { return (obj_from_fixnum(0) <= o && o <= obj_from_fixnum(255)); } ") (%definition "#define byte_from_obj(o) byte_from_fixnum(fixnum_from_obj(o))") (%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG #define byte_from_fixnum(n) ((unsigned char)(n)) #else static unsigned char byte_from_fixnum(int n) { assert(0 <= n && n <= 255); return n; } #endif") (%definition "#define byte_from_obj(o) byte_from_fixnum(fixnum_from_obj(o))") (%localdef "unsigned char* bytevectorref(obj o, int i) { int *d = bytevectordata(o); assert(i >= 0 && i < *d); return (bvdatabytes(d))+i; }") (%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG #define bytevectorref(o, i) (bytevectorbytes(o)+(i)) #else extern unsigned char* bytevectorref(obj o, int i); #endif") (%definition "extern int *newbytevector(unsigned char *s, int n);") (%localdef "int *newbytevector(unsigned char *s, int n) { int *d; assert(s); assert(n >= 0); d = mallocbvdata(n); *d = n; memcpy(bvdatabytes(d), s, n); return d; }") (%definition "extern int *makebytevector(int n, int c);") (%localdef "int *makebytevector(int n, int c) { int *d; assert(n >= 0); d = mallocbvdata(n); *d = n; memset(bvdatabytes(d), c, n); return d; }") (%definition "extern int *allocbytevector(int n);") (%localdef "int *allocbytevector(int n) { int *d = mallocbvdata(n); *d = n; return d; }") (%definition "extern int *dupbytevector(int *d);") (%localdef "int *dupbytevector(int *d0) { int *d1 = mallocbvdata(*d0); *d1 = *d0; memcpy(bvdatabytes(d1), bvdatabytes(d0), *d0); return d1; }") (%definition "extern int bytevectoreq(int *d0, int *d1);") (%localdef "int bytevectoreq(int *d0, int *d1) { int l0 = *d0, l1 = *d1; return (l0 != l1) ? 0 : memcmp(bvdatabytes(d0), bvdatabytes(d1), l0) == 0; }") (%definition "extern int *subbytevector(int *d, int from, int to);") (%localdef "int *subbytevector(int *d0, int from, int to) { int n = to-from, *d1; unsigned char *s0, *s1; assert(d0); assert(0 <= from && from <= to && to <= *d0); d1 = mallocbvdata(n); *d1 = n; s0 = bvdatabytes(d0); s1 = bvdatabytes(d1); memcpy(s1, s0+from, n); return d1; }") #read #u8 as (%const bytevector ) (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (syntax-rules (bytevector) [(_ bytevector (x ...)) (bytevector x ...)] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)]))) (define-inline (byte? x) (%prim "bool(is_byte_obj(obj_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (bytevector? x) (%prim "bool(isbytevector(obj_from_$arg))" x)) (define-syntax make-bytevector (syntax-rules () [(_ k) (%prim* "obj(hpushu8v($live, allocbytevector(fixnum_from_$arg)))" k)] [(_ k c) (%prim* "obj(hpushu8v($live, makebytevector(fixnum_from_$arg, byte_from_fixnum(fixnum_from_$arg))))" k c)] [_ %residual-make-bytevector])) (define-syntax bytevector (syntax-rules () [(_ b ...) (%prim* "{ /* bytevector */ obj o = hpushu8v($live, allocbytevector($argc)); unsigned char *s = bytevectorbytes(o); ${*s++ = byte_from_fixnum(fixnum_from_$arg); $}$return obj(o); }" b ...)] [_ %residual-bytevector])) (define-inline (bytevector-length bv) (%prim "fixnum(bytevectorlen(obj_from_$arg))" bv)) (define-inline (bytevector-u8-ref bv k) (%prim? "fixnum(*bytevectorref(obj_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg))" bv k)) (define-inline (bytevector-u8-set! bv k b) (%prim! "void(*bytevectorref(obj_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg) = byte_from_fixnum(fixnum_from_$arg))" bv k b)) (define-inline (bytevector=? x y) (%prim? "bool(bytevectoreq(bytevectordata(obj_from_$arg), bytevectordata(obj_from_$arg)))" x y)) (define (subbytevector-copy! to at from start end) (let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (bytevector-length to) at)))]) (if (fx<=? at start) (do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)]) [(fx>=? j limit)] (bytevector-u8-set! to i (bytevector-u8-ref from j))) (do ([i (fx+ at (fx- end start 1)) (fx- i 1)] [j (fx- limit 1) (fx- j 1)]) [(fx 0) l = cdr(l); $return obj(car(l)); }" l n)) (define-inline (list-tail l n) (%prim? "{ /* list-tail */ obj l = obj_from_$arg; int c = fixnum_from_$arg; while (c-- > 0) l = cdr(l); $return obj(l); }" l n)) (define-inline (list-set! l n obj) (set-car! (list-tail list n) obj)) (define-inline (last-pair l) (%prim? "{ /* last-pair */ obj l = obj_from_$arg, p; for (p = cdr(l); ispair(p); p = cdr(p)) l = p; $return obj(l); }" l)) (define-syntax map (syntax-rules () [(_ fun lst) (let ([f fun]) (let loop ([l lst]) (if (pair? l) (cons (f (car l)) (loop (cdr l))) '())))] [(_ fun lst . l*) (%residual-map fun lst . l*)] [_ %residual-map])) (define-syntax for-each (syntax-rules () [(_ fun lst) (let ([f fun]) (let loop ([l lst]) (if (pair? l) (begin (f (car l)) (loop (cdr l))))))] [(_ fun lst . l*) (%residual-for-each fun lst . l*)] [_ %residual-for-each])) ; symbols ; symbols are 24-bit immediates with immediate tag 4 (%definition "/* symbols */") (%definition "#define SYMBOL_ITAG 4") (%definition "#define issymbol(o) (isimm(o, SYMBOL_ITAG))") (%definition "#define mksymbol(i) mkimm(i, SYMBOL_ITAG)") (%definition "#define getsymbol(o) getimmu(o, SYMBOL_ITAG)") (%localdef "static struct { char **a; char ***v; size_t sz; size_t u; size_t maxu; } symt;") (%localdef "static unsigned long hashs(char *s) { unsigned long i = 0, l = (unsigned long)strlen(s), h = l; while (i < l) h = (h << 4) ^ (h >> 28) ^ s[i++]; return h ^ (h >> 10) ^ (h >> 20); }") (%definition "extern char *symbolname(int sym);") (%localdef "char *symbolname(int sym) { assert(sym >= 0); assert(sym < (int)symt.u); return symt.a[sym]; }") (%definition "extern int internsym(char *name);") (%localdef "int internsym(char *name) { size_t i, j; /* based on a code (C) 1998, 1999 by James Clark. */ if (symt.sz == 0) { /* init */ symt.a = cxm_cknull(calloc(64, sizeof(char*)), \"symtab[0]\"); symt.v = cxm_cknull(calloc(64, sizeof(char**)), \"symtab[1]\"); symt.sz = 64, symt.maxu = 64 / 2; i = hashs(name) & (symt.sz-1); } else { unsigned long h = hashs(name); for (i = h & (symt.sz-1); symt.v[i]; i = (i-1) & (symt.sz-1)) if (strcmp(name, *symt.v[i]) == 0) return (int)(symt.v[i] - symt.a); if (symt.u == symt.maxu) { /* rehash */ size_t nsz = symt.sz * 2; char **na = cxm_cknull(calloc(nsz, sizeof(char*)), \"symtab[2]\"); char ***nv = cxm_cknull(calloc(nsz, sizeof(char**)), \"symtab[3]\"); for (i = 0; i < symt.sz; i++) if (symt.v[i]) { for (j = hashs(*symt.v[i]) & (nsz-1); nv[j]; j = (j-1) & (nsz-1)) ; nv[j] = symt.v[i] - symt.a + na; } free(symt.v); symt.v = nv; symt.sz = nsz; symt.maxu = nsz / 2; memcpy(na, symt.a, symt.u * sizeof(char*)); free(symt.a); symt.a = na; for (i = h & (symt.sz-1); symt.v[i]; i = (i-1) & (symt.sz-1)) ; } } *(symt.v[i] = symt.a + symt.u) = strcpy(cxm_cknull(malloc(strlen(name)+1), \"symtab[4]\"), name); return (int)((symt.u)++); }") (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (syntax-rules (symbol) ; wrap code in #() to force constant lifting [(_ symbol s) (%prim #("obj(mksymbol(internsym(\"" s "\")))"))] [(_ symbol 8 c ...) (%prim #("{ static obj o = 0; static char s[] = { " (c ", ") ... "0 };\n" " $return obj(o ? o : (o = mksymbol(internsym(s)))); }"))] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)]))) (define-inline (symbol? x) (%prim "bool(issymbol(obj_from_$arg))" x)) (define-syntax symbol=? (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (%prim "bool(getsymbol(obj_from_$arg) == getsymbol(obj_from_$arg))" x y)] [(_ x y z ...) (let ([t y]) (and (symbol=? x t) (symbol=? t z ...)))] [_ %residual-symbol=?])) ; records ; records are typed blocks with rtd (non-immediate object) as type (%definition "/* records */") (%definition "#define isrecord(o) istyped(o)") (%definition "#define recordrtd(r) *typedtype(r)") (%definition "#define recordlen(r) typedlen(r)") (%definition "#define recordref(r, i) *typedref(r, i)") (define-syntax record? (syntax-rules () [(_ o) (%prim "bool(isrecord(obj_from_$arg))" o)] [(_ o t) (%prim "{ /* record? */ obj o = obj_from_$arg, t = obj_from_$arg; if (!isrecord(o)) $return bool(0); else $return bool(recordrtd(o) == t); }" o t)] [_ %residual-record?])) (define-inline (make-record rtd n) (%prim* "{ /* make-record */ int c = fixnum_from_$arg; hreserve(hbsz(c+1), $live); /* $live live regs */ hp -= c; memset(hp, 0, c * sizeof(obj)); *--hp = obj_from_$arg; assert(isobjptr(*hp)); $return obj(hendblk(c+1)); }" n rtd)) (define-inline (record-type-descriptor r) (%prim "obj(recordrtd(obj_from_$arg))" r)) (define-inline (record-length r) (%prim "fixnum(recordlen(obj_from_$arg))" r)) (define-inline (record-ref r i) (%prim? "obj(recordref(obj_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg))" r i)) (define-inline (record-set! r i x) (%prim! "void(recordref(obj_from_$arg, fixnum_from_$arg) = obj_from_$arg)" r i x)) (define-inline (new-record-type name fields) ; stub (cons name fields)) ; works on top and locally, but field names cannot be hygienically generated on top level (define-syntax define-record-type (letrec-syntax ([id-eq?? ; see http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/macro-symbol-p.txt (syntax-rules () [(_ id b kt kf) ((syntax-lambda (id ok) ((syntax-rules () [(_ b) (id)]) ok)) (syntax-rules () [(_) kf]) (syntax-rules () [(_) kt]))])] [id-assq?? (syntax-rules () [(_ id () kt kf) kf] [(_ id ([id0 . r0] . idr*) kt kf) (id-eq?? id id0 (kt . r0) (id-assq?? id idr* kt kf))])] [init (syntax-rules () [(_ r () fi* (x ...)) (begin x ... r)] [(_ r (id0 . id*) fi* (x ...)) (id-assq?? id0 fi* (syntax-rules () [(_ i0) (init r id* fi* (x ... (record-set! r i0 id0)))]) (syntax-error "id in define-record-type constructor is not a field:" id0))])] [unroll (syntax-rules () [(_ rtn (consn id ...) predn () ([f i] ...) ([a ia] ...) ([m im] ...)) (begin (define rtn (new-record-type 'rtn '(f ...))) (define consn (lambda (id ...) (let ([r (make-record rtn #&(length (f ...)))]) (init r (id ...) ([f i] ...) ())))) (define predn (lambda (obj) (record? obj rtn))) (define a (lambda (obj) (record-ref obj ia))) ... (define m (lambda (obj val) (record-set! obj im val))) ...)] [(_ rtn cf* predn ([fn accn] fam ...) (fi ...) (ai ...) (mi ...)) (unroll rtn cf* predn (fam ...) (fi ... [fn #&(length (fi ...))]) (ai ... [accn #&(length (fi ...))]) (mi ...))] [(_ rtn cf* predn ([fn accn modn] fam ...) (fi ...) (ai ...) (mi ...)) (unroll rtn cf* predn (fam ...) (fi ... [fn #&(length (fi ...))]) (ai ... [accn #&(length (fi ...))]) (mi ... [modn #&(length (fi ...))]))])