minor cleanup

This commit is contained in:
ESL 2024-07-06 17:42:49 -04:00
parent 13e0525c6c
commit 350b379553
2 changed files with 35 additions and 117 deletions

View file

@ -273,15 +273,15 @@
; <transformer> -> <procedure of exp and env returning exp>
; <library> -> <vector of init-code and export-alist>
(define-syntax val-core? pair?)
(define-syntax location? box?)
(define-syntax make-location box)
(define-syntax location-val unbox)
(define-syntax location-set-val! set-box!)
(define-syntax core? pair?)
(define-syntax transformer? procedure?)
(define-syntax library? vector?)
(define-syntax val-core? pair?)
(define-syntax val-transformer? procedure?)
(define-syntax val-integrable? integrable?)
(define-syntax val-builtin? symbol?)
(define-syntax val-library? vector?)
(define-syntax make-library vector)
(define-syntax library-code (syntax-rules () [(_ l) (vector-ref l 0)]))
(define-syntax library-exports (syntax-rules () [(_ l) (vector-ref l 1)]))
@ -355,11 +355,11 @@
(cond [(id? sexp)
(let ([hval (xform-ref sexp env)])
(cond [appos? hval]
[(integrable? hval) ; integrable id-syntax
[(val-integrable? hval) ; integrable id-syntax
(list 'ref (integrable-global hval))]
[(transformer? hval) ; id-syntax
[(val-transformer? hval) ; id-syntax
(xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)]
[(not (core? hval)) ; other special used out of context
[(not (val-core? hval)) ; other special used out of context
(x-error "improper use of syntax form" hval)]
[else hval]))] ; core
[(not (pair? sexp))
@ -386,9 +386,9 @@
[(syntax-error) (xform-syntax-error tail env)]
[(define-library) (xform-define-library head tail env appos?)]
[(import) (xform-import head tail env appos?)]
[else (cond [(integrable? hval) (xform-integrable hval tail env)]
[(transformer? hval) (xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)]
[(library? hval) (x-error "improper use of library" hval sexp)]
[else (cond [(val-integrable? hval) (xform-integrable hval tail env)]
[(val-transformer? hval) (xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)]
[(val-library? hval) (x-error "improper use of library" hval sexp)]
[else (xform-call hval tail env)])]))]))
(define (xform-quote tail env)
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
(loop env (cons id ids) (cons init inits) (cons #t nids) rest))
(x-error "improper define-syntax form" first))]
(if (transformer? hval)
(if (val-transformer? hval)
(loop env ids inits nids (cons (hval first env) rest))
(xform-labels (reverse ids) (reverse inits) (reverse nids) body env appos?))])))
(xform-labels (reverse ids) (reverse inits) (reverse nids) body env appos?)))]))
@ -878,17 +878,11 @@
[(and (list2+? s) (eq? (car s) is-library-id))
(let ([ic&ex (preprocess-library s env)])
(return (car ic&ex) (cdr ic&ex)))]
#;[(and (list1+? s) (andmap libpart? s))
(let* ([lib (xform-sexp->datum s)] [sym (listname->symbol lib)]
[core (xform #f sym env)]) ; #f to run id-syntax (in mac-env?)
(check-syntax core '(quote ((<symbol> * ...) (<symbol> . *) ...))
"library import set does not refer to a valid library")
(return (caadr core) (cdadr core)))]
[(and (list1+? s) (andmap libpart? s))
; NB: this is 1/3 of listname->library interface
(let* ([listname (xform-sexp->datum s)] [sym (listname->symbol listname)]
[id (id-rename-as sid sym)] [val (xform-ref id env)]) ; or should id be just sym?
(unless (library? val) (x-error "invalid library" listname val))
(unless (val-library? val) (x-error "invalid library" listname val))
(return (library-code val) (library-exports val)))]
(x-error "invalid import set in import" s)]))
@ -1028,9 +1022,9 @@
[(eq? hval 'import)
(x-error "NYI: import inside library code" first)]
; TODO: check for built-in (export) and modify eal!
[(transformer? hval) ; apply transformer and loop
[(val-transformer? hval) ; apply transformer and loop
(scan (cons (hval first cenv) rest) code*)]
[(integrable? hval) ; integrable application
[(val-integrable? hval) ; integrable application
