t.scm info for building standard lib envs

This commit is contained in:
ESL 2024-05-29 17:01:28 -04:00
parent abb022005b
commit 639a2d54bd
2 changed files with 309 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1194,6 +1194,161 @@
(env-lookup id *root-environment* at)) (env-lookup id *root-environment* at))
; standard library environments
(define *std-lib->env* '())
(lambda (r)
(define (key->lib k)
(case k
[(w) '(scheme write)]
[(t) '(scheme time)]
[(p) '(scheme repl)]
[(r) '(scheme read)]
[(v) '(scheme r5rs)]
[(u) '(scheme r5rs-null)]
[(s) '(scheme process-context)]
[(d) '(scheme load)]
[(z) '(scheme lazy)]
[(i) '(scheme inexact)]
[(f) '(scheme file)]
[(e) '(scheme eval)]
[(x) '(scheme cxr)]
[(o) '(scheme complex)]
[(h) '(scheme char)]
[(l) '(scheme case-lambda)]
[(b) '(scheme base)]))
(define (put-loc! env k loc)
(let* ([n (vector-length env)] [i (immediate-hash k n)]
[al (vector-ref env i)] [p (assq k al)])
(cond [p (set-cdr! p loc)]
[else (vector-set! env i (cons (cons k loc) al))])))
(define (get-env-vec! lib)
[(assoc lib *std-lib->env*) => cdr]
[else (let* ([n 37] ; use prime number
[env (make-vector n '())])
(set! *std-lib->env* (cons (cons lib env) *std-lib->env*))
(let loop ([name (car r)] [keys (cdr r)])
(unless (null? keys)
(put-loc! (get-env-vec! (key->lib (car keys))) name (root-environment name 'ref))
(loop name (cdr keys)))))
'((* v b) (+ v b) (- v b) (... v u b) (/ v b) (< v b)
(<= v b) (= v b) (=> v u b) (> v b) (>= v b) (_ b) (abs v b)
(and v u b) (append v b) (apply v b) (assoc v b) (assq v b)
(assv v b) (begin v u b) (binary-port? b) (boolean=? b)
(boolean? v b) (bytevector b) (bytevector-append b)
(bytevector-copy b) (bytevector-copy! b)
(bytevector-length b) (bytevector-u8-ref b)
(bytevector-u8-set! b) (bytevector? b) (caar v b) (cadr v b)
(call-with-current-continuation v b) (call-with-port b)
(call-with-values v b) (call/cc b) (car v b) (case v u b)
(cdar v b) (cddr v b) (cdr v b) (ceiling v b)
(char->integer v b) (char-ready? v b) (char<=? v b)
(char<? v b) (char=? v b) (char>=? v b) (char>? v b)
(char? b) (close-input-port v b) (close-output-port v b)
(close-port b) (complex? v b) (cond v u b) (cond-expand b)
(cons v b) (current-error-port b) (current-input-port v b)
(current-output-port v b) (define v u b)
(define-record-type b) (define-syntax v u b)
(define-values b) (denominator v b) (do v u b)
(dynamic-wind v b) (else v u b) (eof-object b)
(eof-object? v b) (eq? v b) (equal? v b) (eqv? v b)
(error b) (error-object-irritants b)
(error-object-message b) (error-object? b) (even? v b)
(exact b) (exact-integer-sqrt b) (exact-integer? b)
(exact? v b) (expt v b) (features b) (file-error? b)
(floor v b) (floor-quotient b) (floor-remainder b)
(floor/ b) (flush-output-port b) (for-each v b) (gcd v b)
(get-output-bytevector b) (get-output-string b) (guard b)
(if v u b) (include b) (include-ci b) (inexact b)
(inexact? v b) (input-port-open? b) (input-port? v b)
(integer->char v b) (integer? v b) (lambda v u b) (lcm v b)
(length v b) (let v u b) (let* v u b) (let*-values b)
(let-syntax v u b) (let-values b) (letrec v u b) (letrec* b)
(letrec-syntax v u b) (list v b) (list->string v b)
(list->vector v b) (list-copy b) (list-ref v b)
(list-set! b) (list-tail v b) (list? v b)
(make-bytevector b) (make-list b) (make-parameter b)
(make-string v b) (make-vector v b) (map v b) (max v b)
(member v b) (memq v b) (memv v b) (min v b) (modulo v b)
(negative? v b) (newline v b) (not v b) (null? v b)
(number->string v b) (number? v b) (numerator v b)
(odd? v b) (open-input-bytevector b) (open-input-string b)
(open-output-bytevector b) (open-output-string b) (or v u b)
(output-port-open? b) (output-port? v b) (pair? v b)
(parameterize b) (peek-char v b) (peek-u8 b) (port? b)