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ rtn (consn id ...) predn (fn . am) ...) (unroll rtn (consn id ...) predn ((fn . am) ...) () () ())]))) ; conversions (define-inline (symbol->string s) (%prim* "obj(hpushstr($live, newstring(symbolname(getsymbol(obj_from_$arg)))))" s)) (define-inline (string->symbol s) (%prim? "obj(mksymbol(internsym(stringchars(obj_from_$arg))))" s)) (define (fixnum->string n r) (%prim* "{ /* fixnum->string */ char buf[35], *s = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1; int neg = 0; long num = fixnum_from_$arg; long radix = fixnum_from_$arg; if (num < 0) { neg = 1; num = -num; } *s = 0; do { int d = num % radix; *--s = d < 10 ? d + '0' : d - 10 + 'a'; } while (num /= radix); if (neg) *--s = '-'; $return obj(hpushstr($live, newstring(s))); }" n r)) (define (flonum->string x) (%prim* "{ /* flonum->string */ char buf[30], *s; double d = flonum_from_$arg; sprintf(buf, \"%.15g\", d); for (s = buf; *s != 0; s++) if (strchr(\".eE\", *s)) break; if (d != d) strcpy(buf, \"+nan.0\"); else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, \"-inf.0\"); else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, \"+inf.0\"); else if (*s == 'E') *s = 'e'; else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; } $return obj(hpushstr($live, newstring(buf))); }" x)) (define-syntax number->string (syntax-rules () [(_ n r) (if (fixnum? n) (fixnum->string n r) (flonum->string n))] [(_ n) (if (fixnum? n) (fixnum->string n 10) (flonum->string n))] [_ %residual-number->string])) (define (string->fixnum s r) (%prim? "{ /* string->fixnum */ char *e, *s = stringchars(obj_from_$arg); int radix = fixnum_from_$arg; long l; if (s[0] == '#' && (s[1] == 'b' || s[1] == 'B')) s += 2, radix = 2; else if (s[0] == '#' && (s[1] == 'o' || s[1] == 'O')) s += 2, radix = 8; else if (s[0] == '#' && (s[1] == 'd' || s[1] == 'D')) s += 2, radix = 10; else if (s[0] == '#' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')) s += 2, radix = 16; l = (errno = 0, strtol(s, &e, radix)); if (errno || l < FIXNUM_MIN || l > FIXNUM_MAX || e == s || *e) $return bool(0); else $return fixnum(l); }" s r)) (define (string->flonum s) (%prim*? "{ /* string->flonum */ char *e = \"\", *s = stringchars(obj_from_$arg); double d; errno = 0; if (*s != '+' && *s != '-') d = strtod(s, &e); else if (strcmp_ci(s+1, \"inf.0\") == 0) d = (*s == '-' ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL); else if (strcmp_ci(s+1, \"nan.0\") == 0) d = HUGE_VAL - HUGE_VAL; else d = strtod(s, &e); if (errno || e == s || *e) $return bool(0); else $return flonum($live, d); }" s)) (define-inline (string->fixnum-or-flonum s r) (%prim*? "{ /* string->fixnum-or-flonum */ char *s = stringchars(obj_from_$arg); int radix = fixnum_from_$arg; long l; double d; if (0) $return obj(0); /* to fool sfc unboxer */ switch (strtofxfl(s, radix, &l, &d)) { case 'e': $return fixnum(l); break; case 'i': $return flonum($live, d); break; default : $return bool(0); break; } }" s r)) (define-syntax string->number (syntax-rules () [(_ s r) (string->fixnum-or-flonum s r)] [(_ s) (string->fixnum-or-flonum s 10)] [_ %residual-string->number])) (define (subvector->list vec start end) (let loop ([i (fx- end 1)] [l '()]) (if (fxvector l) (%prim*? "{ /* list->vector */ obj l; int i, c = fixnum_from_$arg; hreserve(hbsz(c+1), $live); /* $live live regs */ l = obj_from_$arg; /* gc-safe */ for (i = 0; i < c; ++i, l = cdr(l)) hp[i-c] = car(l); hp -= c; *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); $return obj(hendblk(c+1)); }" (length l) l)) (define (list->string l) (%prim*? "{ /* list->string */ int i, c = fixnum_from_$arg; obj o = hpushstr($live, allocstring(c, ' ')); /* $live live regs */ obj l = obj_from_$arg; /* gc-safe */ unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)stringchars(o); for (i = 0; i < c; ++i, l = cdr(l)) s[i] = (unsigned char)char_from_obj(car(l)); $return obj(o); }" (length l) l)) (define (substring->list str start end) (let loop ([i (fx- end 1)] [l '()]) (if (fx=? j limit) to] (string-set! to i (vector-ref from j))))) (define (subvector->string vec start end) (%subvector-string-copy! (make-string (fx- end start)) 0 vec start end)) (define (%substring-vector-copy! to at from start end) (let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (vector-length to) at)))]) (do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)]) [(fx>=? j limit) to] (vector-set! to i (string-ref from j))))) (define (substring->vector str start end) (%substring-vector-copy! (make-vector (fx- end start)) 0 str start end)) (define (list->bytevector l) (%prim*? "{ /* list->bytevector */ int i, c = fixnum_from_$arg; obj o = hpushu8v($live, allocbytevector(c)); /* $live live regs */ obj l = obj_from_$arg; /* gc-safe */ unsigned char *s = bytevectorbytes(o); for (i = 0; i < c; ++i, l = cdr(l)) s[i] = byte_from_obj(car(l)); $return obj(o); }" (length l) l)) (define (subbytevector->list vec start end) (let loop ([i (fx- end 1)] [l '()]) (if (fx= 1 which ; have a pointer to the static code entry as 0th element; ; sfc allocates env-less global procedures in static memory, ; so procedure? answers #t to any nonzero out-of-heap pointer (%localdef "int isprocedure(obj o) { if (!o) return 0; else if (isaptr(o) && !isobjptr(o)) return 1; else if (!isobjptr(o)) return 0; else { obj h = objptr_from_obj(o)[-1]; return notaptr(h) && size_from_obj(h) >= 1 && isaptr(hblkref(o, 0)); } }") (%localdef "int procedurelen(obj o) { assert(isprocedure(o)); return isobjptr(o) ? hblklen(o) : 1; }") (%localdef "obj* procedureref(obj o, int i) { int len; assert(isprocedure(o)); len = isobjptr(o) ? hblklen(o) : 1; assert(i >= 0 && i < len); return &hblkref(o, i); }") (%definition "/* procedures */") (%definition "extern int isprocedure(obj o);") (%definition "extern int procedurelen(obj o);") (%definition "extern obj* procedureref(obj o, int i);") (define-inline (procedure? o) (%prim "bool(isprocedure(obj_from_$arg))" o)) ; apply, dotted lambda list, argc dispatch, case-lambda (%definition "/* apply and dotted lambda list */") (%definition "extern obj appcases[];") (%localdef "/* apply/dotted lambda adapter entry points */") (%localdef "static obj apphost(obj);") (%localdef "obj appcases[5] = { (obj)apphost, (obj)apphost, (obj)apphost, (obj)apphost , (obj)apphost };") (%localdef "/* apphost procedure */ #define APPLY_MAX_REGS 1024 /* limit on rc for apply & friends */ static obj apphost(obj pc) { register obj *r = cxg_regs; register obj *hp = cxg_hp; register int rc = cxg_rc; jump: switch (objptr_from_obj(pc)-appcases) { case 0: /* apply */ /* clo k f arg... arglist */ assert(rc >= 4); { int i; obj l; rreserve(APPLY_MAX_REGS); l = r[--rc]; r[0] = r[2]; /* k in r[1] */ for (i = 3; i < rc; ++i) r[i-1] = r[i]; for (--rc; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) r[rc++] = car(l); /* f k arg... arg... */ assert(rc <= APPLY_MAX_REGS); pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; goto jump; } case 1: /* dotted lambda adapter */ /* clo k arg... */ { obj* p = objptr_from_obj(r[0]); int n = fixnum_from_obj(p[1]) + 2; r[0] = p[2]; /* f */ /* k in r[1] */ assert(rc >= n); rreserve(n+1); if (rc == n) r[rc++] = mknull(); else { /* collect rest list */ obj l = mknull(); hreserve(hbsz(3)*(rc-n), rc); while (rc > n) { *--hp = l; *--hp = r[--rc]; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); l = hendblk(3); } r[rc++] = l; } /* f k arg... arglist */ pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; goto jump; } case 2: /* void continuation adapter */ /* cclo ek arg ... */ assert(rc >= 2); { obj* p = objptr_from_obj(r[0]); r[0] = p[1]; /* cont */ pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; /* ek in r[1] */ rreserve(3); r[2] = obj_from_void(0); rc = 3; goto jump; } case 3: /* argc dispatcher */ /* clo k arg... */ { obj* p = objptr_from_obj(r[0]); obj pv = p[1]; int vl = vectorlen(pv); assert(vl > 0); if (rc-2 < vl-1) r[0] = vectorref(pv, rc-2); /* matching slot */ else r[0] = vectorref(pv, vl-1); /* catch-all slot */ pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; goto jump; } case 4: /* case lambda dispatcher */ /* clo k arg... */ { obj* p = objptr_from_obj(r[0]); int bl = hblklen(p), i; for (i = 1; i < bl; i += 3) { int min = fixnum_from_obj(hblkref(p, i)), max = fixnum_from_obj(hblkref(p, i+1)); if (min <= rc-2 && rc-2 <= max) { r[0] = hblkref(p, i+2); break; } } assert(i < bl); /* at least one of the cases should match! */ pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; goto jump; } default: /* inter-host call */ cxg_hp = hp; cxm_rgc(r, 1); cxg_rc = rc; return pc; } }") (define apply (%prim "{ /* define apply */ static obj c[] = { obj_from_objptr(appcases+0) }; $return objptr(c); }")) (define-inline (make-improper-lambda n lam) (%prim* "{ /* make-improper-lambda */ hreserve(hbsz(3), $live); /* $live live regs */ *--hp = obj_from_$arg; *--hp = obj_from_$arg; *--hp = obj_from_objptr(appcases+1); $return obj(hendblk(3)); }" lam n)) (define-inline (make-void-continuation k) (%prim* "{ /* make-void-continuation */ hreserve(hbsz(2), $live); /* $live live regs */ *--hp = obj_from_$arg; *--hp = obj_from_objptr(appcases+2); $return obj(hendblk(2)); }" k)) (define-inline (make-argc-dispatch-lambda pv) (%prim* "{ /* make-argc-dispatch-lambda */ hreserve(hbsz(2), $live); /* $live live regs */ *--hp = obj_from_$arg; *--hp = obj_from_objptr(appcases+3); $return obj(hendblk(2)); }" pv)) (define-syntax argc-dispatch-lambda (syntax-rules () [(_ x ...) (make-argc-dispatch-lambda (vector x ...))])) (define-inline (argc-dispatch-lambda? x) (%prim "{ /* argc-dispatch-lambda? */ obj x = obj_from_$arg; $return bool(isprocedure(x) && *procedureref(x, 0) == obj_from_objptr(appcases+3)); }" x)) (define-syntax make-case-lambda (syntax-rules () [(_ x ...) ; order is: min1 max1 lambda1 min2 max2 lambda2 ... (%prim*/rev "{ /* make-case-lambda */ hreserve(hbsz($argc+1), $live); /* $live live regs */ ${*--hp = obj_from_$arg; $}*--hp = obj_from_objptr(appcases+4); $return obj(hendblk($argc+1)); }" x ...)] [_ %residual-make-case-lambda])) (define-syntax case-lambda (letrec-syntax ([min-accepted (syntax-rules () [(_ () N) N] [(_ (a . d) N) (min-accepted d #&(+ 1 N))] [(_ ra N) N])] [max-accepted (syntax-rules () [(_ () N) N] [(_ (a . d) N) (max-accepted d #&(+ 1 N))] [(_ ra N) (%prim "fixnum(FIXNUM_MAX)")])] [unroll-cases (syntax-rules () [(_ () c ...) (make-case-lambda c ... 0 (%prim "fixnum(FIXNUM_MAX)") %fail-lambda)] [(_ ([formals . body] . more) c ...) (unroll-cases more c ... (min-accepted formals 0) (max-accepted formals 0) (lambda formals . body))])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ [formals . body] ...) (unroll-cases ([formals . body] ...))]))) ; parameters, r7rs-style (define make-parameter (case-lambda [(value) (case-lambda [() value] [(x) (set! value x)] [(x s) (if s (set! value x) x)])] [(init converter) (let ([value (converter init)]) (case-lambda [() value] [(x) (set! value (converter x))] [(x s) (if s (set! value x) (converter x))]))])) (define-syntax parameterize (letrec-syntax ([loop (syntax-rules () [(_ ([param value p old new] ...) () body) (let ([p param] ...) (let ([old (p)] ... [new (p value #f)] ...) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (p new #t) ...) (lambda () . body) (lambda () (p old #t) ...))))] [(_ args ([param value] . rest) body) (loop ([param value p old new] . args) rest body)])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ ([param value] ...) . body) (loop () ([param value] ...) body)]))) ; delay & force, r7rs-style (define promise? box?) (define (make-promise o) (box (cons #t o))) (define (make-lazy-promise o) (box (cons #f o))) (define (force p) (let ([pc (unbox p)]) (if (car pc) (cdr pc) (let* ([newp ((cdr pc))] [pc (unbox p)]) (unless (car pc) (set-car! pc (car (unbox newp))) (set-cdr! pc (cdr (unbox newp))) (set-box! newp pc)) (force p))))) (define-syntax delay-force (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (make-lazy-promise (lambda () x))])) (define-syntax delay (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (delay-force (make-promise x))])) ; eof ; eof is tagged immediate with payload 0 and immediate tag 7 (%definition "/* eof */") (%definition "#define EOF_ITAG 7") (%definition "#define mkeof() mkimm(0, EOF_ITAG)") (%definition "#define iseof(o) ((o) == mkimm(0, EOF_ITAG))") (define-syntax %const (let-syntax ([old-%const %const]) (syntax-rules (eof) [(_ eof) (%prim "obj(mkeof())")] [(_ arg ...) (old-%const arg ...)]))) (define-inline (eof-object) (%prim "obj(mkeof())")) (define-inline (eof-object? x) (%prim "bool(iseof(obj_from_$arg))" x)) ; i/o ports ; internal helper fo opening regular files (define-inline (open-file* fn mode) ;=> #f (i.e. NULL) or foreign ptr (%prim*?! "obj((obj)fopen(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)))" fn mode)) ; generic input ports (%definition "/* input ports */") (%definition "typedef struct { /* extends cxtype_t */ const char *tname; void (*free)(void*); int (*close)(void*); int (*getch)(void*); int (*ungetch)(int, void*); } cxtype_iport_t;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *IPORT_CLOSED_NTAG;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *IPORT_FILE_NTAG;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *IPORT_STRING_NTAG;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *IPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG;") (%definition "static cxtype_iport_t *iportvt(obj o) { cxtype_t *pt; if (!isobjptr(o)) return NULL; pt = (cxtype_t*)objptr_from_obj(o)[-1]; if (pt != IPORT_CLOSED_NTAG && pt != IPORT_FILE_NTAG && pt != IPORT_STRING_NTAG && pt != IPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG) return NULL; else return (cxtype_iport_t*)pt; }") (%definition "#define ckiportvt(o) ((cxtype_iport_t*)cxm_cknull(iportvt(o), \"iportvt\"))") (%definition "#define isiport(o) (iportvt(o) != NULL)") (%definition "#define iportdata(o) ((void*)(*objptr_from_obj(o)))") (%definition "static int iportgetc(obj o) { cxtype_iport_t *vt = iportvt(o); void *pp = iportdata(o); assert(vt); return vt->getch(pp); }") (%definition "static int iportpeekc(obj o) { cxtype_iport_t *vt = iportvt(o); void *pp = iportdata(o); int c; assert(vt); c = vt->getch(pp); if (c != EOF) vt->ungetch(c, pp); return c; }") (define-inline (input-port? x) (%prim "bool(isiport(obj_from_$arg))" x)) (define-inline (port-fold-case? ip) ;stub (%prim? "bool(((void)ckiportvt(obj_from_$arg), 0))" ip)) (define-inline (set-port-fold-case! ip b) ;stub (%prim?! "void(ckiportvt(obj_from_$arg))" ip)) ; closed input ports (%definition "/* closed input ports */") (%localdef "static void cifree(void *p) {}") (%localdef "static int ciclose(void *p) { return 0; }") (%localdef "static int cigetch(void *p) { return EOF; }") (%localdef "static int ciungetch(int c) { return c; }") (%localdef "static cxtype_iport_t cxt_iport_closed = { \"closed-input-port\", (void (*)(void*))cifree, (int (*)(void*))ciclose, (int (*)(void*))cigetch, (int (*)(int, void*))ciungetch };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *IPORT_CLOSED_NTAG = (cxtype_t *)&cxt_iport_closed;") (define (close-input-port p) (%prim?! "{ /* close-input-port */ obj o = obj_from_$arg; cxtype_iport_t *vt = iportvt(o); assert(vt); vt->close(iportdata(o)); vt->free(iportdata(o)); objptr_from_obj(o)[-1] = (obj)IPORT_CLOSED_NTAG; $return void(0); }" p)) (define-inline (input-port-open? p) (%prim? "bool(ckiportvt(obj_from_$arg) != (cxtype_iport_t *)IPORT_CLOSED_NTAG)" p)) ; file input ports (%localdef "static void ffree(void *vp) { /* FILE *fp = vp; assert(fp); cannot fclose(fp) here because of FILE reuse! */ }") (%localdef "static cxtype_iport_t cxt_iport_file = { \"file-input-port\", ffree, (int (*)(void*))fclose, (int (*)(void*))(fgetc), (int (*)(int, void*))(ungetc) };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *IPORT_FILE_NTAG = (cxtype_t *)&cxt_iport_file;") (%definition "#define mkiport_file(l, fp) hpushptr(fp, IPORT_FILE_NTAG, l)") (define *current-input-port* (%prim* "obj(mkiport_file($live, stdin))")) (define-syntax current-input-port ; parameter (syntax-rules () [(_) *current-input-port*] [(_ p) (set! *current-input-port* p)] [(_ p s) (if s (set! *current-input-port* p) p)] [_ %residual-current-input-port])) (define-inline (open-input-file fn) (let ([file* (open-file* fn "r")]) (if file* (%prim*?! "obj(mkiport_file($live, (void*)(obj_from_$arg)))" file*) (file-error "cannot open input file" fn)))) (define-inline (open-binary-input-file fn) (let ([file* (open-file* fn "rb")]) (if file* (%prim*?! "obj(mkiport_file($live, (void*)(obj_from_$arg)))" file*) (file-error "cannot open binary input file" fn)))) ; string input ports (%definition "/* string input ports */") (%definition "typedef struct { char *p; void *base; } sifile_t;") (%localdef "sifile_t *sialloc(char *p, void *base) { sifile_t *fp = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(sifile_t)), \"malloc(sifile)\"); fp->p = p; fp->base = base; return fp; }") (%definition "extern sifile_t *sialloc(char *p, void *base);") (%localdef "static void sifree(sifile_t *fp) { assert(fp); if (fp->base) free(fp->base); free(fp); }") (%localdef "static int siclose(sifile_t *fp) { assert(fp); if (fp->base) free(fp->base); fp->base = NULL; fp->p = \"\"; return 0; }") (%localdef "static int sigetch(sifile_t *fp) { int c; assert(fp && fp->p); if (!(c = *(fp->p))) return EOF; ++(fp->p); return c; }") (%localdef "static int siungetch(int c, sifile_t *fp) { assert(fp && fp->p); --(fp->p); assert(c == *(fp->p)); return c; }") (%localdef "static cxtype_iport_t cxt_iport_string = { \"string-input-port\", (void (*)(void*))sifree, (int (*)(void*))siclose, (int (*)(void*))sigetch, (int (*)(int, void*))siungetch };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *IPORT_STRING_NTAG = (cxtype_t *)&cxt_iport_string;") (%definition "#define mkiport_string(l, fp) hpushptr(fp, IPORT_STRING_NTAG, l)") (define-inline (open-input-string s) (%prim*? "{ /* open-input-string */ int *d = dupstring(stringdata(obj_from_$arg)); $return obj(mkiport_string($live, sialloc(sdatachars(d), d))); }" s)) ; bytevector input ports (%definition "/* bytevector input ports */") (%definition "typedef struct { unsigned char *p, *e; void *base; } bvifile_t;") (%localdef "bvifile_t *bvialloc(unsigned char *p, unsigned char *e, void *base) { bvifile_t *fp = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(bvifile_t)), \"malloc(bvifile)\"); fp->p = p; fp->e = e; fp->base = base; return fp; }") (%definition "extern bvifile_t *bvialloc(unsigned char *p, unsigned char *e, void *base);") (%localdef "static void bvifree(bvifile_t *fp) { assert(fp); if (fp->base) free(fp->base); free(fp); }") (%localdef "static int bviclose(bvifile_t *fp) { assert(fp); if (fp->base) free(fp->base); fp->base = NULL; fp->p = fp->e = (unsigned char *)\"\"; return 0; }") (%localdef "static int bvigetch(bvifile_t *fp) { assert(fp && fp->p && fp->e); return (fp->p >= fp->e) ? EOF : (0xff & *(fp->p)++); }") (%localdef "static int bviungetch(int c, bvifile_t *fp) { assert(fp && fp->p && fp->e); --(fp->p); assert(c == *(fp->p)); return c; }") (%localdef "static cxtype_iport_t cxt_iport_bytevector = { \"bytevector-input-port\", (void (*)(void*))bvifree, (int (*)(void*))bviclose, (int (*)(void*))bvigetch, (int (*)(int, void*))bviungetch };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *IPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG = (cxtype_t *)&cxt_iport_bytevector;") (%definition "#define mkiport_bytevector(l, fp) hpushptr(fp, IPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG, l)") (define-inline (open-input-bytevector s) (%prim*? "{ /* open-input-bytevector */ int *d = dupbytevector(bytevectordata(obj_from_$arg)); unsigned char *p = bvdatabytes(d), *e = p + *d; $return obj(mkiport_bytevector($live, bvialloc(p, e, d))); }" s)) ; generic output ports (%definition "/* output ports */") (%definition "typedef struct { /* extends cxtype_t */ const char *tname; void (*free)(void*); int (*close)(void*); int (*putch)(int, void*); int (*flush)(void*); } cxtype_oport_t;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *OPORT_CLOSED_NTAG;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *OPORT_FILE_NTAG;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *OPORT_STRING_NTAG;") (%definition "extern cxtype_t *OPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG;") (%definition "static cxtype_oport_t *oportvt(obj o) { cxtype_t *pt; if (!isobjptr(o)) return NULL; pt = (cxtype_t*)objptr_from_obj(o)[-1]; if (pt != OPORT_CLOSED_NTAG && pt != OPORT_FILE_NTAG && pt != OPORT_STRING_NTAG && pt != OPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG) return NULL; else return (cxtype_oport_t*)pt; }") (%definition "#define ckoportvt(o) ((cxtype_oport_t*)cxm_cknull(oportvt(o), \"oportvt\"))") (%definition "#define isoport(o) (oportvt(o) != NULL)") (%definition "#define oportdata(o) ((void*)(*objptr_from_obj(o)))") (%definition "static void oportputc(int c, obj o) { cxtype_oport_t *vt = oportvt(o); void *pp = oportdata(o); assert(vt); vt->putch(c, pp); }") (%definition "static void oportputs(char *s, obj o) { cxtype_oport_t *vt = oportvt(o); void *pp = oportdata(o); assert(vt); while (*s) vt->putch(*s++, pp); }") (%definition "static void oportwrite(char *s, int n, obj o) { cxtype_oport_t *vt = oportvt(o); void *pp = oportdata(o); assert(vt); while (n-- > 0) vt->putch(*s++, pp); }") (%definition "static void oportflush(obj o) { cxtype_oport_t *vt = oportvt(o); void *pp = oportdata(o); assert(vt); vt->flush(pp); }") (define-inline (output-port? x) (%prim "bool(isoport(obj_from_$arg))" x)) ; closed output ports (%definition "/* closed output ports */") (%localdef "static void cofree(void *p) {}") (%localdef "static int coclose(void *p) { return 0; }") (%localdef "static int coputch(int c, void *p) { return EOF; }") (%localdef "static int coflush(void *p) { return EOF; }") (%localdef "static cxtype_oport_t cxt_oport_closed = { \"closed-output-port\", (void (*)(void*))cofree, (int (*)(void*))coclose, (int (*)(int, void*))coputch, (int (*)(void*))coflush };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *OPORT_CLOSED_NTAG = (cxtype_t *)&cxt_oport_closed;") (define (close-output-port p) (%prim?! "{ /* close-output-port */ obj o = obj_from_$arg; cxtype_oport_t *vt = oportvt(o); assert(vt); vt->close(oportdata(o)); vt->free(oportdata(o)); objptr_from_obj(o)[-1] = (obj)OPORT_CLOSED_NTAG; $return void(0); }" p)) (define-inline (output-port-open? p) (%prim? "bool(ckoportvt(obj_from_$arg) != (cxtype_oport_t *)OPORT_CLOSED_NTAG)" p)) ; file output ports (%localdef "static cxtype_oport_t cxt_oport_file = { \"file-output-port\", ffree, (int (*)(void*))fclose, (int (*)(int, void*))(fputc), (int (*)(void*))fflush };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *OPORT_FILE_NTAG = (cxtype_t *)&cxt_oport_file;") (%definition "#define mkoport_file(l, fp) hpushptr(fp, OPORT_FILE_NTAG, l)") (define *current-output-port* (%prim* "obj(mkoport_file($live, stdout))")) (define-syntax current-output-port ; parameter (syntax-rules () [(_) *current-output-port*] [(_ p) (set! *current-output-port* p)] [(_ p s) (if s (set! *current-output-port* p) p)] [_ %residual-current-output-port])) (define *current-error-port* (%prim* "obj(mkoport_file($live, stderr))")) (define-syntax current-error-port ; parameter (syntax-rules () [(_) *current-error-port*] [(_ p) (set! *current-error-port* p)] [(_ p s) (if s (set! *current-error-port* p) p)] [_ %residual-current-error-port])) (define-inline (open-output-file fn) (let ([file* (open-file* fn "w")]) (if file* (%prim*?! "obj(mkoport_file($live, (void*)(obj_from_$arg)))" file*) (file-error "cannot open output file" fn)))) (define-inline (open-binary-output-file fn) (let ([file* (open-file* fn "wb")]) (if file* (%prim*?! "obj(mkoport_file($live, (void*)(obj_from_$arg)))" file*) (file-error "cannot open binary output file" fn)))) ; string output ports (%definition "/* string output ports */") (%definition "typedef struct cbuf_tag { char *buf; char *fill; char *end; } cbuf_t;") (%definition "extern cbuf_t* newcb(void);") (%localdef "cbuf_t* newcb(void) { cbuf_t* pcb = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(cbuf_t)), \"malloc(cbuf)\"); pcb->fill = pcb->buf = cxm_cknull(malloc(64), \"malloc(cbdata)\"); pcb->end = pcb->buf + 64; return pcb; }") (%definition "extern void freecb(cbuf_t* pcb);") (%localdef "void freecb(cbuf_t* pcb) { if (pcb) { free(pcb->buf); free(pcb); } }") (%localdef "static void cbgrow(cbuf_t* pcb, size_t n) { size_t oldsz = pcb->end - pcb->buf, newsz = oldsz*2; size_t cnt = pcb->fill - pcb->buf; if (oldsz + n > newsz) newsz += n; pcb->buf = cxm_cknull(realloc(pcb->buf, newsz), \"realloc(cbdata)\"); pcb->fill = pcb->buf + cnt, pcb->end = pcb->buf + newsz; }") (%definition "extern int cbputc(int c, cbuf_t* pcb);") (%localdef "int cbputc(int c, cbuf_t* pcb) { if ((pcb)->fill == (pcb)->end) cbgrow(pcb, 1); *((pcb)->fill)++ = c; return c; }") (%localdef "static int cbflush(cbuf_t* pcb) { return 0; }") (%localdef "static int cbclose(cbuf_t* pcb) { free(pcb->buf); pcb->buf = NULL; return 0; }") (%definition "extern size_t cblen(cbuf_t* pcb);") (%localdef "size_t cblen(cbuf_t* pcb) { return pcb->fill - pcb->buf; }") (%definition "extern char* cbdata(cbuf_t* pcb);") (%localdef "char* cbdata(cbuf_t* pcb) { if (pcb->fill == pcb->end) cbgrow(pcb, 1); *(pcb->fill) = 0; return pcb->buf; }") (%localdef "static cxtype_oport_t cxt_oport_string = { \"string-output-port\", (void (*)(void*))freecb, (int (*)(void*))cbclose, (int (*)(int, void*))cbputc, (int (*)(void*))cbflush };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *OPORT_STRING_NTAG = (cxtype_t *)&cxt_oport_string;") (%definition "#define mkoport_string(l, fp) hpushptr(fp, OPORT_STRING_NTAG, l)") (define-inline (open-output-string) (%prim*? "{ /* open-output-string */ $return obj(mkoport_string($live, newcb())); }")) (define-inline (get-output-string p) ; works on string and bv ports (%prim*? "{ /* get-output-string */ obj o = obj_from_$arg; cxtype_oport_t *vt = ckoportvt(o); if (vt != (cxtype_oport_t *)OPORT_STRING_NTAG && vt != (cxtype_oport_t *)OPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG) $return obj(mkeof()); else { cbuf_t *pcb = oportdata(o); $return obj(hpushstr($live, newstring(cbdata(pcb)))); } }" p)) ; bytevector output ports (%definition "/* bytevector output ports */") (%localdef "static cxtype_oport_t cxt_oport_bytevector = { \"bytevector-output-port\", (void (*)(void*))freecb, (int (*)(void*))cbclose, (int (*)(int, void*))cbputc, (int (*)(void*))cbflush };") (%localdef "cxtype_t *OPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG = (cxtype_t *)&cxt_oport_bytevector;") (%definition "#define mkoport_bytevector(l, fp) hpushptr(fp, OPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG, l)") (define-inline (open-output-bytevector) (%prim*? "{ /* open-output-bytevector */ $return obj(mkoport_bytevector($live, newcb())); }")) (define-inline (get-output-bytevector p) ; works on bv and string ports (%prim*? "{ /* get-output-bytevector */ obj o = obj_from_$arg; cxtype_oport_t *vt = ckoportvt(o); if (vt != (cxtype_oport_t *)OPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG && vt != (cxtype_oport_t *)OPORT_STRING_NTAG) $return obj(mkeof()); else { cbuf_t *pcb = oportdata(o); int len = (int)(pcb->fill - pcb->buf); $return obj(hpushu8v($live, newbytevector((unsigned char *)pcb->buf, len))); } }" p)) ; generic port predicates and standard opening/closing convenience ops (define-inline (port? x) (or (input-port? x) (output-port? x))) (define-syntax textual-port? port?) ; all ports are bimodal (define-syntax binary-port? port?) ; all ports are bimodal (define (close-port p) (if (input-port? p) (close-input-port p)) (if (output-port? p) (close-output-port p))) ; NB: call-with-port defined in the last section, after call-with-values (define (call-with-input-file fname proc) (call-with-port (open-input-file fname) proc)) (define (call-with-output-file fname proc) (call-with-port (open-output-file fname) proc)) (define (with-input-from-port port thunk) ; extra (parameterize ([current-input-port port]) (thunk))) (define (with-output-to-port port thunk) ; extra (parameterize ([current-output-port port]) (thunk))) (define (with-input-from-file fname thunk) (call-with-input-file fname (lambda (p) (with-input-from-port p thunk)))) (define (with-output-to-file fname thunk) (call-with-output-file fname (lambda (p) (with-output-to-port p thunk)))) ; simple text i/o (define-syntax read-char (syntax-rules () [(_) (read-char (current-input-port))] [(_ p) (%prim?! "{ int c = iportgetc(obj_from_$arg); $return obj(c == EOF ? mkeof() : obj_from_char(c)); }" p)] [_ %residual-read-char])) (define-syntax peek-char (syntax-rules () [(_) (peek-char (current-input-port))] [(_ p) (%prim?! "{ int c = iportpeekc(obj_from_$arg); $return obj(c == EOF ? mkeof() : obj_from_char(c)); }" p)] [_ %residual-peek-char])) (define-syntax char-ready? (syntax-rules () [(_) (char-ready? (current-input-port))] [(_ p) #t] ; no better solution for FILE/STRING ports [_ %residual-char-ready?])) (define (%read-line p) (let ([op (open-output-string)]) (let loop ([read-nothing? #t]) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(or (eof-object? c) (char=? c #\newline)) (let ([s (get-output-string op)]) (close-output-port op) ; todo: use get-final-output-string (if (and (eof-object? c) read-nothing?) c s))] [(char=? c #\return) (loop #f)] [else (%prim?! "void(oportputc(char_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg))" c op) (loop #f)]))))) (define-syntax read-line (syntax-rules () [(_) (%read-line (current-input-port))] [(_ p) (%read-line p)] [_ %residual-read-line])) (define (read-substring! str start end p) (let loop ([i start]) (if (fx>=? i end) (fx- i start) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (if (fx=? i start) c (fx- i start))] [else (string-set! str i c) (loop (fx+ i 1))]))))) (define (read-substring k p) (let ([str (make-string k)]) (let ([r (read-substring! str 0 k p)]) (if (eof-object? r) r (if (fx=? r k) str (substring str 0 r)))))) (define-syntax flush-output-port (syntax-rules () [(_) (flush-output-port (current-output-port))] [(_ p) (%prim?! "void(oportflush(obj_from_$arg))" p)] [_ %residual-flush-output-port])) (define-syntax write-char (syntax-rules () [(_ c) (write-char c (current-output-port))] [(_ c p) (%prim?! "void(oportputc(char_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg))" c p)] [_ %residual-write-char])) (define (write-substring from start end p) (do ([i start (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i end)] (write-char (string-ref from i) p))) (define-syntax write-string (syntax-rules () [(_ s) (write-string s (current-output-port))] [(_ s p) (%prim?! "void(oportputs(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), obj_from_$arg))" s p)] [(_ s p start) (let ([str s]) (write-substring str start (string-length str) p))] [(_ s p start end) (write-substring s start end p)] [_ %residual-write-string])) (define-syntax newline (syntax-rules () [(_) (newline (current-output-port))] [(_ p) (%prim?! "void(oportputc('\\n', obj_from_$arg))" p)] [_ %residual-newline])) (define-syntax display-fixnum (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (display-fixnum x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "{ /* display-fixnum */ char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, \"%ld\", fixnum_from_$arg); $return void(oportputs(buf, obj_from_$arg)); }" x p)] [_ %residual-display-fixnum])) (define-syntax display-flonum (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (display-flonum x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "{ /* display-flonum */ char buf[30], *s; double d = flonum_from_$arg; sprintf(buf, \"%.15g\", d); for (s = buf; *s != 0; s++) if (strchr(\".eE\", *s)) break; if (d != d) strcpy(buf, \"+nan.0\"); else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, \"-inf.0\"); else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, \"+inf.0\"); else if (*s == 'E') *s = 'e'; else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; } $return void(oportputs(buf, obj_from_$arg)); }" x p)] [_ %residual-display-flonum])) (define-syntax display-procedure (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (display-procedure x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "{ /* display-procedure */ char buf[60]; sprintf(buf, \"#\", objptr_from_obj(obj_from_$arg)); $return void(oportputs(buf, obj_from_$arg)); }" x p)] [_ %residual-display-procedure])) (define-syntax display-input-port (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (display-input-port x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "{ /* display-input-port */ char buf[60]; sprintf(buf, \"#<%s>\", ckiportvt(obj_from_$arg)->tname); $return void(oportputs(buf, obj_from_$arg)); }" x p)] [_ %residual-display-input-port])) (define-syntax display-output-port (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (display-output-port x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "{ /* display-output-port */ char buf[60]; sprintf(buf, \"#<%s>\", ckoportvt(obj_from_$arg)->tname); $return void(oportputs(buf, obj_from_$arg)); }" x p)] [_ %residual-display-output-port])) ; simple binary i/o (define-syntax read-u8 (syntax-rules () [(_) (read-u8 (current-input-port))] [(_ p) (%prim?! "{ int c = iportgetc(obj_from_$arg); $return obj(c == EOF ? mkeof() : obj_from_fixnum(c & 0xff)); }" p)] [_ %residual-read-u8])) (define-syntax peek-u8 (syntax-rules () [(_) (peek-u8 (current-input-port))] [(_ p) (%prim?! "{ int c = iportpeekc(obj_from_$arg); $return obj(c == EOF ? mkeof() : obj_from_fixnum(c & 0xff)); }" p)] [_ %residual-peek-char])) (define-syntax u8-ready? (syntax-rules () [(_) (u8-ready? (current-input-port))] [(_ p) #t] ; no better solution for FILE/STRING ports [_ %residual-u8-ready?])) (define (read-subbytevector! vec start end p) (let loop ([i start]) (if (fx>=? i end) (fx- i start) (let ([u8 (read-u8 p)]) (cond [(eof-object? u8) (if (fx=? i start) u8 (fx- i start))] [else (bytevector-u8-set! vec i u8) (loop (fx+ i 1))]))))) (define (read-subbytevector k p) (let ([vec (make-bytevector k)]) (let ([r (read-subbytevector! vec 0 k p)]) (if (eof-object? r) r (if (fx=? r k) vec (subbytevector vec 0 r)))))) (define-syntax write-u8 (syntax-rules () [(_ c) (write-u8 c (current-output-port))] [(_ c p) (%prim?! "void(oportputc(fixnum_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg))" c p)] [_ %residual-write-u8])) (define (write-subbytevector from start end p) (do ([i start (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i end)] (write-u8 (bytevector-u8-ref from i) p))) (define-syntax write-bytevector (syntax-rules () [(_ bv) (write-bytevector bv (current-output-port))] [(_ bv p) (%prim?! "{ /* write-bytevector */ int *d = bytevectordata(obj_from_$arg); $return void(oportwrite((char *)bvdatabytes(d), *d, obj_from_$arg)); }" bv p)] [(_ bv p start) (let ([vec bv]) (write-subbytevector vec start (bytevector-length vec) p))] [(_ bv p start end) (write-subbytevector bv start end p)] [_ %residual-write-bytevector])) ; circularity and sharing helpers (%localdef "/* eq hash table for circular/sharing checks and safe equal? */ typedef struct { obj *v; obj *r; size_t sz; size_t u, maxu, c; } stab_t; static stab_t *staballoc(void) { stab_t *p = cxm_cknull(calloc(1, sizeof(stab_t)), \"newstab\"); p->v = cxm_cknull(calloc(64, sizeof(obj)), \"newstab[1]\"); p->sz = 64, p->maxu = 64 / 2; return p; } static stab_t *stabfree(stab_t *p) { if (p) { free(p->v); free(p->r); free(p); } return NULL; } static int stabnew(obj o, stab_t *p, int circ) { if (!o || notaptr(o) || notobjptr(o) || (circ && isaptr(objptr_from_obj(o)[-1]))) return 0; else { /* v[i] is 0 or heap obj, possibly with lower bit set if it's not new */ unsigned long h = (unsigned long)o; size_t sz = p->sz, i, j; for (i = h & (sz-1); p->v[i]; i = (i-1) & (sz-1)) if ((p->v[i] & ~1) == o) { p->v[i] |= 1; return 0; } if (p->u == p->maxu) { /* rehash */ size_t nsz = sz * 2; obj *nv = cxm_cknull(calloc(nsz, sizeof(obj)), \"stabnew\"); for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i) if (p->v[i] & ~1) { for (j = (unsigned long)(p->v[i] & ~1) & (nsz-1); nv[j]; j = (j-1) & (nsz-1)) ; nv[j] = p->v[i]; } free(p->v); p->v = nv; sz = p->sz = nsz; p->maxu = nsz / 2; for (i = h & (sz-1); p->v[i]; i = (i-1) & (sz-1)) ; } p->v[i] = o; p->u += 1; return 1; } } static void stabdelifu(obj o, stab_t *p) { unsigned long h = (unsigned long)o; size_t sz = p->sz, i; for (i = h & (sz-1); p->v[i]; i = (i-1) & (sz-1)) if ((p->v[i] & ~1) == o) { if (p->v[i] & 1) /* keep */; else p->v[i] = 1; /* del */ return; } } static void stabpushp(obj o, stab_t *p) { obj *r = p->r; if (!r) { p->r = r = cxm_cknull(calloc(sizeof(obj), 12), \"stabpushp\"); r[1] = 10; } else if (r[0] == r[1]) { p->r = r = cxm_cknull(realloc(r, sizeof(obj)*(2+r[1]*2)), \"stabpushp\"); r[1] *= 2; } r[2 + r[0]++] = o; } static void stabpopp(stab_t *p) { obj *r = p->r; assert(r && r[0] > 0); r[0] -= 1; } static void stabcircular(obj o, stab_t *p) { tail: if (stabnew(o, p, 1)) { obj *op = objptr_from_obj(o), fo = op[-1]; if (notaptr(fo)) { obj *fop = op + size_from_obj(fo); stabpushp(0, p); while (op+1 < fop) stabcircular(*op++, p); stabpopp(p); if (op+1 == fop) { stabpushp(o, p); o = *op; goto tail; } } } else { obj *r = p->r; if (r) { obj *op = r+2, *fop = op+r[0]; while (fop > op && fop[-1] != 0) stabdelifu(*--fop, p); r[0] = fop - op; } } } static void stabshared(obj o, stab_t *p) { tail: if (stabnew(o, p, 0)) { obj *op = objptr_from_obj(o), fo = op[-1]; if (notaptr(fo)) { obj *fop = op + size_from_obj(fo); while (op+1 < fop) stabshared(*op++, p); if (op+1 == fop) { o = *op; goto tail; } } } } static stab_t *stabend(stab_t *p) { size_t nz, i, sz = p->sz; for (nz = i = 0; i < sz; ++i) if ((p->v[i] & ~1) && (p->v[i] & 1)) ++nz; if (nz) { size_t nsz, j; obj *nv; for (nsz = 8; nsz < nz*2; nsz *= 2) ; nv = cxm_cknull(calloc(nsz, sizeof(obj)), \"stabend\"); for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i) if ((p->v[i] & ~1) && (p->v[i] & 1)) { for (j = (unsigned long)(p->v[i] & ~1) & (nsz-1); nv[j]; j = (j-1) & (nsz-1)) ; nv[j] = p->v[i]; } free(p->v); p->v = nv; sz = p->sz = nsz; p->maxu = nsz / 2; free(p->r); p->r = NULL; } else p = stabfree(p); return p; } static long stabri(size_t i, stab_t *p, int upd) { obj *pri, ri; if (!p->r) p->r = cxm_cknull(calloc(p->sz, sizeof(obj)), \"stabri\"); pri = p->r + i; ri = *pri; if (!ri) *pri = ri = ++(p->c); if (upd && ri > 0) *pri = -ri; return (long)ri; } static long stabref(obj o, stab_t *p, int upd) { if (!p || !o || notaptr(o) || notobjptr(o)) return 0; else { unsigned long h = (unsigned long)o; size_t sz = p->sz, i; for (i = h & (sz-1); p->v[i]; i = (i-1) & (sz-1)) if ((p->v[i] & ~1) == o) return (p->v[i] & 1) ? stabri(i, p, upd) : 0; return 0; } } static int stabufind(obj x, obj y, stab_t *p) { size_t sz = p->sz, i, ix=0, iy=0; /* bogus 0 inits to silence gcc */ obj *r = p->r; for (i = (unsigned long)x & (sz-1); p->v[i]; i = (i-1) & (sz-1)) if ((p->v[i] & ~1) == x) { ix = i; break; } for (i = ix; r[i] >= 0; ) i = (size_t)r[i]; if (i != ix) ix = r[ix] = i; for (i = (unsigned long)y & (sz-1); p->v[i]; i = (i-1) & (sz-1)) if ((p->v[i] & ~1) == y) { iy = i; break; } for (i = iy; r[i] >= 0; ) i = (size_t)r[i]; if (i != iy) iy = r[iy] = i; if (ix == iy) return 1; /* same class, assumed to be equal */ if (r[ix] < r[iy]) { r[ix] += r[iy]; r[iy] = ix; } else { r[iy] += r[ix]; r[ix] = iy; } return 0; } static int stabequal(obj x, obj y, stab_t *p) { obj h; int i, n; loop: if (x == y) return 1; if (!x || !y || notaptr(x) || notaptr(y) || notobjptr(x) || notobjptr(y)) return 0; if ((h = objptr_from_obj(x)[-1]) != objptr_from_obj(y)[-1]) return 0; if (h == (obj)FLONUM_NTAG) return flonum_from_obj(x) == flonum_from_obj(y); if (h == (obj)STRING_NTAG) return strcmp(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) == 0; if (h == (obj)BYTEVECTOR_NTAG) return bytevectoreq(bytevectordata(x), bytevectordata(y)); if (isaptr(h) || !(n = size_from_obj(h)) || hblkref(x, 0) != hblkref(y, 0)) return 0; if (stabufind(x, y, p)) return 1; /* seen before and decided to be equal */ for (i = 1; i < n-1; ++i) if (!stabequal(hblkref(x, i), hblkref(y, i), p)) return 0; if (i == n-1) { x = hblkref(x, i); y = hblkref(y, i); goto loop; } else return 1; } static int boundequal(obj x, obj y, int fuel) { /* => remaining fuel or <0 on failure */ obj h; int i, n; loop: assert(fuel > 0); if (x == y) return fuel-1; if (!x || !y || notaptr(x) || notaptr(y) || notobjptr(x) || notobjptr(y)) return -1; if ((h = objptr_from_obj(x)[-1]) != objptr_from_obj(y)[-1]) return -1; if (h == (obj)FLONUM_NTAG) return flonum_from_obj(x) == flonum_from_obj(y) ? fuel-1 : -1; if (h == (obj)STRING_NTAG) return strcmp(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) == 0 ? fuel-1 : -1; if (h == (obj)BYTEVECTOR_NTAG) return bytevectoreq(bytevectordata(x), bytevectordata(y)) ? fuel-1 : -1; if (isaptr(h) || !(n = size_from_obj(h)) || hblkref(x, 0) != hblkref(y, 0)) return -1; if (--fuel == 0) return 0; /* we must spend fuel while comparing objects themselves */ for (i = 1; i < n-1; ++i) if ((fuel = boundequal(hblkref(x, i), hblkref(y, i), fuel)) <= 0) return fuel; if (i == n-1) { x = hblkref(x, i); y = hblkref(y, i); goto loop; } else return fuel; }") ; circularity (%definition "extern int iscircular(obj x);") (%localdef "int iscircular(obj x) { if (!x || notaptr(x) || notobjptr(x)) return 0; else { stab_t *p = staballoc(); stabcircular(x, p); p = stabend(p); stabfree(p); return p != NULL; } }") (define-inline (circular? x) (%prim "bool(iscircular(obj_from_$arg))" x)) ; equivalence and case (%definition "extern int iseqv(obj x, obj y);") (%localdef "int iseqv(obj x, obj y) { obj h; if (x == y) return 1; if (!x || !y || notaptr(x) || notaptr(y) || notobjptr(x) || notobjptr(y)) return 0; if ((h = objptr_from_obj(x)[-1]) != objptr_from_obj(y)[-1]) return 0; if (h == (obj)FLONUM_NTAG) return *(flonum_t*)objptr_from_obj(x)[0] == *(flonum_t*)objptr_from_obj(y)[0]; return 0; }") (%definition "extern obj ismemv(obj x, obj l);") (%localdef "obj ismemv(obj x, obj l) { if (!x || notaptr(x) || notobjptr(x)) { for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { if (car(l) == x) return l; } } else if (is_flonum_obj(x)) { flonum_t fx = flonum_from_obj(x); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj y = car(l); if (is_flonum_obj(y) && fx == flonum_from_obj(y)) return l; } } else { /* for others, memv == memq */ for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { if (car(l) == x) return l; } } return 0; }") (%definition "extern obj isassv(obj x, obj l);") (%localdef "obj isassv(obj x, obj l) { if (!x || notaptr(x) || notobjptr(x)) { for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj p = car(l); if (car(p) == x) return p; } } else if (is_flonum_obj(x)) { flonum_t fx = flonum_from_obj(x); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj p = car(l), y = car(p); if (is_flonum_obj(y) && fx == flonum_from_obj(y)) return p; } } else { /* for others, assv == assq */ for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj p = car(l); if (car(p) == x) return p; } } return 0; }") (%definition "extern int isequal(obj x, obj y);") (%localdef "int isequal(obj x, obj y) { stab_t *p; obj *r; size_t i; int res = boundequal(x, y, 500); if (res != 0) return res > 0; /* small/non-circular/easy */ p = staballoc(); stabshared(x, p); stabshared(y, p); r = p->r = cxm_cknull(calloc(p->sz, sizeof(obj)), \"isequal\"); for (i = 0; i < p->sz; ++i) if (p->v[i] & ~1) r[i] = -1; res = stabequal(x, y, p); stabfree(p); return res; }") (%definition "extern obj ismember(obj x, obj l);") (%localdef "obj ismember(obj x, obj l) { if (!x || notaptr(x) || notobjptr(x)) { for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { if (car(l) == x) return l; } } else if (is_flonum_obj(x)) { flonum_t fx = flonum_from_obj(x); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj y = car(l); if (is_flonum_obj(y) && fx == flonum_from_obj(y)) return l; } } else if (isstring(x)) { char *xs = stringchars(x); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj y = car(l); if (isstring(y) && 0 == strcmp(xs, stringchars(y))) return l; } } else { for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { if (isequal(car(l), x)) return l; } } return 0; }") (%definition "extern obj isassoc(obj x, obj l);") (%localdef "obj isassoc(obj x, obj l) { if (!x || notaptr(x) || notobjptr(x)) { for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj p = car(l); if (car(p) == x) return p; } } else if (is_flonum_obj(x)) { flonum_t fx = flonum_from_obj(x); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj p = car(l), y = car(p); if (is_flonum_obj(y) && fx == flonum_from_obj(y)) return p; } } else if (isstring(x)) { char *xs = stringchars(x); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj p = car(l), y = car(p); if (isstring(y) && 0 == strcmp(xs, stringchars(y))) return p; } } else { for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj p = car(l); if (isequal(car(p), x)) return p; } } return 0; }") (define-inline (eq? x y) (%prim "bool(obj_from_$arg == obj_from_$arg)" x y)) (define-inline (eqv? x y) (or (eq? x y) ; covers fx=? (and (flonum? x) (flonum? y) (fl=? x y)))) (define-inline (equal? x y) (%prim? "bool(isequal(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg))" x y)) (define-syntax case (letrec-syntax ([compare (syntax-rules () [(_ key ()) #f] [(_ key (#&(id? datum) . data)) (if (eq? key 'datum) #t (compare key data))] [(_ key (datum . data)) (if (eqv? key 'datum) #t (compare key data))])] [case (syntax-rules (else =>) [(case key) (if #f #f)] [(case key (else => resproc)) (resproc key)] [(case key (else result1 . results)) (begin result1 . results)] [(case key ((datum ...) => resproc) . clauses) (if (compare key (datum ...)) (resproc key) (case key . clauses))] [(case key ((datum ...) result1 . results) . clauses) (if (compare key (datum ...)) (begin result1 . results) (case key . clauses))])]) (syntax-rules () [(_ expr clause1 clause ...) (let ([key expr]) (case key clause1 clause ...))]))) ; equivalence-based member, assoc (define-inline (memq x l) (%prim? "{ /* memq */ obj x = obj_from_$arg, l = obj_from_$arg; for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) if (car(l) == x) break; $return obj(l == mknull() ? obj_from_bool(0) : l); }" x l)) (define-inline (memv x l) (%prim? "obj(ismemv(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg))" x l)) (define-inline (meml x l) (%prim? "obj(ismember(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg))" x l)) (define (%member x l eq) (and (pair? l) (if (eq x (car l)) l (%member x (cdr l) eq)))) (define-syntax member (syntax-rules () [(_ x l) (meml x l)] [(_ x l eq) (%member x l eq)] [_ %residual-member])) (define-inline (assq x l) (%prim? "{ /* assq */ obj x = obj_from_$arg, l = obj_from_$arg, p = mknull(); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { p = car(l); if (car(p) == x) break; } $return obj(l == mknull() ? obj_from_bool(0) : p); }" x l)) (define-inline (assv x l) (%prim? "obj(isassv(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg))" x l)) (define-inline (assl x l) (%prim? "obj(isassoc(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg))" x l)) (define (%assoc x al eq) (and (pair? al) (if (eq x (caar al)) (car al) (%assoc x (cdr al) eq)))) (define-syntax assoc (syntax-rules () [(_ x al) (assl x al)] [(_ x al eq) (%assoc x al eq)] [_ %residual-assoc])) ; quasiquote #read ` as (quasiquote ) #read , as (unquote ) #read ,@ as (unquote-splicing ) (define-syntax quasiquote ; from eiod (syntax-rules (unquote unquote-splicing quasiquote) [(_ (unquote x)) x] [(_ ((unquote-splicing x))) x] ;esl: allow `(,@improper-list) [(_ ((unquote-splicing x) . y)) (append x (quasiquote y))] [(_ (quasiquote x) . d) (cons 'quasiquote (quasiquote (x) d))] [(_ (unquote x) d) (cons 'unquote (quasiquote (x) . d))] [(_ (unquote-splicing x) d) (cons 'unquote-splicing (quasiquote (x) . d))] [(_ (x . y) . d) (cons (quasiquote x . d) (quasiquote y . d))] [(_ #(x ...) . d) (list->vector (quasiquote (x ...) . d))] [(_ x . d) 'x])) ; S-expression writer (%localdef "/* internal recursive write procedure */ typedef struct { stab_t *pst; int disp; cxtype_oport_t *vt; void *pp; } wenv_t; static void wrc(int c, wenv_t *e) { e->vt->putch(c, e->pp); } static void wrs(char *s, wenv_t *e) { cxtype_oport_t *vt = e->vt; void *pp = e->pp; assert(vt); while (*s) vt->putch(*s++, pp); } static int cleansymname(char *s) { char *inits = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!$%&*/:<=>?@^_~\"; char *subss = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!$%&*/:<=>?@^_~0123456789.