mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 21:58:51 +01:00
code to use d-l and import inside modules
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 145 additions and 117 deletions
@ -808,12 +808,12 @@
(loop (cdr files) (cons wrapped-sexps exp-lists)))))))
; return the right ce branch using (lit=? id sym) for literal match
(define (preprocess-cond-expand lit=? sexp) ;=> (sexp ...)
(define (preprocess-cond-expand lit=? sexp env) ;=> (sexp ...)
(define (pp freq con alt)
(cond [(lit=? freq 'else) (con)]
[(id? freq) (if (feature-available? (id->sym freq)) (con) (alt))]
[(and (list2? freq) (lit=? (car freq) 'library))
(if (library-available? (xform-sexp->datum (cadr freq))) (con) (alt))]
(if (library-available? (xform-sexp->datum (cadr freq)) env) (con) (alt))]
[(and (list1+? freq) (lit=? (car freq) 'and))
(cond [(null? (cdr freq)) (con)] [(null? (cddr freq)) (pp (cadr freq) con alt)]
[else (pp (cadr freq) (lambda () (pp (cons (car freq) (cddr freq)) con alt)) alt)])]
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@
(lambda (sexp env)
(define (lit=? id sym) ; match literal using free-id=? -like match
(and (id? id) (eq? (xenv-ref env id) (xenv-ref root-environment sym))))
(cons begin-id (preprocess-cond-expand lit=? sexp))))
(cons begin-id (preprocess-cond-expand lit=? sexp env))))
; library transformers
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@
(loop (append (cdr decl) decls) code eal esps forms)]
[(eq? (car decl) ld-cond-expand-id) ; flatten and splice
(let ([lit=? (lambda (id sym) (and (id? id) (eq? id (id-rename-as sid sym))))])
(loop (append (preprocess-cond-expand lit=? (cdr decl)) decls) code eal esps forms))]
(loop (append (preprocess-cond-expand lit=? (cdr decl)) decls env) code eal esps forms))]
[(eq? (car decl) ld-push-cf-id) ; internal
(check-syntax decl '(<id> <string>) "invalid library declarations syntax")
(push-current-file! (cadr decl))
@ -1025,13 +1025,25 @@
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
(let* ([core (xform-define-syntax tail cenv)]
[loc (xenv-lookup cenv (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(unless (location? loc) (x-error "unexpected define-syntax for id" (cadr core) first))
(unless (location? loc)
(x-error "unexpected define-syntax for id" (cadr core) first))
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core))
(scan rest code*))]
[(eq? hval 'define-library)
(x-error "NYI: define-library inside library code" first)]
[(eq? hval 'import)
(x-error "NYI: import inside library code" first)]
(let* ([core (xform-define-library head tail env #f)]
; core is (define-library <listname> <library>)
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(unless (location? loc)
(x-error "unexpected define-library for id" (cadr core) first))
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core))
(scan rest code*))]
[(eq? hval 'import) ; support, in case there is an internal import
(let* ([core (xform-import head tail cenv #f)]
; core is (import <library>)
[l (cadr core)] [code (library-code l)] [eal (library-exports l)])
(unless (cenv eal 'import) ; adjoins eal to cenv's imports
(x-error "broken import inside library code" first))
(scan rest (cons code code*)))] ; adds library init code
; TODO: check for built-in (export) and modify eal!
[(val-transformer? hval) ; apply transformer and loop
(scan (cons (hval first cenv) rest) code*)]
@ -1679,10 +1691,10 @@
(when ci? (set-port-fold-case! port #t))
(read-port-sexps port))))
(define (library-available? lib) ;=> #f | filepath (external) | (code . eal) (loaded)
(define (library-available? lib env) ;=> #f | filepath (external) | (code . eal) (loaded)
(cond [(string? lib) (file-resolve-relative-to-current lib)]
[(library-info lib #f)] ; builtin or preloaded
[else (and (list1+? lib) (find-library-path lib))])) ;(or (symbol? lib) (list1+? lib))
[(library-info lib #f)] ; builtin or preloaded FIXME: need to take env into account!
