# Development methods ## Versioning The software version number conforms to [SemVer semantic 2.0.0](https://semver.org/), aka `v..` Suffixes `alpha` or `beta` are not used ## Workflow This project conforms to the usual **gitflow** workflow as seen in ![gitflow image](https://i.stack.imgur.com/QxVmJ.png) Report to Vincent Driessen page [a-successful-git-branching-model](http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) for a detailed explanation of this workflow Branches are named as follows: |branch name| description | |-|-| |`master`|usual main git branch, always holds the last software version and its tag plus documents not changing the sw version | |`hotfix-vx.y.z`|hotfixes branches| |`release-vx.y.0`|releases branches, patch number should always be 0 here| |`develop`|dev branch| |`any name`|feature branches|