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; Transformer and Compiler
(load "s.scm")
; Utils
(define set-member?
(lambda (x s)
[(null? s) #f]
[(eq? x (car s)) #t]
[else (set-member? x (cdr s))])))
(define set-cons
(lambda (x s)
(if (set-member? x s)
(cons x s))))
(define set-union
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(lambda (s1 s2)
(if (null? s1)
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(set-union (cdr s1) (set-cons (car s1) s2)))))
(define set-minus
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(lambda (s1 s2)
(if (null? s1)
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(if (set-member? (car s1) s2)
(set-minus (cdr s1) s2)
(cons (car s1) (set-minus (cdr s1) s2))))))
(define set-intersect
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(lambda (s1 s2)
(if (null? s1)
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(if (set-member? (car s1) s2)
(cons (car s1) (set-intersect (cdr s1) s2))
(set-intersect (cdr s1) s2)))))
(define-syntax record-case
(syntax-rules (else)
[(record-case (pa . ir) clause ...)
(let ([id (pa . ir)])
(record-case id clause ...))]
[(record-case id)
[(record-case id [else exp ...])
(begin exp ...)]
[(record-case id [(key ...) ids exp ...] clause ...)
(if (memq (car id) '(key ...))
(apply (lambda ids exp ...) (cdr id))
(record-case id clause ...))]
[(record-case id [key ids exp ...] clause ...)
(if (eq? (car id) 'key)
(apply (lambda ids exp ...) (cdr id))
(record-case id clause ...))]))
(define (sexp-match? pat x)
(or (eq? pat '*)
(and (eq? pat '<symbol>) (symbol? x))
(and (eq? pat '<string>) (string? x))
(eq? x pat)
(and (pair? pat)
(cond [(and (eq? (car pat) '...)
(pair? (cdr pat))
(null? (cddr pat)))
(eq? x (cadr pat))]
[(and (pair? (cdr pat))
(eq? (cadr pat) '...)
(null? (cddr pat)))
(let ([pat (car pat)])
(if (eq? pat '*)
(list? x)
(let loop ([lst x])
(or (null? lst)
(and (pair? lst)
(sexp-match? pat (car lst))
(loop (cdr lst)))))))]
(and (pair? x)
(sexp-match? (car pat) (car x))
(sexp-match? (cdr pat) (cdr x)))]))))
(define-syntax sexp-case
(syntax-rules (else)
[(_ (key ...) clauses ...)
(let ([atom-key (key ...)])
(sexp-case atom-key clauses ...))]
[(_ key (else result1 result2 ...))
(begin result1 result2 ...)]
[(_ key (pat result1 result2 ...))
(if (sexp-match? 'pat key)
(begin result1 result2 ...))]
[(_ key (pat result1 result2 ...) clause clauses ...)
(if (sexp-match? 'pat key)
(begin result1 result2 ...)
(sexp-case key clause clauses ...))]))
; unique symbol generator (poor man's version)
(define gensym
(let ([gsc 0])
(lambda args ; (), (symbol), or (#f) for gsc reset
(set! gsc (fx+ gsc 1))
(if (null? args)
(string-append "#" (fixnum->string gsc 10)))
(if (symbol? (car args))
(string-append (symbol->string (car args))
(string-append "#" (fixnum->string gsc 10))))
(set! gsc 0))))))
(define posq
(lambda (x l)
(let loop ([l l] [n 0])
(cond [(null? l) #f]
[(eq? x (car l)) n]
[else (loop (cdr l) (fx+ n 1))]))))
(define list-diff
(lambda (l t)
(if (or (null? l) (eq? l t))
(cons (car l) (list-diff (cdr l) t)))))
(define (pair* x . more)
(let loop ([x x] [rest more])
(if (null? rest) x
(cons x (loop (car rest) (cdr rest))))))
(define (append* lst)
(cond [(null? lst) '()]
[(null? (cdr lst)) (car lst)]
[else (append (car lst) (append* (cdr lst)))]))
(define (string-append* l)
(apply string-append l))
(define (andmap p l)
(if (pair? l) (and (p (car l)) (andmap p (cdr l))) #t))
(define (list1? x) (and (pair? x) (null? (cdr x))))
2023-03-11 19:41:44 +01:00
(define (list1+? x) (and (pair? x) (list? (cdr x))))
(define (list2? x) (and (pair? x) (list1? (cdr x))))
2023-03-11 19:41:44 +01:00
(define (list2+? x) (and (pair? x) (list1+? (cdr x))))
(define (read-code-sexp port)
; for now, we will just use read with no support for circular structures
(read-simple port))
(define (error* msg args)
(raise (error-object #f msg args)))
(define (warning* msg args)
(print-error-message (string-append "Warning: " msg) args (current-error-port)))
; Syntax of the Scheme Core language
; <core> -> (quote <object>)
; <core> -> (ref <id>)
; <core> -> (set! <id> <core>)
; <core> -> (set& <id>)
; <core> -> (lambda <ids> <core>) where <ids> -> (<id> ...) | (<id> ... . <id>) | <id>
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
; <core> -> (lambda* (<arity> <core>) ...) where <arity> -> (<cnt> <rest?>)
2023-03-11 19:41:44 +01:00
; <core> -> (letcc <id> <core>)
; <core> -> (withcc <core> <core>)
; <core> -> (begin <core> ...)
; <core> -> (if <core> <core> <core>)
; <core> -> (call <core> <core> ...)
; <core> -> (integrable <ig> <core> ...) where <ig> is an index in the integrables table
; NB: (begin) is legit, returns unspecified value
; on top level, these two extra core forms are legal:
; <core> -> (define <id> <core>)
; <core> -> (define-syntax <id> <transformer>)
2024-05-27 01:01:04 +02:00
; These names are bound to specials never returned by xform:
; (syntax <value>)
; (body <expr or def> ...)
; (syntax-lambda (<id> ...) <expr>)
; (syntax-rules (<id> ...) <rule> ...)
; (syntax-length <form>)
; (syntax-error <msg> <arg> ...)
(define idslist?
(lambda (x)
(cond [(null? x) #t]
[(pair? x) (and (id? (car x)) (idslist? (cdr x)))]
[else (id? x)])))
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(define normalize-arity
(lambda (arity)
(if (and (list2? arity) (fixnum? (car arity)) (boolean? (cadr arity)))
(let loop ([cnt 0] [l arity])
(cond [(pair? l) (loop (fx+ 1 cnt) (cdr l))]
[(null? l) (list cnt #f)]
[else (list cnt #t)])))))
; convention for 'flattened' <ids> is to put rest arg if any at the front
(define flatten-idslist
(lambda (ilist)
(if (list? ilist) ilist
(let loop ([l ilist] [r '()])
(cond [(pair? l) (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))]
[else (if (null? l) (reverse! r) (cons l (reverse! r)))])))))
(define idslist-req-count
(lambda (ilist)
(if (pair? ilist)
(fx+ 1 (idslist-req-count (cdr ilist)))
; Macro transformer (from Scheme to Scheme Core) derived from Al Petrofsky's EIOD 1.17
; An environment is a procedure that accepts any identifier and access type and returns a
; denotation. Access type is one of these symbols: ref, set!, define, define-syntax.
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
; The denotation of an identifier is its macro location, which is a cell storing the
; identifier's current syntactic value. Location's value can be changed later.
; Special forms are either a symbol naming a builtin, or a transformer procedure
; that takes two arguments: a macro use and the environment of the macro use.
; <identifier> -> <symbol> | <thunk returning (sym . den)>
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; <denotation> -> <location>
; <location> -> #&<value>
; <value> -> <special> | <core>
2024-05-27 01:01:04 +02:00
; <special> -> <builtin> | <integrable> | <transformer>
; <builtin> -> syntax | quote | set! | set& | if | lambda | lambda* |
; letcc | withcc | body | begin | define | define-syntax |
2024-05-27 01:01:04 +02:00
; syntax-lambda | syntax-rules | syntax-length | syntax-error
; <integrable> -> <fixnum serving as index in internal integrables table>
; <transformer> -> <procedure of exp and env returning exp>
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
(define-syntax val-core? pair?)
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
(define-syntax make-location box)
(define-syntax location-val unbox)
(define-syntax location-set-val! set-box!)
(define (location-special? l) (not (pair? (unbox l))))
(define (new-id sym den) (define p (cons sym den)) (lambda () p))
(define (old-sym id) (car (id)))
(define (old-den id) (cdr (id)))
(define (id? x) (or (symbol? x) (procedure? x)))
(define (id->sym id) (if (symbol? id) id (old-sym id)))
2024-05-27 01:01:04 +02:00
; Expand-time environments map identifiers (symbolic or thunked) to denotations, i.e. locations
; containing either a <special> or a <core> value. In normal case, <core> value is (ref <gid>),
; where <gid> is a key in run-time store, aka *globals*. Environments should allocate new locations
; as needed, so every identifier gets mapped to one. Expand-time environments are represented as
; two-argument procedures, where the second argument is an access type symbol.
