mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 20:03:30 +01:00
new denoted value: <library>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 140 additions and 103 deletions
@ -189,6 +189,8 @@
; <core> -> (ref <id>)
; <core> -> (set! <id> <core>)
; <core> -> (set& <id>)
; <core> -> (gref <global>)
; <core> -> (gset! <global> <core>)
; <core> -> (lambda <ids> <core>) where <ids> -> (<id> ...) | (<id> ... . <id>) | <id>
; <core> -> (lambda* (<arity> <core>) ...) where <arity> -> (<cnt> <rest?>)
; <core> -> (letcc <id> <core>)
@ -201,10 +203,12 @@
; <core> -> (once <gid> <core>) where gid is always resolved as global
; NB: (begin) is legit, returns unspecified value
; on top level, these two extra core forms are legal:
; on top level, these four extra core forms are legal:
; <core> -> (define <id> <core>)
; <core> -> (define-syntax <id> <transformer>)
; <core> -> (define-library <listname> <library>)
; <core> -> (import <library>)
; These names are bound to specials never returned by xform:
@ -261,27 +265,35 @@
; <denotation> -> <location>
; <location> -> #&<value>
; <value> -> <special> | <core>
; <special> -> <builtin> | <integrable> | <transformer>
; <special> -> <builtin> | <integrable> | <transformer> | <library>
; <builtin> -> syntax-quote | quote | set! | set& | if | lambda | lambda* |
; letcc | withcc | body | begin | define | define-syntax |
; syntax-lambda | syntax-rules | syntax-length | syntax-error
; <integrable> -> <fixnum serving as index in internal integrables table>
; <transformer> -> <procedure of exp and env returning exp>
; <library> -> <vector of init-code and export-alist>
(define-syntax val-core? pair?)
(define-syntax location? box?)
(define-syntax make-location box)
(define-syntax location-val unbox)
(define-syntax location-set-val! set-box!)
(define-syntax location? box?)
(define-syntax make-location box)
(define-syntax location-val unbox)
(define-syntax location-set-val! set-box!)
(define-syntax core? pair?)
(define-syntax transformer? procedure?)
(define-syntax library? vector?)
(define-syntax make-library vector)
(define-syntax library-code (syntax-rules () [(_ l) (vector-ref l 0)]))
(define-syntax library-exports (syntax-rules () [(_ l) (vector-ref l 1)]))
(define-syntax library-set-exports! (syntax-rules () [(_ l v) (vector-set! l 1 v)]))
(define (location-special? l) (not (pair? (unbox l))))
(define (new-id sym den getlits) (define p (list sym den getlits)) (lambda () p))
(define (old-sym id) (car (id)))
(define (old-den id) (cadr (id)))
(define (old-literals id) ((or (caddr (id)) (lambda () '()))))
(define (id? x) (or (symbol? x) (procedure? x)))
(define (id->sym id) (if (symbol? id) id (old-sym id)))
(define (location-special? l) (not (pair? (unbox l))))
(define (new-id sym den getlits) (define p (list sym den getlits)) (lambda () p))
(define (old-sym id) (car (id)))
(define (old-den id) (cadr (id)))
(define (old-literals id) ((or (caddr (id)) (lambda () '()))))
(define (id? x) (or (symbol? x) (procedure? x)))
(define (id->sym id) (if (symbol? id) id (old-sym id)))
; take a possibly renamed target id, and find image for nid
(define (id-rename-as id nid)
@ -345,9 +357,9 @@
(cond [appos? hval]
[(integrable? hval) ; integrable id-syntax
(list 'ref (integrable-global hval))]
[(procedure? hval) ; id-syntax
[(transformer? hval) ; id-syntax
(xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)]
[(not (pair? hval)) ; special used out of context
[(not (core? hval)) ; other special used out of context
(x-error "improper use of syntax form" hval)]
[else hval]))] ; core
[(not (pair? sexp))
@ -374,11 +386,10 @@
[(syntax-error) (xform-syntax-error tail env)]
[(define-library) (xform-define-library head tail env appos?)]
[(import) (xform-import head tail env appos?)]
