/* i.c -- instructions */ #include "n.h" #include "i.h" /* imports */ extern obj cx__2Aglobals_2A; extern obj cx__2Atransformers_2A; extern obj cx_continuation_2Dclosure_2Dcode; extern obj cx_callmv_2Dadapter_2Dclosure; #define istagged(o, t) istagged_inlined(o, t) /* forwards */ static struct intgtab_entry *intgtab_find_encoding(int sym, int arity); static void wrs_integrable(int argc, struct intgtab_entry *pe, obj port); static obj *rds_intgtab(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp); static obj *rds_stox(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp); static obj *rds_stoc(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp); static obj *init_modules(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp); /* platform-dependent optimizations */ #if defined(__clang__) #define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(x, 0) #define likely(x) __builtin_expect(x, 1) #if __clang_major__ >= 13 #define VM_AC_IN_REG #define outofline __attribute__((noinline)) #define VM_MUSTTAIL_GUARANTEE #define musttail __attribute__((musttail)) #define regcall __regcall #define noalias restrict #else #define outofline #define musttail #define regcall #define noalias #endif /* #pragma GCC optimize ("align-functions=16") */ #define nochecks __attribute__((no_stack_protector, aligned(8))) /* __attribute__((nocf_check)) */ #define VM_INS_CODE_ALIGNED #else #define unlikely(x) (x) #define likely(x) (x) #define outofline #define musttail #define regcall #define noalias #define nochecks #endif #ifdef VM_INS_CODE_ALIGNED /* direct representation */ #define ins_from_obj(x) ((ins_t)(x)) #else /* indirect representation (alignment needed) */ #define ins_from_obj(x) (*(ins_t*)(x)) #endif #define fail(msg) do { ac = (obj)msg; musttail return cxi_fail(IARGS); } while (0) #define failactype(msg) do { spush((obj)msg); musttail return cxi_failactype(IARGS); } while (0) /* instruction calling convention (platform-dependent) */ #ifdef VM_AC_IN_REG #define ILOCALS obj ac, *r, *ip, *sp, *hp #define IPARAMS obj ac, obj *noalias r, obj *noalias ip, obj *noalias sp, obj *noalias hp #define IARGS ac, r, ip, sp, hp #define IARGS1 ac, r, ip+1, sp, hp #define unload_ac() (ra = ac) #define reload_ac() (ac = ra) #else #define ILOCALS obj *r, *ip, *sp, *hp #define IPARAMS obj *r, obj *noalias ip, obj *noalias sp, obj *noalias hp #define IARGS r, ip, sp, hp #define IARGS1 r, ip+1, sp, hp #define ac ra #define unload_ac() (0) #define reload_ac() (0) #endif /* gc-safe obj registers; some of them used for saving/restoring during gc */ #define rk (r[0]) /* #f or any non-false value for unwindi; run result */ #define ra (r[1]) /* shadow reg for the accumulator (argc on call) */ #define rx (r[2]) /* next instruction (index in closure's code) */ #define rd (r[3]) /* current closure/display (vector of [0]=code, display) */ #define rs (r[4]) /* shadow reg for stack pointer */ /* the rest of the register file is used as a stack */ #define VM_REGC 5 /* r[0] ... r[4] */ #define VM_STACK_LEN 1000 /* r[5] ... r[1004] */ /* vm closure representation */ #ifdef VMCLO_AS_VECTOR #define isvmclo isvector #define vmcloref vectorref #define vmclolen vectorlen #define vmclobsz(c) hbsz((c)+1) #define hpushvmclo(c) (*--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG), hendblk((c)+1)) #else /* as procedure with code vector */ #define isvmclo isprocedure #define vmcloref *procedureref #define vmclolen procedurelen #define vmclobsz(c) hbsz(c) #define hpushvmclo(c) hendblk(c) #endif #define unload_ip() (rx = obj_from_fixnum(ip - &vectorref(vmcloref(rd, 0), 0))) #define reload_ip() (ip = &vectorref(vmcloref(rd, 0), fixnum_from_obj(rx))) #define unload_sp() (rs = obj_from_fixnum(sp - r)) #define reload_sp() (sp = r + fixnum_from_obj(rs)) #define sref(i) (sp[-(i)-1]) #define dref(i) (vmcloref(rd, (i)+1)) #define gref(p) (cdr(p)) #define spush(o) (*sp++ = o) /* todo: overflow check */ #define spop() (*--sp) /* todo: underflow check */ #define sdrop(n) (sp -= (n)) /* todo: underflow check */ #define sgrow(n) (sp += (n)) /* todo: overflow check */ #define hp_reserve(n) do { \ if (unlikely(hp < cxg_heap + (n))) { \ unload_ac(); unload_ip(); \ hp = cxm_hgc(r, sp, hp, n); \ reload_ac(); reload_ip(); \ } } while (0) /* cxi instructions protocol; retval is new hp: */ typedef obj* regcall (*ins_t)(IPARAMS); /* calling next instruction and returning from instruction */ #define goih(ih) musttail return ((ih)(IARGS)) #define goi(name) musttail return (glue(cxi_, name)(IARGS)) #define gonexti() musttail return ((ins_from_obj(*ip))(IARGS1)) #define unwindi(c) return (unload_ac(), unload_ip(), rd = (c), hp) #ifdef VM_MUSTTAIL_GUARANTEE #define callsubi() reload_ip(); gonexti() #define retfromi() reload_ip(); gonexti() #define trampcnd() (0) #else #define callsubi() unload_sp(); return hp #define retfromi() unload_sp(); return hp #define trampcnd() (rd) #endif /* defining instruction helpers */ #define define_instrhelper(name) \ static obj* regcall outofline nochecks name(IPARAMS) /* defining and binding instructions */ #define define_instruction(name) \ obj* regcall nochecks glue(cxi_, name)(IPARAMS) #ifdef VM_INS_CODE_ALIGNED #define declare_instruction_global(name) \ obj glue(cx_ins_2D, name) = (obj)(&glue(cxi_, name)); #else #define declare_instruction_global(name) \ static ins_t glue(cxib_, name)[1] = { &glue(cxi_, name) }; \ obj glue(cx_ins_2D, name) = (obj)(&glue(cxib_, name)[0]); #endif static obj vmhost(obj); obj vmcases[8] = { (obj)vmhost, (obj)vmhost, (obj)vmhost, (obj)vmhost, (obj)vmhost, (obj)vmhost, (obj)vmhost, (obj)vmhost }; /* vmhost procedure */ static obj vmhost(obj pc) { ILOCALS; int rc = cxg_rc; r = cxg_regs; hp = cxg_hp; jump: switch (objptr_from_obj(pc)-vmcases) { case 0: /* execute-thunk-closure */ /* r[0] = self, r[1] = k, r[2] = closure */ { obj k, arg; assert(rc == 3); k = r[1]; arg = r[2]; r = cxm_rgc(NULL, VM_REGC + VM_STACK_LEN); rk = k; /* continuation, kept there */ ra = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* argc, shadow ac */ rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* shadow ip */ rd = arg; /* thunk closure to execute */ rs = obj_from_fixnum(VM_REGC); /* sp */ do { /* unwindi trampoline */ reload_ac(); /* ra => ac */ reload_ip(); /* rd/rx => ip */ reload_sp(); /* rs => sp */ hp = (ins_from_obj(*ip))(IARGS1); } while (trampcnd()); /* r[0] = k, r[1] = result */ r[2] = r[1]; r[1] = obj_from_ktrap(); pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; rc = 3; goto jump; } case 1: /* make-closure */ /* r[0] = clo, r[1] = k, r[2] = code */ { assert(rc == 3); r[0] = r[1]; r[1] = r[2]; /* r[0] = k; r[1] = code */ hreserve(vmclobsz(1), 2); /* 2 live regs */ *--hp = r[1]; r[2] = hpushvmclo(1); r[1] = obj_from_ktrap(); pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; rc = 3; goto jump; } case 2: /* decode-sexp */ /* r[0] = clo, r[1] = k, r[2] = xstr */ { assert(rc == 3); r[0] = r[1]; r[1] = r[2]; /* r[0] = k; r[1] = xstr */ hp = rds_stox(r, r+2, hp); /* r[1] -> r[1] */ r[2] = r[1]; r[1] = obj_from_ktrap(); /* r[0] = k; r[1] = ek; r[2] = code */ pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; rc = 3; goto jump; } case 3: /* decode-code */ /* r[0] = clo, r[1] = k, r[2] = cstr */ { assert(rc == 3); r[0] = r[1]; r[1] = r[2]; /* r[0] = k; r[1] = cstr */ hp = rds_stoc(r, r+2, hp); /* r[1] -> r[1] */ r[2] = r[1]; r[1] = obj_from_ktrap(); /* r[0] = k; r[1] = ek; r[2] = code */ pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; rc = 3; goto jump; } case 4: /* find-integrable-encoding */ /* r[0] = clo, r[1] = k, r[2] = id, r[3] = argc */ { assert(rc == 4); if (issymbol(r[2]) && is_fixnum_obj(r[3])) { int sym = getsymbol(r[2]), argc = fixnum_from_obj(r[3]); struct intgtab_entry *pe = intgtab_find_encoding(sym, argc); r[2] = (obj)pe; } else r[2] = 0; r[0] = r[1]; r[1] = obj_from_ktrap(); pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; rc = 3; goto jump; } case 5: /* encode-integrable */ /* r[0] = clo, r[1] = k, r[2] = argc, r[3] = pe, r[4] = port */ { assert(rc == 5); if (is_fixnum_obj(r[2]) && isaptr(r[3]) && notobjptr(r[3]) && isoport(r[4])) { int argc = fixnum_from_obj(r[2]); wrs_integrable(argc, (struct intgtab_entry *)r[3], r[4]); } else assert(0); r[0] = r[1]; r[1] = obj_from_ktrap(); pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; rc = 3; goto jump; } case 6: /* install-global-lambdas */ /* r[0] = clo, r[1] = k */ { assert(rc == 2); r[0] = r[1]; hp = rds_intgtab(r, r+2, hp); r[1] = obj_from_ktrap(); r[2] = obj_from_void(0); pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; rc = 3; goto jump; } case 7: /* initialize-modules */ /* r[0] = clo, r[1] = k */ { assert(rc == 2); r[0] = r[1]; r = cxm_rgc(NULL, VM_REGC + VM_STACK_LEN); hp = init_modules(r, r+2, hp); r[1] = obj_from_ktrap(); r[2] = obj_from_void(0); pc = objptr_from_obj(r[0])[0]; rc = 3; goto jump; } default: /* inter-host call */ cxg_hp = hp; cxm_rgc(r, 1); cxg_rc = rc; return pc; } } /* instructions for basic vm machinery */ define_instrhelper(cxi_fail) { fprintf(stderr, "run-time failure: %s\n", (char*)ac); unwindi(0); } define_instrhelper(cxi_failactype) { char *msg = (char*)spop(); obj p; fprintf(stderr, "run-time failure: argument is not a %s:\n", msg); p = mkoport_file(sp-r, stderr); spush(p); oportputcircular(ac, p, 0); fputc('\n', stderr); spop(); unwindi(0); } define_instruction(halt) { unwindi(0); } define_instruction(lit) { ac = *ip++; gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); ac = sref(i); gonexti(); } define_instruction(dref) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); ac = dref(i); gonexti(); } define_instruction(gref) { obj p = *ip++; ac = gref(p); gonexti(); } define_instruction(indirect) { ac = boxref(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(dclose) { int i, n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++), c = n+1; hp_reserve(vmclobsz(c)); for (i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) *--hp = sref(i); /* display */ *--hp = *ip++; /* code */ ac = hpushvmclo(c); /* closure */ sdrop(n); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sbox) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); hp_reserve(hbsz(1+1)); *--hp = sref(i); *--hp = obj_from_size(BOX_BTAG); sref(i) = hendblk(1+1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(br) { int dx = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); ip += dx; gonexti(); } define_instruction(brt) { int dx = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); if (ac) ip += dx; gonexti(); } define_instruction(brnot) { int