~! in format, prompt flush, ,load repl cmd

This commit is contained in:
ESL 2024-07-13 02:41:19 -04:00
parent a2da6a23e8
commit 781fa509e2
4 changed files with 135 additions and 144 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* s.c -- partially generated via skint -c s.scm */
/* s.c -- generated via skint -c s.scm */
#include "s.h"
#include "n.h"
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ int dirsep = '\\';
int dirsep = '/';
char *s_code[] = {
"S", "let-syntax",
@ -1028,9 +1027,9 @@ char *s_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"${'(s78:supported directives: ~~ ~%25 ~%25 ~& ~t ~_ ~a ~s ~w ~y ~c ~b "
"~o ~d ~x ~f ~? ~k ~*),@(y14:make-parameter)[01}@!(y18:format-help-stri"
"${'(s78:supported directives: ~~ ~%25 ~& ~t ~_ ~a ~s ~w ~y ~c ~b ~o ~d"
" ~x ~f ~? ~k ~* ~!),@(y14:make-parameter)[01}@!(y18:format-help-string"
"P", "fprintf",
"%!2,,,,#0#1#2#3&0{%1.0p?{.0a]1}'(s35:format: no argument for ~ directi"
@ -1044,18 +1043,19 @@ char *s_code[] = {
":4^[62}'(ct),.1v?{:3,'(c%09)W0.5,.2d,:4^[62}'(c_),.1v?{:3,'(c )W0.5,.2"
"{.(i10),:1^[01}X2,:4^[02}.5dd,.2d,:4^[62}.1a,'(s32:format: unrecognize"
"d ~ directive),@(y5:error)[62}:3,.1aW0.1,.1d,:4^[22}.!0.0^_1[72",
"}.1a,'(s32:format: unrecognized ~ directive),@(y5:error)[62}:3,.1aW0.1"
"P", "format",

View file

@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@
(define format-fresh-line ; TODO: add (fresh-line [p]) instruction for source ports
(make-parameter newline))
(define format-help-string
(make-parameter "supported directives: ~~ ~% ~% ~& ~t ~_ ~a ~s ~w ~y ~c ~b ~o ~d ~x ~f ~? ~k ~*"))
(make-parameter "supported directives: ~~ ~% ~& ~t ~_ ~a ~s ~w ~y ~c ~b ~o ~d ~x ~f ~? ~k ~* ~!"))
(define (fprintf p fs . args)
(define (hd args)
@ -1988,12 +1988,13 @@
(when (null? (cdr fl)) (error "format: incomplete escape sequence"))
(let* ([w -1] [d -1] [fl (memd (cdr fl) (set& w) (set& d))])
(case (char-downcase (car fl))
[(#\*) (lp (cdr fl) (cddr args))] ;+ CL
[(#\*) (lp (cdr fl) (cddr args))] ;+ CL, skips 1 arg
[(#\~) (write-char #\~ p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\%) (newline p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\t) (write-char #\tab p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\_) (write-char #\space p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\&) ((format-fresh-line) p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\!) (flush-output-port p) (lp (cdr fl) args)] ;+ common
[(#\s) (write (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\a) (display (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\w) (write-shared (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]

