mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 21:58:54 +01:00
autoloader for libraries; minor cleanup
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 163 additions and 74 deletions
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
; Transformer and Compiler
(load "s.scm")
; Utils
(define (set-member? x s)
(cond [(null? s) #f]
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@
(print-error-message (string-append "Warning: " msg) args (current-error-port)))
; Syntax of the Scheme Core language
; <core> -> (quote <object>)
; <core> -> (const <id>) ; immutable variant of ref
@ -247,9 +247,9 @@
(fx+ 1 (idslist-req-count (cdr ilist)))
; Macro transformer (from Scheme to Scheme Core) derived from Al Petrofsky's EIOD 1.17
; An environment is a procedure that accepts any identifier and access type and returns a
; denotation. Access type is one of these symbols: ref, set!, define, define-syntax.
@ -1092,9 +1092,9 @@
(x-error "improper import form" (cons head tail))))
; String representation of S-expressions and code arguments
(define (write-serialized-char x port)
(cond [(or (char=? x #\%) (char=? x #\") (char=? x #\\) (char<? x #\space) (char>? x #\~))
@ -1173,9 +1173,9 @@
(write-char #\) port))))
; Compiler producing serialized code
(define (c-error msg . args)
(error* (string-append "compiler: " msg) args))
@ -1549,9 +1549,9 @@
(get-output-string p)))
; Path and file name resolution
(define (path-directory filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))])
@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@
(define (push-current-file! filename)
(when (member filename *current-file-stack* string=?)
(x-error "circularity in include file chain" filename))
(x-error "circularity in nested file chain" filename))
(set! *current-file-stack* (cons filename *current-file-stack*)))
(define (pop-current-file!)
@ -1609,9 +1609,9 @@
; Library names and library file lookup
(define (lnpart? x) (or (id? x) (exact-integer? x)))
(define (listname? x) (and (list1+? x) (andmap lnpart? x)))
@ -1691,20 +1691,47 @@
(when ci? (set-port-fold-case! port #t))
(read-port-sexps port))))
(define (library-available? lib env) ;=> #f | filepath (external) | (code . eal) (loaded)
(cond [(string? lib) (file-resolve-relative-to-current lib)]
[(library-info lib #f)] ; builtin or preloaded FIXME: need to take env into account!
[else (and (listname? lib) (find-library-path lib))]))
(define (library-available? lib env) ;=> #f | filepath (external) | <library> (loaded)
(cond [(not (listname? lib)) #f]
[(find-library-in-env lib env)] ; defined below
[else (find-library-path lib)]))
; name prefixes
(define (fully-qualified-library-prefixed-name lib id)
(symbol-append (if (symbol? lib) lib (listname->symbol lib)) '? id))
; used as autoload action supplying default value for list names
(define (fetch-library listname sld-env) ;=> <library> | #f
; note: any part of the actual fetch/process may fail. In that case,
; fetch-library escapes and environment will still lack binding for
; listname -- so the library can be fixed and reloaded afterwards
(define (fetch filepath)
(unless *quiet*
(let ([p (current-error-port)])
(display "; fetching " p) (write listname p) (display " library from " p)
(display filepath p) (newline p)))
(with-current-file filepath
(lambda ()
(let ([sexps (read-file-sexps filepath #f)])
(if (sexp-match? '((define-library * * ...)) sexps)
; invoke xform-define-library in 'top' context (for lib:// globals)
(let ([core (xform-define-library (caar sexps) (cdar sexps) sld-env #t)])
(if (and (sexp-match? '(define-library * *) core)
(equal? (cadr core) listname) (val-library? (caddr core)))
(caddr core) ;=> <library>
(x-error "library autoloader: internal transformer error"
listname filepath sexps core)))
(x-error "library autoloader: unexpected forms in .sld file"
listname filepath sexps))))))
(define filepath (find-library-path listname))
; return #f if .sld file is not found; otherwise expect it to be in shape
(and filepath (fetch filepath)))
; Expand-time name registries
; name registries are htables (vectors with one extra slot) of alists ((sym . <location>) ...)