[else (if (integrable? hval)
(xform-integrable hval tail env)
(if (procedure? hval)
(xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)
(xform-call hval tail env)))]))]))
[else (cond [(integrable? hval) (xform-integrable hval tail env)]
[(transformer? hval) (xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)]
[(library? hval) (x-error "improper use of library" hval sexp)]
[else (xform-call hval tail env)])]))]))
(define (xform-quote tail env)
(if (list1? tail)
@ -523,7 +534,7 @@
(loop env (cons id ids) (cons init inits) (cons #t nids) rest))
(x-error "improper define-syntax form" first))]
(if (procedure? hval)
(if (transformer? hval)
(loop env ids inits nids (cons (hval first env) rest))
(xform-labels (reverse ids) (reverse inits) (reverse nids) body env appos?))])))
(xform-labels (reverse ids) (reverse inits) (reverse nids) body env appos?)))]))
@ -867,12 +878,18 @@
[(and (list2+? s) (eq? (car s) is-library-id))
(let ([ic&ex (preprocess-library s env)])
(return (car ic&ex) (cdr ic&ex)))]
[(and (list1+? s) (andmap libpart? s))
#;[(and (list1+? s) (andmap libpart? s))
(let* ([lib (xform-sexp->datum s)] [sym (listname->symbol lib)]
[core (xform #f sym env)]) ; #f to run id-syntax (in mac-env?)
(check-syntax core '(quote ((<symbol> * ...) (<symbol> . *) ...))
"library import set does not refer to a valid library")
(return (caadr core) (cdadr core)))]
[(and (list1+? s) (andmap libpart? s))
; NB: this is 1/3 of listname->library interface
(let* ([listname (xform-sexp->datum s)] [sym (listname->symbol listname)]
[id (id-rename-as sid sym)] [val (xform-ref id env)]) ; or should id be just sym?
(unless (library? val) (x-error "invalid library" listname val))
(return (library-code val) (library-exports val)))]
(x-error "invalid import set in import" s)]))
(let loop ([isets (cdr sexp)] [code '(begin)] [eal '()])
@ -1011,11 +1028,11 @@
[(eq? hval 'import)
(x-error "NYI: import inside library code" first)]
; TODO: check for built-in (export) and modify eal!
[(procedure? hval) ; transformer: apply and loop
[(transformer? hval) ; apply transformer and loop
(scan (cons (hval first cenv) rest) code*)]
[(integrable? hval) ; integrable application
(scan rest (cons (xform-integrable hval tail cenv) code*))]
[else ; other specials and calls
[else ; other specials and calls (xform does not return libraries)
(scan rest (cons (xform #f first cenv) code*))]))
(scan rest (cons (xform #f first cenv) code*))))))
(let* ([code* (scan forms '())] [forms-code (cons 'begin (reverse! code*))]
@ -1041,7 +1058,9 @@
(let* ([name (xform-sexp->datum (car tail))] [sym (if (symbol? name) name (listname->symbol name))]
[libform (cons head (cons sym (cdr tail)))] ; head is used as seed id for renamings
[ic&ex (preprocess-library libform env)] [lid (id-rename-as head sym)])
(list 'define-library lid (list 'quote ic&ex)))
; NB: this is 1/3 of listname->library interface
;(list 'define-library lid (list 'quote ic&ex))
(list 'define-library lid (make-library (car ic&ex) (cdr ic&ex))))
(x-error "improper define-library form" (cons head tail))))
; for now, we have no clear idea of how to process import in all possible contexts, so we will also
@ -1050,7 +1069,8 @@
(define (xform-import head tail env appos?) ; non-internal
(if (list? tail)
(let ([ic&ex (preprocess-import-sets (cons head tail) env)])
(list 'import (list 'quote ic&ex)))
; NB: this is 1/3 of listname->library interface
(list 'import (make-library (car ic&ex) (cdr ic&ex))))
(x-error "improper import form" (cons head tail))))
@ -1886,18 +1906,18 @@
; specialized version for libraries
(define (library-info listname alloc?) ;=> ic&ex | #f
(define (library-info listname alloc?) ;=> <library> | #f
(let ([loc (listname-lookup listname alloc?)])
