v0.5.1: fixes/improvements (issues #6,7,8,9,10,11)

#11: extend flonum->string to support optional precision arg to support SRFI-48; improve flonum printing accordingly
#10: bug: (floor-quotient 1 -1) actual: -2 expected: -1
#9: immediate-hash should hash flonums even if they are boxed
#8: string-append and vector-append with 1 arg must copy the arg
#7: stop advertising built-in support for SRFI-48, allowing full external implementation
#6: expt should fall back to flonums on fixnum range overflow
This commit is contained in:
ESL 2025-02-02 18:29:29 -05:00
parent 7f868f22d3
commit 87d3ed5c7b
10 changed files with 307 additions and 220 deletions

View file

@ -1681,12 +1681,25 @@ define_instruction(itoc) {
define_instruction(jtos) {
char buf[30], *s; double d; ckj(ac);
d = get_flonum(ac); sprintf(buf, "%.15g", d);
for (s = buf; *s != 0; s++) if (strchr(".eE", *s)) break;
if (d != d) strcpy(buf, "+nan.0"); else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, "-inf.0");
else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, "+inf.0"); else if (*s == 'E') *s = 'e';
else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; }
char buf[50], *s; double d; long pr = -1;
obj arg = spop(); ckj(ac); d = get_flonum(ac);
if (d != d) { ac = string_obj(newstring("+nan.0")); gonexti(); }
if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) { ac = string_obj(newstring("-inf.0")); gonexti(); }
if (d >= HUGE_VAL) { ac = string_obj(newstring("+inf.0")); gonexti(); }
/* since double can't hold more than 17 decimal digits, limit fixed representation length */
if (is_fixnum(arg) && fabs(d) <= 9007199254740992.0 && (pr = get_fixnum(arg)) >= 0 && pr < 18)
sprintf(buf, "%.*f", (int)pr, d); else sprintf(buf, "%.16g", d);
for (s = buf; *s != 0; ++s) { if (strchr(".e", *s)) break; }
if (*s == '.' || *s == 'e') {
if (*s == '.') s = strchr(s+1, 'e');
if (s) { /* remove + and leading 0s from expt */
char *t = ++s; if (*s == '-') ++s, ++t;
while (*s == '+' || (*s == '0' && s[1])) ++s;
while (*s) *t++ = *s++; *t = 0;
} else if (*s == 0 && pr <= 0) {
*s++ = '.'; if (pr < 0) *s++ = '0'; *s = 0;
ac = string_obj(newstring(buf));
@ -1706,6 +1719,7 @@ define_instruction(stoj) {
define_instruction(ntos) {
if (is_fixnum(ac)) goi(itos);
if (unlikely(spop() != fixnum_obj(10))) fail("non-10 radix in flonum conversion");
spush(0); /* #f: use default precision */
@ -1861,13 +1875,15 @@ define_instruction(igcd) {
define_instruction(ipow) {
obj x = ac, y = spop(); cki(x); cki(y);
ac = fixnum_obj(fxpow(get_fixnum(x), get_fixnum(y)));
obj x = ac, y = spop(); long ly; cki(x); cki(y);
ly = get_fixnum(y); if (ly < 0) fail("negative power");
ac = fixnum_obj(fxpow(get_fixnum(x), ly)); /* can overflow */
define_instruction(isqrt) {
cki(ac); /* TODO: check for negative */
obj x = ac; cki(x); /* TODO: check for negative */
if (x < 0) fail("square root of a negative fixnum");
ac = fixnum_obj(fxsqrt(get_fixnum(ac)));
@ -2564,8 +2580,11 @@ define_instruction(gcd) {
define_instruction(pow) {
obj x = ac, y = spop();
if (likely(are_fixnums(x, y))) {
/* fixme: this will either overflow, or fail on negative y */
ac = fixnum_obj(fxpow(get_fixnum(x), get_fixnum(y)));
/* if fxpow fails or overflows, it returns 0 */
long fx = get_fixnum(x), fy = get_fixnum(y), fz;
if (unlikely(fx == 0 && fy < 0)) fail("division by zero");
fz = ((fx | fy)) ? fxpow(fx, fy) : 1; /* 0^0 == 1! */
ac = (!fz && fx) ? flonum_obj(pow((double)fx, (double)fy)) : fixnum_obj(fz);
} else {
double dx, dy;
if (likely(is_flonum(x))) dx = get_flonum(x);
@ -3519,8 +3538,16 @@ define_instruction(vmclo) {
define_instruction(hshim) {
unsigned long long v = (unsigned long long)ac, base = 0; obj b = spop();
if (v && isaptr(v)) { ac = fixnum_obj(0); gonexti(); }
if (b) { ckk(b); base = get_fixnum(b); }
if (ac && isaptr(ac)) {
if (is_flonum_obj(ac)) {
union { unsigned long long ull; double d; } u;
u.d = flonum_from_obj(ac); v = u.ull;
} else
{ ac = fixnum_obj(0); gonexti(); }
if (!base) base = 1 + (unsigned long long)FIXNUM_MAX;
ac = fixnum_obj((fixnum_t)(v % base));