2024-05-27 01:01:04 +02:00
(define (extend-xenv-local id val env)
(let ([loc (make-location val)])
(lambda (i at)
(if (eq? id i)
(case at [(ref set!) loc] [else #f])
(env i at)))))
(define (add-local-var id gid env)
(extend-xenv-local id (list 'ref gid) env))
(define (xenv-lookup env id at)
(or (env id at)
(error* "transformer: invalid identifier access" (list id at))))
(define (xenv-ref env id) (xenv-lookup env id 'ref))
2023-04-14 20:49:32 +02:00
(define (xform-sexp->datum sexp)
(let conv ([sexp sexp])
(cond [(id? sexp) (id->sym sexp)]
[(pair? sexp) (cons (conv (car sexp)) (conv (cdr sexp)))]
[(vector? sexp) (list->vector (map conv (vector->list sexp)))]
[else sexp])))
(define (x-error msg . args)
(error* (string-append "transformer: " msg) args))
; xform receives Scheme s-expressions and returns either Core Scheme <core>
; (always a pair) or special-form, which is either a builtin (a symbol) or
; a transformer (a procedure). Appos? flag is true when the context can
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; allow xform to return a special; otherwise, only <core> is returned.
(define (xform appos? sexp env)
(cond [(id? sexp)
(let ([hval (xform-ref sexp env)])
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
(cond [appos? hval]
[(integrable? hval) ; integrable id-syntax
(list 'ref (integrable-global hval))]
[(procedure? hval) ; id-syntax
(xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)]
2023-04-15 23:41:28 +02:00
[(not (pair? hval)) ; special used out of context
(x-error "improper use of syntax form" hval)]
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
[else hval]))] ; core
[(not (pair? sexp))
(xform-quote (list sexp) env)]
(let* ([head (car sexp)] [tail (cdr sexp)] [hval (xform #t head env)])
(case hval
[(syntax) (car tail)] ; internal use only
[(quote) (xform-quote tail env)]
[(set!) (xform-set! tail env)]
[(set&) (xform-set& tail env)]
[(if) (xform-if tail env)]
[(lambda) (xform-lambda tail env)]
[(lambda*) (xform-lambda* tail env)]
[(letcc) (xform-letcc tail env)]
[(withcc) (xform-withcc tail env)]
[(body) (xform-body tail env)]
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[(begin) (xform-begin tail env)]
[(define) (xform-define tail env)]
[(define-syntax) (xform-define-syntax tail env)]
2023-04-14 00:31:20 +02:00
[(syntax-lambda) (xform-syntax-lambda tail env)]
[(syntax-rules) (xform-syntax-rules tail env)]
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[(syntax-length) (xform-syntax-length tail env)]
[(syntax-error) (xform-syntax-error tail env)]
[else (if (integrable? hval)
(xform-integrable hval tail env)
(if (procedure? hval)
(xform appos? (hval sexp env) env)
(xform-call hval tail env)))]))]))
(define (xform-ref id env)
(let ([den (xenv-ref env id)])
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
(cond [(eq? (location-val den) '...) (x-error "improper use of ...")]
[else (location-val den)])))
(define (xform-quote tail env)
(if (list1? tail)
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
(list 'quote (xform-sexp->datum (car tail)))
(x-error "improper quote form" (cons 'quote tail))))
(define (xform-set! tail env)
(if (and (list2? tail) (id? (car tail)))
(let ([den (xenv-lookup env (car tail) 'set!)] [xexp (xform #f (cadr tail) env)])
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
(cond [(location-special? den) (location-set-val! den xexp) '(begin)]
[else (let ([val (location-val den)])
(if (eq? (car val) 'ref)
(list 'set! (cadr val) xexp)
(x-error "set! to non-identifier form")))]))
(x-error "improper set! form" (cons 'set! tail))))
(define (xform-set& tail env)
(if (list1? tail)
(let ([den (xenv-lookup env (car tail) 'set!)])
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
(cond [(location-special? den) (x-error "set& of a non-variable")]
[else (let ([val (location-val den)])
(if (eq? (car val) 'ref)
(list 'set& (cadr val))
(x-error "set& of a non-variable")))]))
(x-error "improper set& form" (cons 'set& tail))))
(define (xform-if tail env)
(if (list? tail)
(let ([xexps (map (lambda (sexp) (xform #f sexp env)) tail)])
(case (length xexps)
[(2) (cons 'if (append xexps '((begin))))]
[(3) (cons 'if xexps)]
[else (x-error "malformed if form" (cons 'if tail))]))
(x-error "improper if form" (cons 'if tail))))
(define (xform-call xexp tail env)
(if (list? tail)
(let ([xexps (map (lambda (sexp) (xform #f sexp env)) tail)])
(if (and (null? xexps) (eq? (car xexp) 'lambda) (null? (cadr xexp)))
(caddr xexp) ; ((let () x)) => x
(pair* 'call xexp xexps)))
(x-error "improper application" (cons xexp tail))))
(define (integrable-argc-match? igt n)
(case igt
[(#\0) (= n 0)] [(#\1) (= n 1)] [(#\2) (= n 2)] [(#\3) (= n 3)]
[(#\p) (>= n 0)] [(#\m) (>= n 1)] [(#\c) (>= n 2)] [(#\x) (>= n 1)]
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
[(#\u) (<= 0 n 1)] [(#\b) (<= 1 n 2)] [(#\t) (<= 2 n 3)]
[(#\#) (>= n 0)] [(#\@) #f]
2023-04-14 17:34:47 +02:00
[else #f]))
(define (xform-integrable ig tail env)
(if (integrable-argc-match? (integrable-type ig) (length tail))
(cons 'integrable (cons ig (map (lambda (sexp) (xform #f sexp env)) tail)))
(xform-call (list 'ref (integrable-global ig)) tail env)))
(define (xform-lambda tail env)
(if (and (list1+? tail) (idslist? (car tail)))
(let loop ([vars (car tail)] [ienv env] [ipars '()])
(cond [(pair? vars)
(let* ([var (car vars)] [nvar (gensym (id->sym var))])
(loop (cdr vars) (add-local-var var nvar ienv) (cons nvar ipars)))]
[(null? vars)
(list 'lambda (reverse ipars) (xform-body (cdr tail) ienv))]
[else ; improper
(let* ([var vars] [nvar (gensym (id->sym var))]
[ienv (add-local-var var nvar ienv)])
(list 'lambda (append (reverse ipars) nvar)
(xform-body (cdr tail) ienv)))]))
(x-error "improper lambda body" (cons 'lambda tail))))
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(define (xform-lambda* tail env)
(if (list? tail)
(cons 'lambda*
(map (lambda (aexp)
(if (and (list2? aexp)
(or (and (list2? (car aexp))
(fixnum? (caar aexp))
(boolean? (cadar aexp)))
(idslist? (car aexp))))
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(list (normalize-arity (car aexp))
(xform #f (cadr aexp) env))
(x-error "improper lambda* clause" aexp)))
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(x-error "improper lambda* form" (cons 'lambda* tail))))
2023-03-11 19:41:44 +01:00
(define (xform-letcc tail env)
(if (and (list2+? tail) (id? (car tail)))
(let* ([var (car tail)] [nvar (gensym (id->sym var))])
(list 'letcc nvar
(xform-body (cdr tail) (add-local-var var nvar env))))
(x-error "improper letcc form" (cons 'letcc tail))))
2023-03-11 19:41:44 +01:00
(define (xform-withcc tail env)
(if (list2+? tail)
(list 'withcc (xform #f (car tail) env)
(xform-body (cdr tail) env))
(x-error "improper withcc form" (cons 'withcc tail))))
2023-03-11 19:41:44 +01:00
(define (xform-body tail env)
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
[(null? tail)
(list 'begin)]
[(list1? tail) ; can't have defines there
(xform #f (car tail) env)]
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
[(not (list? tail))
(x-error "improper body form" (cons 'body tail))]
(let loop ([env env] [ids '()] [inits '()] [nids '()] [body tail])
(if (and (pair? body) (pair? (car body)))
(let ([first (car body)] [rest (cdr body)])
(let* ([head (car first)] [tail (cdr first)] [hval (xform #t head env)])
(case hval
[(begin) ; internal
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
(if (list? tail)
(loop env ids inits nids (append tail rest))
(x-error "improper begin form" first))]
[(define) ; internal
(cond [(and (list2? tail) (null? (car tail))) ; idless
(let ([init (cadr tail)])
(loop env (cons #f ids) (cons init inits) (cons #f nids) rest))]
[(and (list2? tail) (id? (car tail)))
(let* ([id (car tail)] [init (cadr tail)]
[nid (gensym (id->sym id))] [env (add-local-var id nid env)])
(loop env (cons id ids) (cons init inits) (cons nid nids) rest))]
[(and (list2+? tail) (pair? (car tail)) (id? (caar tail)) (idslist? (cdar tail)))
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
(let* ([id (caar tail)] [lambda-id (new-id 'lambda (make-location 'lambda))]
[init (cons lambda-id (cons (cdar tail) (cdr tail)))]
[nid (gensym (id->sym id))] [env (add-local-var id nid env)])
(loop env (cons id ids) (cons init inits) (cons nid nids) rest))]
[else (x-error "improper define form" first)])]
[(define-syntax) ; internal
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
