mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 21:58:51 +01:00
run-script, some t.scm procs moved to s.scm
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 263 additions and 205 deletions
@ -372,6 +372,31 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"A", "cons*", "list*",
"P", "list-diff",
"P", "list-head",
"P", "andmap",
"P", "ormap",
"P", "memp",
"P", "assp",
"P", "posq",
"P", "rassq",
"P", "substring->list",
@ -438,6 +463,11 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"P", "string-trim-whitespace",
"P", "subvector->list",
@ -891,127 +921,129 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"P", "%read",
"!8'(s17:right parenthesis),.1c.!9'(s13:right bracket),.1c.!(i10)'(s5:%"
"22 . %22),.1c.!(i11)_1.7,&1{%1.0p?{:0^,.1aq]1}f]1}.!(i11)&0{%1'(s80:AB"
":unexpected end of file),@(y10:read-error)[23}${.2,:0^[01}?{.1,'(y5:po"
"rt:),.2d,'(s17:unexpected token:),@(y10:read-error)[24}.0]2}.!(i15).9,"
".1C=?{.1R1,.0R8?{.2,'(y5:port:),'(s19:end of file after ,),@(y10:read-"
"0,.0R8?{:2,'(y5:port:),'(s27:end of file within a string),@(y10:read-e"
",:(i13),.2,&3{%1:2R0,.0R8?{:2,'(y5:port:),'(s29:end of file within a |"
"1}'(c#),.1C=?{.1R1,.0R8?{.2,'(y5:port:),'(s19:end of file after #),@(y"
")^[51}.1Y0?{.1Y6]5}.4,'(y5:port:),.3,'(s24:unexpected name after #!),@"
":port:),.3,'(s23:unexpected name after #),@(y10:read-error)[54}'(cb),."
"nd of file in #| comment),@(y10:read-error)[13}'(c|),.1C=?{:1R1,.0R8?{"
":1,'(y5:port:),'(s25:end of file in #| comment),@(y10:read-error)[23}'"
"nd of file in #| comment),@(y10:read-error)[23}'(c|),.1C=?{:1R0${:0^[0"
"4,:7^[01}E1]3}.2,'(y5:port:),'(s25:invalid bytevector syntax),@(y10:re"
"ad-error)[33}'(c%5c),.1C=?{.2R0.2R1,.0R8?{.3,'(y5:port:),'(s20:end of "
"file after #%5c),@(y10:read-error)[43}.0,'(cx)C=?{.3R0${.5R1,:5^[01}?{"
"?{'0X9]6}'(y5:space),.1v?{'(c )]6}'(y5:alarm),.1v?{'(c%07)]6}'(y9:back"
"eturn),.1v?{'(c%0d)]6}.5,'(y5:port:),.3,'(s15:unknown #%5c name),@(y10"
":read-error)[64}.3R0.0]4}.0C5?{:0?{${.4,'(y5:port:),'(s44:#N=/#N# nota"
"tion is not allowed in this mode),@(y10:read-error)[03}}n,,#0.4,.1,:4,"
":3,:2,:1,&6{%1:5R0,.0R8?{:5,'(y5:port:),'(s32:end of file within a #N "
"'(i10),.1E9,.0I0?{:0^,.1A3}{f},.0?{.0d]5}'(s22:unknown #n# reference:)"
"I0~?{${'(s22:invalid #n= reference:),'(y5:port:),.5,@(y10:read-error)["
"03}}{:0^,.1A3?{${'(s18:duplicate #n= tag:),'(y5:port:),.4,@(y10:read-e"
"s31:#n= has another label as target),'(y5:port:),.5,@(y10:read-error)["
"63}.0,.2sz.0]6}:5,'(y5:port:),'(s34:invalid terminator for #N notation"
"),@(y10:read-error)[23}.!0.0^_1[31}.2,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s16:unknown # s"
"yntax),@(y10:read-error)[34}.1,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s22:illegal character "
"3,:3^[01},:0^,.1q?{.2,'(y5:port:),'(s42:missing car -- ( immediately f"
"ollowed by .),@(y10:read-error)[53}.0,,#0.0,.5,:3,:2,.(i10),:1,.(i11),"
":0,&8{%1.0R8?{:6,'(y5:port:),'(s41:eof inside list -- unbalanced paren"
"6,:5^[01},:1,.1q?{.1]3}:6,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s31:randomness after form a"
"fter dot),@(y10:read-error)[34}:6,'(y5:port:),'(s13:dot in #(...)),@(y"
"10:read-error)[13}${.2,:4^[01}?{:6,'(y5:port:),.2d,'(s20:error inside "
"list --),@(y10:read-error)[14}${${:6,:5^[01},:7^[01},.1c]1}.!0.0^_1[51"
"?{:3,'(y5:port:),'(s21:eof inside bytevector),@(y10:read-error)[13}:0^"