View file

@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ declare_instruction(stoi, "X7\0'(i10)", 0, "string->fixnum",
declare_instruction(ctoi, "X8", 0, "char->integer", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(itoc, "X9", 0, "integer->char", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(ltob, "E1", 0, "list->bytevector", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(jtos, "E6", 0, "flonum->string", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(jtos, "E6\0f", 0, "flonum->string", 'b', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(stoj, "E7", 0, "string->flonum", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(ntos, "E8\0'(i10)", 0, "number->string", 'b', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(ston, "E9\0'(i10)", 0, "string->number", 'b', AUTOGL)

View file

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
(display " out of ")
(write *tests-run*)
(display " passed (")
(write (* (/ *tests-passed* *tests-run*) 100))
(write (/ (floor (* (/ *tests-passed* *tests-run*) 10000)) 100))
(display "%)")
@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@
;(test #i1/3 (rationalize .3 1/10))
(test 1.0 (inexact (exp 0))) ;; may return exact number
(test~= 20.0855369231877 (exp 3))
(test~= 20.08553692318767 (exp 3))
(test 0.0 (inexact (log 1))) ;; may return exact number
(test 1.0 (log (exp 1)))
@ -1495,33 +1495,33 @@
(test 1.0 (inexact (cos 0))) ;; may return exact number
(test -1.0 (cos 3.14159265358979))
(test 0.0 (inexact (tan 0))) ;; may return exact number
(test~= 1.5574077246549 (tan 1))
(test~= 1.557407724654902 (tan 1))
(test 0.0 (inexact (asin 0))) ;; may return exact number
(test~= 1.5707963267949 (asin 1))
(test~= 1.570796326794897 (asin 1))
(test 0.0 (inexact (acos 1))) ;; may return exact number
(test~= 3.14159265358979 (acos -1))
(test~= 3.141592653589793 (acos -1))
;; (test 0.0-0.0i (asin 0+0.0i))
;; (test 1.5707963267948966+0.0i (acos 0+0.0i))
(test 0.0 (atan 0.0 1.0))
(test -0.0 (atan -0.0 1.0))
(test~= 0.785398163397448 (atan 1.0 1.0))
(test~= 1.5707963267949 (atan 1.0 0.0))
(test~= 2.35619449019234 (atan 1.0 -1.0))
(test~= 3.14159265358979 (atan 0.0 -1.0))
(test~= -3.14159265358979 (atan -0.0 -1.0)) ;
(test~= -2.35619449019234 (atan -1.0 -1.0))
(test~= -1.5707963267949 (atan -1.0 0.0))
(test~= -0.785398163397448 (atan -1.0 1.0))
(test~= 0.7853981633974483 (atan 1.0 1.0))
(test~= 1.570796326794897 (atan 1.0 0.0))
(test~= 2.356194490192345 (atan 1.0 -1.0))
(test~= 3.141592653589793 (atan 0.0 -1.0))
(test~= -3.141592653589793 (atan -0.0 -1.0)) ;
(test~= -2.356194490192345 (atan -1.0 -1.0))
(test~= -1.570796326794897 (atan -1.0 0.0))
(test~= -0.7853981633974483 (atan -1.0 1.0))
;; (test undefined (atan 0.0 0.0))
(test 1764 (square 42))
(test 4 (square 2))
(test 3.0 (inexact (sqrt 9)))
(test~= 1.4142135623731 (sqrt 2))
(test~= 1.414213562373095 (sqrt 2))
;(test 0.0+1.0i (inexact (sqrt -1)))
(test '(0 0) (call-with-values (lambda () (exact-integer-sqrt 0)) list))
@ -3078,6 +3078,28 @@
;; Skint extras
(define s "foo")
(define v #(foo))
(test #f (eq? (string-append s) s))
(test #f (eq? (vector-append v) v))
; expt should overflow
(test 1 (expt 0 0))
(test 0.1 (expt 10 -1))
(test 0.0009765625 (expt 2 -10))
(test -32768 (expt -2 15))
(test -536870912 (expt -2 29))
(test 536870912.0 (expt 2 29))
(test 6.80564733841877e+038 (expt 2 129))
; fixnum ops shouldn't fail on overflow, but may return whatever
(test #t (fixnum? (fx- -536870912 1)))
(test #t (fixnum? (fx* -536870912 -1)))
(test #t (fixnum? (fx* 536870911 536870911)))
; floor division
; _ and ... as literals:
(define-syntax test-specials (syntax-rules (_ ...) ((_ _ ...) '(_ ...)) ((_ x y) (vector x y))))
(test (list (test-specials _ ...) (test-specials 1 2))