dx = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); if (!ac) ip += dx; gonexti(); } define_instruction(sseti) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); boxref(sref(i)) = ac; gonexti(); } define_instruction(dseti) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); boxref(dref(i)) = ac; gonexti(); } define_instruction(gset) { obj p = *ip++; gref(p) = ac; gonexti(); } define_instruction(conti) { int n = (int)(sp - (r + VM_REGC)); hp_reserve(vmclobsz(2)+hbsz(n+1)); hp -= n; memcpy(hp, sp-n, n*sizeof(obj)); *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); ac = hendblk(n+1); /* stack copy */ *--hp = ac; *--hp = cx_continuation_2Dclosure_2Dcode; ac = hpushvmclo(2); /* closure */ gonexti(); } define_instruction(nuate) { obj v = dref(0); int n = vectorlen(v); assert((cxg_rend - cxg_regs - VM_REGC) > n); sp = r + VM_REGC; /* stack is empty */ memcpy(sp, &vectorref(v, 0), n*sizeof(obj)); sp += n; /* contains n elements now */ gonexti(); } define_instruction(appl) { int n, i; obj l = spop(), t = l; for (n = 0; ispair(t); t = cdr(t)) ++n; sgrow(n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i, l = cdr(l)) sref(i) = car(l); rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(n); /* argc */ callsubi(); } define_instruction(cwmv) { obj prd = ac, cns = spop(); /* arrange return to cwmv code w/cns */ spush(cns); spush(cx_callmv_2Dadapter_2Dclosure); spush(obj_from_fixnum(0)); /* call the producer */ rd = prd; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); callsubi(); } define_instruction(rcmv) { /* single-value producer call returns here with result in ac, cns on stack */ obj val = ac, cns = spop(); /* tail-call the consumer with the returned value */ spush(val); ac = obj_from_fixnum(1); rd = cns; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); callsubi(); } define_instruction(sdmv) { /* sending values on stack, ac contains argc */ if (ac == obj_from_fixnum(1)) { /* can return anywhere, including rcmv */ ac = spop(); rx = spop(); rd = spop(); retfromi(); } else { /* can only pseudo-return to rcmv */ int n = fixnum_from_obj(ac), m = 3; if (sref(n) == obj_from_fixnum(0) && sref(n+1) == cx_callmv_2Dadapter_2Dclosure) { /* tail-call the consumer with the produced values */ rd = sref(n+2); rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* cns */ /* NB: can be sped up for popular cases: n == 0, n == 2 */ memmove((void*)(sp-n-m), (void*)(sp-n), (size_t)n*sizeof(obj)); sdrop(m); callsubi(); } else { fail("multiple values returned to single value context"); } } } define_instruction(save) { int dx = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); spush(rd); spush(obj_from_fixnum(ip + dx - &vectorref(vmcloref(rd, 0), 0))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(push) { spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(call) { int n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(n); /* argc */ callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall) { int m = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++), n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(n); /* argc */ memmove((void*)(sp-n-m), (void*)(sp-n), (size_t)n*sizeof(obj)); sdrop(m); callsubi(); } define_instruction(return) { rx = spop(); rd = spop(); retfromi(); } define_instruction(sreturn) { int n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); sdrop(n); rx = spop(); rd = spop(); retfromi(); } define_instruction(adrop) { int n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); sdrop(n); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pop) { ac = spop(); gonexti(); } define_instruction(atest) { obj no = *ip++; if (unlikely(ac != no)) fail("argument count error on entry"); gonexti(); } define_instruction(shrarg) { int n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++), c = fixnum_from_obj(ac), m = c-n; /* rest arg ends up on top */ if (unlikely(m < 0)) { fail("argument count error on entry (<)"); } else if (unlikely(m == 0)) { spush(mknull()); } else { obj l = mknull(); hp_reserve(hbsz(2+1)*m); while (m > 0) { *--hp = l; *--hp = sref(n + m - 1); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); l = hendblk(2+1); --m; } memmove((void*)(sp-c), (void*)(sp-n), (size_t)n*sizeof(obj)); sdrop(c-n); spush(l); } /* ac = obj_from_fixnum(n+1); */ gonexti(); } define_instruction(shlit) { spush(ac); ac = *ip++; gonexti(); } define_instruction(shi0) { spush(ac); ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); gonexti(); } /* type checks */ define_instruction(ckp) { if (likely(ispair(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("pair"); } define_instruction(ckl) { if (likely(islist(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("list"); } define_instruction(ckv) { if (likely(isvector(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("vector"); } define_instruction(ckc) { if (likely(ischar(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("char"); } define_instruction(cks) { if (likely(isstring(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("string"); } define_instruction(cki) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("fixnum"); } define_instruction(ckj) { if (likely(is_flonum_obj(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("flonum"); } define_instruction(ckn) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac) || is_flonum_obj(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("number"); } define_instruction(ckk) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac) && get_fixnum_unchecked(ac) >= 0)) gonexti(); failactype("nonnegative fixnum"); } define_instruction(cky) { if (likely(issymbol(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("symbol"); } define_instruction(ckr) { if (likely(isiport(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("input port"); } define_instruction(ckw) { if (likely(isoport(ac))) gonexti(); failactype("output port"); } define_instruction(ckx) { if (likely(isprocedure(ac))) gonexti(); // fixme? failactype("procedure"); } define_instruction(cknj) { if (likely(is_flonum_obj(ac))) gonexti(); if (!is_fixnum_obj(ac)) failactype("number"); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, (flonum_t)fixnum_from_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } /* integrable instructions */ define_instruction(isq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(x == y); gonexti(); } define_instruction(isv) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(iseqv(x,y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ise) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(isequal(x,y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(car) { ac = car(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cdr) { ac = cdr(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(caar) { ac = car(car(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cadr) { ac = car(cdr(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cdar) { ac = cdr(car(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cddr) { ac = cdr(cdr(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(setcar) { car(ac) = spop(); gonexti(); } define_instruction(setcdr) { cdr(ac) = spop(); gonexti(); } define_instruction(nullp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isnull(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pairp) { ac = obj_from_bool(ispair(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cons) { hp_reserve(hbsz(2+1)); *--hp = spop(); /* cdr */ *--hp = ac; /* car */ *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); ac = hendblk(2+1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(listp) { ac = obj_from_bool(islist(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(list) { int i, n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); hp_reserve(hbsz((2+1)*n)); for (ac = mknull(), i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) { *--hp = ac; /* cdr */ *--hp = sref(i); /* car */ *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); ac = hendblk(2+1); } sdrop(n); gonexti(); } define_instruction(llen) { int n = 0; while (ispair(ac)) { ac = cdr(ac); ++n; } ac = obj_from_fixnum(n); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lget) { int c = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); while (c-- > 0) ac = cdr(ac); ac = car(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lput) { int c = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); while (c-- > 0) ac = cdr(ac); car(ac) = spop(); gonexti(); } define_instruction(memq) { obj l = spop(); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { if (car(l) == ac) { ac = l; gonexti(); } } ac = 0; gonexti(); } define_instruction(memv) { ac = ismemv(ac, spop()); gonexti(); } define_instruction(meme) { ac = ismember(ac, spop()); gonexti(); } define_instruction(assq) { obj l = spop(); for (; l != mknull(); l = cdr(l)) { obj p = car(l); if (car(p) == ac) { ac = p; gonexti(); } } ac = 0; gonexti(); } define_instruction(assv) { ac = isassv(ac, spop()); gonexti(); } define_instruction(asse) { ac = isassoc(ac, spop()); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ltail) { int c = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); while (c-- > 0) ac = cdr(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lpair) { obj l = 0; while (ispair(ac)) { l = ac; ac = cdr(ac); } ac = l; gonexti(); } define_instruction(lrev) { obj l = ac, o = mknull(); int n = 0; while (ispair(ac)) { ac = cdr(ac); ++n; } hp_reserve(hbsz(2+1)*n); for (ac = l; ac != mknull(); ac = cdr(ac)) { *--hp = o; *--hp = car(ac); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); o = hendblk(2+1); } ac = o; gonexti(); } define_instruction(lrevi) { obj t, v = mknull(); while (ac != mknull()) t = cdr(ac), cdr(ac) = v, v = ac, ac = t; ac = v; gonexti(); } define_instruction(charp) { ac = obj_from_bool(ischar(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(strp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isstring(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(str) { int i, n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); obj o = hpushstr(sp-r, allocstring(n, ' ')); unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)stringchars(o); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) s[i] = char_from_obj(sref(i)); sdrop(n); ac = o; gonexti(); } define_instruction(smk) { int n = fixnum_from_obj(ac), c = char_from_obj(spop()); ac = hpushstr(sp-r, allocstring(n, c)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(slen) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(stringlen(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sget) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); ac = obj_from_char(*stringref(ac, i)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sput) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); *stringref(ac, i) = char_from_obj(spop()); gonexti(); } define_instruction(scat) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); int *d = stringcat(stringdata(x), stringdata(y)); ac = hpushstr(sp-r, d); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ssub) { int is = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); int ie = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); int *d = substring(stringdata(ac), is, ie); ac = hpushstr(sp-r, d); gonexti(); } define_instruction(vecp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isvector(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(vec) { int i, n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); hp_reserve(hbsz(n+1)); for (i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) *--hp = sref(i); *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); ac = hendblk(n+1); sdrop(n); gonexti(); } define_instruction(vmk) { int i, n = fixnum_from_obj(ac); obj v = sref(0); hp_reserve(hbsz(n+1)); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) *--hp = v; *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); ac = hendblk(n+1); sdrop(1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(vlen) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(vectorlen(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(vget) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); ac = vectorref(ac, i); gonexti(); } define_instruction(vput) { int i = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); vectorref(ac, i) = spop(); gonexti(); } define_instruction(vcat) { int n1 = vectorlen(ac), n2 = vectorlen(sref(0)), n = n1 + n2; hp_reserve(hbsz(n+1)); hp -= n2; memcpy(hp, &vectorref(spop(), 0), n2*sizeof(obj)); hp -= n1; memcpy(hp, &vectorref(ac, 0), n1*sizeof(obj)); *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); ac = hendblk(n+1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(vtol) { int n = vectorlen(ac); obj l = mknull(); hp_reserve(hbsz((2+1)*n)); while (n > 0) { *--hp = l; *--hp = vectorref(ac, n-1); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); l = hendblk(2+1); --n; } ac = l; gonexti(); } define_instruction(ltov) { obj l = ac; int n = 0, i; while (ispair(l)) { l = cdr(l); ++n; } hp_reserve(hbsz(n+1)); for (l = ac, i = 0, hp -= n; i < n; ++i, l = cdr(l)) hp[i] = car(l); *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); ac = hendblk(n+1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(stol) { int n = stringlen(ac); obj l = mknull(); hp_reserve(hbsz((2+1)*n)); while (n > 0) { *--hp = l; *--hp = obj_from_char(*stringref(ac, n-1)); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); l = hendblk(2+1); --n; } ac = l; gonexti(); } define_instruction(ltos) { obj l = ac; int n = 0, i, *d; while (ispair(l)) { l = cdr(l); ++n; } d = allocstring(n, ' '); for (i = 0; i < n; ac = cdr(ac), ++i) sdatachars(d)[i] = char_from_obj(car(ac)); ac = hpushstr(sp-r, d); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ytos) { ac = hpushstr(sp-r, newstring(symbolname(getsymbol(ac)))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(stoy) { ac = mksymbol(internsym(stringchars(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(itos) { char buf[35], *s = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1; int neg = 0; long num = fixnum_from_obj(ac); long radix = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); if (num < 0) { neg = 1; num = -num; } *s = 0; do { int d = num % radix; *--s = d < 10 ? d + '0' : d - 10 + 'a'; } while (num /= radix); if (neg) *--s = '-'; ac = hpushstr(sp-r, newstring(s)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(stoi) { char *e, *s = stringchars(ac); int radix = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); long l; if (s[0] == '#' && (s[1] == 'b' || s[1] == 'B')) s += 2, radix = 2; else if (s[0] == '#' && (s[1] == 'o' || s[1] == 'O')) s += 2, radix = 8; else if (s[0] == '#' && (s[1] == 'd' || s[1] == 'D')) s += 2, radix = 10; else if (s[0] == '#' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')) s += 2, radix = 16; l = (errno = 0, strtol(s, &e, radix)); if (errno || l < FIXNUM_MIN || l > FIXNUM_MAX || e == s || *e) ac = obj_from_bool(0); else ac = obj_from_fixnum(l); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ctoi) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(char_from_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(itoc) { ac = obj_from_char(fixnum_from_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jtos) { char buf[30], *s; double d = flonum_from_obj(ac); sprintf(buf, "%.15g", d); for (s = buf; *s != 0; s++) if (strchr(".eE", *s)) break; if (d != d) strcpy(buf, "+nan.0"); else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, "-inf.0"); else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, "+inf.0"); else if (*s == 'E') *s = 'e'; else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; } ac = hpushstr(sp-r, newstring(buf)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(stoj) { char *e = "", *s = stringchars(ac); double d; errno = 0; if (*s != '+' && *s != '-') d = strtod(s, &e); else if (strcmp_ci(s+1, "inf.0") == 0) d = (*s == '-' ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL); else if (strcmp_ci(s+1, "nan.0") == 0) d = HUGE_VAL - HUGE_VAL; else d = strtod(s, &e); if (errno || e == s || *e) ac = obj_from_bool(0); else ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, d); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ntos) { if (is_fixnum_obj(ac)) goi(itos); if (unlikely(spop() != obj_from_fixnum(10))) fail("non-10 radix in flonum conversion"); goi(jtos); } define_instruction(ston) { char *s = stringchars(ac); int radix = fixnum_from_obj(spop()); long l; double d; switch (strtofxfl(s, radix, &l, &d)) { case 'e': ac = obj_from_fixnum(l); break; case 'i': ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, d); break; default : ac = obj_from_bool(0); break; } gonexti(); } define_instruction(not) { ac = obj_from_bool(ac == 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(izerop) { ac = obj_from_bool(ac == obj_from_fixnum(0)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(iposp) { ac = obj_from_bool(fixnum_from_obj(ac) > 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(inegp) { ac = obj_from_bool(fixnum_from_obj(ac) < 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ievnp) { ac = obj_from_bool((fixnum_from_obj(ac) & 1) == 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ioddp) { ac = obj_from_bool((fixnum_from_obj(ac) & 1) != 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(iadd) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxadd(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(isub) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxsub(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(imul) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxmul(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(iquo) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (y == obj_from_fixnum(0)) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxquo(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(irem) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (y == obj_from_fixnum(0)) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxrem(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(imin) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = fixnum_from_obj(x) < fixnum_from_obj(y) ? x : y; gonexti(); } define_instruction(imax) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = fixnum_from_obj(x) > fixnum_from_obj(y) ? x : y; gonexti(); } define_instruction(ineg) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxneg(fixnum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(iabs) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxabs(fixnum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(itoj) { ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, (double)fixnum_from_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(idiv) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (y == obj_from_fixnum(0)) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxdiv(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(imqu) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (y == obj_from_fixnum(0)) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxmqu(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(imlo) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (y == obj_from_fixnum(0)) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxmlo(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ieuq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (y == obj_from_fixnum(0)) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxeuq(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ieur) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (y == obj_from_fixnum(0)) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxeur(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(igcd) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxgcd(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ipow) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxpow(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(isqrt) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxsqrt(fixnum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(inot) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(~fixnum_from_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(iand) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fixnum_from_obj(x) & fixnum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(iior) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fixnum_from_obj(x) | fixnum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ixor) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fixnum_from_obj(x) ^ fixnum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(iasl) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxasl(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(iasr) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxasr(fixnum_from_obj(x), fixnum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ilt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(fixnum_from_obj(x) < fixnum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(igt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(fixnum_from_obj(x) > fixnum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ile) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(fixnum_from_obj(x) <= fixnum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ige) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(fixnum_from_obj(x) >= fixnum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ieq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(x == y); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ine) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(x != y); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jzerop) { ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(ac) == 0.0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jposp) { ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(ac) > 0.0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jnegp) { ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(ac) < 0.0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jevnp) { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(flisint(f / 2.0)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(joddp) { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(flisint((f + 1.0) / 2.0)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jintp) { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(f > -HUGE_VAL && f < HUGE_VAL && f == floor(f)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jnanp) { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(f != f); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jfinp) { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(f > -HUGE_VAL && f < HUGE_VAL); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jinfp) { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(f <= -HUGE_VAL || f >= HUGE_VAL); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jadd) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flonum_from_obj(x) + flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jsub) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flonum_from_obj(x) - flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jmul) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flonum_from_obj(x) * flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jdiv) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flonum_from_obj(x) / flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jrem) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flrem(flonum_from_obj(x), flonum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jlt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(x) < flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jgt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(x) > flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jle) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(x) <= flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jge) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(x) >= flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jeq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(x) == flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jne) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(x) != flonum_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jmin) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = flonum_from_obj(x) < flonum_from_obj(y) ? x : y; gonexti(); } define_instruction(jmax) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = flonum_from_obj(x) > flonum_from_obj(y) ? x : y; gonexti(); } define_instruction(jneg) { ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, -flonum_from_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jabs) { ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, fabs(flonum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jtoi) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxflo(flonum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jquo) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flquo(flonum_from_obj(x), flonum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jmqu) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flmqu(flonum_from_obj(x), flonum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jmlo) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flmlo(flonum_from_obj(x), flonum_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jfloor) { ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, floor(flonum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jceil) { ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, ceil(flonum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jtrunc) { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac), i; modf(f, &i); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, i); gonexti(); } define_instruction(jround) { ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flround(flonum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(zerop) { obj x = ac; if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(x))) { ac = obj_from_bool(x == obj_from_fixnum(0)); } else { ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(x) == 0.0); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(posp) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) ac = obj_from_bool(get_fixnum_unchecked(ac) > 0); else ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(ac) > 0.0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(negp) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) ac = obj_from_bool(get_fixnum_unchecked(ac) < 0); else ac = obj_from_bool(flonum_from_obj(ac) < 0.0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(add) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxadd(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y))); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dx + dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(sub) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxsub(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y))); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dx - dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(mul) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxmul(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y))); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dx * dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(div) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { long i; double d; if (unlikely(y == obj_from_fixnum(0))) fail("division by zero"); if (fxifdv(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y), &i, &d)) ac = obj_from_fixnum(i); else obj_from_flonum(sp-r, d); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dx / dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(quo) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { if (unlikely(y == obj_from_fixnum(0))) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxquo(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y))); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flquo(dx, dy)); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(rem) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { if (unlikely(y == obj_from_fixnum(0))) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxrem(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y))); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flrem(dx, dy)); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(mqu) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { if (unlikely(y == obj_from_fixnum(0))) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxmqu(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y))); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flmqu(dx, dy)); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(mlo) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { if (unlikely(y == obj_from_fixnum(0))) fail("division by zero"); ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxmlo(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y))); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, flmlo(dx, dy)); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(lt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = obj_from_bool(get_fixnum_unchecked(x) < get_fixnum_unchecked(y)); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_bool(dx < dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(gt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = obj_from_bool(get_fixnum_unchecked(x) > get_fixnum_unchecked(y)); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_bool(dx > dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(le) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = obj_from_bool(get_fixnum_unchecked(x) <= get_fixnum_unchecked(y)); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_bool(dx <= dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(ge) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = obj_from_bool(get_fixnum_unchecked(x) >= get_fixnum_unchecked(y)); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_bool(dx >= dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(eq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (x == y) ac = obj_from_bool(1); else if (is_flonum_obj(x) || is_flonum_obj(y)) { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_bool(dx == dy); } else ac = obj_from_bool(0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ne) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (x == y) ac = obj_from_bool(0); else if (is_flonum_obj(x) || is_flonum_obj(y)) { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_bool(dx != dy); } else ac = obj_from_bool(1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(min) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = (get_fixnum_unchecked(x) < get_fixnum_unchecked(y)) ? x : y; } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = dx < dy ? obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dx) : obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(max) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = (get_fixnum_unchecked(x) > get_fixnum_unchecked(y)) ? x : y; } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = dx > dy ? obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dx) : obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dy); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(neg) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(-fixnum_from_obj(ac)); } else { ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, -flonum_from_obj(ac)); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(abs) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxabs(fixnum_from_obj(ac))); } else { ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, fabs(flonum_from_obj(ac))); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(nump) { ac = obj_from_bool(is_fixnum_obj(ac) || is_flonum_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(fixp) { ac = obj_from_bool(is_fixnum_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(flop) { ac = obj_from_bool(is_flonum_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(intp) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) { ac = obj_from_bool(1); } else { /* accepts any object! */ ac = obj_from_bool(is_flonum_obj(ac) && flisint(flonum_from_obj(ac))); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(nanp) { if (unlikely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) { ac = obj_from_bool(0); } else { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(f != f); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(finp) { if (unlikely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) { ac = obj_from_bool(1); } else { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(f > -HUGE_VAL && f < HUGE_VAL); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(infp) { if (unlikely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) { ac = obj_from_bool(0); } else { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(f <= -HUGE_VAL || f >= HUGE_VAL); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(evnp) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) { ac = obj_from_bool((fixnum_from_obj(ac) & 1) == 0); } else { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(flisint(f / 2.0)); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(oddp) { if (likely(is_fixnum_obj(ac))) { ac = obj_from_bool((fixnum_from_obj(ac) & 1) != 0); } else { double f = flonum_from_obj(ac); ac = obj_from_bool(flisint((f + 1.0) / 2.0)); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(ntoi) { if (is_flonum_obj(ac)) ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxflo(flonum_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ntoj) { if (is_fixnum_obj(ac)) ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, (flonum_t)flonum_from_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lcat) { obj t, l, *p, *d; int c; for (l = ac, c = 0; ispair(l); l = cdr(l)) ++c; hp_reserve(hbsz(2+1)*c); p = --sp; t = *p; /* pop & take addr */ for (l = ac; ispair(l); l = cdr(l)) { *--hp = t; d = hp; *--hp = car(l); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); *p = hendblk(2+1); p = d; } ac = *sp; gonexti(); } define_instruction(ccmp) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); int cmp = char_from_obj(x) - char_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_fixnum(cmp); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ceq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(char_from_obj(x) == char_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(clt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(char_from_obj(x) < char_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cgt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(char_from_obj(x) > char_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cle) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(char_from_obj(x) <= char_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cge) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(char_from_obj(x) >= char_from_obj(y)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cicmp) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); int cmp = tolower(char_from_obj(x)) - tolower(char_from_obj(y)); ac = obj_from_fixnum(cmp); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cieq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(tolower(char_from_obj(x)) == tolower(char_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cilt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(tolower(char_from_obj(x)) < tolower(char_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cigt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(tolower(char_from_obj(x)) > tolower(char_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cile) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(tolower(char_from_obj(x)) <= tolower(char_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cige) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(tolower(char_from_obj(x)) >= tolower(char_from_obj(y))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cwsp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isspace(char_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(clcp) { ac = obj_from_bool(islower(char_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cucp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isupper(char_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(calp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isalpha(char_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cnup) { ac = obj_from_bool(isdigit(char_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cupc) { ac = obj_from_char(toupper(char_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cdnc) { ac = obj_from_char(tolower(char_from_obj(ac))); gonexti(); } define_instruction(scmp) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); int cmp = strcmp(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)); ac = obj_from_fixnum(cmp); gonexti(); } define_instruction(seq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) == 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(slt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) < 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sgt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) > 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sle) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) <= 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sge) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) >= 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sicmp) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); int cmp = strcmp_ci(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)); ac = obj_from_fixnum(cmp); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sieq) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) == 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(silt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) < 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sigt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) > 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sile) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) <= 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sige) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); ac = obj_from_bool(strcmp_ci(stringchars(x), stringchars(y)) >= 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(symp) { ac = obj_from_bool(issymbol(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(boolp) { ac = obj_from_bool(is_bool_obj(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(eofp) { ac = obj_from_bool(iseof(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(funp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isprocedure(ac)); // FIXME/TODO: make VM closure recognizeable as procedure gonexti(); } define_instruction(ipp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isiport(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(opp) { ac = obj_from_bool(isoport(ac)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sip) { ac = mkiport_file(sp-r, stdin); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sop) { ac = mkoport_file(sp-r, stdout); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sep) { ac = mkoport_file(sp-r, stderr); gonexti(); } define_instruction(otip) { FILE *fp = fopen(stringchars(ac), "r"); if (fp == NULL) fail("can't open input file"); ac = mkiport_file(sp-r, fp); gonexti(); } define_instruction(otop) { FILE *fp = fopen(stringchars(ac), "w"); if (fp == NULL) fail("can't open output file"); ac = mkoport_file(sp-r, fp); gonexti(); } define_instruction(ois) { int *d = dupstring(stringdata(ac)); ac = mkiport_string(sp-r, sialloc(sdatachars(d), d)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(oos) { ac = mkoport_string(sp-r, newcb()); gonexti(); } define_instruction(cip) { cxtype_iport_t *vt = iportvt(ac); assert(vt); vt->close(iportdata(ac)); vt->free(iportdata(ac)); objptr_from_obj(ac)[-1] = (obj)IPORT_CLOSED_NTAG; gonexti(); } define_instruction(cop) { cxtype_oport_t *vt = oportvt(ac); assert(vt); vt->close(oportdata(ac)); vt->free(oportdata(ac)); objptr_from_obj(ac)[-1] = (obj)OPORT_CLOSED_NTAG; gonexti(); } define_instruction(gos) { cxtype_oport_t *vt = ckoportvt(ac); if (vt != (cxtype_oport_t *)OPORT_STRING_NTAG && vt != (cxtype_oport_t *)OPORT_BYTEVECTOR_NTAG) { ac = mkeof(); } else { cbuf_t *pcb = oportdata(ac); ac = hpushstr(sp-r, newstring(cbdata(pcb))); } gonexti(); } define_instruction(wrc) { oportputc(char_from_obj(ac), spop()); gonexti(); } define_instruction(wrs) { oportputs(stringchars(ac), spop()); gonexti(); } define_instruction(wrcd) { oportputcircular(ac, spop(), 1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(wrcw) { oportputcircular(ac, spop(), 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(wrnl) { oportputc('\n', ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(wrhw) { oportputshared(ac, spop(), 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(wriw) { oportputsimple(ac, spop(), 0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(fenc) { obj y = ac, c = spop(); assert(issymbol(y) && is_fixnum_obj(c)); ac = (obj)intgtab_find_encoding(getsymbol(y), fixnum_from_obj(c)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(wrsi) { obj c = ac, e = spop(), p = spop(); assert(is_fixnum_obj(c) && isaptr(e) && notobjptr(e) && isoport(p)); wrs_integrable(fixnum_from_obj(c), (struct intgtab_entry *)e, p); gonexti(); } define_instruction(rdsx) { unload_ac(); /* ac->ra (string) */ hp = rds_stox(r, sp, hp); reload_ac(); /* ra->ac (sexp or eof) */ /* if (ac == mkeof()) { set ac to error object; unwindi(0); } */ gonexti(); } define_instruction(rdsc) { unload_ac(); /* ac->ra (port) */ hp = rds_stoc(r, sp, hp); reload_ac(); /* ra->ac (codevec or eof) */ /* if (ac == mkeof()) { set ac to error object; unwindi(0); } */ gonexti(); } define_instruction(litf) { ac = obj_from_bool(0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(litt) { ac = obj_from_bool(1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(litn) { ac = mknull(); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlitf) { ac = obj_from_bool(0); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlitt) { ac = obj_from_bool(1); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlitn) { ac = mknull(); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit0) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit1) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit2) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(2); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit3) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(3); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit4) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(4); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit5) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(5); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit6) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(6); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit7) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(7); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit8) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(8); gonexti(); } define_instruction(lit9) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(9); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit0) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit1) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(1); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit2) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(2); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit3) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(3); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit4) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(4); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit5) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(5); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit6) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(6); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit7) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(7); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit8) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(8); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushlit9) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(9); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref0) { ac = sref(0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref1) { ac = sref(1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref2) { ac = sref(2); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref3) { ac = sref(3); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref4) { ac = sref(4); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref5) { ac = sref(5); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref6) { ac = sref(6); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref7) { ac = sref(7); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref8) { ac = sref(8); gonexti(); } define_instruction(sref9) { ac = sref(9); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref0) { ac = sref(0); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref1) { ac = sref(1); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref2) { ac = sref(2); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref3) { ac = sref(3); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref4) { ac = sref(4); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref5) { ac = sref(5); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref6) { ac = sref(6); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref7) { ac = sref(7); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref8) { ac = sref(8); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsref9) { ac = sref(9); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(srefi0) { ac = boxref(sref(0)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(srefi1) { ac = boxref(sref(1)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(srefi2) { ac = boxref(sref(2)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(srefi3) { ac = boxref(sref(3)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(srefi4) { ac = boxref(sref(4)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsrefi0) { ac = boxref(sref(0)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsrefi1) { ac = boxref(sref(1)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsrefi2) { ac = boxref(sref(2)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsrefi3) { ac = boxref(sref(3)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushsrefi4) { ac = boxref(sref(4)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(dref0) { ac = dref(0); gonexti(); } define_instruction(dref1) { ac = dref(1); gonexti(); } define_instruction(dref2) { ac = dref(2); gonexti(); } define_instruction(dref3) { ac = dref(3); gonexti(); } define_instruction(dref4) { ac = dref(4); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdref0) { ac = dref(0); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdref1) { ac = dref(1); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdref2) { ac = dref(2); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdref3) { ac = dref(3); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdref4) { ac = dref(4); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(drefi0) { ac = boxref(dref(0)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(drefi1) { ac = boxref(dref(1)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(drefi2) { ac = boxref(dref(2)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(drefi3) { ac = boxref(dref(3)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(drefi4) { ac = boxref(dref(4)); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdrefi0) { ac = boxref(dref(0)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdrefi1) { ac = boxref(dref(1)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdrefi2) { ac = boxref(dref(2)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdrefi3) { ac = boxref(dref(3)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(pushdrefi4) { ac = boxref(dref(4)); spush(ac); gonexti(); } define_instruction(call0) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); callsubi(); } define_instruction(call1) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(1); callsubi(); } define_instruction(call2) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(2); callsubi(); } define_instruction(call3) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(3); callsubi(); } define_instruction(call4) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(4); callsubi(); } define_instruction(sreturn1) { sdrop(1); rx = spop(); rd = spop(); retfromi(); } define_instruction(sreturn2) { sdrop(2); rx = spop(); rd = spop(); retfromi(); } define_instruction(sreturn3) { sdrop(3); rx = spop(); rd = spop(); retfromi(); } define_instruction(sreturn4) { sdrop(4); rx = spop(); rd = spop(); retfromi(); } define_instruction(atest0) { if (unlikely(ac != obj_from_fixnum(0))) fail("argument count error on entry"); gonexti(); } define_instruction(atest1) { if (unlikely(ac != obj_from_fixnum(1))) fail("argument count error on entry"); gonexti(); } define_instruction(atest2) { if (unlikely(ac != obj_from_fixnum(2))) fail("argument count error on entry"); gonexti(); } define_instruction(atest3) { if (unlikely(ac != obj_from_fixnum(3))) fail("argument count error on entry"); gonexti(); } define_instruction(atest4) { if (unlikely(ac != obj_from_fixnum(4))) fail("argument count error on entry"); gonexti(); } define_instruction(scall1) { int m = 1, n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(n); /* argc */ memmove((void*)(sp-n-m), (void*)(sp-n), (size_t)n*sizeof(obj)); sdrop(m); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall10) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* argc */ sdrop(1); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall11) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(1); /* argc */ sref(1) = sref(0); sdrop(1); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall12) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(2); /* argc */ sref(2) = sref(1); sref(1) = sref(0); sdrop(1); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall13) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(3); /* argc */ sref(3) = sref(2); sref(2) = sref(1); sref(1) = sref(0); sdrop(1); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall14) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(4); /* argc */ sref(4) = sref(3); sref(3) = sref(2); sref(2) = sref(1); sref(1) = sref(0); sdrop(1); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall2) { int m = 2, n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(n); /* argc */ memmove((void*)(sp-n-m), (void*)(sp-n), (size_t)n*sizeof(obj)); sdrop(m); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall20) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* argc */ sdrop(2); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall21) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(1); /* argc */ sref(2) = sref(0); sdrop(2); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall22) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(2); /* argc */ sref(3) = sref(1); sref(2) = sref(0); sdrop(2); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall23) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(3); /* argc */ sref(4) = sref(2); sref(3) = sref(1); sref(2) = sref(0); sdrop(2); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall24) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(4); /* argc */ sref(5) = sref(3); sref(4) = sref(2); sref(3) = sref(1); sref(2) = sref(0); sdrop(2); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall3) { int m = 3, n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(n); /* argc */ memmove((void*)(sp-n-m), (void*)(sp-n), (size_t)n*sizeof(obj)); sdrop(m); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall30) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* argc */ sdrop(3); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall31) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(1); /* argc */ sref(3) = sref(0); sdrop(3); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall32) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(2); /* argc */ sref(4) = sref(1); sref(3) = sref(0); sdrop(3); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall33) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(3); /* argc */ sref(5) = sref(2); sref(4) = sref(1); sref(3) = sref(0); sdrop(3); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall34) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(4); /* argc */ sref(6) = sref(3); sref(5) = sref(2); sref(4) = sref(1); sref(3) = sref(0); sdrop(3); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall4) { int m = 3, n = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(n); /* argc */ memmove((void*)(sp-n-m), (void*)(sp-n), (size_t)n*sizeof(obj)); sdrop(m); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall40) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* argc */ sdrop(4); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall41) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(1); /* argc */ sref(4) = sref(0); sdrop(4); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall42) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(2); /* argc */ sref(5) = sref(1); sref(4) = sref(0); sdrop(4); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall43) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(3); /* argc */ sref(6) = sref(2); sref(5) = sref(1); sref(4) = sref(0); sdrop(4); callsubi(); } define_instruction(scall44) { rd = ac; rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); ac = obj_from_fixnum(4); /* argc */ sref(7) = sref(3); sref(6) = sref(2); sref(5) = sref(1); sref(4) = sref(0); sdrop(4); callsubi(); } define_instruction(brnotlt) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { int dx = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); ac = obj_from_bool(get_fixnum_unchecked(x) < get_fixnum_unchecked(y)); ip = ac ? ip : ip + dx; gonexti(); } else { int dx = fixnum_from_obj(*ip++); double fx, fy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) fx = flonum_from_obj(x); else fx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) fy = flonum_from_obj(y); else fy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_bool(fx < fy); ip = ac ? ip : ip + dx; gonexti(); } } define_instruction(pushsub) { obj x = ac, y = spop(); if (likely(are_fixnum_objs(x, y))) { ac = obj_from_fixnum(fxsub(get_fixnum_unchecked(x), get_fixnum_unchecked(y))); } else { double dx, dy; if (likely(is_flonum_obj(x))) dx = flonum_from_obj(x); else dx = (double)fixnum_from_obj(x); if (likely(is_flonum_obj(y))) dy = flonum_from_obj(y); else dy = (double)fixnum_from_obj(y); ac = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, dx - dy); } spush(ac); gonexti(); } #define VM_GEN_DEFGLOBAL #include "i.h" #undef VM_GEN_DEFGLOBAL /* integrables table */ struct intgtab_entry { int sym; char *igname; int arity; char *enc; char *lcode; }; #define declare_intgtable_entry(enc, igname, arity, lcode) \ { 0, igname, arity, enc, lcode }, static struct intgtab_entry intgtab[] = { #define VM_GEN_INTGTABLE #include "i.h" #undef VM_GEN_INTGTABLE }; static int intgtab_sorted = 0; static int intgtab_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { struct intgtab_entry *pe1 = (struct intgtab_entry *)p1; struct intgtab_entry *pe2 = (struct intgtab_entry *)p2; if (pe1->sym < pe2->sym) return -1; if (pe1->sym > pe2->sym) return 1; if (pe1->arity < pe2->arity) return -1; if (pe1->arity > pe2->arity) return 1; return 0; } static void sort_intgtab(int n) { if (!intgtab_sorted) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { struct intgtab_entry *pe = &intgtab[i]; pe->sym = pe->igname ? internsym(pe->igname) : 0; } qsort(&intgtab[0], n, sizeof(intgtab[0]), intgtab_cmp); intgtab_sorted = 1; } } static struct intgtab_entry *intgtab_find_encoding(int sym, int arity) { struct intgtab_entry e, *pe; int n = sizeof(intgtab)/sizeof(intgtab[0]); if (!intgtab_sorted) sort_intgtab(n); e.sym = sym; e.arity = arity; pe = bsearch(&e, &intgtab[0], n, sizeof(intgtab[0]), intgtab_cmp); if (!pe) { e.arity = -1; pe = bsearch(&e, &intgtab[0], n, sizeof(intgtab[0]), intgtab_cmp); } return (pe && pe->enc) ? pe : NULL; } /* serialization machinery */ static void wrs_int_arg(int arg, obj port) { if (0 <= arg && arg <= 9) { oportputc('0'+arg, port); } else { char buf[60]; sprintf(buf, "(i%d)", arg); oportputs(buf, port); } } static void wrs_integrable(int argc, struct intgtab_entry *pe, obj port) { assert(pe); assert(pe->enc); if (pe->arity == -1 && argc > 0) oportputc(',', port); oportputs(pe->enc, port); if (pe->arity == -1) wrs_int_arg(argc, port); } /* deserialization machinery */ static int rds_char(obj port) { int c = iportgetc(port); if (c == '%') { char buf[3]; buf[0] = iportgetc(port); buf[1] = iportgetc(port); buf[2] = 0; c = (int)strtol(buf, NULL, 16); } return c; } static int rds_int(obj port) { char buf[60], *p = buf, *e = p+59; while (p < e) { int c = iportpeekc(port); if (c == '-' || c == '+' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { iportgetc(port); *p++ = c; } else break; } *p = 0; return (int)strtol(buf, NULL, 10); } static double rds_real(obj port) { char buf[60], *p = buf, *e = p+59; while (p < e) { int c = iportpeekc(port); if (c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { iportgetc(port); *p++ = c; } else break; } *p = 0; return strtod(buf, NULL); } static size_t rds_size(obj port) { int n = rds_int(port); if ((n < 0) || iportgetc(port) != ':') return 0; /* postpone failure */ return (size_t)n; } /* see below */ static obj *rds_sexp(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp); /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=port, out: ra=sexp/eof */ static obj *rds_elt(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { obj port = ra; spush(port); hp = rds_sexp(r, sp, hp); port = spop(); if (!iseof(ra) && iportgetc(port) != ';') ra = mkeof(); return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=port, out: ra=sexp/eof */ static obj *rds_sexp(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { obj port = ra; int c = iportgetc(port); switch (c) { default: ra = mkeof(); break; case 'f': ra = obj_from_bool(0); break; case 't': ra = obj_from_bool(1); break; case 'n': ra = mknull(); break; case 'c': ra = obj_from_char(rds_char(port)); break; case 'i': ra = obj_from_fixnum(rds_int(port)); break; case 'j': ra = obj_from_flonum(sp-r, rds_real(port)); break; case 'p': { spush(port); ra = sref(0); hp = rds_elt(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) { sdrop(1); return hp; } else spush(ra); ra = sref(1); hp = rds_elt(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) { sdrop(2); return hp; } else spush(ra); hreserve(hbsz(3), sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = sref(1); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); ra = hendblk(3); sdrop(3); } break; case 'l': { size_t n = rds_size(port), i; spush(port); /* sref(0)=port */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ra = sref((int)i); hp = rds_elt(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) { sdrop(i+1); return hp; } else spush(ra); } hreserve(hbsz(3)*n, sp-r); ra = mknull(); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { *--hp = ra; *--hp = sref((int)i); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); ra = hendblk(3); } sdrop(n+1); } break; case 'v': { size_t n = rds_size(port), i; spush(port); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ra = sref((int)i); hp = rds_elt(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) { sdrop(i+1); return hp; } else spush(ra); } hreserve(hbsz(n+1), sp-r); hp -= n; memcpy(hp, sp-n, n*sizeof(obj)); *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); ra = hendblk(n+1); sdrop(n+1); } break; case 's': case 'y': { cbuf_t *pcb = newcb(); size_t n = rds_size(port), i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int x = rds_char(port); cbputc(x, pcb); } if (c == 's') ra = hpushstr(sp-r, newstring(cbdata(pcb))); else ra = mksymbol(internsym(cbdata(pcb))); freecb(pcb); } } return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=str, out: ra=sexp/eof */ static obj *rds_stox(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { int *d = dupstring(stringdata(ra)); ra = mkiport_string(sp-r, sialloc(sdatachars(d), d)); hp = rds_sexp(r, sp, hp); /* ra=port => ra=sexp/eof */ return hp; } static struct { obj *pg; const char *enc; int etyp; } enctab[] = { #define VM_GEN_ENCTABLE #define declare_enctable_entry(name, enc, etyp) \ { &glue(cx_ins_2D, name), enc, etyp }, #include "i.h" #undef declare_enctable_entry #undef VM_GEN_ENCTABLE { NULL, NULL, 0 } }; struct emtrans { int c; struct embranch *pbr; struct emtrans *ptr; }; struct embranch { obj g; int etyp; struct emtrans *ptr; }; static struct embranch encmap = { 0, 0, NULL }; static void encmap_add(const char *enc, obj g, int etyp) { const char *pc = enc; struct embranch *pbr = &encmap; down: while (*pc) { int c = *pc++; struct emtrans *ptr = pbr->ptr; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->c != c) { if (ptr->ptr == NULL) break; ptr = ptr->ptr; continue; } pbr = ptr->pbr; goto down; } if (!(ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct emtrans)))) { perror("encmap[memt]"); exit(2); } ptr->c = c; ptr->ptr = pbr->ptr; pbr->ptr = ptr; if (!