(positive? v b) (procedure? v b) (quasiquote v u b)
(quote v u b) (quotient v b) (raise b) (raise-continuable b)
(rational? v b) (rationalize v b) (read-bytevector b)
(read-bytevector! b) (read-char v b) (read-error? b)
(read-line b) (read-string b) (read-u8 b) (real? v b)
(remainder v b) (reverse v b) (round v b) (set! v b)
(set-car! v b) (set-cdr! v b) (square b) (string v b)
(string->list v b) (string->number v b) (string->symbol v b)
(string->utf8 b) (string->vector b) (string-append v b)
(string-copy v b) (string-copy! b) (string-fill! v b)
(string-for-each b) (string-length v b) (string-map b)
(string-ref v b) (string-set! v b) (string<=? v b)
(string<? v b) (string=? v b) (string>=? v b) (string>? v b)
(string? v b) (substring v b) (symbol->string v b)
(symbol=? b) (symbol? v b) (syntax-error b)
(syntax-rules v u b) (textual-port? b) (truncate v b)
(truncate-quotient b) (truncate-remainder b) (truncate/ b)
(u8-ready? b) (unless b) (unquote v u b)
(unquote-splicing v u b) (utf8->string b) (values v b)
(vector v b) (vector->list v b) (vector->string b)
(vector-append b) (vector-copy b) (vector-copy! b)
(vector-fill! v b) (vector-for-each b) (vector-length v b)
(vector-map b) (vector-ref v b) (vector-set! v b)
(vector? v b) (when b) (with-exception-handler b)
(write-bytevector b) (write-char v b) (write-string b)
(write-u8 b) (zero? v b) (case-lambda l)
(char-alphabetic? v h) (char-ci<=? v h) (char-ci<? v h)
(char-ci=? v h) (char-ci>=? v h) (char-ci>? v h)
(char-downcase v h) (char-foldcase h) (char-lower-case? v h)
(char-numeric? v h) (char-upcase v h) (char-upper-case? v h)
(char-whitespace? v h) (digit-value h) (string-ci<=? v h)
(string-ci<? v h) (string-ci=? v h) (string-ci>=? v h)
(string-ci>? v h) (string-downcase h) (string-foldcase h)
(string-upcase h) (angle v o) (imag-part v o)
(magnitude v o) (make-polar v o) (make-rectangular v o)
(real-part v o) (caaar v x) (caadr v x) (cadar v x)
(caddr v x) (cdaar v x) (cdadr v x) (cddar v x) (cdddr v x)
(caaaar v x) (caaadr v x) (caadar v x) (caaddr v x)
(cadaar v x) (cadadr v x) (caddar v x) (cadddr v x)
(cdaaar v x) (cdaadr v x) (cdadar v x) (cdaddr v x)
(cddaar v x) (cddadr v x) (cdddar v x) (cddddr v x)
(environment e) (eval v e) (call-with-input-file v f)
(call-with-output-file v f) (delete-file f) (file-exists? f)
(open-binary-input-file f) (open-binary-output-file f)
(open-input-file v f) (open-output-file v f)
(with-input-from-file v f) (with-output-to-file v f)
(acos v z i) (asin v z i) (atan v z i) (cos v z i)
(exp v z i) (finite? z i) (infinite? i) (log v i) (nan? i)
(sin v i) (sqrt v i) (tan v i) (delay v u z) (delay-force z)
(force v z) (make-promise z) (promise? z) (load v d)
(command-line s) (emergency-exit s) (exit s)
(get-environment-variable s) (get-environment-variables s)
(display w v) (exact->inexact v) (inexact->exact v)
(interaction-environment p v) (null-environment v)
(read r v) (scheme-report-environment v) (write w v)
(current-jiffy t) (current-second t) (jiffies-per-second t)
(write-shared w) (write-simple w)))
(define (std-lib->env lib)
(cond [(assoc lib *std-lib->env*) =>
(lambda (lv)
(let* ([v (cdr lv)] [n (vector-length v)])
(lambda (id at)
(and (eq? at 'ref)
(let* ([i (immediate-hash id n)] [al (vector-ref v i)] [p (assq id al)])
(if p (cdr p) #f))))))]
[else #f]))
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Evaluation ; Evaluation
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View file

@ -570,6 +570,160 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "root-environment", "P", "root-environment",
"%2.1,@(y18:*root-environment*),.2,@(y10:env-lookup)[23", "%2.1,@(y18:*root-environment*),.2,@(y10:env-lookup)[23",
"C", 0,
"C", 0,
"P", "std-lib->env",
"C", 0, "C", 0,
"f@!(y7:*reset*)", "f@!(y7:*reset*)",