[else (and (listname? lib) (find-library-path lib))]))
; name prefixes
@ -1706,6 +1718,9 @@
(define (eal->name-registry eal) (vector eal '()))
(define (eal-name-registry-import! ir ial)
(vector-set! ir 0 (adjoin-eals (vector-ref ir 0) ial))) ; may end in x-error on conflict
(define (name-lookup nr name mkdefval) ;=> loc | #f
(let* ([n-1 (- (vector-length nr) 1)] [i (if (pair? name) n-1 (immediate-hash name n-1))]
[al (vector-ref nr i)] [p (if (pair? name) (assoc name al) (assq name al))])
@ -1916,6 +1931,14 @@
(lambda (n) ; not in lr: check ir and fail if it's there
(and (not (name-lookup ir name #f)) ; not imported? alloc:
[(and (eq? at 'import) (sexp-match? '((<symbol> . #&*) ...) name))
; someone trues to add new imports: allow if there are no conflicts
(let ([ial name])
(define (check p)
(cond [(name-lookup lr (car p) #f) => (lambda (loc)
(x-error "imported name shadows local name" (car p) (cdr p) loc))]))
(for-each check ial)
(eal-name-registry-import! ir ial))]
[else #f])))
; mutable environment from two registries; new bindings go to user registry
@ -2007,38 +2030,33 @@
(cadr core) env)))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax) ; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define-syntax (cdr x) env)]
; core is (define-syntax <name> <library>)
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env))
(unless (location? loc)
(x-error "unexpected define-syntax for id" (cadr core) x))
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core))
(when *verbose* (display "SYNTAX INSTALLED: ") (write (cadr core)) (newline)))]
[(eq? hval 'define-library) ; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define-library (car x) (cdr x) env #t)]
; core is (define-library <listname> <library>)
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(let ([l (caddr core)]) (location-set-val! loc l))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env))
(unless (location? loc)
(x-error "unexpected define-library for id" (cadr core) x))
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core))
(when *verbose* (display "LIBRARY INSTALLED: ") (write (cadr core)) (newline)))]
[(eq? hval 'import) ; splice as definitions
(let* ([core (xform-import (car x) (cdr x) env #t)] ; core is (import <library>)
(let* ([core (xform-import (car x) (cdr x) env #t)]
; core is (import <library>)
[l (cadr core)] [code (library-code l)] [eal (library-exports l)])
; note: we should somehow introduce imported locations as-is for keywords like
; 'else' to work correctly -- while protecting imported locations from change
; via define or define-syntax; lookup with at=define-syntax returns us new
; location from user name registry, offering different locations and no protection!
; we need to extend env protocol, e.g. (env id <location>) that either fails,
; or inserts <location> under id where it will be returned via (env id 'ref)
; and nothing else. We use (env eal 'import) -- with guarantees that env can't
; answer any requests but 'ref to imported bindings
(let ([counts (env eal 'import)]) ; manually invoke env's extended behavior
(if (sexp-match? '(<number> <number> <number>) counts)
(when *verbose* (display "IMPORT: ")
(write (car counts)) (display " bindings are the same, ")
(write (cadr counts)) (display " modified, ")
(write (caddr counts)) (display " added\n"))
(x-error "failed to import to env, import is not supported:" env eal)))
; note: try to use env's import protocol
(let ([res (env eal 'import)])
(unless res ; this env does not support import
(x-error "failed to import to env, import is not supported:" env eal))
(when (and *verbose* (sexp-match? '(<number> <number> <number>) res))
(display "IMPORT: ")
(write (car res)) (display " bindings are the same, ")
(write (cadr res)) (display " modified, ")
(write (caddr res)) (display " added\n")))
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr code))]
[(val-transformer? hval) ; apply transformer and loop
(repl-eval-top-form (hval x env) env)]
@ -476,24 +476,24 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "preprocess-cond-expand",
",'(s39:invalid cond-expand feature requirement),@(y7:x-error)[32}.!0${"
"'(s26:invalid cond-expand syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;l3:y1:*;y1:*;y3:...;;y3"
"[33}.0,'(s39:invalid cond-expand feature requirement),@(y7:x-error)[32"
"}.!0${'(s26:invalid cond-expand syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;l3:y1:*;y1:*;y3:."
"P", "make-cond-expand-transformer",
"P", "adjoin-code",
@ -562,34 +562,34 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"->datum)[01},'(s27:invalid export spec element),@(y7:x-error)[22}.!0n,"
":7,.1aq?{${'(s35:invalid library declarations syntax),'(l2:y4:<id>;y8:"
"01}.6,.6,.6,.6,.5,:0^[75}:6,.1aq?{${'(s35:invalid library declarations"
" syntax),'(l1:y4:<id>;),.4,@(y12:check-syntax)[03}${@(y17:pop-current-"
"file!)[00}.6,.6,.6,.6,.5,:0^[75}:9,.1aq?{${'(s43:invalid include-libra"
"ry-declarations syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;y8:<string>;y3:...;),.4,@(y12:che"
"rrent)[01},.0S0?{.0F0}{f},.0?{t}{${:8,.5a,'(s27:cannot include declara"
".1L6,n,.5c,:7cc,.5d,:5^[62}.!0.0^_1[72}:5,.1aq?{${'(s42:invalid includ"
"e library declaration syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;y8:<string>;y3:...;),.4,@(y"
"5:invalid include-ci library declaration syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;y8:<stri"
"6,:0^[85}:7,.1aq?{${'(s35:invalid library declarations syntax),'(l2:y4"
"t-file!)[01}.6,.6,.6,.6,.5,:0^[75}:6,.1aq?{${'(s35:invalid library dec"
"larations syntax),'(l1:y4:<id>;),.4,@(y12:check-syntax)[03}${@(y17:pop"
"-current-file!)[00}.6,.6,.6,.6,.5,:0^[75}:9,.1aq?{${'(s43:invalid incl"
"ude-library-declarations syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;y8:<string>;y3:...;),.4,"
"ive-to-current)[01},.0S0?{.0F0}{f},.0?{t}{${:8,.5a,'(s27:cannot includ"
"e declarations),@(y7:x-error)[03}},${f,.5,@(y15:read-file-sexps)[02},."
