# PROGRAM `default del` ## program `<< 'one' >>` -> stack size should be 1 -> stack should be «'one'» `del` ## program (2) `<< 'one' 2` -> stack size should be 1 -> stack should be «'one' 2» `del` ## program (3) `<<` -> stack size should be 1 -> stack should be «» `del` ## program (4) `<< << << <<` -> stack size should be 1 -> stack should be «<< << <<» `del` ## program (5) `<< -> n << n 2 * >> >>` -> stack size should be 1 -> stack should be «-> n << n 2 * >>» `del` ## program imbrication `<< 1 << 2 >> >>` -> stack should be «1 << 2 >>» `del` ## program evaluation `<< 1 << 2 >> >> dup eval` -> stack should be «1 << 2 >>», 1, «2» `del` ## program 1 arg `default` `10` `<< -> n << 0 1 n for i i 2 * inv + next >> >>` `eval` -> stack should be 1.4644841269841269841269841269841269841 `del` ## nested programs `0 1 10 << -> u0 u1 n << u0 u1 1 n start dup2 + rot drop next swap drop >> >> eval` `eval` -> stack should be 89 `del` ## fibo ``` «dup 1 > if then dup 1 - fibo swap 2 - fibo + else 1 == if then 1 else 0 end end» 'fibo' sto 7 fibo 13 == if then 'ok!' end ``` -> stack should be 'ok!' `del` ## nested programs with local variables ``` 100 10 «dup2 * -> a b c << a b + c / -> d << << -> sym << sym ->str " is " + sym rcl ->str + >> >> 'stringify' sto 'a' stringify 'b' stringify 'c' stringify 'd' stringify >> >>» eval ``` -> stack should be "'a' is 100", "'b' is 10", "'c' is 1000", "'d' is 0.11" `del` ## local variables multiple entries `1 2 3 << -> a b c << "a is " a ->str + "b is " b ->str + "c is " c ->str + >> >> eval` -> stack should be "a is 1", "b is 2", "c is 3" `del` ## local variables separation (1) `123 'n' sto 1 << -> n << "n is " n ->str + >> >> eval` -> stack should be "n is 1" `del` ## local variables separation (2) `123 'n' sto 2 << -> n << n sq << -> n << "n is " n ->str + >> >> >> eval >> eval` -> stack should be "n is 4" `del`