(ptr->pbr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct embranch)))) { perror("encmap[memb]"); exit(2); } pbr = ptr->pbr; } if (pbr->g != 0) { perror("encmap[dup]"); exit(2); } pbr->g = g; pbr->etyp = etyp; } static struct embranch *get_encmap(void) { if (encmap.ptr == NULL) { size_t i; for (i = 0; enctab[i].pg != NULL; ++i) { if (enctab[i].enc != NULL) { encmap_add(enctab[i].enc, *(enctab[i].pg), enctab[i].etyp); } } assert(encmap.g == 0); assert(encmap.ptr != NULL); } return &encmap; } static struct embranch *rds_prefix(obj port) { struct embranch *pbr = get_encmap(); int c; down: while ((c = iportpeekc(port)) != EOF) { struct emtrans *ptr = pbr->ptr; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->c != c) { if (ptr->ptr == NULL) break; ptr = ptr->ptr; continue; } pbr = ptr->pbr; iportgetc(port); goto down; } break; } return pbr; } static obj lastpair(obj l) { obj p = obj_from_bool(0); while (ispair(l)) { p = l; l = cdr(l); } return p; } static fixnum_t length(obj l) { fixnum_t n = 0; while (ispair(l)) { ++n; l = cdr(l); } return n; } /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=list, out: ra=vec */ obj *revlist2vec(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { obj l; fixnum_t n = length(ra), i; hreserve(hbsz(n+1), sp-r); for (l = ra, i = 0; i < n; ++i, l = cdr(l)) *--hp = car(l); *--hp = obj_from_size(VECTOR_BTAG); ra = hendblk(n+1); return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=code, out: ra=closure */ obj *close0(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { hreserve(vmclobsz(1), sp-r); *--hp = ra; ra = hpushvmclo(1); return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=port, out: ra=sexp/eof */ static obj *rds_arg(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { obj port = ra; int c = iportgetc(port); if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { ra = obj_from_fixnum(c-'0'); } else { if (c != '(') ra = mkeof(); else { spush(port); ra = sref(0); hp = rds_sexp(r, sp, hp); port = sref(0); if (!iseof(ra) && iportgetc(port) != ')') ra = mkeof(); sdrop(1); } } return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=sym, out: ra=loc/eof */ static obj *rds_global_loc(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { if (issymbol(ra)) { obj p = isassv(ra, cx__2Aglobals_2A); if (ispair(p)) ra = p; else { /* prepend (sym . undefined) to *globals* */ hreserve(hbsz(3)*2, sp-r); *--hp = mksymbol(internsym("undefined")); *--hp = ra; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); ra = hendblk(3); *--hp = cx__2Aglobals_2A; *--hp = ra; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); cx__2Aglobals_2A = hendblk(3); } } else { ra = mkeof(); } return hp; } /* see below */ static obj *rds_seq(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp); /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=port, out: ra=sexp/eof */ static obj *rds_block(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { obj port = ra; int c = iportgetc(port); if (c != '{') ra = mkeof(); else { spush(port); ra = sref(0); hp = rds_seq(r, sp, hp); port = sref(0); if (!iseof(ra) && iportgetc(port) != '}') ra = mkeof(); sdrop(1); } return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=port, out: ra=sexp/eof */ static obj *rds_seq(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { obj port = ra; int c; spush(port); /* sref[1] = port */ spush(mknull()); /* sref[0] = l */ more: c = iportpeekc(sref(1)); if (c == EOF) { hreserve(hbsz(3), sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = glue(cx_ins_2D, halt); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); ra = hendblk(3); } else if (c == '}') { ra = sref(0); } else { struct embranch *pbr = rds_prefix(sref(1)); if (pbr->g == 0) { /* fprintf(stderr, "### rds_seq's remaining chars:\n"); while (iportpeekc(sref(1)) != EOF) fputc(iportgetc(sref(1)), stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); */ ra = mkeof(); } else switch (pbr->etyp) { case 0: { hreserve(hbsz(3), sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); goto more; } break; case 1: { ra = sref(1); hp = rds_arg(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) goto out; hreserve(hbsz(3)*2, sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = ra; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); goto more; } break; case 2: { ra = sref(1); hp = rds_arg(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) goto out; hreserve(hbsz(3)*2, sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = ra; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); ra = sref(1); hp = rds_arg(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) goto out; hreserve(hbsz(3), sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = ra; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); goto more; } break; case 'f': case 't': case 'n': { hreserve(hbsz(3)*2, sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = (pbr->etyp == 'n' ? mknull() : obj_from_bool(pbr->etyp == 't')); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); goto more; } break; case 'g': { /* gref/gset */ ra = sref(1); hp = rds_arg(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) goto out; hp = rds_global_loc(r, sp, hp); /* ra => ra */ if (iseof(ra)) goto out; hreserve(hbsz(3)*2, sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = ra; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); goto more; } break; case 's': { /* save */ fixnum_t n; ra = sref(1); hp = rds_block(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) goto out; n = length(ra); hreserve(hbsz(3)*2, sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = obj_from_fixnum(n); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); if (n > 0) { obj lp = lastpair(ra); assert(ispair(lp)); cdr(lp) = sref(0); sref(0) = ra; } goto more; } break; case 'd': { /* dclose */ fixnum_t n; ra = sref(1); hp = rds_arg(r, sp, hp); if (!is_fixnum_obj(ra)) { ra = mkeof(); goto out; } n = fixnum_from_obj(ra); ra = sref(1); hp = rds_block(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) goto out; hp = revlist2vec(r, sp, hp); /* ra => ra */ if (iseof(ra)) goto out; hreserve(hbsz(3)*3, sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = obj_from_fixnum(n); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = ra; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); goto more; } break; case 'b': { /* branches */ fixnum_t n; int c; ra = sref(1); hp = rds_block(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) goto out; c = iportpeekc(sref(1)); if (c == '{') { /* 2-arm branch combo */ obj bseq1 = ra, bseq2; spush(bseq1); /* ... port, l, bseq1 <= sp */ ra = sref(2); hp = rds_block(r, sp, hp); if (iseof(ra)) { sdrop(1); goto out; } hreserve(hbsz(3)*4, sp-r); bseq1 = spop(); bseq2 = ra; n = length(bseq1); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = obj_from_fixnum(n+2); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); if (n > 0) { obj lp = lastpair(bseq1); assert(ispair(lp)); cdr(lp) = sref(0); sref(0) = bseq1; } *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = glue(cx_ins_2D, br); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); n = length(bseq2); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = obj_from_fixnum(n); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); if (n > 0) { obj lp = lastpair(bseq2); assert(ispair(lp)); cdr(lp) = sref(0); sref(0) = bseq2; } } else { /* regular 1-arm branch */ n = length(ra); hreserve(hbsz(3)*2, sp-r); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = pbr->g; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); *--hp = sref(0); *--hp = obj_from_fixnum(n); *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); sref(0) = hendblk(3); if (n > 0) { obj lp = lastpair(ra); assert(ispair(lp)); cdr(lp) = sref(0); sref(0) = ra; } } goto more; } break; default: assert(0); } } out: sdrop(2); return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp, in: ra=str, out: ra=codevec/eof */ static obj *rds_stoc(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { int *d = dupstring(stringdata(ra)); /* fprintf(stderr, "** rds_stoc(%s)\n", sdatachars(d)); */ ra = mkiport_string(sp-r, sialloc(sdatachars(d), d)); hp = rds_seq(r, sp, hp); /* ra=port => ra=revcodelist/eof */ if (!iseof(ra)) hp = revlist2vec(r, sp, hp); /* ra => ra */ return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp */ static obj *rds_intgtab(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { int i, n = sizeof(intgtab)/sizeof(intgtab[0]); char lbuf[60], *lcode; if (!intgtab_sorted) sort_intgtab(n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { struct intgtab_entry *pe = &intgtab[i]; if (!pe->igname) continue; lcode = pe->lcode; if (!lcode) switch (pe->arity) { case 0: lcode = lbuf; assert(pe->enc); sprintf(lbuf, "%%0%s]0", pe->enc); break; case 1: lcode = lbuf; assert(pe->enc); sprintf(lbuf, "%%1_!%s]0", pe->enc); // "%%1.0%s]1" break; case 2: lcode = lbuf; assert(pe->enc); sprintf(lbuf, "%%2_!%s]0", pe->enc); // %%2.1,.1%s]2 break; case 3: lcode = lbuf; assert(pe->enc); sprintf(lbuf, "%%3_!%s]0", pe->enc); // %%3.2,.2,.2%s]3 break; default: assert(0); } if (!lcode || *lcode == 0) continue; ra = mksymbol(internsym(pe->igname)); hp = rds_global_loc(r, sp, hp); /* ra->ra */ spush(ra); ra = mkiport_string(sp-r, sialloc(lcode, NULL)); hp = rds_seq(r, sp, hp); /* ra=port => ra=revcodelist/eof */ if (!iseof(ra)) hp = revlist2vec(r, sp, hp); /* ra => ra */ if (!iseof(ra)) hp = close0(r, sp, hp); /* ra => ra */ if (!iseof(ra)) cdr(spop()) = ra; } return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp=r+2; returns new hp */ static obj *init_module(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp, const char **mod) { const char **ent; /* make sure we are called in a clean vm state */ assert(r == cxg_regs); assert(sp-r == 2); /* k, ra (for temp use) */ /* go over module entries and install/execute */ for (ent = mod; ent[1] != NULL; ent += 2) { const char *name = ent[0], *data = ent[1]; /* fprintf(stderr, "## initializing: %s\n%s\n", name?name:"NULL", data); */ if (name != NULL) { /* install sexp-encoded syntax-rules as a transformer */ obj sym = mksymbol(internsym((char*)name)); obj al = cx__2Atransformers_2A, bnd = mknull(); assert(ispair(al)); /* basic transformers already installed */ /* look for existing binding (we allow redefinition) */ while (al != mknull()) { obj ael = car(al); if (car(ael) != sym) { al = cdr(al); continue; } bnd = ael; break; } /* or add new binding */ if (bnd == mknull()) { /* acons (sym . #f) */ hreserve(hbsz(3)*2, sp-r); *--hp = obj_from_bool(0); *--hp = sym; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); bnd = hendblk(3); *--hp = cx__2Atransformers_2A; *--hp = bnd; *--hp = obj_from_size(PAIR_BTAG); cx__2Atransformers_2A = hendblk(3); } /* sexp-decode data into the cdr of the binding */ spush(bnd); /* protect from gc */ ra = mkiport_string(sp-r, sialloc((char*)data, NULL)); hp = rds_sexp(r, sp, hp); /* ra=port => ra=sexp/eof */ bnd = spop(); assert(ispair(bnd) && (ispair(ra) || issymbol(ra))); cdr(bnd) = ra; } else { /* execute code-encoded thunk */ obj *ip; #ifdef VM_AC_IN_REG obj ac; #endif ra = mkiport_string(sp-r, sialloc((char*)data, NULL)); hp = rds_seq(r, sp, hp); /* ra=port => ra=revcodelist/eof */ if (!iseof(ra)) hp = revlist2vec(r, sp, hp); /* ra => ra */ if (!iseof(ra)) hp = close0(r, sp, hp); /* ra => ra */ assert(!iseof(ra)); /* ra is a thunk closure to execute */ rd = ra; ra = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* argc, shadow ac */ rx = obj_from_fixnum(0); /* shadow ip */ rs = obj_from_fixnum(VM_REGC); /* sp */ do { /* unwindi trampoline */ reload_ac(); /* ra => ac */ reload_ip(); /* rd/rx => ip */ reload_sp(); /* rs => sp */ hp = (ins_from_obj(*ip))(IARGS1); } while (trampcnd()); /* r[0] = k, r[1] = random result */ } } return hp; } /* protects registers from r to sp=r+2; returns new hp */ static obj *init_modules(obj *r, obj *sp, obj *hp) { extern char* s_code[]; /* s.c */ extern char* t_code[]; /* t.c */ hp = init_module(r, sp, hp, (const char **)s_code); hp = init_module(r, sp, hp, (const char **)t_code); return hp; }