(if (and (list2? tail) (id? (car tail)))
(let* ([id (car tail)] [init (cadr tail)]
[env (extend-xenv-local id '(undefined) env)])
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
(loop env (cons id ids) (cons init inits) (cons #t nids) rest))
(x-error "improper define-syntax form" first))]
(if (procedure? hval)
(loop env ids inits nids (cons (hval first env) rest))
(xform-labels (reverse ids) (reverse inits) (reverse nids) body env))])))
(xform-labels (reverse ids) (reverse inits) (reverse nids) body env)))]))
(define (xform-labels ids inits nids body env)
(let loop ([ids ids] [inits inits] [nids nids] [sets '()] [lids '()])
(cond [(null? ids)
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
(let* ([xexps (append (reverse sets) (map (lambda (x) (xform #f x env)) body))]
[xexp (if (list1? xexps) (car xexps) (cons 'begin xexps))])
(if (null? lids) xexp
(pair* 'call (list 'lambda (reverse lids) xexp)
(map (lambda (lid) '(begin)) lids))))]
2023-03-29 00:14:45 +02:00
[(not (car ids)) ; idless define
(loop (cdr ids) (cdr inits) (cdr nids)
(cons (xform #f (car inits) env) sets) lids)]
[(symbol? (car nids)) ; define
(loop (cdr ids) (cdr inits) (cdr nids)
(cons (xform-set! (list (car ids) (car inits)) env) sets)
(cons (car nids) lids))]
[else ; define-syntax
(location-set-val! (xenv-lookup env (car ids) 'set!) (xform #t (car inits) env))
(loop (cdr ids) (cdr inits) (cdr nids) sets lids)])))
(define (xform-begin tail env) ; non-internal
2023-04-14 20:49:32 +02:00
(if (list? tail)
(let ([xexps (map (lambda (sexp) (xform #f sexp env)) tail)])
(if (and (pair? xexps) (null? (cdr xexps)))
(car xexps) ; (begin x) => x
(cons 'begin xexps)))
(x-error "improper begin form" (cons 'begin tail))))
2023-04-14 20:49:32 +02:00
(define (xform-define tail env) ; non-internal
(cond [(and (list2? tail) (null? (car tail))) ; idless
(xform #f (cadr tail) env)]
[(and (list2? tail) (id? (car tail)))
(list 'define (id->sym (car tail))
(xform #f (cadr tail) env))]
[(and (list2+? tail) (pair? (car tail)) (id? (caar tail)) (idslist? (cdar tail)))
(list 'define (id->sym (caar tail))
(xform-lambda (cons (cdar tail) (cdr tail)) env))]
(x-error "improper define form" (cons 'define tail))]))
(define (xform-define-syntax tail env) ; non-internal
(if (and (list2? tail) (id? (car tail)))
(list 'define-syntax (id->sym (car tail)) (xform #t (cadr tail) env))
(x-error "improper define-syntax form" (cons 'define-syntax tail))))
2023-04-14 00:31:20 +02:00
(define (xform-syntax-lambda tail env)
(if (and (list2+? tail) (andmap id? (car tail)))
(let ([vars (car tail)] [macenv env] [forms (cdr tail)])
; return a transformer that wraps xformed body in (syntax ...)
2024-05-27 01:01:04 +02:00
; to make sure xform treats it as final <core> form and exits the loop
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(lambda (use useenv)
(if (and (list1+? use) (fx=? (length vars) (length (cdr use))))
(let loop ([vars vars] [exps (cdr use)] [env macenv])
(if (null? vars)
(list 'syntax (xform-body forms env))
(loop (cdr vars) (cdr exps)
(extend-xenv-local (car vars)
2023-04-14 00:31:20 +02:00
(xform #t (car exps) useenv) env))))
2024-05-27 01:01:04 +02:00
(x-error "invalid syntax-lambda application" use))))
2023-04-14 00:31:20 +02:00
(x-error "improper syntax-lambda body" (cons 'syntax-lambda tail))))
(define (xform-syntax-rules tail env)
(cond [(and (list2+? tail) (id? (car tail)) (andmap id? (cadr tail)))
(syntax-rules* env (car tail) (cadr tail) (cddr tail))]
[(and (list1+? tail) (andmap id? (car tail)))
(syntax-rules* env #f (car tail) (cdr tail))]
(x-error "improper syntax-rules form" (cons 'syntax-rules tail))]))
(define (xform-syntax-length tail env)
(if (and (list1? tail) (list? (car tail)))
(list 'quote (length (car tail)))
(x-error "improper syntax-length form" (cons 'syntax-length tail))))
(define (xform-syntax-error tail env)
(let ([args (map xform-sexp->datum tail)])
(if (and (list1+? args) (string? (car args)))
(apply x-error args)
(x-error "improper syntax-error form" (cons 'syntax-error tail)))))
2023-04-14 00:31:20 +02:00
; make transformer procedure from the rules
(define (syntax-rules* mac-env ellipsis pat-literals rules)
2023-04-14 17:34:47 +02:00
(define (pat-literal? id) (memq id pat-literals))
(define (not-pat-literal? id) (not (pat-literal? id)))
(define (ellipsis-pair? x)
(and (pair? x) (ellipsis? (car x))))
2023-04-14 17:34:47 +02:00
(define (ellipsis-denotation? den)
2023-04-16 03:03:39 +02:00
(eq? (location-val den) '...)) ; fixme: need eq? with correct #&...
(define (ellipsis? x)
(if ellipsis
(eq? x ellipsis)
(and (id? x) (ellipsis-denotation? (xenv-ref mac-env x)))))
; List-ids returns a list of the non-ellipsis ids in a
; pattern or template for which (pred? id) is true. If
; include-scalars is false, we only include ids that are
; within the scope of at least one ellipsis.
(define (list-ids x include-scalars pred?)
(let collect ([x x] [inc include-scalars] [l '()])
(cond [(id? x) (if (and inc (pred? x)) (cons x l) l)]
[(vector? x) (collect (vector->list x) inc l)]
[(pair? x)
(if (ellipsis-pair? (cdr x))
(collect (car x) #t (collect (cddr x) inc l))
(collect (car x) inc (collect (cdr x) inc l)))]
[else l])))
; Returns #f or an alist mapping each pattern var to a part of
; the input. Ellipsis vars are mapped to lists of parts (or
; lists of lists ...).
(define (match-pattern pat use use-env)
(lambda (return)
(define (fail) (return #f))
(let match ([pat pat] [sexp use] [bindings '()])
(define (continue-if condition)
(if condition bindings (fail)))
[(id? pat)
(if (pat-literal? pat)
(and (id? sexp) (eq? (xenv-ref use-env sexp) (xenv-ref mac-env pat))))
(cons (cons pat sexp) bindings))]
[(vector? pat)
(or (vector? sexp) (fail))
(match (vector->list pat) (vector->list sexp) bindings)]
[(not (pair? pat))
(continue-if (equal? pat sexp))]
[(ellipsis-pair? (cdr pat))
(let* ([tail-len (length (cddr pat))]
[sexp-len (if (list? sexp) (length sexp) (fail))]
[seq-len (fx- sexp-len tail-len)]
[sexp-tail (begin (if (negative? seq-len) (fail)) (list-tail sexp seq-len))]
[seq (reverse (list-tail (reverse sexp) tail-len))]
[vars (list-ids (car pat) #t not-pat-literal?)])
(define (match1 sexp)
(map cdr (match (car pat) sexp '())))
(apply map (cons list (cons vars (map match1 seq))))
(match (cddr pat) sexp-tail bindings)))]
[(pair? sexp)
(match (car pat) (car sexp)
(match (cdr pat) (cdr sexp) bindings))]
[else (fail)])))))
(define (expand-template pat tmpl top-bindings)
; New-literals is an alist mapping each literal id in the
; template to a fresh id for inserting into the output. It
; might have duplicate entries mapping an id to two different
; fresh ids, but that's okay because when we go to retrieve a
; fresh id, assq will always retrieve the first one.
(define new-literals
(map (lambda (id) (cons id (new-id (id->sym id) (xenv-ref mac-env id))))
(list-ids tmpl #t
(lambda (id) (not (assq id top-bindings))))))
(define ellipsis-vars
(list-ids pat #f not-pat-literal?))
(define (list-ellipsis-vars subtmpl)
(list-ids subtmpl #t
(lambda (id) (memq id ellipsis-vars))))
(let expand ([tmpl tmpl] [bindings top-bindings])
(let expand-part ([tmpl tmpl])
[(id? tmpl)
(cdr (or (assq tmpl bindings)
(assq tmpl top-bindings)
(assq tmpl new-literals)))]
[(vector? tmpl)
(list->vector (expand-part (vector->list tmpl)))]
[(and (pair? tmpl) (ellipsis-pair? (cdr tmpl)))
(let ([vars-to-iterate (list-ellipsis-vars (car tmpl))])
(define (lookup var)
(cdr (assq var bindings)))
(define (expand-using-vals . vals)
(expand (car tmpl)
(map cons vars-to-iterate vals)))
(if (null? vars-to-iterate)
; ellipsis following non-repeatable part is an error, but we don't care
(cons (expand-part (car tmpl)) (expand-part (cddr tmpl))) ; repeat once
; correct use of ellipsis
(let ([val-lists (map lookup vars-to-iterate)])
(apply map (cons expand-using-vals val-lists))
(expand-part (cddr tmpl))))))]
[(pair? tmpl)
(cons (expand-part (car tmpl)) (expand-part (cdr tmpl)))]
[else tmpl]))))
(lambda (use use-env)
(let loop ([rules rules])
(if (null? rules) (x-error "invalid syntax" use))
(let* ([rule (car rules)] [pat (car rule)] [tmpl (cadr rule)])
(cond [(match-pattern pat use use-env) =>
2023-03-07 19:42:29 +01:00
(lambda (bindings) (expand-template pat tmpl bindings))]
[else (loop (cdr rules))])))))
; hand-made transformers (use functionality defined below)
(define (make-include-transformer ci?)
