mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 21:58:51 +01:00
ctov/vtoc, minor refactoring
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 67 additions and 23 deletions
@ -263,7 +263,8 @@ static void _sck(obj *s) {
#define string_obj(s) hp_pushptr((s), STRING_NTAG)
#define is_string(o) isstring(o)
#define string_len(o) stringlen(o)
#define string_ref(o, i) (*stringref(o, i))
#define string_get(o, i) (*stringref(o, i))
#define string_put(o, i, c) (*stringref(o, i) = (c))
#define bytevector_obj(s) hp_pushptr((s), BYTEVECTOR_NTAG)
#define is_bytevector(o) isbytevector(o)
#define bytevector_len(o) bytevectorlen(o)
@ -279,6 +280,8 @@ static void _sck(obj *s) {
#define is_box(o) isbox(o)
#define box_ref(o) boxref(o)
#define is_proc(o) isvmclo(o)
#define proc_len(o) vmclolen(o)
#define proc_ref(o, i) vmcloref(o, i)
#define is_tuple(o) (isrecord(o) && recordrtd(o) == 0)
#define tuple_len(o) tuplelen(o)
#define tuple_ref(o, i) tupleref(o, i)
@ -288,6 +291,7 @@ static void _sck(obj *s) {
#define record_ref(o, i) recordref(o, i)
/* cxi instructions protocol; retval is new hp: */
typedef obj* regcall (*ins_t)(IPARAMS);
@ -732,14 +736,14 @@ define_instruction(cwmv) {
obj t = ac, x = spop();
ckx(t); ckx(x);
/* we can run in constant space in some situations */
if (vmcloref(x, 0) == cx_continuation_2Dadapter_2Dcode
&& vmcloref(x, 1) == cx__2Adynamic_2Dstate_2A) {
if (proc_ref(x, 0) == cx_continuation_2Dadapter_2Dcode
&& proc_ref(x, 1) == cx__2Adynamic_2Dstate_2A) {
/* arrange call of t with x as continuation */
/* [0] adapter_code, [1] dynamic_state */
int n = vmclolen(x) - 2;
int n = proc_len(x) - 2;
assert((cxg_rend - cxg_regs - VM_REGC) > n);
sp = r + VM_REGC; /* stack is empty */
objcpy(sp, &vmcloref(x, 2), n);
objcpy(sp, &proc_ref(x, 2), n);
sp += n; /* contains n elements now */
rd = t; rx = fixnum_obj(0);
ac = fixnum_obj(0);
@ -833,15 +837,15 @@ define_instruction(lck0) {
define_instruction(wck) {
obj x = ac, t = spop(); ckx(t); ckx(x);
if (vmcloref(x, 0) != cx_continuation_2Dadapter_2Dcode)
if (proc_ref(x, 0) != cx_continuation_2Dadapter_2Dcode)
/* [0] adapter_code, [1] dynamic_state */
if (vmcloref(x, 1) == cx__2Adynamic_2Dstate_2A) {
if (proc_ref(x, 1) == cx__2Adynamic_2Dstate_2A) {
/* restore cont stack and invoke t there */
int n = vmclolen(x) - 2;
int n = proc_len(x) - 2;
assert((cxg_rend - cxg_regs - VM_REGC) > n);
sp = r + VM_REGC; /* stack is empty */
objcpy(sp, &vmcloref(x, 2), n);
objcpy(sp, &proc_ref(x, 2), n);
sp += n; /* contains n elements now */
rd = t; rx = fixnum_obj(0);
ac = fixnum_obj(0);
@ -860,15 +864,15 @@ define_instruction(wck) {
define_instruction(wckr) {
obj x = ac, o = spop(); ckx(x);
if (vmcloref(x, 0) != cx_continuation_2Dadapter_2Dcode)
if (proc_ref(x, 0) != cx_continuation_2Dadapter_2Dcode)
/* [0] adapter_code, [1] dynamic_state */
if (vmcloref(x, 1) == cx__2Adynamic_2Dstate_2A) {
if (proc_ref(x, 1) == cx__2Adynamic_2Dstate_2A) {
/* restore cont stack and return o there */
int n = vmclolen(x) - 2;
int n = proc_len(x) - 2;
assert((cxg_rend - cxg_regs - VM_REGC) > n);
sp = r + VM_REGC; /* stack is empty */
objcpy(sp, &vmcloref(x, 2), n);
objcpy(sp, &proc_ref(x, 2), n);
sp += n;
ac = o;
rx = spop();
@ -887,7 +891,7 @@ define_instruction(wckr) {
define_instruction(rck) {
/* called with continuation as rd:
* in: ac:argc, args on stack, rd display is dys, saved stack */
if (vmcloref(rd, 1) != cx__2Adynamic_2Dstate_2A) {
if (proc_ref(rd, 1) != cx__2Adynamic_2Dstate_2A) {
/* need to run the rest of the code to unwind/rewind on the
* old stack; rck will be called again when done */
@ -896,8 +900,8 @@ define_instruction(rck) {
} else { /* multiple results case */
/* rd[0] adapter_code, rd[1] dynamic_state */
int c = get_fixnum(ac), n = vmclolen(rd) - 2, i;
obj *ks = &vmcloref(rd, 2), *ke = ks + n;
int c = get_fixnum(ac), n = proc_len(rd) - 2, i;
obj *ks = &proc_ref(rd, 2), *ke = ks + n;
