change the dialog refresh workaround function so it simply sets TERM=xterm-color, which seems to fix most issues; any other issues will go in a yet to be created doc KNOWN_ISSUES; thanks to Mauro for this fix

This commit is contained in:
chess.griffin 2009-08-02 17:38:25 +00:00
parent 39ce2083f4
commit 9f9ec7a6a9

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@ -40,24 +40,11 @@
dialog_refresh_workaround() {
# Dialog has refresh problems on some terminals (currently known are some
# rxvt-based terminals and screen sessions), preventing correct dialogs
# rendering. This function enables a workaround, consisting of a
# background task sending SIGWINCH to any new dialog instance. Despite
# being probably harmless on "good" terminals, this function should really
# be called only on problematic ones.
# rendering.
# It turns out that forcing TERM=xterm-color "fixes" at least most of the
# issues, so work around them this way.
( # The background task runs in a separate shell
while [[ $(ps h --pid $DIALOG_REFRESH_WORKAROUND_SBOPKG_PID) ]]; do
DIALOGS=$(pgrep -x "^dialog$")
if [[ "$DIALOGS" != "$OLDDIALOGS" ]]; then
[[ "$DIALOGS" ]] && kill -WINCH $DIALOGS
sleep 0.3
) &
export TERM=xterm-color
crunch() {