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2017-05-31 09:54:41 +02:00
src #97: added sto+, sto-, sto*, sto/, sneg, sinv with tests 2017-05-30 22:43:01 +02:00
test #99: added nop test 2017-05-31 09:54:41 +02:00
.gitignore Files management 2014-02-12 13:52:01 +01:00
aclocal.m4 #34: MPFR lib, first attempt 2017-04-17 23:10:53 +02:00
AUTHORS Linux porting 2014-02-12 11:26:26 +01:00 Going to Linux autoconf 2014-02-12 10:00:24 +01:00
ChangeLog Going to Linux autoconf 2014-02-12 10:00:24 +01:00 Autocomplete + history with ReadLine 2015-02-10 18:23:09 +01:00
configure #96: version 2.1-RC1 2017-05-29 13:48:54 +02:00 Version 2.1-RC1 2017-05-29 13:22:52 +02:00
COPYING #48: LGPLv3 text 2017-05-25 12:46:04 +02:00
depcomp #34: MPFR lib, first attempt 2017-04-17 23:10:53 +02:00
HP-28S-Quick-Reference.pdf creation 2014-01-03 23:45:07 +01:00
INSTALL Update for autotools 2015-02-11 11:19:42 +01:00
install-sh #34: MPFR lib, first attempt 2017-04-17 23:10:53 +02:00 #72: refactored source code for [quite] conventional cpp and hpp. Includes in class still exist 2017-05-25 18:13:16 +02:00 #72: updated with new sources 2017-05-25 18:56:27 +02:00
missing #34: MPFR lib, first attempt 2017-04-17 23:10:53 +02:00
NEWS Going to Linux autoconf 2014-02-12 10:00:24 +01:00
README #34: MPFR lib, first attempt 2017-04-17 23:10:53 +02:00 Update 2017-05-28 23:20:59 +02:00
TODO #87: 2.0 2017-05-27 22:50:10 +02:00

rpn - Reverse Polish Notation language


  • is a math-oriented language inspired by Hewlett-Packard Reverse Polish Lisp (HP28S user manual is provided as a reference), it includes at least stack, store, branch, test, trig and logs commands
  • is implemented as a a command-line calculator for GNU/Linux
  • brings powerfull calculation facilities on floating point numbers with arbitrary precision, provided by GNU MPFR library
  • uses that so cool reverse polish notation

Quick examples:

  • easy calculation with stacked results
rpn> 1 exp 3 *
rpn> 2 sqrt
2> 8.1548454853771357061
1> 1.4142135623730950488
  • programs and variables, eg same example as in HP28S Quick Reference:
rpn> << rot * swap 2 / chs dup sq rot - sqrt >> 'quadratic_solution' sto
rpn> 1 2 -3 quadratic_solution
2> -1
1> 2
rpn> vars
var 1: name 'quadratic_solution', type program, value << rot * swap 2 / chs dup sq rot - sqrt  >>
  • local variables, always from the same reference:
rpn> << -> x y << x y + ln >> >> 'P' sto
rpn> 1 2 P
rpn> 1.0986122886681096914
  • arbitrary precision (up to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF bits with GNU MPFR !)
rpn> 256 prec 200 std
rpn> pi 3 * 4 / cos
  • Following objects are managed: floating numbers, symbols, strings, programs, plus language keywords (commands and flow controls)
4> 'symbol'
3> "string"
2> 12.3456
1> << -> n << 0 1 n for i i 2 * inv + next >> >>
  • A GNU-readline-based interactive editor with autocompletion is provided.



keyword description
nop no operation
help (or h or ?) this help message
quit (or q or exit) quit software
version show rpn version
uname show rpn complete identification string
type show type of stack first entry
default set float representation and precision to default
prec get float precision in bits when first stack is not a number, set float precision in bits when first stack entry is a number. ex: 256 prec
round set float rounding mode. Authoerized values are: ["nearest", "toward zero", "toward +inf", "toward -inf", "away from zero"] round. ex: "nearest" round


keyword description
+ addition
- substraction
neg negation
* multiplication
/ division
inv inverse
% purcent
% CH inverse purcent
^ (or pow) power
sqrt square root
sq (or sqr) square
mod modulo
abs absolute value

real representation

keyword description
dec decimal representation
hex hexadecimal representation
bin binary representation
std standard floating numbers representation. ex: [25] std
fix fixed point representation. ex: 6 fix
sci scientific floating point representation. ex: 20 sci


keyword description
> binary operator >
>= binary operator >=
< binary operator <
<= binary operator <=
!= binary operator != (different)
== binary operator == (equal)
and boolean operator and
or boolean operator or
xor boolean operator xor
not boolean operator not
same boolean operator same (equal)


keyword description
swap swap 2 first stack entries
drop drop first stack entry
drop2 drop 2 first stack entries
dropn drop n first stack entries
erase drop all stack entries
rot rotate 3 first stack entries
dup duplicate first stack entry
dup2 duplicate 2 first stack entries
dupn duplicate n first stack entries
pick push a copy of the given stack level onto the stack
depth give stack depth
roll move a stack entry to the top of the stack
rolld move the element on top of the stack to a higher stack position
over push a copy of the element in stack level 2 onto the stack


keyword description
->str convert an object into a string
str-> convert a string into an object


keyword description
if test-instructions
then true-instructions
else false-instructions
end (end of if structure)
start repeat instructions several times
for repeat instructions several times with variable
next ex: 1 10 start <instructions> next
step ex: 1 100 start <instructions> 4 step


keyword description
sto store a variable. ex: 1 'name' sto
rcl recall a variable. ex: 'name' rcl
purge delete a variable. ex: 'name' purge
vars list all variables
edit edit a variable content


keyword description
eval evaluate (run) a program, or recall a variable. ex: 'my_prog' eval
-> load program local variables. ex: << -> n m << 0 n m for i i + next >> >>


keyword description
pi pi constant
sin sinus
asin arg sinus
cos cosinus
acos arg cosinus
tan tangent
atan arg tangent
d ->r convert degrees to radians
r ->d convert radians to degrees


keyword description
e exp(1) constant
log logarithm base 10
alog (or exp10) exponential base 10
log2 logarithm base 2
alog2 (or exp2) exponential base 2
ln logarithm base e
exp exponential
sinh hyperbolic sine
asinh inverse hyperbolic sine
cosh hyperbolic cosine
acosh inverse hyperbolic cosine
tanh hyperbolic tangent
atanh inverse hyperbolic tangent


Default float mode is 'std' with 20 digits

Default floating point precision is 128 bits

Default rounding mode is 'nearest'


Unit tests are given as txt files in the test subdirectory.

Use the command 'test' to run a test file, eg

# cd src_directory/
# rpn
rpn> "test/01-all.txt"
rpn> test
# real decimal PASSED
# real hex PASSED
# real binary PASSED

Test output is done on stdout and is not stacked in rpn.

generation and installation

At this time the software is proposed for GNU/Linux only and provided as a source code.

No binary package is provided, user must compile its version by following these 3 steps:

GNU GMP 6.1.2

GNU MPFR 3.1.5


  • clone this project or download a zipped version from the release directory
    # git clone
  • configure and make
    # cd rpn/
    # ./configure && make
  • install
    # sudo make install