(define begin-id (new-id 'begin (make-location 'begin)))
(lambda (sexp env)
(if (list1+? sexp)
(let loop ([files (cdr sexp)] [exp-lists '()])
(if (null? files)
(cons begin-id (apply append (reverse! exp-lists)))
(call-with-file/lib-sexps (car files) ci? ;=>
(lambda (exp-list)
(loop (cdr files) (cons exp-list exp-lists))))))
(x-error "invalid syntax" sexp))))
(define (if-feature-available-transformer sexp env)
(if (and (list? sexp) (= (length sexp) 4))
(let ([r (cadr sexp)] [con (caddr sexp)] [alt (cadddr sexp)])
(if (feature-available? (xform-sexp->datum r)) con alt))
(x-error "invalid syntax" sexp)))
(define (if-library-available-transformer sexp env)
(if (and (list? sexp) (= (length sexp) 4))
(let ([r (cadr sexp)] [con (caddr sexp)] [alt (cadddr sexp)])
(if (library-available? (xform-sexp->datum r)) con alt))
(x-error "invalid syntax" sexp)))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
; String representation of S-expressions and code arguments
(define (write-serialized-char x port)
(cond [(or (char=? x #\%) (char=? x #\") (char=? x #\\) (char<? x #\space) (char>? x #\~))
(write-char #\% port)
(let ([s (fixnum->string (char->integer x) 16)])
(if (fx=? (string-length s) 1) (write-char #\0 port))
(write-string s port))]
[else (write-char x port)]))
(define (write-serialized-byte x port)
(let ([s (fixnum->string x 16)])
(if (fx=? (string-length s) 1) (write-char #\0 port))
(write-string s port)))
(define (write-serialized-size n port)
(write-string (fixnum->string n 10) port)
(write-char #\: port))
(define (write-serialized-element x port)
(write-serialized-sexp x port)
(write-char #\; port))
(define (write-serialized-sexp x port)
(cond [(eq? x #f)
(write-char #\f port)]
[(eq? x #t)
(write-char #\t port)]
[(eq? x '())
(write-char #\n port)]
[(char? x)
(write-char #\c port)
(write-serialized-char x port)]
[(number? x)
(write-char (if (exact? x) #\i #\j) port)
(write-string (number->string x 10) port)]
[(list? x)
(write-char #\l port)
(write-serialized-size (length x) port)
(do ([x x (cdr x)]) [(null? x)]
(write-serialized-element (car x) port))]
[(pair? x)
(write-char #\p port)
(write-serialized-element (car x) port)
(write-serialized-element (cdr x) port)]
[(vector? x)
(write-char #\v port)
(write-serialized-size (vector-length x) port)
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx=? i (vector-length x))]
(write-serialized-element (vector-ref x i) port))]
[(string? x)
(write-char #\s port)
(write-serialized-size (string-length x) port)
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx=? i (string-length x))]
(write-serialized-char (string-ref x i) port))]
[(bytevector? x)
(write-char #\b port)
(write-serialized-size (bytevector-length x) port)
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx=? i (bytevector-length x))]
(write-serialized-byte (bytevector-u8-ref x i) port))]
[(symbol? x)
(write-char #\y port)
(let ([x (symbol->string x)])
(write-serialized-size (string-length x) port)
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx=? i (string-length x))]
(write-serialized-char (string-ref x i) port)))]
[(box? x)
(write-char #\z port)
(write-serialized-element (unbox x) port)]
[else (c-error "cannot encode literal" x)]))
(define (write-serialized-arg arg port)
(if (and (number? arg) (exact? arg) (fx<=? 0 arg) (fx<=? arg 9))
(write-char (string-ref "0123456789" arg) port)
(begin (write-char #\( port)
(write-serialized-sexp arg port)
(write-char #\) port))))
; Compiler producing serialized code
(define (c-error msg . args)
(error* (string-append "compiler: " msg) args))
(define (c-warning msg . args)
(warning* (string-append "compiler: " msg) args))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
(define find-free*
(lambda (x* b)
(if (null? x*)
(find-free (car x*) b)
(find-free* (cdr x*) b)))))
(define find-free
(lambda (x b)
(record-case x
[quote (obj)
[ref (id)
(if (set-member? id b) '() (list id))]
[set! (id exp)
(if (set-member? id b) '() (list id))
(find-free exp b))]
[set& (id)
(if (set-member? id b) '() (list id))]
[lambda (idsi exp)
(find-free exp (set-union (flatten-idslist idsi) b))]
[lambda* clauses
(find-free* (map cadr clauses) b)]
[letcc (kid exp)
(find-free exp (set-union (list kid) b))]
[withcc (kexp exp)
(set-union (find-free kexp b) (find-free exp b))]
[if (test then else)
(find-free test b)
(set-union (find-free then b) (find-free else b)))]
[begin exps
(find-free* exps b)]
[integrable (ig . args)
(find-free* args b)]
[call (exp . args)
(set-union (find-free exp b) (find-free* args b))]
[define tail
(c-error "misplaced define form" x)])))
(define find-sets*
(lambda (x* v)
(if (null? x*)
(find-sets (car x*) v)
(find-sets* (cdr x*) v)))))
(define find-sets
(lambda (x v)
(record-case x
[quote (obj)
[ref (id)
[set! (id x)
(if (set-member? id v) (list id) '())
(find-sets x v))]
[set& (id)
(if (set-member? id v) (list id) '())]
[lambda (idsi exp)
(find-sets exp (set-minus v (flatten-idslist idsi)))]
[lambda* clauses
(find-sets* (map cadr clauses) v)]
[letcc (kid exp)
(find-sets exp (set-minus v (list kid)))]
[withcc (kexp exp)
(set-union (find-sets kexp v) (find-sets exp v))]
[begin exps
(find-sets* exps v)]
[if (test then else)
(find-sets test v)
(set-union (find-sets then v) (find-sets else v)))]
[integrable (ig . args)
(find-sets* args v)]
[call (exp . args)
(set-union (find-sets exp v) (find-sets* args v))]
[define tail
(c-error "misplaced define form" x)])))
(define codegen
; x: Scheme Core expression to compile
; l: local var list (with #f placeholders for nonvar slots)
; f: free var list
; s: set! var set
; g: global var set
; k: #f: x goes to ac, N: x is to be returned after (sdrop n)
; port: output code goes here
(lambda (x l f s g k port)
(record-case x
[quote (obj)
(case obj
[(#t) (write-char #\t port)]
[(#f) (write-char #\f port)]
[(()) (write-char #\n port)]
[else (write-char #\' port) (write-serialized-arg obj port)])
(when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))]
[ref (id)
(cond [(posq id l) => ; local
(lambda (n)
(write-char #\. port)
(write-serialized-arg n port)
(if (set-member? id s) (write-char #\^ port)))]
[(posq id f) => ; free
(lambda (n)
(write-char #\: port)
(write-serialized-arg n port)
(if (set-member? id s) (write-char #\^ port)))]
[else ; global
(write-char #\@ port)
(write-serialized-arg id port)])
(when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))]
[set! (id x)
(codegen x l f s g #f port)
(cond [(posq id l) => ; local
(lambda (n)
(write-char #\. port) (write-char #\! port)
(write-serialized-arg n port))]
[(posq id f) => ; free
(lambda (n)
(write-char #\: port) (write-char #\! port)
(write-serialized-arg n port))]
[else ; global
(write-char #\@ port) (write-char #\! port)
(write-serialized-arg id port)])
(when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))]
[set& (id)
(cond [(posq id l) => ; local
(lambda (n)
(write-char #\. port)
(write-serialized-arg n port))]
[(posq id f) => ; free
(lambda (n)
(write-char #\: port)
(write-serialized-arg n port))]
[else ; global
(write-char #\` port)
(write-serialized-arg id port)])
(when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))]
[begin exps
(let loop ([xl exps])
(when (pair? xl)
(let ([k (if (pair? (cdr xl)) #f k)])
(codegen (car xl) l f s g k port)
(loop (cdr xl)))))
(when (and k (null? exps)) (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))]
[if (test then else)
(codegen test l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\? port)
(write-char #\{ port)
(codegen then l f s g k port)
(write-char #\} port)
(cond [k ; tail call: 'then' arm exits, so br around is not needed
(codegen else l f s g k port)]