(scan rest (cons (xform-integrable hval tail cenv) code*))]
[else ; other specials and calls (xform does not return libraries)
(scan rest (cons (xform #f first cenv) code*))]))
@ -1059,7 +1053,6 @@
[libform (cons head (cons sym (cdr tail)))] ; head is used as seed id for renamings
[ic&ex (preprocess-library libform env)] [lid (id-rename-as head sym)])
; NB: this is 1/3 of listname->library interface
;(list 'define-library lid (list 'quote ic&ex))
(list 'define-library lid (make-library (car ic&ex) (cdr ic&ex))))
(x-error "improper define-library form" (cons head tail))))
@ -1578,32 +1571,12 @@
; Path and file name resolution
#;(define (path-strip-directory filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))] [r '()])
(cond [(null? l) (list->string r)]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string r)]
[else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))])))
(define (path-directory filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))])
(cond [(null? l) ""]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string (reverse l))]
[else (loop (cdr l))])))
#;(define (path-strip-extension filename) ;; improved
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))])
(cond [(null? l) filename]
[(eqv? (car l) #\.) (list->string (reverse (cdr l)))]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) filename]
[else (loop (cdr l))])))
#;(define (path-extension filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))] [r '()])
(cond [(null? l) ""]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) ""]
[(eqv? (car l) #\.) (list->string (cons #\. r))]
[else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))])))
(define (base-path-separator basepath)
(let ([l (reverse (string->list basepath))])
(cond [(null? l) #f]
@ -1719,17 +1692,6 @@
(char=? (string-ref str 5) #\/)
(substring str 6 sl))))
#;(define (symbol->listname sym) ;=> listname | #f
(let loop ([s (symbol-libname? sym)] [r '()])
(cond [(not s) (and (pair? r) (reverse! r))]
[(string-position #\/ s) =>
(lambda (n) (loop (substring s (+ n 1) (string-length s))
(cons (string->symbol (substring s 0 n)) r)))]
[else (loop #f (cons (string->symbol s) r))])))
#;(define (libname->path libname basepath ext)
(let ([listname (if (symbol? libname) (symbol->listname libname) libname)])
(and (list1+? listname) (listname->path listname basepath ext))))
; hacks for locating library files
@ -1741,25 +1703,11 @@
(c-error "library path should end in directory separator" path)))
(define (find-library-path listname) ;=> name of existing .sld file or #f
;(define listname (if (symbol? libname) (symbol->listname libname) libname))
(let loop ([l *library-path-list*])
(and (pair? l)
(let ([p (listname->path listname (car l) ".sld")])
(if (and p (file-exists? p)) p (loop (cdr l)))))))
#;(define (resolve-input-file/lib-name name) ;=> path (or error is signalled)
(define filepath
(if (string? name)
(file-resolve-relative-to-current name)
(find-library-path name)))
(if (not filepath)
(if (string? name)
(c-error "cannot resolve file name to a file:" name)
(c-error "cannot resolve library name to a file:" name 'in *library-path-list*)))
(if (not (file-exists? filepath))
(c-error "cannot resolve file or library name to an existing file:" name '=> filepath))
(define (read-file-sexps filepath ci?)
(call-with-input-file filepath
(lambda (port)
@ -1770,31 +1718,6 @@
(reverse! sexps)
(loop (cons s sexps))))))))
#;(define (call-with-input-file/lib name ci? proc) ;=> (proc filepath port), called while name is current-file
(let ([filepath (resolve-input-file/lib-name name)])
(with-current-file filepath
(lambda ()
(call-with-input-file filepath
(lambda (port)
(when ci? (set-port-fold-case! port #t))
(proc filepath port)))))))
#;(define (call-with-file/lib-sexps name ci? proc) ;=> (proc sexps), called while name is current-file
(call-with-input-file/lib name ci? ;=>
(lambda (filepath port)
(let loop ([sexps '()])
(let ([s (read-code-sexp port)])
