# PARSE STRING `default del` ## type `"hey" type` -> stack should be "string" `del` ## void 1 `""` -> stack should be "" `del` ## void 2 `"` -> stack should be "" `del` ## string `"abcd"` -> stack should be "abcd" `del` ## unterminated `"abcd` -> stack should be "abcd" `del` ## unterminated 2 `"abcd" "abc` -> stack should be "abcd", "abc" `del` ## spaces `"abc d"` -> stack should be "abc d" `del` ## spaces 2 `" abcd "` -> stack should be " abcd " `del` ## spaces 3 `" abcd " "def" "gh ij"` -> stack should be " abcd ", "def", "gh ij" `del` ## spaces 4 `" . abcd . ;; "` -> stack should be " . abcd . ;; " `del` ## spaces 5 ``` " . abcd . ;; " "ab c ``` -> stack should be " . abcd . ;; ", "ab c " `del` ## nested types `"1.0 swap drop` -> stack should be "1.0 swap drop" `del`