(and loc
(let* ([v (location-val loc)] [q? (and (pair? v) (eq? (car v) 'quote))])
(if q? (cadr v)
(let ([ic&ex (cons '(begin) '())])
(location-set-val! loc (list 'quote ic&ex))
(let ([v (location-val loc)])
(if (library? v) v
(let ([v (make-library '(begin) '())])
(location-set-val! loc v)
(lambda (r)
(define (key->lib k)
(define (key->listname k)
(case k
[(w) '(scheme write)] [(t) '(scheme time)] [(p) '(scheme repl)]
[(r) '(scheme read)] [(v) '(scheme r5rs)] [(u) '(scheme r5rs-null)]
@ -1905,16 +1925,17 @@
[(i) '(scheme inexact)] [(f) '(scheme file)] [(e) '(scheme eval)]
[(o) '(scheme complex)] [(h) '(scheme char)] [(l) '(scheme case-lambda)]
[(x) '(scheme cxr)] [(b) '(scheme base)]))
(define (get-env! lib) ;=> ic&ex
(library-info lib #t))
(define (put-loc! ic&ex k loc)
(let ([p (assq k (cdr ic&ex))])
(cond [p (set-cdr! p loc)] [else (set-cdr! ic&ex (cons (cons k loc) (cdr ic&ex)))])))
(define (get-library! listname) ;=> <library>
(library-info listname #t))
(define (put-loc! library k loc)
(let* ([eal (library-exports library)] [p (assq k eal)])
(cond [p (set-cdr! p loc)]
[else (library-set-exports! library (cons (cons k loc) eal))])))
(let loop ([name (car r)] [keys (cdr r)])
(cond [(null? keys) ; all go to (repl)
(put-loc! (get-env! '(repl)) name (root-environment name 'ref))]
(put-loc! (get-library! '(repl)) name (root-environment name 'ref))]
(put-loc! (get-env! (key->lib (car keys))) name (root-environment name 'ref))
(put-loc! (get-library! (key->listname (car keys))) name (root-environment name 'ref))
(loop name (cdr keys))])))
'((* v b) (+ v b) (- v b) (... v u b) (/ v b) (< v b) (<= v b) (= v b) (=> v u b) (> v b) (>= v b)
(_ b) (abs v b) (and v u b) (append v b) (apply v b) (assoc v b) (assq v b) (assv v b) (begin v u b)
@ -1984,10 +2005,11 @@
; NB: later, this will need to be done via auto-allocating denotations!
(lambda (p) ; we can rely on the fact that p is (listname . #&(quote ic&ex))
(let* ([listname (car p)] [val (location-val (cdr p))])
(define (libid-transformer sexp env) (list syntax-quote-id val))
(define-in-root-environment! (listname->symbol listname)
(make-location libid-transformer) #t)))
(let ([listname (car p)] [val (location-val (cdr p))])
; NB: this is 1/3 of listname->library interface
;(define (libid-transformer sexp env) (list syntax-quote-id val))
;(define-in-root-environment! (listname->symbol listname) (make-location libid-transformer) #t)
(define-in-root-environment! (listname->symbol listname) (make-location val) #t)))
@ -2008,7 +2030,7 @@
(define (repl-compile-and-run-core-expr core)
(when *verbose* (display "TRANSFORM =>") (newline) (write core) (newline))
(unless (pair? core) (x-error "unexpected transformed output" core))
(unless (core? core) (x-error "unexpected transformed output" core))
(let ([code (compile-to-thunk-code core)] [start #f])
(when *verbose*
(display "COMPILE-TO-STRING =>") (newline) (display code) (newline)
@ -2022,7 +2044,7 @@
(define (repl-eval-top-form x env)
(if (pair? x)
(let ([hval (xform #t (car x) env)])
(let ([hval (xform #t (car x) env)]) ; returns <core>
[(eq? hval 'begin) ; splice
(let loop ([x* (cdr x)])
@ -2051,14 +2073,13 @@
(let* ([core (xform-define-library (car x) (cdr x) env #f)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(let* ([qie (caddr core)] [val (lambda (sexp env) (list syntax-quote-id qie))])