View file

@ -96,129 +96,129 @@ obj* typedref(obj o, int i) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
long fxneg(long x) {
assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN);
return -x;
long fxabs(long x) {
assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN);
return labs(x);
long fxadd(long x, long y) {
long z = x + y;
assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX);
return z;
long fxsub(long x, long y) {
long z = x - y;
assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX);
return z;
long fxmul(long x, long y) {
double z = (double)x * (double)y;
assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX);
return x * y;
/* exact integer division */
long fxdiv(long x, long y) {
assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
assert(x % y == 0);
ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
ASSERT(x % y == 0);
return x / y;
/* truncated division (common/C99) */
long fxquo(long x, long y) {
assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
ASSERT(y); ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
return x / y;
long fxrem(long x, long y) {
return x % y;
/* floor division */
long fxmqu(long x, long y) {
long q; assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
q = x / y;
return ((x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q;
long q, r; ASSERT(y); ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
q = x / y, r = x % y;
return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q;
long fxmlo(long x, long y) {
long r; assert(y); r = x % y;
long r; ASSERT(y); r = x % y;
return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? r + y : r;
/* euclidean division */
long fxeuq(long x, long y) {
long q, r; assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
long q, r; ASSERT(y); ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
q = x / y, r = x % y;
return (r < 0) ? ((y > 0) ? q - 1 : q + 1) : q;
long fxeur(long x, long y) {
long r; assert(y); r = x % y;
long r; ASSERT(y); r = x % y;
return (r < 0) ? ((y > 0) ? r + y : r - y) : r;
long fxgcd(long x, long y) {
long a = labs(x), b = labs(y), c;
while (b) c = a%b, a = b, b = c;
assert(a <= FIXNUM_MAX);
return a;
long fxasl(long x, long y) {
assert(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT);
ASSERT(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT);
return x << y;
long fxasr(long x, long y) {
assert(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT);
assert(!y || x >= 0); /* >> of negative x is undefined */
ASSERT(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT);
ASSERT(!y || x >= 0); /* >> of negative x is undefined */
return x >> y;
long fxflo(double f) {
long l = (long)f; assert((double)l == f);
assert(l >= FIXNUM_MIN && l <= FIXNUM_MAX);
long l = (long)f; ASSERT((double)l == f);
return l;
long fxpow(long x, long y) {
assert(y >= 0);
if (y < 0 || x == 0) return 0;
retry: if (y == 0) return 1; if (y == 1) return x;
if (y % 2 == 1) x *= fxpow(x, y-1);
else { x *= x; y /= 2; assert(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX); goto retry; }
assert(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX); return x;
if (y % 2 == 1) { x *= fxpow(x, y-1); if (!(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX)) return 0; }
else { x *= x; y /= 2; if (!(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX)) return 0; goto retry; }
return (FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX) ? x : 0;
long fxsqrt(long x) {
assert(x >= 0); if (x < 2) return x;
if (x < 0) return 0; if (x < 2) return x;
else { long s = fxsqrt(x >> 2) << 1, l = s + 1; return l*l > x ? s : l; }
int fxifdv(long x, long y, long *pi, double *pd) {
assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
ASSERT(y); ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
if (x % y == 0) { *pi = x / y; return 1; }
else { *pd = (double)x / (double)y; return 0; }
double flquo(double x, double y) {
double z; assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
double z; ASSERT(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
modf(x / y, &z);
return z;
double flrem(double x, double y) {
assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
ASSERT(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
return fmod(x, y);
double flmqu(double x, double y) {
assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
ASSERT(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
return floor(x / y);
double flmlo(double x, double y) {
assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
ASSERT(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
return x - y * floor(x / y);
double flgcd(double x, double y) {
double a = fabs(x), b = fabs(y), c;
assert(flisint(a) && flisint(b));
ASSERT(flisint(a) && flisint(b));
while (b > 0.0) c = fmod(a, b), a = b, b = c;
return a;
@ -866,12 +866,22 @@ static void wrdatum(obj o, wenv_t *e) {
} else if (is_fixnum_obj(o)) {
char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, "%ld", fixnum_from_obj(o)); wrs(buf, e);
} else if (is_flonum_obj(o)) {
char buf[30], *s; double d = flonum_from_obj(o); sprintf(buf, "%.15g", d);
for (s = buf; *s != 0; s++) if (strchr(".eE", *s)) break;
if (d != d) strcpy(buf, "+nan.0"); else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, "-inf.0");
else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, "+inf.0"); else if (*s == 'E') *s = 'e';
else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; }
wrs(buf, e);
char buf[30], *s; double d = flonum_from_obj(o);
if (d != d) wrs("+nan.0", e);
else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) wrs("-inf.0", e);
else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) wrs("+inf.0", e);
else { sprintf(buf, "%.16g", d);
for (s = buf; *s != 0; ++s) { if (strchr(".e", *s)) break; }
if (*s == '.' || *s == 'e') {
if (*s == '.') s = strchr(s+1, 'e');
if (s) { /* remove + and leading 0s from expt */
char *t = ++s; if (*s == '-') ++s, ++t;
while (*s == '+' || (*s == '0' && s[1])) ++s;
while (*s) *t++ = *s++; *t = 0;
} else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; }
wrs(buf, e);
} else if (iseof(o)) {
wrs("#<eof>", e);
} else if (isvoid(o)) {