",.1q?{n]1}${.2,:1^[01}?{:3,'(y5:port:),.2d,'(s26:error inside bytevect"
"or --),@(y10:read-error)[14}.0I0~,.0?{.0}{'0,.2I<,.0?{.0}{'(i255),.3I>"
"}_1}_1?{:3,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s33:invalid byte inside bytevector --),@(y"
"0),&1{%2.0R0,.0R8?{${.3,'(y5:port:),.6,'(s20:end of file within a),@(y"
"]2}:0,'(y5:port:),'(s32:no newline in line ending escape),@(y10:read-e"
",:1^[22}.!0.0^_1[32}.1,'(y5:port:),.2,'(y1::),.6,'(s22:invalid char es"
"cape in),@(y10:read-error)[36}.!(i19).(i14),.(i14),&2{%2,#0.1,&1{%1.0u"
"?{:0,'(y5:port:),'(s31:%5cx escape sequence is too short),@(y10:read-e"
"%3.0R8?{:1?{:4,'(y5:port:),'(s27:end of file within a string),@(y10:re"
"[01}}{f}?{.1,:2^[31}${.2,:3^[01}~?{:4,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s37:unexpected "
"char in %5cx escape sequence),@(y10:read-error)[34}'2,.3>?{:4,'(y5:por"
"t:),'(s30:%5cx escape sequence is too long),@(y10:read-error)[33}:4R0'"
"d number syntax (implementation restriction)),@(y10:read-error)[74}:3^"
"6R0.2,.2,.2c,:6R1,:5^[33}:6,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s29:unexpected number/sym"
"bol char),@(y10:read-error)[34}.!0.0^_1[23}.!(i22)${.(i25),.(i19)^[01}"
"d,'(s17:unexpected token:),@(y10:read-error)[(i26)4",
",l1,.0.!8'(s17:right parenthesis),.1c.!9'(s13:right bracket),.1c.!(i10"
")'(s5:%22 . %22),.1c.!(i11)_1.7,&1{%1.0p?{:0^,.1aq]1}f]1}.!(i11)&0{%1'"
"),'(s22:unexpected end of file),@(y10:read-error)[23}${.2,:0^[01}?{.1,"
"'(y5:port:),.2d,'(s17:unexpected token:),@(y10:read-error)[24}.0]2}.!("
"i15).(i15),&1{%1'(c ),.1R1v?{${${.4,@(y9:read-line)[01},@(y22:string-t"
",'(y5:port:),'(s19:end of file after ,),@(y10:read-error)[33}'(c@),.1C"
"t:),'(s27:end of file within a string),@(y10:read-error)[23}'(c%5c),.1"
"0,.0R8?{:2,'(y5:port:),'(s29:end of file within a |symbol|),@(y10:read"
".0R8?{.2,'(y5:port:),'(s19:end of file after #),@(y10:read-error)[33}'"
"6]5}.4,'(y5:port:),.3,'(s24:unexpected name after #!),@(y10:read-error"
"3:unexpected name after #),@(y10:read-error)[54}'(cb),.1Ci=,.0?{.0}{'("
"?{.2R0${,#0.5,.1,&2{%0:1R0,.0R8?{:1,'(y5:port:),'(s25:end of file in #"
"| comment),@(y10:read-error)[13}'(c|),.1C=?{:1R1,.0R8?{:1,'(y5:port:),"
"'(s25:end of file in #| comment),@(y10:read-error)[23}'(c#),.1C=?{:1R0"
"]2}:0^[20}'(c#),.1C=?{:1R1,.0R8?{:1,'(y5:port:),'(s25:end of file in #"
"| comment),@(y10:read-error)[23}'(c|),.1C=?{:1R0${:0^[00}:0^[20}:0^[20"
"2,'(y5:port:),'(s25:invalid bytevector syntax),@(y10:read-error)[33}'("
"c%5c),.1C=?{.2R0.2R1,.0R8?{.3,'(y5:port:),'(s20:end of file after #%5c"
"pace),.1v?{'(c )]6}'(y5:alarm),.1v?{'(c%07)]6}'(y9:backspace),.1v?{'(c"
"%0d)]6}.5,'(y5:port:),.3,'(s15:unknown #%5c name),@(y10:read-error)[64"
"}.3R0.0]4}.0C5?{:0?{${.4,'(y5:port:),'(s44:#N=/#N# notation is not all"
"owed in this mode),@(y10:read-error)[03}}n,,#0.4,.1,:4,:3,:2,:1,&6{%1:"
"5R0,.0R8?{:5,'(y5:port:),'(s32:end of file within a #N notation),@(y10"
"0?{:0^,.1A3}{f},.0?{.0d]5}'(s22:unknown #n# reference:),'(y5:port:),.4"
"valid #n= reference:),'(y5:port:),.5,@(y10:read-error)[03}}{:0^,.1A3?{"
"${'(s18:duplicate #n= tag:),'(y5:port:),.4,@(y10:read-error)[03}}{f}}f"
"b,:0^,${.3,:1^[01},.3cc:!0${:5,:2^[01},${.2,:3^[01}?{'(s31:#n= has ano"
"ther label as target),'(y5:port:),.5,@(y10:read-error)[63}.0,.2sz.0]6}"
":5,'(y5:port:),'(s34:invalid terminator for #N notation),@(y10:read-er"