@+-\"; if (s[0] == 0 || s[strspn(s, subss)] != 0) return 0; else if (strchr(inits, s[0])) return 1; else if (s[0] == '+' || s[0] == '-') return s[1] == 0 || (s[1] == '.' && s[2] && !isdigit(s[2])) || !isdigit(s[1]); else return s[0] == '.' && s[1] && !isdigit(s[1]); } static void wrdatum(obj o, wenv_t *e) { long ref; tail: ref = stabref(o, e->pst, 1); /* update ref after access */ if (ref < 0) { char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, \"#%ld#\", -ref-1); wrs(buf, e); return; } if (ref > 0) { char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, \"#%ld=\", +ref-1); wrs(buf, e); } if (is_bool_obj(o)) { wrs(bool_from_obj(o) ? \"#t\" : \"#f\", e); } else if (is_fixnum_obj(o)) { char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, \"%ld\", fixnum_from_obj(o)); wrs(buf, e); } else if (is_flonum_obj(o)) { char buf[30], *s; double d = flonum_from_obj(o); sprintf(buf, \"%.15g\", d); for (s = buf; *s != 0; s++) if (strchr(\".eE\", *s)) break; if (d != d) strcpy(buf, \"+nan.0\"); else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, \"-inf.0\"); else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, \"+inf.0\"); else if (*s == 'E') *s = 'e'; else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; } wrs(buf, e); } else if (iseof(o)) { wrs(\"#\", e); } else if (o == obj_from_void(0)) { wrs(\"#\", e); } else if (o == obj_from_unit()) { wrs(\"#\", e); } else if (isiport(o)) { char buf[60]; sprintf(buf, \"#<%s>\", ckiportvt(o)->tname); wrs(buf, e); } else if (isoport(o)) { char buf[60]; sprintf(buf, \"#<%s>\", ckoportvt(o)->tname); wrs(buf, e); } else if (issymbol(o)) { char *s = symbolname(getsymbol(o)); if (e->disp || cleansymname(s)) wrs(s, e); else { wrc('|', e); while (*s) { int c = *s++; switch(c) { case '|': wrs(\"\\\\|\", e); break; case '\\\\': wrs(\"\\\\\\\\\", e); break; default: wrc(c, e); break; } } wrc('|', e); } } else if (isnull(o)) { wrs(\"()\", e); } else if (ispair(o)) { wrc('(', e); wrdatum(car(o), e); while (ispair(cdr(o)) && !stabref(cdr(o), e->pst, 0)) { wrc(' ', e); o = cdr(o); wrdatum(car(o), e); } if (!isnull(cdr(o))) { wrs(\" . \", e); wrdatum(cdr(o), e); } wrc(')', e); } else if (is_char_obj(o)) { int c = char_from_obj(o); if (e->disp) wrc(c, e); else switch(c) { case 0x00: wrs(\"#\\\\null\", e); break; case 0x07: wrs(\"#\\\\alarm\", e); break; case 0x08: wrs(\"#\\\\backspace\", e); break; case 0x7f: wrs(\"#\\\\delete\", e); break; case 0x1b: wrs(\"#\\\\escape\", e); break; case '\\t': wrs(\"#\\\\tab\", e); break; case '\\n': wrs(\"#\\\\newline\", e); break; case '\\r': wrs(\"#\\\\return\", e); break; case ' ': wrs(\"#\\\\space\", e); break; default: wrs(\"#\\\\\", e); wrc(c, e); break; } } else if (isstring(o)) { char *s = stringchars(o); if (e->disp) wrs(s, e); else { wrc('\\\"', e); while (*s) { int c = *s++; switch(c) { case '\\\"': wrs(\"\\\\\\\"\", e); break; case '\\\\': wrs(\"\\\\\\\\\", e); break; default: wrc(c, e); break; } } wrc('\\\"', e); } } else if (isvector(o)) { int i, n = vectorlen(o); wrs(\"#(\", e); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (i) wrc(' ', e); wrdatum(vectorref(o, i), e); } wrc(')', e); } else if (isbytevector(o)) { int i, n = bytevectorlen(o); wrs(\"#u8(\", e); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, \"%d\", *bytevectorref(o, i)); if (i) wrc(' ', e); wrs(buf, e); } wrc(')', e); } else if (isbox(o)) { wrs(\"#&\", e); o = boxref(o); goto tail; } else if (istagged(o, 0)) { int i, n = taggedlen(o, 0); wrs(\"#', e); } else if (isprocedure(o)) { char buf[60]; sprintf(buf, \"#\", objptr_from_obj(o)); wrs(buf, e); } else if (isrecord(o)) { int i, n = recordlen(o); wrs(\"#', e); } else if (isvoid(o)) { wrs(\"#\", e); } else { wrs(\"#\", e); } }") (%definition "/* S-expression writers */ extern void oportputsimple(obj x, obj p, int disp); extern void oportputcircular(obj x, obj p, int disp); extern void oportputshared(obj x, obj p, int disp);") (%localdef "/* S-expression writers */ void oportputsimple(obj x, obj p, int disp) { wenv_t e; e.pst = NULL; e.disp = disp; e.vt = oportvt(p); e.pp = oportdata(p); wrdatum(x, &e); } void oportputcircular(obj x, obj p, int disp) { wenv_t e; e.pst = staballoc(); e.disp = disp; e.vt = oportvt(p); e.pp = oportdata(p); stabcircular(x, e.pst); e.pst = stabend(e.pst); wrdatum(x, &e); stabfree(e.pst); } void oportputshared(obj x, obj p, int disp) { wenv_t e; e.pst = staballoc(); e.disp = disp; e.vt = oportvt(p); e.pp = oportdata(p); stabshared(x, e.pst); e.pst = stabend(e.pst); wrdatum(x, &e); stabfree(e.pst); }") (define-syntax write-simple (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (%prim?! "void(oportputsimple(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg, 0))" x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "void(oportputsimple(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg, 0))" x p)] [_ %residual-write-simple])) (define-syntax write-shared (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (%prim?! "void(oportputshared(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg, 0))" x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "void(oportputshared(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg, 0))" x p)] [_ %residual-write-shared])) (define-syntax write (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (%prim?! "void(oportputcircular(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg, 0))" x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "void(oportputcircular(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg, 0))" x p)] [_ %residual-write])) (define-syntax display (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (%prim?! "void(oportputcircular(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg, 1))" x (current-output-port))] [(_ x p) (%prim?! "void(oportputcircular(obj_from_$arg, obj_from_$arg, 1))" x p)] [_ %residual-display])) ; simple errors (define (print-error-message prefix args ep) (define (pr-where args ep) (when (pair? args) (cond [(not (car args)) (write-string ": " ep) (pr-msg (cdr args) ep)] [(symbol? (car args)) (write-string " in " ep) (write (car args) ep) (write-string ": " ep) (pr-msg (cdr args) ep)] [else (write-string ": " ep) (pr-msg args ep)]))) (define (pr-msg args ep) (when (pair? args) (cond [(string? (car args)) (display (car args) ep) (pr-rest (cdr args) ep)] [else (pr-rest args ep)]))) (define (pr-rest args ep) (when (pair? args) (write-char #\space ep) (write (car args) ep) (pr-rest (cdr args) ep))) (cond [(or (string? prefix) (symbol? prefix)) (write-string prefix ep)] [else (write-string "Error" ep)]) (pr-where args ep) (newline ep)) (define (simple-error . args) (let ([ep (current-error-port)]) (newline ep) (print-error-message "Error" args ep) (reset))) (define (assertion-violation . args) (let ([ep (current-error-port)]) (newline ep) (print-error-message "Assertion violation" args ep) (%prim! "{ assert(0); exit(1); $return void(0); }"))) ; S-expression reader (define (%read port simple?) (define-syntax r-error (syntax-rules () [(_ p msg a ...) (read-error msg a ... 'port: p)])) ; see read-error below (define shared '()) (define (make-shared-ref loc) (lambda () (unbox loc))) (define (shared-ref? form) (procedure? form)) (define (patch-ref! form) (if (procedure? form) (patch-ref! (form)) form)) (define (patch-shared! form) (cond [(pair? form) (if (procedure? (car form)) (set-car! form (patch-ref! (car form))) (patch-shared! (car form))) (if (procedure? (cdr form)) (set-cdr! form (patch-ref! (cdr form))) (patch-shared! (cdr form)))] [(vector? form) (let loop ([i 0]) (when (fx?^_~0123456789+-.@")) (define (char-hex-digit? c) (let ([scalar-value (char->integer c)]) (or (and (>= scalar-value 48) (<= scalar-value 57)) (and (>= scalar-value 65) (<= scalar-value 70)) (and (>= scalar-value 97) (<= scalar-value 102))))) (define (char-delimiter? c) (or (char-whitespace? c) (char=? c #\)) (char=? c #\() (char=? c #\]) (char=? c #\[) (char=? c #\") (char=? c #\;))) (define (sub-read-carefully p) (let ([form (sub-read p)]) (cond [(eof-object? form) (r-error p "unexpected end of file")] [(reader-token? form) (r-error p "unexpected token:" (cdr form))] [else form]))) (define (sub-read p) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) c] [(char-whitespace? c) (sub-read p)] [(char=? c #\() (sub-read-list c p close-paren #t)] [(char=? c #\)) close-paren] [(char=? c #\[) (sub-read-list c p close-bracket #t)] [(char=? c #\]) close-bracket] [(char=? c #\') (list 'quote (sub-read-carefully p))] [(char=? c #\`) (list 'quasiquote (sub-read-carefully p))] [(char-symbolic? c) (sub-read-number-or-symbol c p)] [(char=? c #\;) (let loop ([c (read-char p)]) (or (eof-object? c) (char=? c #\newline) (loop (read-char p)))) (sub-read p)] [(char=? c #\,) (let ([next (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? next) (r-error p "end of file after ,")] [(char=? next #\@) (read-char p) (list 'unquote-splicing (sub-read-carefully p))] [else (list 'unquote (sub-read-carefully p))]))] [(char=? c #\") (let loop ([l '()]) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (r-error p "end of file within a string")] [(char=? c #\\) (let ([e (sub-read-strsym-char-escape p 'string)]) (loop (if e (cons e l) l)))] [(char=? c #\") (list->string (reverse! l))] [else (loop (cons c l))])))] [(char=? c #\|) (let loop ([l '()]) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (r-error p "end of file within a |symbol|")] [(char=? c #\\) (let ([e (sub-read-strsym-char-escape p 'symbol)]) (loop (if e (cons e l) l)))] [(char=? c #\|) (string->symbol (list->string (reverse! l)))] [else (loop (cons c l))])))] [(char=? c #\#) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (r-error p "end of file after #")] [(or (char-ci=? c #\t) (char-ci=? c #\f)) (let ([name (sub-read-carefully p)]) (case name [(t true) #t] [(f false) #f] [else (r-error p "unexpected name after #" name)]))] [(or (char-ci=? c #\b) (char-ci=? c #\o) (char-ci=? c #\d) (char-ci=? c #\x) (char-ci=? c #\i) (char-ci=? c #\e)) (sub-read-number-or-symbol #\# p)] [(char=? c #\&) (read-char p) (box (sub-read-carefully p))] [(char=? c #\;) (read-char p) (sub-read-carefully p) (sub-read p)] [(char=? c #\|) (read-char p) (let recur () ;starts right after opening #| (let ([next (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? next) (r-error p "end of file in #| comment")] [(char=? next #\|) (let ([next (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? next) (r-error p "end of file in #| comment")] [(char=? next #\#) (read-char p)] [else (recur)]))] [(char=? next #\#) (let ([next (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? next) (r-error p "end of file in #| comment")] [(char=? next #\|) (read-char p) (recur) (recur)] [else (recur)]))] [else (recur)]))) (sub-read p)] [(char=? c #\() ;) (read-char p) (list->vector (sub-read-list c p close-paren #f))] [(char=? c #\u) (read-char p) (if (and (eq? (read-char p) #\8) (eq? (read-char p) #\()) (list->bytevector (sub-read-byte-list p)) (r-error p "invalid bytevector syntax"))] [(char=? c #\\) (read-char p) (let ([c (peek-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (r-error p "end of file after #\\")] [(char=? #\x c) (read-char p) (if (char-delimiter? (peek-char p)) c (sub-read-x-char-escape p #f))] [(char-alphabetic? c) (let ([name (sub-read-carefully p)]) (if (= (string-length (symbol->string name)) 1) c (case name [(null) (integer->char #x00)] [(space) #\space] [(alarm) #\alarm] [(backspace) #\backspace] [(delete) (integer->char #x7F)] ; todo: support by SFC [(escape) (integer->char #x1B)] [(tab) #\tab] [(newline linefeed) #\newline] [(vtab) #\vtab] [(page) #\page] [(return) #\return] [else (r-error p "unknown #\\ name" name)])))] [else (read-char p) c]))] [(char-numeric? c) (when simple? (r-error p "#N=/#N# notation is not allowed in this mode")) (let loop ([l '()]) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (r-error p "end of file within a #N notation")] [(char-numeric? c) (loop (cons c l))] [(char=? c #\#) (let* ([s (list->string (reverse! l))] [n (string->number s)]) (cond [(and (fixnum? n) (assq n shared)) => cdr] [else (r-error "unknown #n# reference:" s)]))] [(char=? c #\=) (let* ([s (list->string (reverse! l))] [n (string->number s)]) (cond [(not (fixnum? n)) (r-error "invalid #n= reference:" s)] [(assq n shared) (r-error "duplicate #n= tag:" n)]) (let ([loc (box #f)]) (set! shared (cons (cons n (make-shared-ref loc)) shared)) (let ([form (sub-read-carefully p)]) (cond [(shared-ref? form) (r-error "#n= has another label as target" s)] [else (set-box! loc form) form]))))] [else (r-error p "invalid terminator for #N notation")])))] [else (r-error p "unknown # syntax" c)]))] [else (r-error p "illegal character read" c)]))) (define (sub-read-list c p close-token dot?) (let ([form (sub-read p)]) (if (eq? form dot) (r-error p "missing car -- ( immediately followed by .") ;) (let recur ([form form]) (cond [(eof-object? form) (r-error p "eof inside list -- unbalanced parentheses")] [(eq? form close-token) '()] [(eq? form dot) (if dot? (let* ([last-form (sub-read-carefully p)] [another-form (sub-read p)]) (if (eq? another-form close-token) last-form (r-error p "randomness after form after dot" another-form))) (r-error p "dot in #(...)"))] [(reader-token? form) (r-error p "error inside list --" (cdr form))] [else (cons form (recur (sub-read p)))]))))) (define (sub-read-byte-list p) (let recur ([form (sub-read p)]) (cond [(eof-object? form) (r-error p "eof inside bytevector")] [(eq? form close-paren) '()] [(reader-token? form) (r-error p "error inside bytevector --" (cdr form))] [(or (not (fixnum? form)) (fx? form 255)) (r-error p "invalid byte inside bytevector --" form)] [else (cons form (recur (sub-read p)))]))) (define (sub-read-strsym-char-escape p what) (let ([c (read-char p)]) (if (eof-object? c) (r-error p "end of file within a" what)) (cond [(or (char=? c #\\) (char=? c #\") (char=? c #\|)) c] [(char=? c #\a) #\alarm] [(char=? c #\b) #\backspace] [(char=? c #\t) #\tab] [(char=? c #\n) #\newline] [(char=? c #\v) #\vtab] [(char=? c #\f) #\page] [(char=? c #\r) #\return] [(char=? c #\x) (sub-read-x-char-escape p #t)] [(and (eq? what 'string) (char-whitespace? c)) (let loop ([gotnl (char=? c #\newline)] [nc (peek-char p)]) (cond [(or (eof-object? nc) (not (char-whitespace? nc))) (if gotnl #f (r-error p "no newline in line ending escape"))] [(and gotnl (char=? nc #\newline)) #f] [else (read-char p) (loop (or gotnl (char=? nc #\newline)) (peek-char p))]))] [else (r-error p "invalid char escape in" what ': c)]))) (define (sub-read-x-char-escape p in-string?) (define (rev-digits->char l) (if (null? l) (r-error p "\\x escape sequence is too short") (integer->char (string->fixnum (list->string (reverse! l)) 16)))) (let loop ([c (peek-char p)] [l '()] [cc 0]) (cond [(eof-object? c) (if in-string? (r-error p "end of file within a string") (rev-digits->char l))] [(and in-string? (char=? c #\;)) (read-char p) (rev-digits->char l)] [(and (not in-string?) (char-delimiter? c)) (rev-digits->char l)] [(not (char-hex-digit? c)) (r-error p "unexpected char in \\x escape sequence" c)] [(> cc 2) (r-error p "\\x escape sequence is too long")] [else (read-char p) (loop (peek-char p) (cons c l) (+ cc 1))]))) (define (suspect-number-or-symbol-peculiar? hash? c l s) (cond [(or hash? (char-numeric? c)) #f] [(or (string-ci=? s "+i") (string-ci=? s "-i")) #f] [(or (string-ci=? s "+nan.0") (string-ci=? s "-nan.0")) #f] [(or (string-ci=? s "+inf.0") (string-ci=? s "-inf.0")) #f] [(or (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-)) (cond [(null? (cdr l)) #t] [(char=? (cadr l) #\.) (and (pair? (cddr l)) (not (char-numeric? (caddr l))))] [else (not (char-numeric? (cadr l)))])] [else (and (char=? c #\.) (pair? (cdr l)) (not (char-numeric? (cadr l))))])) (define (sub-read-number-or-symbol c p) (let loop ([c (peek-char p)] [l (list c)] [hash? (char=? c #\#)]) (cond [(or (eof-object? c) (char-delimiter? c)) (let* ([l (reverse! l)] [c (car l)] [s (list->string l)]) (if (or hash? (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-) (char=? c #\.)) (cond [(string=? s ".") dot] [(suspect-number-or-symbol-peculiar? hash? c l s) (string->symbol s)] [(string->number s)] [else (r-error p "unsupported number syntax (implementation restriction)" s)]) (string->symbol s)))] [(char=? c #\#) (read-char p) (loop (peek-char p) (cons c l) #t)] [(char-symbolic? c) (read-char p) (loop (peek-char p) (cons c l) hash?)] [else (r-error p "unexpected number/symbol char" c)]))) ; body of %read (let ([form (sub-read port)]) (if (not (reader-token? form)) (if (null? shared) form (patch-shared form)) (r-error port "unexpected token:" (cdr form))))) (define-syntax read (syntax-rules () [(_) (%read (current-input-port) #f)] [(_ p) (%read p #f)] [_ %residual-read])) (define-syntax read-simple (syntax-rules () [(_) (%read (current-input-port) #t)] [(_ p) (%read p #t)] [_ %residual-read-simple])) ; file system (define (file-exists? fn) ; fixme? (%prim?! "{ /* file-exists? */ FILE *f = fopen(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), \"r\"); if (f != NULL) fclose(f); $return bool(f != NULL); }" fn)) (define (delete-file fn) (unless (%prim?! "{ /* delete-file */ int res = remove(stringchars(obj_from_$arg)); $return bool(res == 0); }" fn) (file-error "cannot delete file:" fn))) (define (rename-file fnold fnnew) ; not in r7rs (unless (%prim?! "{ /* rename-file */ int res = rename(stringchars(obj_from_$arg), stringchars(obj_from_$arg)); $return bool(res == 0); }" fnold fnnew) (file-error "cannot rename file:" fnold fnnew))) ; multiple values & continuations (define-inline (call-with-values producer consumer) (letcc k (withcc (lambda results (withcc k (apply consumer results))) (producer)))) (define *current-dynamic-state* (list #f)) (define (call-with-current-continuation proc) (let ([here *current-dynamic-state*]) (letcc cont (proc (lambda results (dynamic-state-reroot! here) (apply cont results)))))) (define-syntax call/cc call-with-current-continuation) (define-syntax throw (syntax-rules () [(_ k expr ...) (withcc (%prim "ktrap()") (k expr ...))])) (define-syntax values (syntax-rules () [(_ expr ...) (call/cc (lambda (k) (throw k expr ...)))] [_ %residual-values])) (define (dynamic-wind before during after) (let ([here *current-dynamic-state*]) (dynamic-state-reroot! (cons (cons before after) here)) (call-with-values during (lambda results (dynamic-state-reroot! here) (apply values results))))) (define (dynamic-state-reroot! there) (if (not (eq? *current-dynamic-state* there)) (begin (dynamic-state-reroot! (cdr there)) (let ([before (caar there)] [after (cdar there)]) (set-car! *current-dynamic-state* (cons after before)) (set-cdr! *current-dynamic-state* there) (set-car! there #f) (set-cdr! there '()) (set! *current-dynamic-state* there) (before))))) ; exceptions and errors (define-record-type (error-object kind message irritants) error-object? (kind error-object-kind) (message error-object-message) (irritants error-object-irritants)) (define (error msg . args) (raise (error-object #f msg args))) (define current-exception-handler (make-parameter (letrec ([default-handler (case-lambda [() default-handler] ;this one its own parent [(obj) (if (error-object? obj) (apply simple-error (error-object-kind obj) (error-object-message obj) (error-object-irritants obj)) (simple-error #f "unhandled exception" obj))])]) default-handler))) (define (with-exception-handler handler thunk) (let ([eh (current-exception-handler)]) (parameterize ([current-exception-handler (case-lambda [() eh] [(obj) (handler obj)])]) (thunk)))) (define (raise obj) (let ([eh (current-exception-handler)]) (parameterize ([current-exception-handler (eh)]) (eh obj) (raise (error-object 'raise "exception handler returned" (list eh obj)))))) (define (raise-continuable obj) (let ([eh (current-exception-handler)]) (parameterize ([current-exception-handler (eh)]) (eh obj)))) (define-inline (abort) (%prim! "void(exit(1))")) (define (reset) (%prim! "void(exit(1))")) (define (set-reset-handler! fn) (set! reset fn)) (define-syntax guard (letrec-syntax ([guard-aux (syntax-rules (else =>) [(guard-aux reraise (else result1 result2 ...)) (begin result1 result2 ...)] [(guard-aux reraise (test => result)) (let ([temp test]) (if temp (result temp) reraise))] [(guard-aux reraise (test => result) clause1 clause2 ...) (let ([temp test]) (if temp (result temp) (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...)))] [(guard-aux reraise (test)) (or test reraise)] [(guard-aux reraise (test) clause1 clause2 ...) (let ([temp test]) (if temp temp (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...)))] [(guard-aux reraise (test result1 result2 ...)) (if test (begin result1 result2 ...) reraise)] [(guard-aux reraise (test result1 result2 ...) clause1 clause2 ...) (if test (begin result1 result2 ...) (guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...))])]) (syntax-rules () [(guard (var clause ...) e1 e2 ...) ((call/cc (lambda (guard-k) (with-exception-handler (lambda (condition) ((call/cc (lambda (handler-k) (guard-k (lambda () (let ([var condition]) (guard-aux (handler-k (lambda () (raise-continuable condition))) clause ...)))))))) (lambda () (call-with-values (lambda () e1 e2 ...) (lambda args (guard-k (lambda () (apply values args))))))))))]))) (define (read-error msg . args) (raise (error-object 'read msg args))) (define (read-error? obj) (and (error-object? obj) (eq? (error-object-kind obj) 'read))) (define (file-error msg . args) (raise (error-object 'file msg args))) (define (file-error? obj) (and (error-object? obj) (eq? (error-object-kind obj) 'file))) ; time (%include ) (define-inline (current-jiffy) (%prim*! "flonum($live, clock())")) (define-inline (jiffies-per-second) (%prim* "flonum($live, CLOCKS_PER_SEC)")) (define-inline (current-second) (%prim* "flonum($live, difftime(time(NULL), 0)+37.0)")) ; miscellaneous / system (define emergency-exit (case-lambda ; exits no matter what [() (%prim! "void(exit(0))")] [(n) (cond [(eq? n #t) (%prim! "void(exit(0))")] [(fixnum? n) (%prim! "void(exit(fixnum_from_$arg))" n)] [else (%prim! "void(exit(1))")])] [args (%prim! "void(exit(1))")])) (define exit (let ([exit-ds *current-dynamic-state*]) (lambda args (dynamic-state-reroot! exit-ds) (apply emergency-exit args)))) (define-inline (argv-ref argv i) (%prim* "{ /* argv-ref */ int i = fixnum_from_$arg; char *s = ((char **)(obj_from_$arg))[i]; if (s) $return obj(hpushstr($live, newstring(s))); else $return bool(0); }" i argv)) (define (command-line) (let loop ([r '()] [i (%prim "fixnum(0)")]) (let ([arg (argv-ref (%prim "obj(cxg_argv)") i)]) (if arg (loop (cons arg r) (fx+ i (%prim "fixnum(1)"))) (reverse! r))))) (define-inline (get-environment-variable s) (%prim*? "{ /* get-environment-variable */ char *v = getenv(stringchars(obj_from_$arg)); if (v) $return obj(hpushstr($live, newstring(v))); else $return bool(0); }" s)) (define-inline (system cmd) (%prim?! "{ /* system */ int res = system(stringchars(obj_from_$arg)); $return fixnum(res); }" cmd)) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; stubs (define-inline (make-rectangular r i) (if (= i 0) r (error 'make-rectangular "nonzero imag part not supported" i))) (define-inline (make-polar m a) (cond [(= a 0) m] [(= a 3.141592653589793238462643) (- m)] [else (error 'make-polar "angle not supported" a)])) (define-inline (real-part x) x) (define-inline (imag-part x) 0) (define-inline (magnitude x) (abs x)) (define-inline (angle x) (if (negative? x) 3.141592653589793238462643 0)) ; procedures requiring call-with-values / values (define (truncate/ x y) (values (truncate-quotient x y) (truncate-remainder x y))) (define (floor/ x y) (values (floor-quotient x y) (floor-remainder x y))) (define (exact-integer-sqrt x) (let ([r (fxsqrt x)]) (values r (- x (* r r))))) (define (call-with-port port proc) (call-with-values (lambda () (proc port)) (lambda vals (close-port port) (apply values vals)))) ; procedures of variable arity (plain and making use of case-lambda) (define string->list (case-lambda [(str) (substring->list str 0 (string-length str))] [(str start) (substring->list str start (string-length str))] [(str start end) (substring->list str start end)])) (define string-copy (case-lambda [(str) (%string-copy str)] [(str start) (substring str start (string-length str))] [(str start end) (substring str start end)])) (define string-copy! (case-lambda [(to at from) (substring-copy! to at from 0 (string-length from))] [(to at from start) (substring-copy! to at from start (string-length