View file

@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ typedef int bool_t;
#define FIXNUM_BIT 30
#define FIXNUM_MIN -536870912
#define FIXNUM_MAX 536870911
#define ASSERT(x) (void)(0)
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define fxneg(x) (-(x))
#define fxabs(x) (labs(x))
@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ typedef int bool_t;
#define fxrem(x, y) ((x) % (y))
/* floor division */
static long fxmqu(long x, long y) {
long q = x / y; return ((x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q;
long q = x / y, r = x % y; return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q;
static long fxmlo(long x, long y) {
long r = x % y; return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? r + y : r;
@ -225,7 +226,9 @@ extern long fxasr(long x, long y);
extern long fxflo(double f);
static int flisint(double f) { return f > -HUGE_VAL && f < HUGE_VAL && f == floor(f); }
/* returns 0 if result is not representable as a fixnum */
extern long fxpow(long x, long y);
/* returns 0 if result is not representable as a fixnum */
extern long fxsqrt(long x);
extern int fxifdv(long x, long y, long *pi, double *pd);
extern double flquo(double x, double y);

View file

@ -219,10 +219,15 @@ obj* typedref(obj o, int i) {
; numerical helpers
; these operations may return garbage on over/underflow, but are not allowed to fail
; except for a few apriori obvious reasons such as division by zero; they do contain
; ASSERTs, but those are for documentation only
(%definition "/* numbers */")
(%definition "#define FIXNUM_BIT 30")
(%definition "#define FIXNUM_MIN -536870912")
(%definition "#define FIXNUM_MAX 536870911")
(%definition "#define ASSERT(x) (void)(0)")
(%definition "#ifdef NDEBUG
#define fxneg(x) (-(x))
#define fxabs(x) (labs(x))
@ -236,7 +241,7 @@ obj* typedref(obj o, int i) {
#define fxrem(x, y) ((x) % (y))
/* floor division */
static long fxmqu(long x, long y) {
long q = x / y; return ((x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q;
long q = x / y, r = x % y; return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q;
static long fxmlo(long x, long y) {
long r = x % y; return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? r + y : r;
@ -276,135 +281,137 @@ extern long fxflo(double f);
(%localdef "#ifndef NDEBUG
long fxneg(long x) {
assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN);
return -x;
long fxabs(long x) {
assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN);
return labs(x);
long fxadd(long x, long y) {
long z = x + y;
assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX);
return z;
long fxsub(long x, long y) {
long z = x - y;
assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX);
return z;
long fxmul(long x, long y) {
double z = (double)x * (double)y;
assert(z >= FIXNUM_MIN && z <= FIXNUM_MAX);
return x * y;
/* exact integer division */
long fxdiv(long x, long y) {
assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
assert(x % y == 0);
ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
ASSERT(x % y == 0);
return x / y;
/* truncated division (common/C99) */
long fxquo(long x, long y) {
assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
ASSERT(y); ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
return x / y;
long fxrem(long x, long y) {
return x % y;
/* floor division */
long fxmqu(long x, long y) {
long q; assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
q = x / y;
return ((x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q;
long q, r; ASSERT(y); ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
q = x / y, r = x % y;
return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? q - 1 : q;
long fxmlo(long x, long y) {
long r; assert(y); r = x % y;
long r; ASSERT(y); r = x % y;
return ((r < 0 && y > 0) || (r > 0 && y < 0)) ? r + y : r;
/* euclidean division */
long fxeuq(long x, long y) {
long q, r; assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
long q, r; ASSERT(y); ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
q = x / y, r = x % y;
return (r < 0) ? ((y > 0) ? q - 1 : q + 1) : q;
long fxeur(long x, long y) {
long r; assert(y); r = x % y;
long r; ASSERT(y); r = x % y;
return (r < 0) ? ((y > 0) ? r + y : r - y) : r;
long fxgcd(long x, long y) {
long a = labs(x), b = labs(y), c;
while (b) c = a%b, a = b, b = c;
assert(a <= FIXNUM_MAX);
return a;
long fxasl(long x, long y) {
assert(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT);
ASSERT(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT);
return x << y;
