mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 21:58:51 +01:00
syntax-quote, *listname-registry*
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 111 additions and 90 deletions
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
; These names are bound to specials never returned by xform:
; (syntax <value>)
; (syntax-quote <value>)
; (body <expr or def> ...)
; (syntax-lambda (<id> ...) <expr>)
; (syntax-rules (<id> ...) <rule> ...)
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
; <location> -> #&<value>
; <value> -> <special> | <core>
; <special> -> <builtin> | <integrable> | <transformer>
; <builtin> -> syntax | quote | set! | set& | if | lambda | lambda* |
; <builtin> -> syntax-quote | quote | set! | set& | if | lambda | lambda* |
; letcc | withcc | body | begin | define | define-syntax |
; syntax-lambda | syntax-rules | syntax-length | syntax-error
; <integrable> -> <fixnum serving as index in internal integrables table>
@ -328,11 +328,11 @@
(define (check-syntax sexp pat msg)
(unless (sexp-match? pat sexp) (x-error msg sexp)))
(define syntax-id (new-id 'syntax (make-location 'syntax) #f))
(define lambda-id (new-id 'lambda (make-location 'lambda) #f))
(define begin-id (new-id 'begin (make-location 'begin) #f))
(define define-id (new-id 'define (make-location 'define) #f))
(define define-syntax-id (new-id 'define-syntax (make-location 'define-syntax) #f))
(define syntax-quote-id (new-id 'syntax-quote (make-location 'syntax-quote) #f))
; xform receives Scheme s-expressions and returns either Core Scheme <core>
; (always a pair) or special-form, which is either a builtin (a symbol) or
@ -355,7 +355,6 @@
(let* ([head (car sexp)] [tail (cdr sexp)] [hval (xform #t head env)])
(case hval
[(syntax) (xform-syntax tail env)]
[(quote) (xform-quote tail env)]
[(set!) (xform-set! tail env)]
[(set&) (xform-set& tail env)]
@ -368,6 +367,7 @@
[(begin) (xform-begin tail env appos?)]
[(define) (xform-define tail env)]
[(define-syntax) (xform-define-syntax tail env)]
[(syntax-quote) (xform-syntax-quote tail env)]
[(syntax-lambda) (xform-syntax-lambda tail env appos?)]
[(syntax-rules) (xform-syntax-rules tail env)]
[(syntax-length) (xform-syntax-length tail env)]
@ -380,11 +380,6 @@
(xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)
(xform-call hval tail env)))]))]))
(define (xform-syntax tail env)
(if (list1? tail)
(car tail) ; must be <core>, todo: check?
(x-error "improper syntax form" (cons 'syntax tail))))
(define (xform-quote tail env)
(if (list1? tail)
(list 'quote (xform-sexp->datum (car tail)))
@ -581,16 +576,21 @@
(list 'define-syntax (id->sym (car tail)) (xform #t (cadr tail) env))
(x-error "improper define-syntax form" (cons 'define-syntax tail))))
(define (xform-syntax-quote tail env)
(if (list1? tail)
(car tail) ; must be <core>, todo: check?
(x-error "improper syntax-quote form" (cons 'syntax-quote tail))))
(define (xform-syntax-lambda tail env appos?)
(if (and (list2+? tail) (andmap id? (car tail)))
(let ([vars (car tail)] [macenv env] [forms (cdr tail)])
; return a transformer that wraps xformed body in (syntax ...)
; return a transformer that wraps xformed body in (syntax-quote ...)
; to make sure xform treats it as final <core> form and exits the loop
(lambda (use useenv)
(if (and (list1+? use) (fx=? (length vars) (length (cdr use))))
(let loop ([vars vars] [exps (cdr use)] [env macenv])
(if (null? vars)
(list syntax-id (xform-body forms env appos?))
(list syntax-quote-id (xform-body forms env appos?))
