delay/force & some more missing ops added

This commit is contained in:
ESL 2023-03-28 00:09:25 -04:00
parent 4db7a32b1c
commit 7e783ec786
4 changed files with 115 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ static void _sck(obj *s) {
#define pair_car(o) car(o)
#define pair_cdr(o) cdr(o)
#define is_list(o) islist(o)
#define is_circular(o) iscircular(o)
#define is_noncircular(o) (!iscircular(o))
#define is_vector(o) isvector(o)
#define string_obj(s) hp_pushptr((s), STRING_NTAG)
#define is_string(o) isstring(o)
@ -472,6 +474,8 @@ define_instrhelper(cxi_failactype) {
{ ac = _x; spush((obj)"list"); musttail return cxi_failactype(IARGS); } } while (0)
#define cku(x) do { obj _x = (x); if (unlikely(!is_null(_x))) \
{ ac = _x; spush((obj)"proper list"); musttail return cxi_failactype(IARGS); } } while (0)
#define ckt(x) do { obj _x = (x); if (unlikely(!is_noncircular(_x))) \
{ ac = _x; spush((obj)"circle-free object"); musttail return cxi_failactype(IARGS); } } while (0)
#define ckv(x) do { obj _x = (x); if (unlikely(!is_vector(_x))) \
{ ac = _x; spush((obj)"vector"); musttail return cxi_failactype(IARGS); } } while (0)
#define ckc(x) do { obj _x = (x); if (unlikely(!is_char(_x))) \
@ -1102,6 +1106,11 @@ define_instruction(lrevi) {
define_instruction(circp) {
ac = bool_obj(is_circular(ac));
define_instruction(charp) {
ac = bool_obj(is_char(ac));
@ -1182,6 +1191,30 @@ define_instruction(spos) {
define_instruction(supc) {
int *d; char *s; cks(ac);
d = dupstring(stringdata(ac));
for (s = sdatachars(d); *s; ++s) *s = toupper(*s);
ac = string_obj(d);
define_instruction(sdnc) {
int *d; char *s; cks(ac);
d = dupstring(stringdata(ac));
for (s = sdatachars(d); *s; ++s) *s = tolower(*s);
ac = string_obj(d);
define_instruction(sflc) {
int *d; char *s; cks(ac);
d = dupstring(stringdata(ac));
for (s = sdatachars(d); *s; ++s) *s = tolower(*s); /* stub */
ac = string_obj(d);
define_instruction(bvecp) {
ac = bool_obj(is_bytevector(ac));
@ -2583,7 +2616,20 @@ define_instruction(lcat) {
ac = *sp;
define_instruction(lcpy) {
obj t, l, *p, *d; int c;
for (l = ac, c = 0; is_pair(l); l = pair_cdr(l)) ++c;
p = sp; *p = t = l; /* tail of last pair */
for (l = ac; is_pair(l); l = pair_cdr(l)) {
*--hp = t; d = hp; *--hp = pair_car(l);
*p = hend_pair(); p = d;
ac = *sp;
define_instruction(ccmp) {
obj x = ac, y = spop(); int cmp; ckc(x); ckc(y);

View file

@ -365,6 +365,8 @@ declare_instruction(llen, "g", 0, "length",
declare_instruction(lget, "L4", 0, "list-ref", '2', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(lput, "L5", 0, "list-set!", '3', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(lcat, "L6", 0, "list-cat", '2', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(lcpy, "L7", 0, "list-copy", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(circp, "L9", 0, "circular?", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(memq, "A0", 0, "memq", '2', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(memv, "A1", 0, "memv", '2', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(meme, "A2", 0, "meme", '2', AUTOGL)
@ -381,10 +383,10 @@ declare_instruction(clcp, "C2", 0, "char-lower-case?",
declare_instruction(cucp, "C3", 0, "char-upper-case?", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(calp, "C4", 0, "char-alphabetic?", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cnup, "C5", 0, "char-numeric?", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cupc, "C6", 0, "char-upcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cdnc, "C7", 0, "char-downcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cflc, "C8", 0, "char-foldcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cdgv, "C9", 0, "digit-value", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cupc, "Cu", 0, "char-upcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cdnc, "Cd", 0, "char-downcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cflc, "Cf", 0, "char-foldcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cdgv, "Cv", 0, "digit-value", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(ceq, "C=", 0, "char=?", 'c', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(clt, "C<", 0, "char<?", 'c', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(cgt, "C>", 0, "char>?", 'c', AUTOGL)
@ -404,6 +406,9 @@ declare_instruction(sput, "S5", 0, "string-set!",
declare_instruction(scat, "S6", 0, "string-cat", '2', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(ssub, "S7", 0, "substring", '3', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(spos, "S8", 0, "string-position", '2', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(supc, "Su", 0, "string-upcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(sdnc, "Sd", 0, "string-downcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(sflc, "Sf", 0, "string-foldcase", '1', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(seq, "S=", 0, "string=?", 'c', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(slt, "S<", 0, "string<?", 'c', AUTOGL)
declare_instruction(sgt, "S>", 0, "string>?", 'c', AUTOGL)