long fxasr(long x, long y) {
assert(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT);
assert(!y || x >= 0); /* >> of negative x is undefined */
ASSERT(y >= 0 && y < FIXNUM_BIT);
ASSERT(!y || x >= 0); /* >> of negative x is undefined */
return x >> y;
long fxflo(double f) {
long l = (long)f; assert((double)l == f);
assert(l >= FIXNUM_MIN && l <= FIXNUM_MAX);
long l = (long)f; ASSERT((double)l == f);
return l;
(%definition "static int flisint(double f) { return f > -HUGE_VAL && f < HUGE_VAL && f == floor(f); }")
(%definition "/* returns 0 if result is not representable as a fixnum */")
(%definition "extern long fxpow(long x, long y);")
(%localdef "long fxpow(long x, long y) {
assert(y >= 0);
if (y < 0 || x == 0) return 0;
retry: if (y == 0) return 1; if (y == 1) return x;
if (y % 2 == 1) x *= fxpow(x, y-1);
else { x *= x; y /= 2; assert(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX); goto retry; }
assert(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX); return x;
if (y % 2 == 1) { x *= fxpow(x, y-1); if (!(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX)) return 0; }
else { x *= x; y /= 2; if (!(FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX)) return 0; goto retry; }
return (FIXNUM_MIN <= x && x <= FIXNUM_MAX) ? x : 0;
(%definition "/* returns 0 if result is not representable as a fixnum */")
(%definition "extern long fxsqrt(long x);")
(%localdef "long fxsqrt(long x) {
assert(x >= 0); if (x < 2) return x;
if (x < 0) return 0; if (x < 2) return x;
else { long s = fxsqrt(x >> 2) << 1, l = s + 1; return l*l > x ? s : l; }
(%definition "extern int fxifdv(long x, long y, long *pi, double *pd);")
(%localdef "int fxifdv(long x, long y, long *pi, double *pd) {
assert(y); assert(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
ASSERT(y); ASSERT(x != FIXNUM_MIN || y != -1);
if (x % y == 0) { *pi = x / y; return 1; }
else { *pd = (double)x / (double)y; return 0; }
(%definition "extern double flquo(double x, double y);")
(%localdef "double flquo(double x, double y) {
double z; assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
double z; ASSERT(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
modf(x / y, &z);
return z;
(%definition "extern double flrem(double x, double y);")
(%localdef "double flrem(double x, double y) {
assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
ASSERT(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
return fmod(x, y);
(%definition "extern double flmqu(double x, double y);")
(%localdef "double flmqu(double x, double y) {
assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
ASSERT(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
return floor(x / y);
(%definition "extern double flmlo(double x, double y);")
(%localdef "double flmlo(double x, double y) {
assert(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
ASSERT(y != 0.0 && flisint(x) && flisint(y));
return x - y * floor(x / y);
(%definition "extern double flgcd(double x, double y);")
(%localdef "double flgcd(double x, double y) {
double a = fabs(x), b = fabs(y), c;
assert(flisint(a) && flisint(b));
ASSERT(flisint(a) && flisint(b));
while (b > 0.0) c = fmod(a, b), a = b, b = c;
return a;
@ -1381,12 +1388,22 @@ static void wrdatum(obj o, wenv_t *e) {
} else if (is_fixnum_obj(o)) {
char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, \"%ld\", fixnum_from_obj(o)); wrs(buf, e);
} else if (is_flonum_obj(o)) {
char buf[30], *s; double d = flonum_from_obj(o); sprintf(buf, \"%.15g\", d);
for (s = buf; *s != 0; s++) if (strchr(\".eE\", *s)) break;
if (d != d) strcpy(buf, \"+nan.0\"); else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, \"-inf.0\");
else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) strcpy(buf, \"+inf.0\"); else if (*s == 'E') *s = 'e';
else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; }
wrs(buf, e);
char buf[30], *s; double d = flonum_from_obj(o);
if (d != d) wrs(\"+nan.0\", e);
else if (d <= -HUGE_VAL) wrs(\"-inf.0\", e);
else if (d >= HUGE_VAL) wrs(\"+inf.0\", e);
else { sprintf(buf, \"%.16g\", d);
for (s = buf; *s != 0; ++s) { if (strchr(\".e\", *s)) break; }
if (*s == '.' || *s == 'e') {
if (*s == '.') s = strchr(s+1, 'e');
if (s) { /* remove + and leading 0s from expt */
char *t = ++s; if (*s == '-') ++s, ++t;
while (*s == '+' || (*s == '0' && s[1])) ++s;
while (*s) *t++ = *s++; *t = 0;
} else if (*s == 0) { *s++ = '.'; *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; }
wrs(buf, e);
} else if (iseof(o)) {
wrs(\"#<eof>\", e);
} else if (isvoid(o)) {