(loop (cdr vars) (cdr exps)
(extend-xenv-local (car vars)
(xform #t (car exps) useenv) env))))
@ -868,8 +868,7 @@
(let ([ic&ex (preprocess-library s env)])
(return (car ic&ex) (cdr ic&ex)))]
[(and (list1+? s) (andmap libpart? s))
(let* ([lib (xform-sexp->datum s)]
[sym (if (symbol? lib) lib (listname->symbol lib))]
(let* ([lib (xform-sexp->datum s)] [sym (listname->symbol lib)]
[core (xform #f sym env)]) ; #f to run id-syntax (in mac-env?)
(check-syntax core '(quote ((<symbol> * ...) (<symbol> . *) ...))
"library import set does not refer to a valid library")
@ -1639,6 +1638,9 @@
; Library names and library file lookup
(define (lnpart? x) (or (id? x) (exact-integer? x)))
(define (listname? x) (and (list1+? x) (andmap lnpart? x)))
(define (mangle-symbol->string sym)
(define safe '(#\! #\$ #\- #\_ #\=))
(let loop ([lst (string->list (symbol->string sym))] [text '()])
@ -1844,7 +1846,6 @@
(define-in-root-environment! 'cond-expand
(make-location (make-cond-expand-transformer)) #t)
; now put the builtins (lazily) and others
(let ([put! (lambda (k loc) (define-in-root-environment! k loc #t))])
@ -1870,19 +1871,29 @@
(define (root-environment id at)
(env-lookup id *root-environment* at))
; Library registry and built-in libraries
; List-name registry and built-in libraries
(define *library-registry* '()) ; alist of a form ((libsym . ic&ex) ...)
(define *listname-registry* '()) ; alist of a form ((listname . <location>) ...)
(define (library-info lib alloc?) ;=> (code . eal) | #f
(let ([key (if (symbol? lib) lib (listname->symbol lib))])
(cond [(assq key *library-registry*) => cdr]
[(not alloc?) #f]
[else (let ([ic&ex (cons '(begin) '())])
(set! *library-registry* (cons (cons key ic&ex) *library-registry*))
(define (listname-lookup listname alloc?) ;=> <location> | #f
(cond [(assoc listname *listname-registry*) => cdr]
[(not alloc?) #f]
[else (let ([loc (make-location '(undefined))])
(set! *listname-registry* (cons (cons listname loc) *listname-registry*))
; specialized version for libraries
(define (library-info listname alloc?) ;=> ic&ex | #f
(let ([loc (listname-lookup listname alloc?)])
(and loc
(let* ([v (location-val loc)] [q? (and (pair? v) (eq? (car v) 'quote))])
(if q? (cadr v)
(let ([ic&ex (cons '(begin) '())])
(location-set-val! loc (list 'quote ic&ex))
(lambda (r)
@ -1971,15 +1982,13 @@
; add std libraries to root env as expand time mappings of library's symbolic name
; to an identifyer-syntax expanding into (quote (<init-code> . <eal>)) form
; NB: later, this will need to be done via auto-allocating denotations!