; last slot is used for list names (library names), the rest for regular symbolic names
@ -1887,12 +1914,12 @@
; private registry for names introduced in repl
(define *user-name-registry* (make-name-registry 100))
(define *user-name-registry* (make-name-registry 200))
; Environments
; make read-only environment from a registry
(define (make-readonly-environment rr)
@ -1903,8 +1930,8 @@
(name-lookup rr name #f)] ; no allocation callback
[else #f])))
; controlled environments for libraries and programs using import al, global name generator, and env
; allowing fall-through to env for list names (so libraries can still be fetched by list name)
; makes controlled environments for libraries and programs using import al, global name generator,
; and env allowing fall-through for list names (so libraries can still be fetched by list name)
(define (make-controlled-environment ial global use-env)
(define ir (eal->name-registry ial)) ; handmade import registry from ial
(define lr (make-name-registry 100)) ; local registry for new names
@ -1938,11 +1965,26 @@
(cond [(name-lookup lr (car p) #f) => (lambda (loc)
(x-error "imported name shadows local name" (car p) (cdr p) loc))]))
(for-each check ial)
(eal-name-registry-import! ir ial))]
(eal-name-registry-import! ir ial)
#t)] ; don't bother returning counts, they are useful in repl only
[else #f])))
; mutable environment from two registries; new bindings go to user registry
(define (make-repl-environment rr ur gpref) ; prefix for allocated globals
; makes environments for .sld files, automatically extending root registry with list names
(define (make-sld-environment rr)
; note: lookup in sld environment can cause recursive calls to fetch-library
; if upstream dependencies are not yet loaded; loops are detected inside f-l
(define (sld-env id at)
(cond [(not (eq? at 'ref)) #f]
[(procedure? id) (old-den id)]
[(eq? id 'define-library) (make-location 'define-library)]
[(not (listname? id)) #f]
[else (name-lookup rr id
(lambda (n) ; no library? see if we can fetch it recursively
(fetch-library name sld-env)))])) ;=> <library> or #f
; makes mutable environments from two registries; new bindings go to user registry
(define (make-repl-environment rr ur gpref) ; gpref is prefix for allocated globals
(define (global name) (fully-qualified-library-prefixed-name gpref name))
(lambda (name at)
(cond [(new-id? name) ; nonsymbolic ids can't be (re)bound here
@ -1950,7 +1992,11 @@
[(eq? at 'ref) ; for reference only: try not to alloc
(name-lookup ur name ; return if in user registry
(lambda (n) ; ok, not in ur: check rr
(or (name-lookup rr name #f) ; if in rr, return it as-is
(or (name-lookup rr name ; if in rr, return it as-is
(lambda (n) ; not in rr: see if it is a library to autoload
(and (listname? name) ; special default value: autoload from .sld
(let ([sld-env (make-sld-environment rr)]) ; make env for .sld files
(fetch-library name sld-env))))) ;=> <library> or #f
(and (symbol? name) (list 'ref (global name))))))] ; alloc in repl store
[(eq? at 'set!) ; for assigning new values to variables
; works only for symbolic names; auto-allocates but does not shadow
@ -1974,7 +2020,7 @@
; special request for repl environment only: mass import
(let loop ([eal name] [samc 0] [modc 0] [addc 0])
(if (null? eal)
(list samc modc addc)
(list samc modc addc) ; return counts for verbosity
(let ([id (caar eal)] [loc (cdar eal)] [eal (cdr eal)])
(name-remove! ur id) ; user binding isn't changed, but no longer visible
(case (name-install! rr id loc) ; root binding possibly changed
@ -1983,17 +2029,23 @@
[(added) (loop eal samc modc (+ addc 1))]))))]
[else #f])))
(define (find-library-in-env listname env) ;=> library | #f
(let ([loc (env listname 'ref)])
(and loc (let ([val (location-val loc)]) (and (val-library? val) val)))))
(define root-environment
(make-readonly-environment *root-name-registry*))
(define repl-environment
(make-repl-environment *root-name-registry* *user-name-registry* 'repl://))
(define *verbose* #f)
(define *quiet* #f)
(define (repl-compile-and-run-core-expr core)
(when *verbose* (display "TRANSFORM =>") (newline) (write core) (newline))
@ -2100,14 +2152,23 @@
(display (if (file-exists? (symbol->string (car args)))
"file exists\n" "file does not exist\n") op)]
[else (display "invalid file name; use double quotes\n" op)])]
[(v) (set! *verbose* #t)]
[(verbose on) (set! *verbose* #t)]
[(verbose off) (set! *verbose* #f)]
[(q) (set! *quiet* #t)]
[(quiet on) (set! *quiet* #t)]
[(quiet off) (set! *quiet* #f)]
(display "Available commands:\n" op)
(display " ,say hello -- displays nice greeting\n" op)
(display " ,peek <fname> -- check if file exists\n" op)
(display " ,q -- disable informational messages\n" op)