"id include library declaration syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;y8:<string>;y3:..."
"q?{${'(s45:invalid include-ci library declaration syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>"
"P", "preprocess-library",
@ -599,27 +599,31 @@ char *t_code[] = {
" begin form),@(y7:x-error)[02}}.6,.5,.3L6,:1^[72}'(y6:define),.1q?{${."
"okup)[03},.0Y2~?{${.7,.4da,'(s24:unexpected define for id),@(y7:x-erro"
":0,@(y11:xenv-lookup)[03},.0Y2~?{${.7,.4da,'(s31:unexpected define-syn"
"tax for id),@(y7:x-error)[03}}.1dda,.1sz.8,.7,:1^[92}'(y14:define-libr"
"ary),.1q?{.3,'(s39:NYI: define-library inside library code),@(y7:x-err"
"or)[72}'(y6:import),.1q?{.3,'(s31:NYI: import inside library code),@(y"
"ef),.4,:2[02},.0~?{.2,'(s16:cannot export id),@(y7:x-error)[52}${.2,@("
" export code alias id),@(y7:x-error)[63}.!0.0^_1[(i16)2",
"mproper begin form),@(y7:x-error)[02}}.6,.5,.3L6,:1^[72}'(y6:define),."
"xenv-lookup)[03},.0Y2~?{${.7,.4da,'(s24:unexpected define for id),@(y7"
"),.3da,:0,@(y11:xenv-lookup)[03},.0Y2~?{${.7,.4da,'(s31:unexpected def"
"ine-syntax for id),@(y7:x-error)[03}}.1dda,.1sz.8,.7,:1^[92}'(y14:defi"
"nexpected define-library for id),@(y7:x-error)[03}}.1dda,.1sz.8,.7,:1^"
"4,'1,.2V4,${'(y6:import),.3,:0[02}~?{${.9,'(s33:broken import inside l"
"ibrary code),@(y7:x-error)[02}}.(i10),.2c,.9,:1^[(i11)2}.0K0?{.6,.5,${"
"cannot export id),@(y7:x-error)[52}${.2,@(y17:location-special?)[01}?{"
"?{.5,.2,.4cc,.5d,:1^[62}.0,.4,'(s27:cannot export code alias id),@(y7:"
"P", "xform-define-library",
@ -976,9 +980,9 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "library-available?",
"P", "fully-qualified-library-prefixed-name",
@ -994,6 +998,9 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "eal->name-registry",
"P", "eal-name-registry-import!",
"P", "name-lookup",
@ -1228,7 +1235,11 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"y11:name-lookup)[03},.0?{.0,.0,.3d,.4a,'(s32:imported name shadows loc"
"al name),@(y7:x-error)[34}f]2}.!0${.3,.3^,@(y10:%25for-each1)[02}.1,:2"
"P", "make-repl-environment",
@ -1275,25 +1286,24 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"r)[51}.4,.2da,'(s52:identifier cannot be (re)defined as variable in en"
",.0?{.1dda,.1sz}{${.6,.4da,'(s50:identifier cannot be (re)defined as s"
"yntax in env:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s18:SYNTAX INST"
"ALLED: )W4Po,.2daW5PoW6]5}]5}'(y14:define-library),.1q?{${t,.5,.5d,.6a"
"xenv-lookup)[03},.0?{.1dda,.0,.2sz_1}{${.6,.4da,'(s50:identifier canno"
"t be (re)defined as syntax in env:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?"
"{Po,'(s19:LIBRARY INSTALLED: )W4Po,.2daW5PoW6]5}]5}'(y6:import),.1q?{$"
"1:sexp-match?)[02}?{@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s8:IMPORT: )W4Po,.1aW5Po,'(s"
"24: bindings are the same, )W4Po,.1daW5Po,'(s11: modified, )W4Po,.1dda"
"W5Po,'(s7: added%0a)W4}}{${.3,.(i10),'(s49:failed to import to env, im"
"port is not supported:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}_1.1,@(y30:repl-compile-and-"
",.0Y2~?{${.5,.4da,'(s31:unexpected define-syntax for id),@(y7:x-error)"
"[03}}.1dda,.1sz@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s18:SYNTAX INSTALLED: )W4Po,.2daW"
"0Y2~?{${.5,.4da,'(s32:unexpected define-library for id),@(y7:x-error)["
"03}}.1dda,.1sz@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s19:LIBRARY INSTALLED: )W4Po,.2daW"
":failed to import to env, import is not supported:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}"
":sexp-match?)[02}}{f}?{Po,'(s8:IMPORT: )W4Po,.1aW5Po,'(s24: bindings a"
"re the same, )W4Po,.1daW5Po,'(s11: modified, )W4Po,.1ddaW5Po,'(s7: add"
"P", "repl-read",
"%2.1?{PoW6Po,.2W4Po,'(s1: )W4}.0,@(y14:read-code-sexp)[21",
Reference in a new issue