## MANUAL TESTS default del # GENERAL help - please type help and verify help is shown -> error should be 0 del # GENERAL h - please type h and verify help is shown -> error should be 0 del # GENERAL ? - please type ? and verify help is shown -> error should be 0 del # GENERAL quit - please type quit and verify rpn exits -> error should be 0 del # GENERAL q - please type q and verify rpn exits -> error should be 0 del # GENERAL exit - please type exit and verify rpn exits -> error should be 0 del # STORE vars - please type vars and verify variables are shown -> error should be 0 del # STORE edit - please type edit and verify last line comes under the caret -> error should be 0 del # HISTORY - please type history and verify rpn history is shown -> error should be 0 # MULTILINE EDITING - please type a prog like 1 3 for i[ALT-ENTER]i sq[ALT-ENTER]next[ENTER] and verify output -> error should be 0 del