## STACK TEST # entry depth 1 1 -> stack size should be 1 # entry depth 2 2 3 -> stack size should be 3 -> stack should be 1, 2, 3 # drop drop -> stack size should be 2 # drop2 drop2 -> stack size should be 0 # drop error drop -> error should be 2 # drop2 error drop2 -> error should be 2 # drop2 error 1 drop2 -> error should be 2 drop # test dup 1 dup -> stack size should be 2 -> stack should be 1, 1 # test dup2 drop 2 dup2 -> stack size should be 4 -> stack should be 1, 2, 1, 2 drop2 drop2 # test rot 1 2 3 rot -> stack size should be 3 -> stack should be 2, 3 ,1 # test depth depth -> stack size should be 4 -> stack should be 3, 2, 3 ,1 drop2 drop2 # test pick 1 2 3 4 2 pick -> stack size should be 5 -> stack should be 2, 1, 2, 3, 4 # test erase erase -> stack size should be 0