[(equal? else '(begin)) ; non-tail with void 'else' arm
] ; no code needed -- ac retains #f from failed test
[else ; non-tail with 'else' expression; needs br
(write-char #\{ port)
(codegen else l f s g k port)
(write-char #\} port)])]
[lambda (idsi exp)
(let* ([ids (flatten-idslist idsi)]
[free (set-minus (find-free exp ids) g)]
[sets (find-sets exp ids)])
(do ([free (reverse free) (cdr free)] [l l (cons #f l)]) [(null? free)]
; note: called with empty set! var list
; to make sure no dereferences are generated
(codegen (list 'ref (car free)) l f '() g #f port)
(write-char #\, port))
(write-char #\& port)
(write-serialized-arg (length free) port)
(write-char #\{ port)
(cond [(list? idsi)
(write-char #\% port)
(write-serialized-arg (length idsi) port)]
(write-char #\% port) (write-char #\! port)
(write-serialized-arg (idslist-req-count idsi) port)])
(do ([ids ids (cdr ids)] [n 0 (fx+ n 1)]) [(null? ids)]
(when (set-member? (car ids) sets)
(write-char #\# port)
(write-serialized-arg n port)))
(codegen exp ids free
(set-union sets (set-intersect s free))
g (length ids) port)
(write-char #\} port))
(when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))]
[lambda* clauses
(do ([clauses (reverse clauses) (cdr clauses)] [l l (cons #f l)])
[(null? clauses)]
(codegen (cadr (car clauses)) l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\% port) (write-char #\x port)
(write-char #\, port))
(write-char #\& port)
(write-serialized-arg (length clauses) port)
(write-char #\{ port)
(do ([clauses clauses (cdr clauses)] [i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
[(null? clauses)]
(let* ([arity (caar clauses)] [cnt (car arity)] [rest? (cadr arity)])
(write-char #\| port)
(if rest? (write-char #\! port))
(write-serialized-arg cnt port)
(write-serialized-arg i port)))
(write-char #\% port) (write-char #\% port)
(write-char #\} port)
(when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))]
[letcc (kid exp)
(let* ([ids (list kid)] [sets (find-sets exp ids)]
[news (set-union (set-minus s ids) sets)])
(cond [k ; tail position with k locals on stack to be disposed of
(write-char #\k port) (write-serialized-arg k port)
(write-char #\, port)
(when (set-member? kid sets)
(write-char #\# port) (write-char #\0 port))
; stack map here: kid on top
(codegen exp (cons kid l) f news g (fx+ k 1) port)]
[else ; non-tail position
(write-char #\$ port) (write-char #\{ port)
(write-char #\k port) (write-char #\0 port)
(write-char #\, port)
(when (set-member? kid sets)
(write-char #\# port) (write-char #\0 port))
; stack map here: kid on top, two-slot frame under it
(codegen exp (cons kid (cons #f (cons #f l))) f news g #f port)
(write-char #\_ port) (write-serialized-arg 3 port)
(write-char #\} port)]))]
[withcc (kexp exp)
(cond [(memq (car exp) '(quote ref lambda)) ; exp is a constant, return it
(codegen exp l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\, port) ; stack map after: k on top
(codegen kexp (cons #f l) f s g #f port)
(write-char #\w port) (write-char #\! port)]
[else ; exp is not a constant, thunk it and call it from k
(codegen (list 'lambda '() exp) l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\, port) ; stack map after: k on top
(codegen kexp (cons #f l) f s g #f port)
(write-char #\w port)])]
[integrable (ig . args)
(let ([igty (integrable-type ig)] [igc0 (integrable-code ig 0)])
(case igty
[(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3) ; 1st arg in a, others on stack
(do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)])
[(null? args)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(unless (null? (cdr args)) (write-char #\, port)))
(write-string igc0 port)]
[(#\p) ; (length args) >= 0
(if (null? args)
(let ([igc1 (integrable-code ig 1)])
(write-string igc1 port))
(let ([opc (fx- (length args) 1)])
(do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)])
[(null? args)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(unless (null? (cdr args)) (write-char #\, port)))
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i opc)]
(write-string igc0 port))))]
[(#\m) ; (length args) >= 1
(if (null? (cdr args))
(let ([igc1 (integrable-code ig 1)])
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(write-string igc1 port))
(let ([opc (fx- (length args) 1)])
(do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)])
[(null? args)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(unless (null? (cdr args)) (write-char #\, port)))
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i opc)]
(write-string igc0 port))))]
[(#\c) ; (length args) >= 2
(let ([opc (fx- (length args) 1)] [args (reverse args)])
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\, port)
(do ([args (cdr args) (cdr args)] [l (cons #f l) (cons #f (cons #f l))])
[(null? args)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(unless (null? (cdr args)) (write-char #\, port) (write-char #\, port)))
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i opc)]
(unless (fxzero? i) (write-char #\; port))
(write-string igc0 port)))]
[(#\x) ; (length args) >= 1
(let ([opc (fx- (length args) 1)])
(do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)])
[(null? args)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(unless (null? (cdr args)) (write-char #\, port)))
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i opc)]
(write-string igc0 port)))]
[(#\u) ; 0 <= (length args) <= 1
(if (null? args)
(write-string (integrable-code ig 1) port)
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port))
(write-string igc0 port)]
[(#\b) ; 1 <= (length args) <= 2
(if (null? (cdr args))
(write-string (integrable-code ig 1) port)
(codegen (cadr args) l f s g #f port))
(write-char #\, port)
(codegen (car args) (cons #f l) f s g #f port)
(write-string igc0 port)]
[(#\t) ; 2 <= (length args) <= 3
(if (null? (cddr args))
(write-string (integrable-code ig 1) port)
(codegen (caddr args) l f s g #f port))
(write-char #\, port)
(codegen (cadr args) (cons #f l) f s g #f port)
(write-char #\, port)
(codegen (car args) (cons #f (cons #f l)) f s g #f port)
(write-string igc0 port)]
[(#\#) ; (length args) >= 0
(do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)])
[(null? args)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\, port))
(write-string igc0 port)
(write-serialized-arg (length args) port)]
[else (c-error "unsupported integrable type" igty)]))
(when k (write-char #\] port) (write-serialized-arg k port))]
[call (exp . args)
(cond [(and (eq? (car exp) 'lambda) (list? (cadr exp))
(fx=? (length args) (length (cadr exp))))
; let-like call; compile as special lambda + call combo
(do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)])
[(null? args)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\, port))
(let* ([ids (cadr exp)] [exp (caddr exp)]
[sets (find-sets exp ids)]
[news (set-union (set-minus s ids) sets)]
[newl (append ids l)]) ; with real names
(do ([ids ids (cdr ids)] [n 0 (fx+ n 1)]) [(null? ids)]
(when (set-member? (car ids) sets)
(write-char #\# port)
(write-serialized-arg n port)))
(if k
(codegen exp newl f news g (fx+ k (length args)) port)
(codegen exp newl f news g #f port)
(write-char #\_ port)
(write-serialized-arg (length args) port))))]
[k ; tail call with k elements under arguments
(do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l l (cons #f l)])
[(null? args) (codegen exp l f s g #f port)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\, port))
(write-char #\[ port)
(write-serialized-arg k port)
(write-serialized-arg (length args) port)]
[else ; non-tail call; 'save' puts 2 extra elements on the stack!
