`default del`

## type

`"hey" type`

-> stack should be "string"


## void 1


-> stack should be ""


## void 2


-> stack should be ""


## string


-> stack should be "abcd"


## unterminated


-> stack should be "abcd"


## unterminated 2

`"abcd" "abc`

-> stack should be "abcd", "abc"


## spaces

`"abc d"`

-> stack should be "abc d"


## spaces 2

`"   abcd "`

-> stack should be "   abcd "


## spaces 3

`"   abcd " "def" "gh ij"`

-> stack should be "   abcd ", "def", "gh ij"


## spaces 4

`" . abcd . ;;  "`

-> stack should be " . abcd . ;;  "


## spaces 5

" . abcd . ;;  " "ab  c 

-> stack should be " . abcd . ;;  ", "ab  c "


## nested types

`"1.0 swap drop`

-> stack should be "1.0 swap drop"