View file

@ -2244,17 +2244,16 @@
(for-each print vals)))
(define (repl-read ip prompt op)
(when prompt (newline op) (display prompt op) (display " " op))
(when prompt (format op "~%~a ~!" prompt))
(read-code-sexp ip))
(define (repl-exec-command cmd argstr op)
(define args
(if (memq cmd '(peek sh)) ; do not expect s-exps!
(if (memq cmd '(load sh)) ; do not expect s-exps!
(list (string-trim-whitespace argstr))
(guard (err [else (void)]) (read-port-sexps (open-input-string argstr)))))
(define cmd+args (cons cmd args))
(let retry ([cmd+args (cons cmd args)])
(sexp-case cmd+args
[(say hello) (display "Well, hello!\n" op)]
[(ref <symbol>) (write (repl-environment (car args) 'ref) op) (newline op)]
[(ref (* * ...)) (write (repl-environment (car args) 'ref) op) (newline op)]
[(rnr) (write *root-name-registry* op) (newline op)]
@ -2268,31 +2267,24 @@
(name-remove! *user-name-registry* (car args)) (display "done!\n" op)]
[else (display "name not found: " op) (write name op) (newline op)])]
[(gs) (write (global-store) op) (newline op)]
[(gs <symbol>) (let* ([k (car args)] [v (global-store)] [i (immediate-hash k (vector-length v))])
[(gs <symbol>)
(let* ([k (car args)] [v (global-store)] [i (immediate-hash k (vector-length v))])
(write (cond [(assq k (vector-ref v i)) => cdr] [else #f]) op) (newline op))]
[(peek *)
(cond [(string? (car args))
(display (if (file-exists? (car args))
"file exists\n" "file does not exist\n") op)]
[(symbol? (car args))
(display (if (file-exists? (symbol->string (car args)))
"file exists\n" "file does not exist\n") op)]
[else (display "invalid file name; use double quotes\n" op)])]
[(v) (set! *verbose* #t)]
[(load <string>) (load (car args))]
[(verbose on) (set! *verbose* #t)]
[(verbose off) (set! *verbose* #f)]
[(q) (set! *quiet* #t)]
[(v) (set! *verbose* #t)]
[(quiet on) (set! *quiet* #t)]
[(quiet off) (set! *quiet* #f)]
[(q) (set! *quiet* #t)]
[(time *) (let ([start (current-jiffy)])
(repl-evaluate-top-form (car args) repl-environment op)
(format #t "; elapsed time: ~s ms.~%"
(* 1000 (/ (- (current-jiffy) start) (jiffies-per-second)))))]
[(sh <string>) (%system (car args))]
(display "Available commands:\n" op)
(display " ,say hello -- displays nice greeting\n" op)
(display " ,peek <fname> -- check if file exists\n" op)
(display "\nAvailable commands:\n" op)
(display " ,load <fname> -- loads <fname> (no quotes needed)\n" op)
(display " ,q -- disable informational messages\n" op)
(display " ,quiet on -- disable informational messages\n" op)
(display " ,quiet off -- enable informational messages\n" op)
@ -2311,9 +2303,10 @@
(display " ,time <expr> -- time short expression <expr>\n" op)
(display " ,sh <cmdline> -- send <cmdline> to local shell\n" op)
(display " ,help -- this help\n" op)]
[(h) (retry '(help))]
(display "syntax error in repl command\n" op)
(display "type ,help to see available commands\n" op)]))
(display "type ,help to see available commands\n" op)])))
(define (repl-from-port ip env prompt op)
(define cfs (current-file-stack))
@ -2354,7 +2347,7 @@
(when (and (tty-port? (current-input-port)) (tty-port? (current-output-port)))
; quick check for non-interactive use failed, greet
(display "SKINT Scheme Interpreter v0.0.9\n")
(display "Copyright (c) 2024 False Schemers\n\n"))
(display "Copyright (c) 2024 False Schemers\n"))
#t) ; exited normally
(define (repl)