(write-char #\$ port) (write-char #\{ port)
(do ([args (reverse args) (cdr args)] [l (cons #f (cons #f l)) (cons #f l)])
[(null? args) (codegen exp l f s g #f port)]
(codegen (car args) l f s g #f port)
(write-char #\, port))
(write-char #\[ port)
(write-serialized-arg 0 port)
(write-serialized-arg (length args) port)
(write-char #\} port)])]
[define tail
(c-error "misplaced define form" x)])))
(define (compile-to-string x)
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(codegen x '() '() '() (find-free x '()) #f p)
(get-output-string p)))
(define (compile-to-thunk-code x)
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(codegen x '() '() '() (find-free x '()) 0 p)
(get-output-string p)))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
; Path and file name resolution
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
(define (path-strip-directory filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))] [r '()])
(cond [(null? l) (list->string r)]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string r)]
[else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))])))
(define (path-directory filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))])
(cond [(null? l) ""]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string (reverse l))]
[else (loop (cdr l))])))
(define (path-strip-extension filename) ;; improved
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))])
(cond [(null? l) filename]
[(eqv? (car l) #\.) (list->string (reverse (cdr l)))]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) filename]
[else (loop (cdr l))])))
#;(define (path-extension filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))] [r '()])
(cond [(null? l) ""]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) ""]
[(eqv? (car l) #\.) (list->string (cons #\. r))]
[else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))])))
(define (base-path-separator basepath)
(let ([l (reverse (string->list basepath))])
(cond [(null? l) #f]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/)) (car l)]
[else #f])))
(define (path-relative? filename)
(let ([l (string->list filename)])
(cond [(null? l) #f]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/)) #f]
[(and (> (length l) 3) (char-alphabetic? (car l)) (eqv? (cadr l) #\:) (eqv? (caddr l) #\\)) #f]
[else #t])))
(define (file-resolve-relative-to-base-path filename basepath)
(if (and (path-relative? filename) (base-path-separator basepath))
(string-append basepath filename) ; leading . and .. to be resolved by OS
; hacks for relative file name resolution
(define *current-file-stack* '())
(define (current-file) ;=> filename of #f
(and (pair? *current-file-stack*) (car *current-file-stack*)))
(define (with-current-file filename thunk)
(lambda () (set! *current-file-stack* (cons filename *current-file-stack*)))
(lambda () (set! *current-file-stack* (cdr *current-file-stack*)))))
(define (file-resolve-relative-to-current filename) ; => resolved or original filename
(if (path-relative? filename)
(let ([cf (current-file)])
(if cf (file-resolve-relative-to-base-path filename (path-directory cf)) filename))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
; Library names and library file lookup
(define (listname-segment->string s)
(cond [(symbol? s) (symbol->string s)]
[(number? s) (number->string s)]
[(string? s) s]
[else (c-error "invalid symbolic file name element" s)]))
(define modname-separator "_")
(define (listname->modname listname)
(define sep modname-separator)
(let loop ([l listname] [r '()])
(if (pair? l)
(loop (cdr l)
(if (null? r)
(cons (listname-segment->string (car l)) r)
(cons (listname-segment->string (car l)) (cons sep r))))
(string-append* (reverse r)))))
(define (listname->path listname basepath ext)
(define sep
(let ([sc (base-path-separator basepath)])
(if sc (string sc) (c-error "library path does not end in separator" basepath))))
(let loop ([l listname] [r '()])
(if (pair? l)
(loop (cdr l)
(if (null? r)
(cons (listname-segment->string (car l)) r)
(cons (listname-segment->string (car l)) (cons sep r))))
(file-resolve-relative-to-base-path (string-append* (reverse (cons ext r))) basepath))))
; hacks for locating library files
(define *library-path-list* '())
(define (add-library-path! path)
(if (base-path-separator path)
(set! *library-path-list* (append *library-path-list* (list path)))
(c-error "library path should end in directory separator" path)))
(define (find-library-path libname) ;=> name of existing .sld file or #f
(let loop ([l *library-path-list*])
(if (null? l)
(let ([p (listname->path libname (car l) ".sld")])
(if (and p (file-exists? p)) p (loop (cdr l)))))))
(define (resolve-input-file/lib-name name) ;=> path (or error is signalled)
(define filepath
(if (string? name)
(file-resolve-relative-to-current name)
(find-library-path name)))
(if (not filepath)
(if (string? name)
(c-error "cannot resolve file name to a file:" name)
(c-error "cannot resolve library name to a file:" name 'in *library-path-list*)))
(if (not (file-exists? filepath))
(c-error "cannot resolve file or library name to an existing file:" name '=> filepath))
(define (call-with-input-file/lib name ci? proc) ;=> (proc filepath port), called while name is current-file
(let ([filepath (resolve-input-file/lib-name name)])
(with-current-file filepath
(lambda ()
(call-with-input-file filepath
(lambda (port)
(when ci? (set-port-fold-case! port #t))
(proc filepath port)))))))
(define (call-with-file/lib-sexps name ci? proc) ;=> (proc sexps), called while name is current-file
(call-with-input-file/lib name ci? ;=>
(lambda (filepath port)
(let loop ([sexps '()])
(let ([s (read-code-sexp port)])
(if (eof-object? s)
(proc (reverse! sexps))
(loop (cons s sexps))))))))
(define (for-each-file/lib-sexp proc name ci?) ; proc called while name is current-file
(call-with-input-file/lib name ci? ;=>
(lambda (filepath port)
(let loop ()
(let ([s (read-code-sexp port)])
(unless (eof-object? s) (proc s) (loop)))))))
(define (file/lib->modname name)
(cond [(and (pair? name) (list? name)) (listname->modname name)]
[(string? name) (path-strip-extension (path-strip-directory name))]
[else (c-error "illegal file or library name:" name)]))
(define (file/lib/stdin->modname name)
(if (and (string? name) (string=? name "-"))
(file/lib->modname name)))
; name prefixes
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
(define (fully-qualified-prefix modname)
(string-append modname "."))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
(define (fully-qualified-library-prefix lib)
(fully-qualified-prefix (file/lib->modname lib)))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
(define (fully-qualified-library-prefixed-name lib id)
(string-append (file/lib->modname lib) "." (symbol->string id)))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
; Environments
; new lookup procedure for explicit macro environments
(define (env-lookup id env at) ;=> location (| #f)
(if (procedure? id)
; nonsymbolic ids can't be (re)defined
(case at [(ref set!) (old-den id)] [else #f])
(let loop ([env env])
(cond [(pair? env) ; imported: ref-only
(if (eq? (caar env) id)
(case at [(ref) (cdar env)] [else #f])
(loop (cdr env)))]
2024-06-08 07:40:53 +02:00
[(vector? env) ; extendable, keeps imported? flags
2023-04-20 18:28:26 +02:00
(let* ([n (vector-length env)] [i (immediate-hash id n)]
[al (vector-ref env i)] [p (assq id al)])
2024-06-08 07:40:53 +02:00
(if p ; p is (key loc imported?)
(case at
[(ref) (cadr p)]
[else (if (caddr p) #f (cadr p))]) ; imported can be ref-d only
; implicitly/on demand append integrables and "naked" globals
2023-04-20 18:28:26 +02:00
(let ([loc (make-location (or (lookup-integrable id) (list 'ref id)))])
2024-06-08 07:40:53 +02:00
(vector-set! env i (cons (list id loc #f) al)) ; not imported
2023-04-20 18:28:26 +02:00
[(string? env) ; module prefix = module internals: full access
(and (memq at '(ref set! define define-syntax))
2023-04-21 03:37:27 +02:00
(let ([gid (string->symbol (string-append env (symbol->string id)))])
(env-lookup gid *root-environment* 'ref)))]
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
[(procedure? env)
(env id at)]
2023-04-21 03:37:27 +02:00
[else ; finite env
; make explicit root environment (a vector) and fill it
2023-04-20 18:28:26 +02:00
(define *root-environment*
(make-vector 101 '())) ; use prime number
(define (define-in-root-environment! name loc imported?)
(let* ([env *root-environment*] [n (vector-length env)]
[i (immediate-hash name n)] [al (vector-ref env i)]
[p (assq name al)])
(if p
(begin (set-car! (cdr p) loc) (set-car! (cddr p) imported?))
(vector-set! env i (cons (list name loc imported?) al)))))