"ror)[23}.!0.0^_1[31}.2,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s16:unknown # syntax),@(y10:re"
"ad-error)[34}.1,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s22:illegal character read),@(y10:rea"
"1q?{.2,'(y5:port:),'(s42:missing car -- ( immediately followed by .),@"
"6,'(y5:port:),'(s41:eof inside list -- unbalanced parentheses),@(y10:r"
"q?{.1]3}:6,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s31:randomness after form after dot),@(y10"
":read-error)[34}:6,'(y5:port:),'(s13:dot in #(...)),@(y10:read-error)["
"13}${.2,:4^[01}?{:6,'(y5:port:),.2d,'(s20:error inside list --),@(y10:"
"),'(s21:eof inside bytevector),@(y10:read-error)[13}:0^,.1q?{n]1}${.2,"
":1^[01}?{:3,'(y5:port:),.2d,'(s26:error inside bytevector --),@(y10:re"
":port:),.2,'(s33:invalid byte inside bytevector --),@(y10:read-error)["
"R8?{${.3,'(y5:port:),.6,'(s20:end of file within a),@(y10:read-error)["
":),'(s32:no newline in line ending escape),@(y10:read-error)[23}.0?{'("
"1[32}.1,'(y5:port:),.2,'(y1::),.6,'(s22:invalid char escape in),@(y10:"
"),'(s31:%5cx escape sequence is too short),@(y10:read-error)[13}'(i16)"
"'(y5:port:),'(s27:end of file within a string),@(y10:read-error)[33}.1"
"^[31}${.2,:3^[01}~?{:4,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s37:unexpected char in %5cx es"
"cape sequence),@(y10:read-error)[34}'2,.3>?{:4,'(y5:port:),'(s30:%5cx "
"escape sequence is too long),@(y10:read-error)[33}:4R0'1,.3+,.2,.2c,:4"
"'(i10),.1E9,.0?{.0]7}:6,'(y5:port:),.3,'(s54:unsupported number syntax"
" (implementation restriction)),@(y10:read-error)[74}:3^?{.0SfX5]6}.0X5"
"R1,:5^[33}:6,'(y5:port:),.2,'(s29:unexpected number/symbol char),@(y10"
"ted token:),@(y10:read-error)[(i27)4",
"C", 0,
@ -692,6 +692,40 @@
(define-syntax cons* list*)
(define (list-diff l t) ; +
(if (or (null? l) (eq? l t))
(cons (car l) (list-diff (cdr l) t))))
(define (list-head list index) ; +
(let loop ([list list] [index index])
(if (zero? index)
(cons (car list) (loop (cdr list) (- index 1))))))
(define (andmap p l) ; +
(if (pair? l) (and (p (car l)) (andmap p (cdr l))) #t))
(define (ormap p l) ; +
(if (pair? l) (or (p (car l)) (ormap p (cdr l))) #f))
(define (memp p l) ; +
(and (pair? l) (if (p (car l)) l (memp p (cdr l)))))
(define (assp p l) ; +
(and (pair? l) (if (p (caar l)) (car l) (assp p (cdr l)))))
(define (posq x l) ; +
(let loop ([l l] [n 0])
(cond [(null? l) #f]
[(eq? x (car l)) n]
[else (loop (cdr l) (fx+ n 1))])))
(define (rassq x al) ; +
(and (pair? al)
(let ([a (car al)])
(if (eq? x (cdr a)) a (rassq x (cdr al))))))
; Symbols
@ -855,6 +889,17 @@
[(_ . r) (%string-append . r)]
[_ %string-append]))
(define (string-trim-whitespace s) ; +
(let floop ([from 0] [len (string-length s)])
(if (and (< from len) (char-whitespace? (string-ref s from)))
(floop (+ from 1) len)
(let tloop ([to len])
(if (and (> to from) (char-whitespace? (string-ref s (- to 1))))
(tloop (- to 1))
(if (and (= from 0) (= to len))
(substring s from to)))))))
; Vectors
@ -1609,6 +1654,11 @@
(r-error p "unexpected token:" (cdr form))]
[else form])))
(define (sub-read-shebang p)
(if (eqv? (peek-char p) #\space)
(string->symbol (string-trim-whitespace (read-line p)))
(sub-read-carefully p)))
(define (sub-read p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(cond [(eof-object? c) c]
@ -1658,7 +1708,7 @@
(cond [(eof-object? c) (r-error p "end of file after #")]
[(char=? c #\!)