from))] [(to at from start end) (substring-copy! to at from start end)])) (define string-fill! (case-lambda [(str c) (%string-fill! str c)] [(str c start) (substring-fill! str c start (string-length str))] [(str c start end) (substring-fill! str c start end)])) (define vector->list (case-lambda [(vec) (subvector->list vec 0 (vector-length vec))] [(vec start) (subvector->list vec start (vector-length vec))] [(vec start end) (subvector->list vec start end)])) (define vector->string (case-lambda [(vec) (subvector->string vec 0 (vector-length vec))] [(vec start) (subvector->string vec start (vector-length vec))] [(vec start end) (subvector->string vec start end)])) (define string->vector (case-lambda [(str) (substring->vector str 0 (string-length str))] [(str start) (substring->vector str start (string-length str))] [(str start end) (substring->vector str start end)])) (define vector-copy! (case-lambda [(to at from) (subvector-copy! to at from 0 (vector-length from))] [(to at from start) (subvector-copy! to at from start (vector-length from))] [(to at from start end) (subvector-copy! to at from start end)])) (define vector-copy (case-lambda [(vec) (subvector vec 0 (vector-length vec))] [(vec start) (subvector vec start (vector-length vec))] [(vec start end) (subvector vec start end)])) (define (%vectors-sum-length vecs) (let loop ([vecs vecs] [l 0]) (if (null? vecs) l (loop (cdr vecs) (fx+ l (vector-length (car vecs))))))) (define (%vectors-copy-into! to vecs) (let loop ([vecs vecs] [i 0]) (if (null? vecs) to (let ([vec (car vecs)] [vecs (cdr vecs)]) (let ([len (vector-length vec)]) (subvector-copy! to i vec 0 len) (loop vecs (fx+ i len))))))) (define (vector-append . vecs) (%vectors-copy-into! (make-vector (%vectors-sum-length vecs)) vecs)) (define vector-fill! (case-lambda [(vec x) (subvector-fill! vec x 0 (vector-length vec))] [(vec x start) (subvector-fill! vec x start (vector-length vec))] [(vec x start end) (subvector-fill! vec x start end)])) (define bytevector->list (case-lambda [(vec) (subbytevector->list vec 0 (bytevector-length vec))] [(vec start) (subbytevector->list vec start (bytevector-length vec))] [(vec start end) (subbytevector->list vec start end)])) (define bytevector-copy! (case-lambda [(to at from) (subbytevector-copy! to at from 0 (bytevector-length from))] [(to at from start) (subbytevector-copy! to at from start (bytevector-length from))] [(to at from start end) (subbytevector-copy! to at from start end)])) (define bytevector-copy (case-lambda [(vec) (subbytevector vec 0 (bytevector-length vec))] [(vec start) (subbytevector vec start (bytevector-length vec))] [(vec start end) (subbytevector vec start end)])) (define (%bytevectors-sum-length vecs) (let loop ([vecs vecs] [l 0]) (if (null? vecs) l (loop (cdr vecs) (fx+ l (bytevector-length (car vecs))))))) (define (%bytevectors-copy-into! to vecs) (let loop ([vecs vecs] [i 0]) (if (null? vecs) to (let ([vec (car vecs)] [vecs (cdr vecs)]) (let ([len (bytevector-length vec)]) (subbytevector-copy! to i vec 0 len) (loop vecs (fx+ i len))))))) (define (bytevector-append . vecs) (%bytevectors-copy-into! (make-bytevector (%bytevectors-sum-length vecs)) vecs)) (define (subutf8->string vec start end) (let ([p (open-output-string)]) (write-subbytevector vec start end p) ; todo: make a single operation: get-final-output-string (can reuse cbuf?) (let ([s (get-output-string p)]) (close-output-port p) s))) (define utf8->string (case-lambda [(vec) (%prim*? "{ /* bytevector->string */ int *d = bytevectordata(obj_from_$arg); $return obj(hpushstr($live, newstringn((char *)bvdatabytes(d), *d))); }" vec)] [(vec start) (subutf8->string vec start (bytevector-length vec))] [(vec start end) (subutf8->string vec start end)])) (define (substring->utf8 str start end) (let ([p (open-output-bytevector)]) (write-substring str start end p) ; todo: make a single operation: get-final-output-bytevector (can reuse cbuf?) (let ([v (get-output-bytevector p)]) (close-output-port p) v))) (define string->utf8 (case-lambda [(str) (%prim*? "{ /* string->bytevector */ int *d = stringdata(obj_from_$arg); $return obj(hpushu8v($live, newbytevector((unsigned char *)sdatachars(d), *d))); }" str)] [(str start) (substring->utf8 str start (string-length str))] [(str start end) (substring->utf8 str start end)])) (define read-string! (case-lambda [(str) (read-substring! str 0 (string-length str) (current-input-port))] [(str p) (read-substring! str 0 (string-length str) p)] [(str p start) (read-substring! str start (string-length str) p)] [(str p start end) (read-substring! str start end p)])) (define read-string (case-lambda [(k) (read-substring k (current-input-port))] [(k p) (read-substring k p)])) (define read-bytevector! (case-lambda [(vec) (read-subbytevector! vec 0 (bytevector-length vec) (current-input-port))] [(vec p) (read-subbytevector! vec 0 (bytevector-length vec) p)] [(vec p start) (read-subbytevector! vec start (bytevector-length vec) p)] [(vec p start end) (read-subbytevector! vec start end p)])) (define read-bytevector (case-lambda [(k) (read-subbytevector k (current-input-port))] [(k p) (read-subbytevector k p)])) ; residual versions of inline procedures (define (%residual-values . l) (call/cc (lambda (k) (throw apply k l)))) (define-syntax cmp-reducer (syntax-rules () [(_ f) (lambda args (or (null? args) (let loop ([x (car args)] [args (cdr args)]) (or (null? args) (let ([y (car args)]) (and (f x y) (loop y (cdr args))))))))])) (define %residual-boolean=? (cmp-reducer boolean=?)) (define %residual-fx=? (cmp-reducer fx=?)) (define %residual-fx? (cmp-reducer fx>?)) (define %residual-fx<=? (cmp-reducer fx<=?)) (define %residual-fx>=? (cmp-reducer fx>=?)) (define %residual-fl=? (cmp-reducer fl=?)) (define %residual-fl? (cmp-reducer fl>?)) (define %residual-fl<=? (cmp-reducer fl<=?)) (define %residual-fl>=? (cmp-reducer fl>=?)) (define %residual= (cmp-reducer =)) (define %residual< (cmp-reducer <)) (define %residual> (cmp-reducer >)) (define %residual<= (cmp-reducer <=)) (define %residual>= (cmp-reducer >=)) (define-syntax minmax-reducer (syntax-rules () [(_ f) (lambda (x . args) (let loop ([x x] [args args]) (if (null? args) x (loop (f x (car args)) (cdr args)))))])) (define %residual-fxmax (minmax-reducer fxmax)) (define %residual-fxmin (minmax-reducer fxmin)) (define %residual-flmax (minmax-reducer flmax)) (define %residual-flmin (minmax-reducer flmin)) (define (%residual-max/2 a b) (if (fixnum? a) (if (fixnum? b) (if (fx>? a b) a b) (let ([a (fixnum->flonum a)]) (if (fl>? a b) a b))) (if (fixnum? b) (let ([b (fixnum->flonum b)]) (if (fl>? a b) a b)) (if (fl>? a b) a b)))) (define %residual-max (minmax-reducer %residual-max/2)) (define (%residual-min/2 a b) (if (fixnum? a) (if (fixnum? b) (if (fxflonum a)]) (if (flflonum b)]) (if (fl=? i len) res] (string-set! res i (p (string-ref s i))))) (list->string (apply map p (map string->list (cons s s*)))))) (define (vector-map p v . v*) (if (null? v*) (let* ([len (vector-length v)] [res (make-vector len)]) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i len) res] (vector-set! res i (p (vector-ref v i))))) (list->vector (apply map p (map vector->list (cons v v*)))))) (define (string-for-each p s . s*) (if (null? s*) (let ([len (string-length s)]) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i len)] (p (string-ref s i)))) (apply for-each p (map string->list (cons s s*))))) (define (vector-for-each p v . v*) (if (null? v*) (let ([len (vector-length v)]) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i len)] (p (vector-ref v i)))) (apply for-each p (map vector->list (cons v v*))))) (define-syntax append-reducer (syntax-rules () [(_ f s) (lambda args (let loop ([args args]) (cond [(null? args) s] [(null? (cdr args)) (car args)] [else (f (car args) (loop (cdr args)))])))])) (define %residual-char=? (cmp-reducer char=?)) (define %residual-char? (cmp-reducer char>?)) (define %residual-char<=? (cmp-reducer char<=?)) (define %residual-char>=? (cmp-reducer char>=?)) (define %residual-char-ci=? (cmp-reducer char-ci=?)) (define %residual-char-ci? (cmp-reducer char-ci>?)) (define %residual-char-ci<=? (cmp-reducer char-ci<=?)) (define %residual-char-ci>=? (cmp-reducer char-ci>=?)) (define %residual-make-string (unary-binary-adaptor make-string)) (define (%residual-string . l) (list->string l)) (define %residual-string-append (append-reducer string-append "")) (define %residual-string=? (cmp-reducer string=?)) (define %residual-string? (cmp-reducer string>?)) (define %residual-string<=? (cmp-reducer string<=?)) (define %residual-string>=? (cmp-reducer string>=?)) (define %residual-string-ci=? (cmp-reducer string-ci=?)) (define %residual-string-ci? (cmp-reducer string-ci>?)) (define %residual-string-ci<=? (cmp-reducer string-ci<=?)) (define %residual-string-ci>=? (cmp-reducer string-ci>=?)) (define %residual-make-vector (unary-binary-adaptor make-vector)) (define (%residual-vector . l) (list->vector l)) (define %residual-make-bytevector (unary-binary-adaptor make-bytevector)) (define (%residual-bytevector . l) (list->bytevector l)) (define (%residual-list . l) l) (define %residual-make-list (unary-binary-adaptor make-list)) (define (%residual-cons* x . l) (let loop ([x x] [l l]) (if (null? l) x (cons x (loop (car l) (cdr l)))))) (define %residual-append (append-reducer append '())) (define %residual-record? (unary-binary-adaptor record?)) (define %residual-number->string (unary-binary-adaptor number->string)) (define %residual-string->number (unary-binary-adaptor string->number)) (define %residual-symbol=? (cmp-reducer symbol=?)) (define (%fail-lambda . args) (error 'case-lambda "unexpected number of arguments" args)) (define (%residual-make-case-lambda . l) (%prim* "{ /* %residual-make-case-lambda */ obj l; int i, c = fixnum_from_$arg; hreserve(hbsz(c+1), $live); /* $live live regs */ l = obj_from_$arg; /* gc-safe */ for (i = 0; i < c; ++i, l = cdr(l)) hp[i-c] = car(l); hp -= c; *--hp = obj_from_objptr(appcases+4); $return obj(hendblk(c+1)); }" (length l) l)) (define %residual-current-input-port (nullary-unary-binary-adaptor current-input-port)) (define %residual-current-output-port (nullary-unary-binary-adaptor current-output-port)) (define %residual-current-error-port (nullary-unary-binary-adaptor current-error-port)) (define %residual-read-char (nullary-unary-adaptor read-char)) (define %residual-peek-char (nullary-unary-adaptor peek-char)) (define %residual-char-ready? (nullary-unary-adaptor char-ready?)) (define %residual-read-line (nullary-unary-adaptor read-line)) (define %residual-display-fixnum (unary-binary-adaptor display-fixnum)) (define %residual-display-flonum (unary-binary-adaptor display-flonum)) (define %residual-display-procedure (unary-binary-adaptor display-procedure)) (define %residual-display-input-port (unary-binary-adaptor display-input-port)) (define %residual-display-output-port (unary-binary-adaptor display-output-port)) (define %residual-write-char (unary-binary-adaptor write-char)) (define %residual-write-string (unary-binary-ternary-quaternary-adaptor write-string)) (define %residual-newline (nullary-unary-adaptor newline)) (define %residual-flush-output-port (nullary-unary-adaptor flush-output-port)) (define %residual-read-u8 (nullary-unary-adaptor read-u8)) (define %residual-peek-u8 (nullary-unary-adaptor peek-u8)) (define %residual-u8-ready? (nullary-unary-adaptor u8-ready?)) (define %residual-write-u8 (unary-binary-adaptor write-u8)) (define %residual-write-bytevector (unary-binary-ternary-quaternary-adaptor write-bytevector)) (define %residual-write-simple (unary-binary-adaptor write-simple)) (define %residual-write-shared (unary-binary-adaptor write-shared)) (define %residual-write (unary-binary-adaptor write)) (define %residual-display (unary-binary-adaptor display)) (define %residual-read (nullary-unary-adaptor read)) (define %residual-read-simple (nullary-unary-adaptor read-simple)) (define %residual-exit (nullary-unary-adaptor exit))