; put handmade ones first!
(define-in-root-environment! 'include
(make-location (make-include-transformer #f)) #t)
(define-in-root-environment! 'include-ci
(make-location (make-include-transformer #t)) #t)
(define-in-root-environment! 'if-feature-available
(make-location if-feature-available-transformer) #t)
(define-in-root-environment! 'if-library-available
(make-location if-library-available-transformer) #t)
; now put the builtins (lazily) and others
(let ([put! (lambda (k loc) (define-in-root-environment! k loc #t))])
(let loop ([l (initial-transformers)])
(if (null? l) 'ok
(let ([p (car l)] [l (cdr l)])
(let ([k (car p)] [v (cdr p)])
[(or (symbol? v) (number? v))
(put! k (make-location v))
(loop l)]
[(and (pair? v) (eq? (car v) 'syntax-rules))
(define (sr-env id at)
(env-lookup id *root-environment* at))
(define sr-v
(if (id? (cadr v))
(syntax-rules* sr-env (cadr v) (caddr v) (cdddr v))
(syntax-rules* sr-env #f (cadr v) (cddr v))))
(put! k (make-location sr-v))
(loop l))]))))))
2023-04-20 18:28:26 +02:00
(define (root-environment id at)
(env-lookup id *root-environment* at))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
; standard library environments in alist form (used as import envs)
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
(define *std-lib->alist-env* '())
(lambda (r)
(define (key->lib k)
(case k
[(w) '(scheme write)] [(t) '(scheme time)] [(p) '(scheme repl)]
[(r) '(scheme read)] [(v) '(scheme r5rs)] [(u) '(scheme r5rs-null)]
[(d) '(scheme load)] [(z) '(scheme lazy)] [(s) '(scheme process-context)]
[(i) '(scheme inexact)] [(f) '(scheme file)] [(e) '(scheme eval)]
[(o) '(scheme complex)] [(h) '(scheme char)] [(l) '(scheme case-lambda)]
[(x) '(scheme cxr)] [(b) '(scheme base)]))
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
(define (put-loc! e k loc)
(let ([p (assq k (cdr e))])
(cond [p (set-cdr! p loc)]
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
[else (set-cdr! e (cons (cons k loc) (cdr e)))])))
(define (get-env! lib)
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
(or (assoc lib *std-lib->alist-env*)
(let ([p (cons lib '())])
(set! *std-lib->alist-env* (cons p *std-lib->alist-env*))
(let loop ([name (car r)] [keys (cdr r)])
2024-06-08 07:40:53 +02:00
[(null? keys) ; all go to (repl)
(put-loc! (get-env! '(repl)) name (root-environment name 'ref))]
(put-loc! (get-env! (key->lib (car keys))) name (root-environment name 'ref))
(loop name (cdr keys))])))
'((* v b) (+ v b) (- v b) (... v u b) (/ v b) (< v b) (<= v b) (= v b) (=> v u b) (> v b) (>= v b)
(_ b) (abs v b) (and v u b) (append v b) (apply v b) (assoc v b) (assq v b) (assv v b) (begin v u b)
(binary-port? b) (boolean=? b) (boolean? v b) (bytevector b) (bytevector-append b)
(bytevector-copy b) (bytevector-copy! b) (bytevector-length b) (bytevector-u8-ref b)
(bytevector-u8-set! b) (bytevector? b) (caar v b) (cadr v b) (call-with-current-continuation v b)
(call-with-port b) (call-with-values v b) (call/cc b) (car v b) (case v u b) (cdar v b) (cddr v b)
(cdr v b) (ceiling v b) (char->integer v b) (char-ready? v b) (char<=? v b) (char<? v b)
(char=? v b) (char>=? v b) (char>? v b) (char? b) (close-input-port v b) (close-output-port v b)
(close-port b) (complex? v b) (cond v u b) (cond-expand b) (cons v b) (current-error-port b)
(current-input-port v b) (current-output-port v b) (define v u b) (define-record-type b)
(define-syntax v u b) (define-values b) (denominator v b) (do v u b) (dynamic-wind v b) (else v u b)
(eof-object b) (eof-object? v b) (eq? v b) (equal? v b) (eqv? v b) (error b)
(error-object-irritants b) (error-object-message b) (error-object? b) (even? v b) (exact b)
(exact-integer-sqrt b) (exact-integer? b) (exact? v b) (expt v b) (features b) (file-error? b)
(floor v b) (floor-quotient b) (floor-remainder b) (floor/ b) (flush-output-port b) (for-each v b)
(gcd v b) (get-output-bytevector b) (get-output-string b) (guard b) (if v u b) (include b)
(include-ci b) (inexact b) (inexact? v b) (input-port-open? b) (input-port? v b) (integer->char v b)
(integer? v b) (lambda v u b) (lcm v b) (length v b) (let v u b) (let* v u b) (let*-values b)
(let-syntax v u b) (let-values b) (letrec v u b) (letrec* b) (letrec-syntax v u b) (list v b)
(list->string v b) (list->vector v b) (list-copy b) (list-ref v b) (list-set! b) (list-tail v b)
(list? v b) (make-bytevector b) (make-list b) (make-parameter b) (make-string v b) (make-vector v b)
(map v b) (max v b) (member v b) (memq v b) (memv v b) (min v b) (modulo v b) (negative? v b)
(newline v b) (not v b) (null? v b) (number->string v b) (number? v b) (numerator v b) (odd? v b)
(open-input-bytevector b) (open-input-string b) (open-output-bytevector b) (open-output-string b)
(or v u b) (output-port-open? b) (output-port? v b) (pair? v b) (parameterize b) (peek-char v b)
(peek-u8 b) (port? b) (positive? v b) (procedure? v b) (quasiquote v u b) (quote v u b)
(quotient v b) (raise b) (raise-continuable b) (rational? v b) (rationalize v b) (read-bytevector b)
(read-bytevector! b) (read-char v b) (read-error? b) (read-line b) (read-string b) (read-u8 b)
(real? v b) (remainder v b) (reverse v b) (round v b) (set! v b) (set-car! v b) (set-cdr! v b)
(square b) (string v b) (string->list v b) (string->number v b) (string->symbol v b)
(string->utf8 b) (string->vector b) (string-append v b) (string-copy v b) (string-copy! b)
(string-fill! v b) (string-for-each b) (string-length v b) (string-map b) (string-ref v b)
(string-set! v b) (string<=? v b) (string<? v b) (string=? v b) (string>=? v b) (string>? v b)
(string? v b) (substring v b) (symbol->string v b) (symbol=? b) (symbol? v b) (syntax-error b)
(syntax-rules v u b) (textual-port? b) (truncate v b) (truncate-quotient b) (truncate-remainder b)
(truncate/ b) (u8-ready? b) (unless b) (unquote v u b) (unquote-splicing v u b) (utf8->string b)
(values v b) (vector v b) (vector->list v b) (vector->string b) (vector-append b) (vector-copy b)
(vector-copy! b) (vector-fill! v b) (vector-for-each b) (vector-length v b) (vector-map b)
(vector-ref v b) (vector-set! v b) (vector? v b) (when b) (with-exception-handler b)
(write-bytevector b) (write-char v b) (write-string b) (write-u8 b) (zero? v b) (case-lambda l)
(char-alphabetic? v h) (char-ci<=? v h) (char-ci<? v h) (char-ci=? v h) (char-ci>=? v h)
(char-ci>? v h) (char-downcase v h) (char-foldcase h) (char-lower-case? v h) (char-numeric? v h)
(char-upcase v h) (char-upper-case? v h) (char-whitespace? v h) (digit-value h) (string-ci<=? v h)
(string-ci<? v h) (string-ci=? v h) (string-ci>=? v h) (string-ci>? v h) (string-downcase h)
(string-foldcase h) (string-upcase h) (angle v o) (imag-part v o) (magnitude v o) (make-polar v o)
(make-rectangular v o) (real-part v o) (caaar v x) (caadr v x) (cadar v x) (caddr v x) (cdaar v x)
(cdadr v x) (cddar v x) (cdddr v x) (caaaar v x) (caaadr v x) (caadar v x) (caaddr v x) (cadaar v x)
(cadadr v x) (caddar v x) (cadddr v x) (cdaaar v x) (cdaadr v x) (cdadar v x) (cdaddr v x)
(cddaar v x) (cddadr v x) (cdddar v x) (cddddr v x) (environment e) (eval v e)
(call-with-input-file v f) (call-with-output-file v f) (delete-file f) (file-exists? f)
(open-binary-input-file f) (open-binary-output-file f) (open-input-file v f) (open-output-file v f)
(with-input-from-file v f) (with-output-to-file v f) (acos v z i) (asin v z i) (atan v z i)
(cos v z i) (exp v z i) (finite? z i) (infinite? i) (log v i) (nan? i) (sin v i) (sqrt v i)
(tan v i) (delay v u z) (delay-force z) (force v z) (make-promise z) (promise? z) (load v d)
(command-line s) (emergency-exit s) (exit s) (get-environment-variable s)
(get-environment-variables s) (display w v) (exact->inexact v) (inexact->exact v)
(interaction-environment p v) (null-environment v) (read r v) (scheme-report-environment v)
(write w v) (current-jiffy t) (current-second t) (jiffies-per-second t) (write-shared w)
(write-simple w)
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
; skint extras go into (repl) only - not to be confused with (scheme repl)
(box?) (box) (unbox) (set-box!)
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
(define (std-lib->alist-env lib)
(cond [(assoc lib *std-lib->alist-env*) => cdr]
[else #f]))
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
(define (std-lib->env lib)
(cond [(std-lib->alist-env lib) =>
(lambda (al)
(lambda (id at)
(and (eq? at 'ref)
(let ([p (assq id al)])
(if p (cdr p) #f)))))]
2024-06-08 07:40:53 +02:00
[else #f]))
2024-06-08 08:34:46 +02:00
2024-06-08 07:40:53 +02:00
; combine explicit finite env1 with finite or infinite env2
; env1 here is a proper alist of bindings ((<id> . <location>) ...)
