static bool _cut(const string& entry, vector& entries) { string tmp; for (int i=0; i0) { entries.push_back(tmp); tmp.clear(); } //get symbol tmp='\''; i++; while((i0) { entries.push_back(tmp); tmp.clear(); } //get expression tmp='"'; i++; while(i=' ') {; if ( == '"') break; } entries.push_back(tmp); tmp.clear(); break; //other default: if (!=' ' &&!='\t') {; } else { if (tmp.size()>0) { entries.push_back(tmp); tmp.clear(); } } break; } } if (tmp.size()>0) { entries.push_back(tmp); tmp.clear(); } return entries.size()>0; } static bool get_keyword(const string& entry, object*& obj, unsigned int& obj_size, cmd_type_t& type) { program_fn_t fn; bool ret = false; // could be a command if (get_fn(entry.c_str(), fn, type) == ret_ok) { if (type == cmd_keyword) { obj = new keyword(fn, (string&)entry); obj_size = sizeof(keyword); ret = true; } else if (type == cmd_branch) { obj = new branch((branch_fn_t)fn, (string&)entry); obj_size = sizeof(branch); ret = true; } } return ret; } static bool get_symbol(const string& entry, object*& obj) { bool ret = false; int len = entry.size(); if (len>1 && entry[0]=='\'') { int last = entry[len-1]=='\''?(len-2):(len-1); obj = new symbol(entry.substr(1, last).c_str()); ret = true; } return ret; } static bool get_string(const string& entry, object*& obj) { bool ret = false; int len = entry.size(); if (len>1 && entry[0]=='\"') { int last = entry[len-1]=='\"'?(len-2):(len-1); obj = new ostring(entry.substr(1, last).c_str()); ret = true; } return ret; } static bool get_float(const string& entry, object*& obj) { stringstream token; floating_t val; bool ret = false; token<>val; if ( (! && (!token.bad()) ) { obj = new number(val); ret = true; } return ret; } static bool get_binary(const string& entry, object*& obj) { integer_t val; bool ret = false; if ((entry.size() >= 2) && (entry[0] == '#')) { stringstream token; char type = entry[entry.size() - 1]; bool syntax; switch(type) { case 'd': token<>val; if(syntax && ! { obj = new binary(val); ret = true; } } return ret; } static bool get_binary_bin(const string& entry, object*& obj) { integer_t val; int len = entry.size(); bool ret = false; if ((len > 2) && (entry[0] == '#') && (entry[len - 1] == 'b')) { integer_t val(0); integer_t exponent = (1 << (len-3)); for(int i=0; i<(len-2); i++) { if ('1') { val+=exponent; exponent/=2; } } obj = new binary(val); ret = true; } return ret; } static bool _obj_from_string(const string& entry, object*& obj, unsigned int& obj_size, cmd_type_t& type) { bool ret = false; if (get_float(entry, obj)) { type = cmd_number; obj_size = sizeof(number); ret = true; } else if (get_binary(entry, obj)) { type = cmd_binary; obj_size = sizeof(binary); ret = true; } else if (get_binary_bin(entry, obj)) { type = cmd_binary; obj_size = sizeof(binary); ret = true; } else if (get_symbol(entry, obj)) { type = cmd_symbol; obj_size = sizeof(symbol); ret = true; } else if (get_string(entry, obj)) { type = cmd_string; obj_size = sizeof(ostring); ret = true; } else if (get_keyword(entry, obj, obj_size, type)) { ret = true; } else { // nothing, considered as an auto-evaluated symbol obj = new symbol((string&)entry); ((symbol*)obj)->_auto_eval = true; obj_size = sizeof(symbol); type = cmd_symbol; ret = true; } return ret; } static char** entry_completion(const char* text, int start, int end) { char** matches = NULL; if (start == 0) matches = rl_completion_matches((char*)text, &entry_completion_generator); return matches; } static char* entry_completion_generator(const char* text, int state) { static int list_index, len, too_far; if (state == 0) { list_index = 0; too_far = 0; len = strlen(text); } while(too_far == 0) { list_index++; if (_keywords[list_index].fn != NULL) { // compare list entry with text, return if match if (strncmp(_keywords[list_index].name, text, len) == 0) return entry_completion_dupstr(_keywords[list_index].name); } else { // fn=NULL and size=0 = last entry in list -> go out if (_keywords[list_index].comment.size() == 0) too_far = 1; } } /* If no names matched, then return NULL. */ return NULL; } static char* entry_completion_dupstr(char* s) { char* r = (char*)malloc((strlen(s)+1)); if (r != NULL) strcpy(r, s); return r; } static ret_value parse(const string& entry, program& prog) { vector entries; ret_value ret = ret_ok; cmd_type_t type; unsigned int obj_size; object* obj; //1. cut global entry string into shorter strings if (_cut(entry, entries)) { //2. make an object from each entry, and add it to the program for (vector::iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); it++) { if(_obj_from_string((*it), obj, obj_size, type)) { prog.push_back(obj, obj_size, type); } else { // no syntax error for now, an unknown obj form is considered as a symbol } } } return ret; } // interactive entry and decoding static ret_value entry(program& prog) { char *buf; ret_value ret; // declare completion fn rl_attempted_completion_function = entry_completion; // get user entry buf = readline(prompt); if (buf != NULL) { string entry = buf; //enable auto-complete rl_bind_key('\t', rl_complete); // parse it ret = parse(entry, prog); // keep history if (buf[0]!=0) add_history(buf); } else ret = ret_internal; free(buf); }