# BRANCH `default del` ## if then else end (1) `1 if then 'ok' end` -> stack should be 'ok' `del` ## if then else end (2) `1 if 'before' then 'ok' end` -> stack should be 'before', 'ok' `del` ## if then else end (3) `0 if then 'ok' end` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## if then else end (4) `0 if then 'ok' end` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## if then else end (5) `1 if then 'ok' else 'KO' end` -> stack should be 'ok' `del` ## if then else end (6) `1 if then 'ok' 'dokey' else 'KO' end` -> stack should be 'ok', 'dokey' `del` ## if then else end (7) `0 if then 'ok' else 'KO' end` -> stack should be 'KO' `del` ## if then else end - error case (1) `if then end` -> error should be 2 `del` ## if then else end - error case (2) `0 if then` -> error should be 11 `del` ## if then else end - error case (3) `0 if end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## if then else end - error case (4) `0 if end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## if then else end - error case (5) `then` -> error should be 11 `del` ## if then else end - error case (6) `1 if` -> error should be 11 `del` ## if then else end - error case (7) `else` -> error should be 11 `del` ## if then else end - error case (8) `end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## if then else end - error case (9) `"1" if then end` -> error should be 3 `del` ## ift (1) `1 'ok' ift` -> stack should be 'ok' `del` ## ift (2) `0 'ok' ift` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## ift (3) `'ok' ift` -> error should be 2 -> stack size should be 1 `del` ## ift (4) `ift` -> error should be 2 -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## ifte (1) `1 'ok' 'nok' ifte` -> stack should be 'ok' `del` ## ifte (2) `0 'ok' 'nok' ifte` -> stack should be 'nok' `del` ## ifte (3) `'ok' 'nok' ifte` -> error should be 2 -> stack size should be 2 `del` ## ifte (4) `'nok' ifte` -> error should be 2 -> stack size should be 1 `del` ## ifte (5) `ifte` -> error should be 2 -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## start next (1) `1 2 start 0 next` -> stack should be 0, 0 `del` ## start next (2) `2 1 start 0 next` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## start next (3) `-2 -1 start 0 next` -> stack should be 0, 0 `del` ## start next (4) `-1 -2 start 0 next` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## start next (5) `1 1 start 0 next` -> stack should be 0 `del` ## start next - cloning objects (1) `1 2 start 'ok' next` -> stack should be 'ok', 'ok' `del` ## start next - cloning objects (2) `1 2 start ok next` -> stack should be 'ok', 'ok' `del` ## start next - cloning objects (3) `1 2 start "ok" next` -> stack should be "ok", "ok" `del` ## start next - cloning objects (4) `1 2 start (1,2) next` -> stack should be (1,2), (1,2) `del` ## start next - cloning objects (5) `1 2 start «ok» next` -> stack should be « ok », « ok » `del` ## start next - error case (1) `1 start next` -> error should be 2 `del` ## start next - error case (2) `start next` -> error should be 2 `del` ## start next - error case (3) `start` -> error should be 11 `del` ## start next - error case (4) `next` -> error should be 11 `del` ## start next - error case (5) `"1" 2 start next` -> error should be 3 `del` ## start next - error case (6) `1 "2" start next` -> error should be 3 `del` ## for next (1) `23 27 for i i next` -> stack should be 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 `del` ## for next (2) `1 1 for i i next` -> stack should be 1 `del` ## for next (3) `27 23 for i i next` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## for next (4) `-2 -1 for i i next` -> stack should be -2, -1 `del` ## for next (5) `-1 -2 for i i next` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## for next - loop variable overwrite `123 'i' sto 1 2 for i i next` -> stack should be 1, 2 `del` ## nested for next `1 2 for i 0 1 for j i (1,0) * j (0,1) * + next next` -> stack should be (1,0), (1,1), (2,0), (2,1) `del` ## for next - error case (1) `1 for i i next` -> error should be 2 `del` ## for next - error case (2) `for i i next` -> error should be 2 `del` ## for next - error case (3) `"1" 2 for i i next` -> error should be 3 `del` ## for next - error case (4) `1 "2" for i i next` -> error should be 3 `del` ## for next - error case (5) `1 2 for i i` -> error should be 11 `del` ## for next - error case (6) `for` -> error should be 11 `del` ## for step (1) `23 27 for i i 1 step` -> stack should be 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 `del` ## for step (2) `0 1 for i i 0.25 step` -> stack should be 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 `del` ## for step (3) `-1 0 for i i 0.25 step` -> stack should be -1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, -0 `del` ## for step (4) `0 -1 for i i 0.25 step` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## for step (5) `0 -1 for i i -0.25 step` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## for step (6) - check boundary integration `1 2 for i i 0.2 step` -> stack should be 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2 `del` ## for step (7) - check boundary integration `1 2 for i i 0.5 step` -> stack should be 1, 1.5, 2 `del` ## nested for step `0 2 for i 0 6 for j i (1,0) * j (0,1) * + 3 step 2 step` -> stack should be (0,0), (0,3), (0,6), (2,0), (2,3), (2,6) `del` ## for step - error case (1) `0 1 for i i "0.5" step` -> error should be 3 `del` ## for step - error case (2) `step` -> error should be 11 `del` ## do..until (1) `do 'ok' until 1 end` -> stack should be 'ok' `del` ## do..until (2) `do until 1 end` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## do..until (3) `3 do 1 - 'ok' swap dup until 0 == end drop` -> stack should be 'ok', 'ok', 'ok' `del` ## do..until (4) `1 'a' sto do a 1 + 'a' sto until a 3 > end a` -> stack should be 4 `del` ## nexted do..until `1 'i' sto do 0 'j' sto do i (1,0) * j (0,1) * + 1 'j' sto+ until j 1 > end 1 'i' sto+ until i 2 > end` -> stack should be (1,0), (1,1), (2,0), (2,1) `del` ## do..until error case (1) `do` -> error should be 11 `del` ## do..until error case (2) `do 8 end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## do..until error case (3) `until` -> error should be 11 `del` ## do..until error case (4) `do 3 until` -> error should be 11 `del` ## do..until error case (5) `until 1 end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## do..until error case (6) `do 3 repeat 8 end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## do..until error case (7) `do 3 until 8 until 9 end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## while..repeat (1) `while 0 repeat ok end` -> stack size should be 0 `del` ## while..repeat (2) `2 while dup 0.1 > repeat dup 2 / end` -> stack should be 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625 `del` ## while..repeat (3) `0 'a' sto while a 3 < repeat a 1 + 'a' sto 100 0 a for b b + next end` -> stack should be 101, 103, 106 `del` ## nested while .. repeat `1 'i' sto while i 2 <= repeat 0 'j' sto while j 1 <= repeat i (1,0) * j (0,1) * + 1 'j' sto+ end 1 'i' sto+ end` -> stack should be (1,0), (1,1), (2,0), (2,1) `del` ## while..repeat error case (1) `while` -> error should be 11 `del` ## while..repeat error case (2) `while 3 end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## while..repeat error case (3) `repeat` -> error should be 11 `del` ## while..repeat error case (4) `while 1 repeat` -> error should be 11 `del` ## while..repeat error case (5) `repeat 1 end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## while..repeat error case (6) `while 3 repeat 8 repeat 9 end` -> error should be 11 `del` ## while..repeat error case (7) `while 3 until 8 end` -> error should be 11 `del`