(read-char p)
(let ([name (sub-read-carefully p)])
(let ([name (sub-read-shebang p)])
(case name
[(fold-case no-fold-case)
(set! fold-case? (eq? name 'fold-case))
@ -120,17 +120,6 @@
(string-append (symbol->string (car args))
(string-append "#" (fixnum->string gsc 10))))))))
(define (posq x l)
(let loop ([l l] [n 0])
(cond [(null? l) #f]
[(eq? x (car l)) n]
[else (loop (cdr l) (fx+ n 1))])))
(define (rassq x al)
(and (pair? al)
(let ([a (car al)])
(if (eq? x (cdr a)) a (rassq x (cdr al))))))
(define (remove! x l pred?) ; applies (pred? x (car l))
(let loop ([f #f] [l #f] [r l])
(cond [(not (pair? r)) (if l (begin (set-cdr! l r) f) r)]
@ -138,17 +127,6 @@
[l (set-cdr! l r) (loop f r (cdr r))]
[else (loop r r (cdr r))])))
(define (list-diff l t)
(if (or (null? l) (eq? l t))
(cons (car l) (list-diff (cdr l) t))))
(define (list-head list index)
(let loop ([list list] [index index])
(if (zero? index)
(cons (car list) (loop (cdr list) (- index 1))))))
(define (pair* x . more)
(let loop ([x x] [r more])
(if (null? r) x (cons x (loop (car r) (cdr r))))))
@ -161,23 +139,6 @@
(define (string-append* l)
(apply string-append l))
(define (string-trim-whitespace s)
(let floop ([from 0] [len (string-length s)])
(if (and (< from len) (char-whitespace? (string-ref s from)))
(floop (+ from 1) len)
(let tloop ([to len])
(if (and (> to from) (char-whitespace? (string-ref s (- to 1))))
(tloop (- to 1))
(if (and (= from 0) (= to len))
(substring s from to)))))))
(define (andmap p l)
(if (pair? l) (and (p (car l)) (andmap p (cdr l))) #t))
(define (ormap p l)
(if (pair? l) (or (p (car l)) (ormap p (cdr l))) #f))
(define (list1? x) (and (pair? x) (null? (cdr x))))
(define (list1+? x) (and (pair? x) (list? (cdr x))))
(define (list2? x) (and (pair? x) (list1? (cdr x))))
@ -2014,6 +1975,7 @@
(vector-cat) (bytevector=?) (bytevector->list) (list->bytevector) (subbytevector)
(standard-input-port) (standard-output-port) (standard-error-port) (tty-port?)
(port-fold-case?) (set-port-fold-case!) (rename-file) (void) (void?) (global-store)
; temporarily here for debugging purposes
;(xform) (compile-and-run-core-expr) (compile-to-thunk-code) (deserialize-code)
;(closure) (repl-environment)
@ -2331,6 +2293,33 @@
; we aren't asked by the spec to call last expr tail-recursively, so this
; srfi-22 - like script processor (args is list of strings)
(define (run-script filename args)
(define env (interaction-environment))
(define ci? #f) ; do not bother setting this
(define callmain #f)
(define main-args (cons filename args))
(let* ([filepath (and (string? filename) (file-resolve-relative-to-current filename))]
[fileok? (and (string? filepath) (file-exists? filepath))])
(unless fileok? (error "cannot run script" filename filepath))
(with-current-file filepath
(lambda ()
(call-with-input-file filepath
(lambda (port)
(when ci? (set-port-fold-case! port #t))
(let ([x0 (read-code-sexp port)])
(when (shebang? x0) ; TODO: set! env depending on x?
(set! callmain #t)
(set! x0 (read-code-sexp port)))
(let loop ([x x0])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(eval x env)
(loop (read-code-sexp port))))
(when callmain
; if it is a real script, exit with main's return value
(eval `(exit (main (quote ,main-args))) env)))))))
@ -67,24 +67,11 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "posq",
"P", "rassq",
"P", "remove!",
"P", "list-diff",
"P", "list-head",
"P", "pair*",
@ -94,17 +81,6 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "string-append*",
"P", "string-trim-whitespace",
"P", "andmap",
"P", "ormap",
"P", "list1?",
@ -1112,7 +1088,7 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
@ -1275,25 +1251,25 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
@ -1461,6 +1437,17 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "run-script",
"{f},.0~?{${.3,.9,'(s17:cannot run script),@(y5:error)[03}}${.5,.8,.6,."
"P", "repl-evaluate-top-form",
Reference in a new issue