# This module is used for encoding Ruby Objects to binary # data. The types Int8, Int16, etc. are data-types defined # in the X11 protocol. We wrap each data-type in a lambda expression # which gets evaluated when a packet is created. module X11 module Type def self.define(type, directive, bytesize) eval %{ class X11::Type::#{type} def self.pack(x) [x].pack(\"#{directive}\") end def self.unpack(x) x.unpack(\"#{directive}\").first end def self.size #{bytesize} end def self.from_packet(sock) r = sock.read(size) r ? unpack(r) : nil end end } end # Primitive Types define "Int8", "c", 1 define "Int16", "s", 2 define "Int32", "l", 4 define "Uint8", "C", 1 define "Uint16", "S", 2 define "Uint32", "L", 4 define "Message", "c*", 20 class Message def self.pack(x) = x.b def self.unpack(x) = x.b def self.size = 20 def self.from_packet(sock) = sock.read(2).b end class String8 def self.pack(x) x.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") + "\x00"*(-x.length & 3) end def self.unpack(socket, size) raise "Expected size for String8" if size.nil? val = socket.read(size) unused_padding = (4 - (size % 4)) % 4 socket.read(unused_padding) val end end class String16 def self.pack(x) x.encode("UTF-16BE").force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") + "\x00\x00"*(-x.length & 1) end def self.unpack(socket, size) val = socket.read(size) unused_padding = (4 - (size % 4)) % 4 socket.read(unused_padding) val.force_encoding("UTF-16BE") end end class String8Unpadded def self.pack(x) x end def self.unpack(socket, size) val = socket.read(size) end end class Bool def self.pack(x) x ? "\x01" : "\x00" end def self.unpack(str) str[0] == "\x01" end def self.size 1 end end KeyCode = Uint8 Signifigance = Uint8 BitGravity = Uint8 WinGravity = Uint8 BackingStore = Uint8 Bitmask = Uint32 Window = Uint32 Pixmap = Uint32 Cursor = Uint32 Colornum = Uint32 Font = Uint32 Gcontext = Uint32 Colormap = Uint32 Drawable = Uint32 Fontable = Uint32 Atom = Uint32 VisualID = Uint32 Mask = Uint32 Timestamp = Uint32 Keysym = Uint32 end end