; env2 can be any environment -- explicit or implicit, finite or not
(define (adjoin-env env1 env2) ;=> env12
(if (null? env1) env2
(let ([env2 (adjoin-env (cdr env1) env2)])
(cond [(env-lookup (caar env1) env2 'ref) =>
(lambda (loc) ; ? loc is not auto-mapped even when env2 supports it
(if (eq? (cdar env1) loc)
env2 ; repeat of same id with same binding is allowed
(c-error "multiple identifier bindings on import:"
(caar env1) (cdar env1) loc)))]
[else (cons (car env1) env2)]))))
; this variant is used in repl; it allows shadowing of old bindings with new ones
; todo: remove duplicates by starting ; with the env1 and appending non-duplicate parts of env2
(define (adjoin-env/shadow env1 env2) ;=> env12
(if (null? env1) env2
(let ([env2 (adjoin-env/shadow (cdr env1) env2)])
(cond [(env-lookup (caar env1) env2 'ref) =>
(lambda (loc) ; ? loc is not auto-mapped even when env2 supports it
(if (eq? (cdar env1) a)
env2 ; repeat of same id with same binding is allowed
(c-warning "old identifier binding shadowed on import:"
(caar env1) 'was: a 'now: (cdar env1))
(cons (car env1) env2))))]
[else (cons (car env1) env2)]))))
; local environment is made for expansion of thislib library's body forms
; it is made of explicit import environment followed by a view to lib-specific
; global locations in root environment, normally prefixed with library name
; NB: import-env is expected to be explicit and limited (just an alist)
(define (make-local-env esps thislib import-env) ;=> env (infinite)
(let loop ([esps esps] [env import-env])
(if (null? esps)
(if (lib-public? thislib)
; all non-exported definitions are public and in global namespace under their own names
(append env #t) ; unprefixed view into global namespace (limited use)
; otherwise they are in global namespace under mangled names
(append env (fully-qualified-library-prefix thislib)))
(loop (cdr esps) ; just for syntax checking
(sexp-case (car esps)
[<symbol> env]
[(rename <symbol> <symbol>) env]
[else (c-error "invalid export spec in export:" (car esps))])))))
; environment for import from thislib library into outside libs or programs
(define (make-export-env esps thislib import-env) ;=> env (finite, alist)
(define (extend-export lid eid env)
(cond [(assq eid env) (c-error "duplicate external id in export:" eid esps)]
[(assq lid import-env) => ; re-exported imported id, keep using imported binding under eid
(lambda (b) (cons (cons eid (cdr b)) env))]
[else (cons (cons eid (fully-qualified-library-location thislib lid)) env)]))
(if (lib-public? thislib)
(if (or esps (pair? import-env))
(c-error "module cannot be imported:" thislib)
(let loop ([esps esps] [env '()])
(if (null? esps)
(loop (cdr esps)
(sexp-case (car esps)
[<symbol> (extend-export (car esps) (car esps) env)]
[(rename <symbol> <symbol>) (extend-export (cadr (car esps)) (caddr (car esps)) env)]
[else (c-error "invalid export spec in export:" (car esps))]))))))
; Library processing info cache
; we have to cache loaded libraries, so stores are not hit on repeat loads/visits
; of/to the same library
(define *library-info-cache* '())
;; library info: #(used-libs import-env export-specs beg-forms)
(define (make-library-info) (make-vector 4 #f))
(define (library-available? lib)
(cond [(assoc lib *library-info-cache*) #t]
[(string? lib) (file-resolve-relative-to-current lib)]
[(and (pair? lib) (list? lib)) (find-library-path lib)]
[else #f]))
(define (lookup-library-info lib) ;=> li (possibly non-inited)
(cond [(assoc lib *library-info-cache*) => cdr]
[(std-lib->alist lib) =>
(lambda (al)
(define li (make-library-info))
(set! *library-info-cache*
(cons (cons lib li) *library-info-cache*))
(vector-set! li 0 '())
(vector-set! li 1 al)
(vector-set! li 2 (map car al))
(vector-set! li 3 '())
(let ([li (make-library-info)])
(set! *library-info-cache*
(cons (cons lib li) *library-info-cache*))
; main hub for library info -- calls process if library info is not inited
(define (get-library-info lib process return) ;=> (return used-libs import-env export-specs beg-forms)
(define li (lookup-library-info lib))
(define (update-li! used-libs import-env export-specs beg-forms)
(vector-set! li 0 used-libs)
(vector-set! li 1 import-env)
(vector-set! li 2 export-specs)
(vector-set! li 3 beg-forms))
(unless (vector-ref li 0) ; not inited?
(call-with-file/lib-sexps lib #f
(lambda (all-forms) ; need to split off header forms
(process lib all-forms update-li!))))
(return (vector-ref li 0)
(vector-ref li 1)
(vector-ref li 2)
(vector-ref li 3)))
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
; Evaluation
; transformation of top-level form should process begin, define, and define-syntax
; explicitly, so that they can produce and observe side effects on env
2023-04-21 04:39:05 +02:00
(define (visit-top-form x env)
(if (pair? x)
(let ([hval (xform #t (car x) env)])
[(eq? hval 'begin)
; splice
(let loop ([x* (cdr x)])
(when (pair? x*)
(visit-top-form (car x*) env)
(loop (cdr x*))))]
[(eq? hval 'define)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define)])
(if (and loc (sexp-match? '(ref *) (location-val loc)))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define-syntax (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core)) ; modifies env!
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(procedure? hval)
; transformer: apply and loop
(visit-top-form (hval x env) env)]
[(integrable? hval)
; no env effect possible here
[(symbol? hval)
; other specials: no env effect possible here (?? set! ??)
; regular call: no env effect possible here
; var refs and literals : xform for access check
(define (eval-top-form x env)
(if (pair? x)
(let ([hval (xform #t (car x) env)])
[(eq? hval 'begin)
; splice
(let loop ([x* (cdr x)])
(when (pair? x*)
(eval-top-form (car x*) env)
(loop (cdr x*))))]
[(eq? hval 'define)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define)])
(if (and loc (sexp-match? '(ref *) (location-val loc)))
(list 'set! (cadr (location-val loc)) (caddr core)))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define-syntax (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(procedure? hval)
; transformer: apply and loop
(eval-top-form (hval x env) env)]
[(integrable? hval)
; integrable application
(xform-integrable hval (cdr x) env))]
[(symbol? hval)
; other specials
(xform #f x env))]
; regular call
(xform-call hval (cdr x) env))]))
; var refs and literals
(xform #f x env))))
(define *verbose* #f)
(define (compile-and-run-core-expr core)
(unless (pair? core) (x-error "unexpected transformed output" core))
(when *verbose* (write core) (newline))
(when (eq? (car core) 'define) (set-car! core 'set!))
(let ([code (compile-to-thunk-code core)])
(when *verbose* (write code) (newline))
(let* ([cl (closure (deserialize-code code))] [r (cl)])
(when *verbose* (write r) (newline)))))
(define (visit/v f)
(define p (open-input-file f))
(let loop ([x (read-code-sexp p)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(when *verbose* (write x) (newline))
(visit-top-form x root-environment)
(when *verbose* (newline))
(loop (read-code-sexp p))))
(close-input-port p))
(define (visit/x f)
(define p (open-input-file f))
(let loop ([x (read-code-sexp p)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(when *verbose* (write x) (newline))
(eval-top-form x root-environment)
(when *verbose* (newline))
(loop (read-code-sexp p))))
(close-input-port p))
2024-05-29 07:52:08 +02:00
(define (repl-environment id at) ; FIXME: need to happen in a "repl." namespace
(env-lookup id *root-environment* at))
(define (repl-compile-and-run-core-expr core)
(when *verbose* (display "TRANSFORM =>") (newline) (write core) (newline))
(unless (pair? core) (x-error "unexpected transformed output" core))
(let ([code (compile-to-thunk-code core)] [start #f])
(when *verbose*
(display "COMPILE-TO-STRING =>") (newline) (display code) (newline)
(display "DECODE+EXECUTE =>") (newline)
(set! start (current-jiffy)))
(let* ([cl (closure (deserialize-code code))] [res (cl)])
(when *verbose*
(display "Elapsed time: ") (write (* 1000 (/ (- (current-jiffy) start) (jiffies-per-second))))
(display " ms.") (newline))
(unless (eq? res (void)) (write res) (newline)))))
(define (repl-eval-top-form x env)
(if (pair? x)
(let ([hval (xform #t (car x) env)])
[(eq? hval 'begin)
; splice
(let loop ([x* (cdr x)])
(when (pair? x*)
(repl-eval-top-form (car x*) env)
(loop (cdr x*))))]
[(eq? hval 'define)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define)])
(if (and loc (sexp-match? '(ref *) (location-val loc)))
(list 'set! (cadr (location-val loc)) (caddr core)))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined in env:"
(cadr core) env)))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
; use new protocol for top-level envs
(let* ([core (xform-define-syntax (cdr x) env)]
[loc (xenv-lookup env (cadr core) 'define-syntax)])
(if loc ; location or #f
(location-set-val! loc (caddr core))
(x-error "identifier cannot be (re)defined as syntax in env:"
(cadr core) env))
(when *verbose* (display "SYNTAX INSTALLED: ") (write (cadr core)) (newline)))]
[(procedure? hval)
; transformer: apply and loop
(repl-eval-top-form (hval x env) env)]
[(integrable? hval)
; integrable application
(xform-integrable hval (cdr x) env))]
[(symbol? hval)
; other specials
(xform #f x env))]
; regular call
(xform-call hval (cdr x) env))]))
; var refs and literals
(xform #f x env))))
2024-05-29 07:52:08 +02:00
(define (repl-read iport prompt)
(when prompt (newline) (display prompt) (display " "))
(read-code-sexp iport))
2024-05-29 07:52:08 +02:00
(define (repl-from-port iport env prompt)
(guard (err
[(error-object? err)
(let ([p (current-error-port)])
(display (error-object-message err) p) (newline p)
(for-each (lambda (arg) (write arg p) (newline p))
(error-object-irritants err)))
(when prompt (repl-from-port iport env prompt))]
(let ([p (current-error-port)])
(display "Unknown error:" p) (newline p)
(write err p) (newline p))
(when prompt (repl-from-port iport env prompt))])
(let loop ([x (repl-read iport prompt)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(repl-eval-top-form x env)
(loop (repl-read iport prompt))))))
(define (repl-file fname env)
2024-05-29 07:52:08 +02:00
(define iport (open-input-file fname))
(repl-from-port iport env #f)
2024-05-29 07:52:08 +02:00
(close-input-port iport))
(define (benchmark-file fname)
(define iport (open-input-file fname))
(unless (sexp-match? '(load "libl.sf") (read-code-sexp iport))
2024-05-29 07:52:08 +02:00
(error "unexpected benchmark file format" fname))
(repl-from-port iport repl-environment #f)
2024-05-29 07:52:08 +02:00
(repl-eval-top-form '(main #f) repl-environment)
(close-input-port iport))
(define (run-repl)
2024-05-29 07:52:08 +02:00