(display " ,quiet on -- disable informational messages\n" op)
(display " ,quiet off -- enable informational messages\n" op)
(display " ,v -- turn verbosity on\n" op)
(display " ,verbose on -- turn verbosity on\n" op)
(display " ,verbose off -- turn verbosity off\n" op)
(display " ,verbose off -- turn verbosity off\n" op)
(display " ,ref <name> -- show current denotation for <name>\n" op)
(display " ,rnr -- show root name registry\n" op)
(display " ,rref <name> -- lookup name in root registry\n" op)
@ -2163,5 +2224,4 @@
(define run-repl repl)
@ -911,8 +911,8 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "push-current-file!",
"{${.2,'(s33:circularity in include file chain),@(y7:x-error)[02}}@(y20"
"{${.2,'(s32:circularity in nested file chain),@(y7:x-error)[02}}@(y20:"
"P", "pop-current-file!",
@ -980,14 +980,25 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "library-available?",
"P", "fully-qualified-library-prefixed-name",
"P", "fetch-library",
"%2,,#0#1.3,.3,&2{%1@(y7:*quiet*)~?{Pe,.0,'(s11:; fetching )W4.0,:0W5.0"
",'(s14: library from )W4.0,.2W4.0W6_1}.0,:1,:0,&3{%0${f,:2,@(y15:read-"
"1dae?{.0ddaV0}{f}}{f}?{.0dda]2}.0,.2,:2,:0,'(s46:library autoloader: i"
"nternal transformer error),@(y7:x-error)[25}.0,:2,:0,'(s49:library aut"
"oloader: unexpected forms in .sld file),@(y7:x-error)[14},.1,@(y17:wit"
"P", "make-name-registry",
@ -1220,7 +1231,7 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"P", "make-readonly-environment",
@ -1238,24 +1249,34 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"y11:name-lookup)[03},.0?{.0,.0,.3d,.4a,'(s32:imported name shadows loc"
"al name),@(y7:x-error)[34}f]2}.!0${.3,.3^,@(y10:%25for-each1)[02}.1,:2"
"al name),@(y7:x-error)[34}f]2}.!0${.3,.3^,@(y10:%25for-each1)[02}${.3,"
"P", "make-sld-environment",
"P", "make-repl-environment",
"P", "find-library-in-env",
"C", 0,
@ -1268,6 +1289,9 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"C", 0,
"P", "repl-compile-and-run-core-expr",
"%1@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s12:TRANSFORM =>)W4PoW6Po,.1W5PoW6}.0p~?{${.2,"
"'(s29:unexpected transformed output),@(y7:x-error)[02}}f,${.3,@(y21:co"
@ -1334,21 +1358,29 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"{.4,.1^aF0?{'(s12:file exists%0a)}{'(s20:file does not exist%0a)}W4]5}"
".0^aY0?{.4,.1^aX4F0?{'(s12:file exists%0a)}{'(s20:file does not exist%"
"0a)}W4]5}.4,'(s37:invalid file name; use double quotes%0a)W4]5}${.3^,'"
"5}${.3^,'(l1:y4:help;),@(y11:sexp-match?)[02}?{.4,'(s20:Available comm"
"ands:%0a)W4.4,'(s42: ,say hello -- displays nice greeting%0a)W4.4,"
"'(s40: ,peek <fname> -- check if file exists%0a)W4.4,'(s37: ,verbose "
"on -- turn verbosity on%0a)W4.4,'(s38: ,verbose off -- turn verbo"
"sity off%0a)W4.4,'(s54: ,ref <name> -- show current denotation for "
"<name>%0a)W4.4,'(s43: ,rnr -- show root name registry%0a)W4."
"4,'(s48: ,rref <name> -- lookup name in root registry%0a)W4.4,'(s50:"
" ,rrem! <name> -- remove name from root registry%0a)W4.4,'(s43: ,unr "
" -- show user name registry%0a)W4.4,'(s48: ,uref <name> -- "
"lookup name in user registry%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,urem! <name> -- remove n"
"ame from user registry%0a)W4.4,'(s29: ,help -- this help%0a)W"
"4]5}.4,'(s29:syntax error in repl command%0a)W4.4,'(s37:type ,help to "
"see available commands%0a)W4]5",
"elp;),@(y11:sexp-match?)[02}?{.4,'(s20:Available commands:%0a)W4.4,'(s"
"42: ,say hello -- displays nice greeting%0a)W4.4,'(s40: ,peek <fna"
"me> -- check if file exists%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,q -- disable "
"informational messages%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,quiet on -- disable inform"
"ational messages%0a)W4.4,'(s49: ,quiet off -- enable informational"
" messages%0a)W4.4,'(s37: ,v -- turn verbosity on%0a)W4.4,'"
"(s37: ,verbose on -- turn verbosity on%0a)W4.4,'(s38: ,verbose off "
" -- turn verbosity off%0a)W4.4,'(s38: ,verbose off -- turn verbosit"
"y off%0a)W4.4,'(s54: ,ref <name> -- show current denotation for <na"
"me>%0a)W4.4,'(s43: ,rnr -- show root name registry%0a)W4.4,'"
"(s48: ,rref <name> -- lookup name in root registry%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,r"
"rem! <name> -- remove name from root registry%0a)W4.4,'(s43: ,unr "
" -- show user name registry%0a)W4.4,'(s48: ,uref <name> -- loo"
"kup name in user registry%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,urem! <name> -- remove name"
" from user registry%0a)W4.4,'(s29: ,help -- this help%0a)W4]5"
"}.4,'(s29:syntax error in repl command%0a)W4.4,'(s37:type ,help to see"
" available commands%0a)W4]5",
"P", "repl-from-port",
@ -1381,8 +1413,5 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
0, 0, 0
Reference in a new issue