View file

@ -150,6 +150,27 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"P", "make-promise",
"P", "make-lazy-promise",
"P", "force",
"S", "delay-force",
"S", "delay",
"P", "floor/",

View file

@ -194,8 +194,32 @@
; Delayed evaluation
(define promise? box?)
(define (make-promise o) (box (cons #t o)))
(define (make-lazy-promise o) (box (cons #f o)))
(define (force p)
(let ([pc (unbox p)])
(if (car pc)
(cdr pc)
(let* ([newp ((cdr pc))] [pc (unbox p)])
(unless (car pc)
(set-car! pc (car (unbox newp)))
(set-cdr! pc (cdr (unbox newp)))
(set-box! newp pc))
(force p)))))
(define-syntax delay-force
(syntax-rules () [(_ x) (make-lazy-promise (lambda () x))]))
(define-syntax delay
(syntax-rules () [(_ x) (delay-force (make-promise x))]))
@ -239,10 +263,10 @@
; (fx/ x y ...)
; (fxquotient x y)
; (fxremainder x y)
; (fxmodquo x y)
; (fxmodquo x y) +
; (fxmodulo x y)
; (fxeucquo x y) a.k.a. euclidean-quotient, R6RS div
; (fxeucrem x y) a.k.a. euclidean-remainder, R6RS mod
; (fxeucquo x y) + a.k.a. euclidean-quotient, R6RS div
; (fxeucrem x y) + a.k.a. euclidean-remainder, R6RS mod
; (fxneg x)
; (fxabs x)
; (fx<? x y z ...)
@ -250,7 +274,7 @@
; (fx>? x y z ...)
; (fx>=? x y z ...)
; (fx=? x y z ...)
; (fx!=? x y)
; (fx!=? x y) +
; (fxmin x y)
; (fxmax x y)
; (fxneg x)
@ -280,6 +304,7 @@
; Returns the population count of 1's (i >= 0) or 0's (i < 0)
; 0 => 0, -1 => 0, 7 => 3, 13 => 3, -13 => 2
; Inexact floating-point numbers (flonums)
@ -322,7 +347,7 @@
; (fl>? x y z ...)
; (fl>=? x y z ...)
; (fl=? x y z ...)
; (fl!=? x y)
; (fl!=? x y) +
; (flmin x y)
; (flmax x y)
; (flonum->fixnum x)
@ -475,16 +500,18 @@
; (list-ref l i)
; (list-set! l i x)
; (list-cat l1 l2) + 2-arg append
; (memq v l)
; (memv v l) ; TODO: make sure memv checks list
; (meme v l) + 2-arg member; TODO: make sure meme checks list
; (memq v l) ; TODO: make sure memq doesn't fail on improper/circular list
; (memv v l) ; TODO: make sure memv doesn't fail on improper/circular list
; (meme v l) + 2-arg member; TODO: make sure meme checks list ^
; (assq v y)
; (assv v y) ; TODO: make sure assv checks list
; (asse v y) + 2-arg assoc; TODO: make sure asse checks list
; (asse v y) + 2-arg assoc; TODO: make sure asse checks list ^
; (list-tail l i)
; (last-pair l)
; (reverse l)
; (reverse! l) +
; (list-copy l) ; TODO: make sure list-copy checks list for circularity
; (circular? x) +
(define (%append . args)
(let loop ([args args])
@ -549,8 +576,6 @@
(define-syntax cons* list*)
; Symbols