View file

@ -1398,67 +1398,64 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "repl-read",
"%3.1?{.2W6.2,.2W4.2,'(s1: )W4}.0,@(y14:read-code-sexp)[31",
"%3.1?{${.3,'(s7:~%25~a ~!),.6,@(y6:format)[03}}.0,@(y14:read-code-sexp"
"P", "repl-exec-command",
"^,'(l2:y3:say;y5:hello;),@(y11:sexp-match?)[02}?{.4,'(s13:Well, hello!"
"0a)W4]5}.4,'(s16:name not found: )W4.4,@(y4:name)W5.4W6]5}${.3^,'(l1:y"
"remove!)[02}.4,'(s6:done!%0a)W4]5}.4,'(s16:name not found: )W4.4,@(y4:"
"y11:sexp-match?)[02}?{.0^aS0?{.4,.1^aF0?{'(s12:file exists%0a)}{'(s20:"
"file does not exist%0a)}W4]5}.0^aY0?{.4,.1^aX4F0?{'(s12:file exists%0a"
")}{'(s20:file does not exist%0a)}W4]5}.4,'(s37:invalid file name; use "
"double quotes%0a)W4]5}${.3^,'(l1:y1:v;),@(y11:sexp-match?)[02}?{t@!(y9"
"Z3-/,'(i1000)*,'(s24:; elapsed time: ~s ms.~%25),t,@(y6:format)[63}${."
"1:y4:help;),@(y11:sexp-match?)[02}?{.4,'(s20:Available commands:%0a)W4"
".4,'(s42: ,say hello -- displays nice greeting%0a)W4.4,'(s40: ,pee"
"k <fname> -- check if file exists%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,q -- di"
"sable informational messages%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,quiet on -- disable "
"informational messages%0a)W4.4,'(s49: ,quiet off -- enable informa"
"tional messages%0a)W4.4,'(s37: ,v -- turn verbosity on%0a)"
"W4.4,'(s37: ,verbose on -- turn verbosity on%0a)W4.4,'(s38: ,verbos"
"e off -- turn verbosity off%0a)W4.4,'(s58: ,ref <name> -- show de"
"notation for <name> (may alloc)%0a)W4.4,'(s43: ,rnr -- show "
"root name registry%0a)W4.4,'(s48: ,rref <name> -- lookup name in roo"
"t registry%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,rrem! <name> -- remove name from root regi"
"stry%0a)W4.4,'(s43: ,unr -- show user name registry%0a)W4.4,"
"'(s48: ,uref <name> -- lookup name in user registry%0a)W4.4,'(s50: ,"
"urem! <name> -- remove name from user registry%0a)W4.4,'(s44: ,gs "
" -- show global store (big!)%0a)W4.4,'(s53: ,gs <name> -- l"
"ookup global location for <name>%0a)W4.4,'(s48: ,time <expr> -- time"
" short expression <expr>%0a)W4.4,'(s49: ,sh <cmdline> -- send <cmdlin"
"e> to local shell%0a)W4.4,'(s29: ,help -- this help%0a)W4]5}."
"4,'(s29:syntax error in repl command%0a)W4.4,'(s37:type ,help to see a"
"vailable commands%0a)W4]5",
"1}:2,'(s16:name not found: )W4:2,@(y4:name)W5:2W6]1}${.2,'(l1:y3:unr;)"
"02}:2,'(s6:done!%0a)W4]1}:2,'(s16:name not found: )W4:2,@(y4:name)W5:2"
"}Z4,.1,Z3-/,'(i1000)*,'(s24:; elapsed time: ~s ms.~%25),t,@(y6:format)"
"2,'(l1:y4:help;),@(y11:sexp-match?)[02}?{:2,'(s21:%0aAvailable command"
"s:%0a)W4:2,'(s52: ,load <fname> -- loads <fname> (no quotes needed)%0"
"a)W4:2,'(s50: ,q -- disable informational messages%0a)W4:2"
",'(s50: ,quiet on -- disable informational messages%0a)W4:2,'(s49"
": ,quiet off -- enable informational messages%0a)W4:2,'(s37: ,v "
" -- turn verbosity on%0a)W4:2,'(s37: ,verbose on -- turn v"
"erbosity on%0a)W4:2,'(s38: ,verbose off -- turn verbosity off%0a)W4:"
"2,'(s58: ,ref <name> -- show denotation for <name> (may alloc)%0a)W"
"4:2,'(s43: ,rnr -- show root name registry%0a)W4:2,'(s48: ,r"
"ref <name> -- lookup name in root registry%0a)W4:2,'(s50: ,rrem! <na"
"me> -- remove name from root registry%0a)W4:2,'(s43: ,unr -"
"- show user name registry%0a)W4:2,'(s48: ,uref <name> -- lookup name"
" in user registry%0a)W4:2,'(s50: ,urem! <name> -- remove name from us"
"er registry%0a)W4:2,'(s44: ,gs -- show global store (big!)%"
"0a)W4:2,'(s53: ,gs <name> -- lookup global location for <name>%0a)"
"W4:2,'(s48: ,time <expr> -- time short expression <expr>%0a)W4:2,'(s"
"49: ,sh <cmdline> -- send <cmdline> to local shell%0a)W4:2,'(s29: ,he"
"lp -- this help%0a)W4]1}${.2,'(l1:y1:h;),@(y11:sexp-match?)[0"
"2}?{'(l1:y4:help;),:1^[11}:2,'(s29:syntax error in repl command%0a)W4:"
"2,'(s37:type ,help to see available commands%0a)W4]1}.!0.0^_1[41",
"P", "repl-from-port",
@ -1489,7 +1486,7 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "repl-main",
"%0PiP09?{PoP09}{f}?{Po,'(s32:SKINT Scheme Interpreter v0.0.9%0a)W4Po,'"
"(s35:Copyright (c) 2024 False Schemers%0a%0a)W4}t]0",
"(s34:Copyright (c) 2024 False Schemers%0a)W4}t]0",
"P", "repl",