View file

@ -893,7 +893,8 @@
(define-syntax string-append
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) ""] [(_ x) (%cks x)]
[(_) ""]
[(_ x) (string-cat x "")]
[(_ x y) (string-cat x y)]
[(_ . r) (%string-append . r)]
[_ %string-append]))
@ -1011,7 +1012,8 @@
(define-syntax vector-append
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) '#()] [(_ x) (%ckv x)]
[(_) '#()]
[(_ x) (vector-cat x '#())]
[(_ x y) (vector-cat x y)]
[(_ . r) (%vector-append . r)]
[_ %vector-append]))
@ -2085,10 +2087,12 @@
(define (fprintf p fs . args)
(define (hd args)
(if (pair? args) (car args) (error "format: no argument for ~ directive")))
(define (tl args)
(if (pair? args) (cdr args) (error "format: not enough arguments for ~ directive")))
(define (fhd fl)
(if (pair? fl) (car fl) (error "format: incomplete ~ directive")))
(define (write-num rx arg p)
(if (number? arg) (display (number->string arg rx) p) (write arg p)))
(if (number? arg) (display (number->string arg rx) p) (display arg p)))
(define (memd fl &w &d)
(let loop ([fl fl] [c (fhd fl)] [&n &w])
(cond [(char-numeric? c)
@ -2104,25 +2108,25 @@
(when (null? (cdr fl)) (error "format: incomplete escape sequence"))
(let* ([w -1] [d -1] [fl (memd (cdr fl) (set& w) (set& d))])
(case (char-downcase (car fl))
[(#\*) (lp (cdr fl) (cddr args))] ;+ CL, skips 1 arg
[(#\*) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))] ;+ CL, skips 1 arg
[(#\~) (write-char #\~ p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\%) (newline p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\t) (write-char #\tab p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\_) (write-char #\space p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\&) ((format-fresh-line) p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\!) (flush-output-port p) (lp (cdr fl) args)] ;+ common
[(#\s) (write (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\a) (display (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\w) (write-shared (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\c) (write-char (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\b) (write-num 2 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\o) (write-num 8 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\d) (write-num 10 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\x) (write-num 16 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\s) (write (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\a) (display (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\w) (write-shared (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\c) (write-char (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\b) (write-num 2 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\o) (write-num 8 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\d) (write-num 10 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\x) (write-num 16 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\h) (display (format-help-string) p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\y) ((format-pretty-print) (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\f) ((format-fixed-print) (hd args) w d p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\? #\k) (lp (string->list (hd args)) (hd (hd args))) (lp (cdr fl) (cddr args))]
[(#\y) ((format-pretty-print) (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\f) ((format-fixed-print) (hd args) w d p) (lp (cdr fl) (tl args))]
[(#\? #\k) (lp (string->list (hd args)) (hd (tl args))) (lp (cdr fl) (tl (tl args)))]
[else (error "format: unrecognized ~ directive" (car fl))]))]
[else (write-char (car fl) p) (lp (cdr fl) args)])))