(location-set-val! loc val)) ; wrapped in identifier-syntax transformer
(let ([l (caddr core)]) (location-set-val! loc l))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env))
(when *verbose* (display "LIBRARY INSTALLED: ") (write (cadr core)) (newline)))]
[(eq? hval 'import) ; splice as definitions
(let* ([core (xform-import (car x) (cdr x) env #f)] ; core is (import (quote ic&ex))
[ic&ex (cadadr core)] [code (car ic&ex)] [eal (cdr ic&ex)])
(let* ([core (xform-import (car x) (cdr x) env #f)] ; core is (import <library>)
[l (cadr core)] [code (library-code l)] [eal (library-exports l)])
(define (define-alias p)
(list define-syntax-id (car p) (list syntax-quote-id (location-val (cdr p)))) env))
@ -138,6 +138,24 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"A", "location-set-val!", "set-box!",
"A", "core?", "pair?",
"A", "transformer?", "procedure?",
"A", "library?", "vector?",
"A", "make-library", "vector",
"S", "library-code",
"S", "library-exports",
"S", "library-set-exports!",
"P", "location-special?",
@ -227,7 +245,8 @@ char *t_code[] = {
":xform)[73}.1V0?{.5,.2,'(s23:improper use of library),@(y7:x-error)[73"
"P", "xform-quote",
@ -473,30 +492,29 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"ame->symbol)[01},${:8,.3,f,@(y5:xform)[03},${'(s52:library import set "
"does not refer to a valid library),'(l2:y5:quote;l3:l3:y8:<symbol>;y1:"
",.1daa,.7[62}.1,'(s28:invalid import set in import),@(y7:x-error)[32}."
"y9:xform-ref)[02},.0V0~?{${.2,.6,'(s15:invalid library),@(y7:x-error)["
"03}}'1,.1V4,'0,.2V4,.8[72}.1,'(s28:invalid import set in import),@(y7:"
"P", "preprocess-library-declarations",
"%2${'(s35:invalid library declarations syntax),'(l3:y4:<id>;l3:y4:<id>"
@ -588,13 +606,12 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"roper define-library form),@(y7:x-error)[42",
")[02},.1d,.2a,V12,.1,'(y14:define-library),l3]9}.1,.1c,'(s28:improper "
"define-library form),@(y7:x-error)[42",
"P", "xform-import",
"2,'(y6:import),l2]5}.1,.1c,'(s20:improper import form),@(y7:x-error)[4"
":import),l2]5}.1,.1c,'(s20:improper import form),@(y7:x-error)[42",
"P", "write-serialized-char",
"%2'(c%25),.1C=,.0?{.0}{'(c%22),.2C=,.0?{.0}{'(c%5c),.3C=,.0?{.0}{'(c )"
@ -997,8 +1014,8 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"P", "library-info",
"C", 0,
@ -1142,16 +1159,16 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"C", 0,
"C", 0,
@ -1181,19 +1198,18 @@ char *t_code[] = {
"yntax in env:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s18:SYNTAX INST"
"ALLED: )W4Po,.2daW5PoW6]5}]5}'(y14:define-library),.1q?{${f,.5,.5d,.6a"
".3sz_1_1}{${.6,.4da,'(s50:identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax i"
"n env:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?{Po,'(s19:LIBRARY INSTALLED:"
" )W4Po,.2daW5PoW6]5}]5}'(y6:import),.1q?{${f,.5,.5d,.6a,@(y12:xform-im"
"xenv-lookup)[03},.0?{.1dda,.0,.2sz_1}{${.6,.4da,'(s50:identifier canno"
"t be (re)defined as syntax in env:),@(y7:x-error)[03}}@(y9:*verbose*)?"
"{Po,'(s19:LIBRARY INSTALLED: )W4Po,.2daW5PoW6]5}]5}'(y6:import),.1q?{$"
"P", "repl-read",
"%2.1?{PoW6Po,.2W4Po,'(s1: )W4}.0,@(y14:read-code-sexp)[21",
Reference in a new issue