if (ke-ks > 3 && *--ke == fixnum_obj(0) && *--ke == cx_callmv_2Dadapter_2Dclosure) {
obj *sb = r + VM_REGC;
rd = *--ke; rx = fixnum_obj(0); n = (int)(ke - ks); /* cns */
@ -935,7 +939,7 @@ define_instruction(setdys) {
define_instruction(save) {
int dx = get_fixnum(*ip++);
spush(fixnum_obj(ip + dx - &vector_ref(vmcloref(rd, 0), 0)));
spush(fixnum_obj(ip + dx - &vector_ref(proc_ref(rd, 0), 0)));
@ -1318,7 +1322,7 @@ define_instruction(sget) {
cks(ac); ckk(x);
i = get_fixnum(x);
if (i >= string_len(ac)) failtype(x, "valid string index");
ac = char_obj(string_ref(ac, i));
ac = char_obj(string_get(ac, i));
@ -1327,7 +1331,7 @@ define_instruction(sput) {
cks(ac); ckk(x); ckc(y);
i = get_fixnum(x);
if (i >= string_len(ac)) failtype(x, "valid string index");
string_ref(ac, i) = get_char(y);
string_put(ac, i, get_char(y));
@ -1606,7 +1610,7 @@ define_instruction(stol) {
cks(ac); n = string_len(ac);
while (n > 0) {
*--hp = l; *--hp = char_obj(string_ref(ac, n-1));
*--hp = l; *--hp = char_obj(string_get(ac, n-1));
l = hend_pair();
@ -3517,6 +3521,26 @@ define_instruction(vmclo) {
define_instruction(ctov) {
int n, i; ckx(ac);
n = proc_len(ac);
for (i = n; i > 0; --i) *--hp = proc_ref(ac, i-1);
ac = hend_vec(n);
define_instruction(vtoc) {
int n, i; ckv(ac);
n = vector_len(ac);
for (i = n; i > 0; --i) *--hp = vector_ref(ac, i-1);
ac = hend_vmclo(n);
define_instruction(hshim) {
unsigned long long v = (unsigned long long)ac, base = 0; obj b = spop();
if (v && isaptr(v)) { ac = fixnum_obj(0); gonexti(); }
@ -544,6 +544,8 @@ declare_instruction(igty, "U6", 0, "integrable-type",
declare_instruction(iggl, "U7", 0, "integrable-global", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(igco, "U8", 0, "integrable-code", '2', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(vmclo, "U9", 1, "closure", '#', INLINED)
declare_instruction(ctov, "Uv", 0, "%closure->vector", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(vtoc, "Uc", 0, "%vector->closure", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(hshim, "H2\0f", 0, "immediate-hash", 'b', AUTOGL)
/* inlined integrables (no custom instructions) */
@ -519,7 +519,8 @@ static int bviungetch(int c, bvifile_t *fp) {
cbuf_t* newcb(void) {
cbuf_t* pcb = cxm_cknull(malloc(sizeof(cbuf_t)), "malloc(cbuf)");
pcb->fill = pcb->buf = cxm_cknull(malloc(64), "malloc(cbdata)");
pcb->end = pcb->buf + 64; return pcb;
pcb->end = pcb->buf + 64; pcb->off = 0;
return pcb;
void freecb(cbuf_t* pcb) { if (pcb) { free(pcb->buf); free(pcb); } }
@ -533,9 +534,22 @@ static void cbgrow(cbuf_t* pcb, size_t n) {
int cbputc(int c, cbuf_t* pcb) {
if ((pcb)->fill == (pcb)->end) cbgrow(pcb, 1); *((pcb)->fill)++ = c; return c;
if (pcb->fill == pcb->end) cbgrow(pcb, 1);
*(pcb->fill)++ = c; return c;
int cbgetc(cbuf_t* pcb) {
if (pcb->buf + pcb->off >= pcb->fill) return EOF;
return pcb->buf[pcb->off++];
int cbungetc(cbuf_t* pcb, int c) {
if (!pcb->off) return EOF;
pcb->off -= 1;
return c;
static int cbflush(cbuf_t* pcb) { return 0; }
static int cbclose(cbuf_t* pcb) { free(pcb->buf); pcb->buf = NULL; return 0; }
@ -1011,8 +1025,10 @@ extern int is_tty_port(obj o)
#ifdef WIN32
int dirsep = '\\';
int pathsep = ';';
int dirsep = '/';
int pathsep = ':';
#ifdef LIBPATH
@ -476,10 +476,12 @@ static void oportflush(obj o) {
/* file output ports */
#define mkoport_file(l, fp) hpushptr(fp, OPORT_FILE_NTAG, l)
/* string output ports */
typedef struct cbuf_tag { char *buf; char *fill; char *end; } cbuf_t;
typedef struct cbuf_tag { char *buf; char *fill; char *end; size_t off; } cbuf_t;
extern cbuf_t* newcb(void);
extern void freecb(cbuf_t* pcb);
extern int cbputc(int c, cbuf_t* pcb);
extern int cbgetc(cbuf_t* pcb);
extern int cbungetc(cbuf_t* pcb, int c);
extern size_t cblen(cbuf_t* pcb);
extern char* cbdata(cbuf_t* pcb);
#define mkoport_string(l, fp) hpushptr(fp, OPORT_STRING_NTAG, l)
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