(let ([syntax-id (new-id 'syntax (make-location 'syntax) #f)])
(lambda (p)
(let* ([sym (car p)] [ic&ex (cdr p)])
(define (libid-transformer sexp env)
(list syntax-id (list 'quote ic&ex)))
(define-in-root-environment! sym
(make-location libid-transformer) #t)))
(lambda (p) ; we can rely on the fact that p is (listname . #&(quote ic&ex))
(let* ([listname (car p)] [val (location-val (cdr p))])
(define (libid-transformer sexp env) (list syntax-quote-id val))
(define-in-root-environment! (listname->symbol listname)
(make-location libid-transformer) #t)))
@ -2042,7 +2051,7 @@
(let* ([core (xform-define-library (car x) (cdr x) env #f)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(let* ([qie (caddr core)] [val (lambda (sexp env) (list syntax-id qie))])
(let* ([qie (caddr core)] [val (lambda (sexp env) (list syntax-quote-id qie))])
(location-set-val! loc val)) ; wrapped in identifier-syntax transformer
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env))
@ -2051,7 +2060,8 @@
(let* ([core (xform-import (car x) (cdr x) env #f)] ; core is (import (quote ic&ex))
[ic&ex (cadadr core)] [code (car ic&ex)] [eal (cdr ic&ex)])
(define (define-alias p)
(repl-eval-top-form (list define-syntax-id (car p) (list syntax-id (location-val (cdr p)))) env))
(list define-syntax-id (car p) (list syntax-quote-id (location-val (cdr p)))) env))
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr code)
(for-each define-alias eal))]
[(procedure? hval) ; transformer: apply and loop
@ -190,9 +190,6 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "check-syntax",
"C", 0,
"C", 0,
@ -206,31 +203,31 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"P", "xform",
"7:improper use of syntax form),@(y7:x-error)[42}.0]4}.1p~?{.2,.2,l1,@("
"P", "xform-syntax",
"%2${.2,@(y6:list1?)[01}?{.0a]2}.0,'(y6:syntax)c,'(s20:improper syntax "
"P", "xform-quote",
@ -356,14 +353,18 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"ine-syntax)c,'(s27:improper define-syntax form),@(y7:x-error)[22",
"P", "xform-syntax-quote",
"%2${.2,@(y6:list1?)[01}?{.0a]2}.0,'(y12:syntax-quote)c,'(s26:improper "
"syntax-quote form),@(y7:x-error)[22",
"P", "xform-syntax-lambda",
")[03},.2d,.2d,:2^[33}.!0.0^_1[23}.0,'(s33:invalid syntax-lambda applic"
"ation),@(y7:x-error)[22}]6}.0,'(y13:syntax-lambda)c,'(s27:improper syn"
"tax-lambda body),@(y7:x-error)[32",
"v-local)[03},.2d,.2d,:2^[33}.!0.0^_1[23}.0,'(s33:invalid syntax-lambda"
" application),@(y7:x-error)[22}]6}.0,'(y13:syntax-lambda)c,'(s27:impro"
"per syntax-lambda body),@(y7:x-error)[32",
"P", "xform-syntax-rules",
@ -488,14 +489,14 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"(y16:listname->symbol)[01}},${:8,.3,f,@(y5:xform)[03},${'(s52:library "
"import set does not refer to a valid library),'(l2:y5:quote;l3:l3:y8:<"
"x)[03}.0dad,.1daa,.7[62}.1,'(s28:invalid import set in import),@(y7:x-"
"ame->symbol)[01},${:8,.3,f,@(y5:xform)[03},${'(s52:library import set "
"does not refer to a valid library),'(l2:y5:quote;l3:l3:y8:<symbol>;y1:"
",.1daa,.7[62}.1,'(s28:invalid import set in import),@(y7:x-error)[32}."
"P", "preprocess-library-declarations",
"%2${'(s35:invalid library declarations syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;l3:y4:<id>"
@ -886,6 +887,12 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "lnpart?",
"P", "listname?",
"P", "mangle-symbol->string",
@ -983,12 +990,15 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"P", "listname-lookup",
"P", "library-info",
"C", 0,
@ -1139,9 +1149,9 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"C", 0,
@ -1171,18 +1181,19 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"yntax in env:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s18:SYNTAX INST"
"ALLED: )W4Po,.2daW5PoW6]5}]5}'(y14:define-library),.1q?{${f,.5,.5d,.6a"
"1}{${.6,.4da,'(s50:identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:)"
",@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s19:LIBRARY INSTALLED: )W4Po,"
".3sz_1_1}{${.6,.4da,'(s50:identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax i"
"n env:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s19:LIBRARY INSTALLED:"
" )W4Po,.2daW5PoW6]5}]5}'(y6:import),.1q?{${f,.5,.5d,.6a,@(y12:xform-im"
"P", "repl-read",
"%2.1?{PoW6Po,.2W4Po,'(s1: )W4}.0,@(y14:read-code-sexp)[21",
Reference in a new issue