(if (eof-object? s)
(proc (reverse! sexps))
(loop (cons s sexps))))))))
#;(define (for-each-file/lib-sexp proc name ci?) ; proc called while name is current-file
(call-with-input-file/lib name ci? ;=>
(lambda (filepath port)
(let loop ()
(let ([s (read-code-sexp port)])
(unless (eof-object? s) (proc s) (loop)))))))
(define (library-available? lib) ;=> #f | filepath (external) | (code . eal) (loaded)
(cond [(string? lib) (file-resolve-relative-to-current lib)]
[(library-info lib #f)] ; builtin or preloaded
@ -1893,7 +1816,7 @@
; List-name registry and built-in libraries
; List-name identifiers registry and built-in libraries
(define *listname-registry* '()) ; alist of a form ((listname . <location>) ...)
@ -1901,19 +1824,14 @@
(define (listname-lookup listname alloc?) ;=> <location> | #f
(cond [(assoc listname *listname-registry*) => cdr]
[(not alloc?) #f]
[else (let ([loc (make-location '(undefined))])
[else (let ([loc (make-location (make-library '(begin) '()))]) ; empty lib by default
(set! *listname-registry* (cons (cons listname loc) *listname-registry*))
; specialized version for libraries
(define (library-info listname alloc?) ;=> <library> | #f
(let ([loc (listname-lookup listname alloc?)])
(and loc
(let ([v (location-val loc)])
(if (library? v) v
(let ([v (make-library '(begin) '())])
(location-set-val! loc v)
(and loc (location-val loc))))
(lambda (r)
@ -2007,8 +1925,6 @@
(lambda (p) ; we can rely on the fact that p is (listname . #&(quote ic&ex))
(let ([listname (car p)] [val (location-val (cdr p))])
; NB: this is 1/3 of listname->library interface
;(define (libid-transformer sexp env) (list syntax-quote-id val))
;(define-in-root-environment! (listname->symbol listname) (make-location libid-transformer) #t)
(define-in-root-environment! (listname->symbol listname) (make-location val) #t)))
@ -2030,7 +1946,7 @@
(define (repl-compile-and-run-core-expr core)
(when *verbose* (display "TRANSFORM =>") (newline) (write core) (newline))
(unless (core? core) (x-error "unexpected transformed output" core))
(unless (val-core? core) (x-error "unexpected transformed output" core))
(let ([code (compile-to-thunk-code core)] [start #f])
(when *verbose*
(display "COMPILE-TO-STRING =>") (newline) (display code) (newline)
@ -2081,15 +1997,15 @@
(let* ([core (xform-import (car x) (cdr x) env #f)] ; core is (import <library>)
[l (cadr core)] [code (library-code l)] [eal (library-exports l)])
(define (define-alias p)
(repl-eval-top-form ; FIXME: this is not optimal -- too much fuss
(list define-syntax-id (car p) (list syntax-quote-id (location-val (cdr p)))) env))
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr code)
(for-each define-alias eal))]
[(procedure? hval) ; transformer: apply and loop
[(val-transformer? hval) ; apply transformer and loop
(repl-eval-top-form (hval x env) env)]
[(integrable? hval) ; integrable application
[(val-integrable? hval) ; integrable application
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr (xform-integrable hval (cdr x) env))]
[(symbol? hval) ; other specials
[(val-builtin? hval) ; other builtins
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr (xform #f x env))]
[else ; regular call
(repl-compile-and-run-core-expr (xform-call hval (cdr x) env))]))

View file

@ -128,8 +128,6 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "idslist-req-count",
"A", "val-core?", "pair?",
"A", "location?", "box?",
"A", "make-location", "box",
@ -138,11 +136,15 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"A", "location-set-val!", "set-box!",
"A", "core?", "pair?",
"A", "val-core?", "pair?",
"A", "transformer?", "procedure?",
"A", "val-transformer?", "procedure?",
"A", "library?", "vector?",
"A", "val-integrable?", "integrable?",
"A", "val-builtin?", "symbol?",
"A", "val-library?", "vector?",
"A", "make-library", "vector",
@ -1010,12 +1012,12 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "listname-lookup",
"P", "library-info",
"C", 0,