View file

@ -2135,7 +2135,7 @@
; these are special forms in skint!
(define-library) (import)
; selected extracts from r7rs-large and srfis
(box? x 111) (box x 111) (unbox x 111) (set-box! x 111) (format 28 48)
(box? x 111) (box x 111) (unbox x 111) (set-box! x 111) (format 28)
(fprintf) (format-pretty-print) (format-fixed-print) (format-fresh-line) (format-help-string)
; skint extras go into repl and (skint) library; the rest goes to (skint hidden)
(set&) (lambda*) (body) (letcc) (withcc) (syntax-lambda) (syntax-length)
@ -2712,7 +2712,7 @@
[help "-h" "--help" #f "Display this help"]
(define *skint-version* "0.5.0")
(define *skint-version* "0.5.1")
(define (implementation-version) *skint-version*)
(define (implementation-name) "SKINT")

View file

@ -424,9 +424,10 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"S", "string-append",
"P", "string-trim-whitespace",
@ -500,9 +501,9 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"S", "vector-append",
"P", "subbytevector->list",
@ -1096,30 +1097,33 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"P", "fprintf",
"%!2,,,,#0#1#2#3&0{%1.0p?{.0a]1}'(s35:format: no argument for ~ directi"
"ve),@(y5:error)[11}.!0&0{%1.0p?{.0a]1}'(s30:format: incomplete ~ direc"
"}'(c~),.1aC=?{.0du?{${'(s34:format: incomplete escape sequence),@(y5:e"
":4^[62}'(ct),.1v?{:3,'(c%09)W0.5,.2d,:4^[62}'(c_),.1v?{:3,'(c )W0.5,.2"
"}.1a,'(s32:format: unrecognized ~ directive),@(y5:error)[62}:3,.1aW0.1"
"%!2,,,,,#0#1#2#3#4&0{%1.0p?{.0a]1}'(s35:format: no argument for ~ dire"
"ctive),@(y5:error)[11}.!0&0{%1.0p?{.0d]1}'(s44:format: not enough argu"
"ments for ~ directive),@(y5:error)[11}.!1&0{%1.0p?{.0a]1}'(s30:format:"
" incomplete ~ directive),@(y5:error)[11}.!2&0{%3.1N0?{.2,.1,.3E8W4]3}."
".9,.6,.8,.(i11),&6{%2.0u?{.1]2}'(c~),.1aC=?{.0du?{${'(s34:format: inco"
"mplete escape sequence),@(y5:error)[01}}'(i-1),#0'(i-1),#0${.2,.4,.6d,"
",.2d,:5^[62}'(c_),.1v?{:4,'(c )W0.5,.2d,:5^[62}'(c&),.1v?{${:4,${@(y17"
":5^[62}.1a,'(s32:format: unrecognized ~ directive),@(y5:error)[62}:4,."
"P", "format",

View file

@ -1317,71 +1317,71 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"P", "implementation-version",