## STRING default erase # string entry "test string" -> stack size should be 1 -> stack should be "test string" erase # string entry (2) "test string -> stack size should be 1 -> stack should be "test string" erase # string entry (3) " -> stack size should be 1 -> stack should be "" erase # ->str on real (1) 1 ->str -> stack should be "1" erase # ->str on real (2) 1.234 ->str -> stack should be "1.234" erase # ->str on real (3) 1.234 20 fix ->str -> stack should be "1.23400000000000000000" erase # ->str on symbol (1) toto ->str -> stack should be "'toto'" erase # ->str on symbol (2) 'toto' ->str -> stack should be "'toto'" erase default # str-> on real (1) "1" str-> -> stack should be 1 erase # str-> on real (2) "1 2.345 3 4.9" str-> -> stack should be 1, 2.345, 3, 4.9 erase # str-> on real (3) 4 fix "1 2.345 3 4.9" str-> -> stack should be 1.0000, 2.3450, 3.0000, 4.9000 erase default # str-> on constant (1) "pi" str-> -> stack should be 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842 erase # str-> on constant (2) "'pi' 'e'" str-> -> stack should be 'pi', 'e' erase # str-> on command (1) "2 dup" str-> -> stack should be 2, 2 erase # str-> on command (2) "3.14 my_pi sto" str-> -> stack size should be 0 my_pi -> stack should be 3.14 erase # str-> on program "<< -> n << n >> >>" str-> -> stack should be << -> n << n >> >> erase # add (1) 12 34 "one" "two" + -> stack should be 12, 34, "onetwo" erase # add (2) "" "one" + "two" "" + -> stack should be "one", "two" erase # add (3) "one" + -> stack size should be 1 -> error should be 2 erase # chr (1) "" 33 40 for i i chr + next -> stack should be "!"#$%&'(" erase # chr (2) -223 chr 0 chr -> stack should be "!", "." erase # num (1) "!wait" num -> stack should be 33 erase # num (2) "" num -> stack should be 0 erase # size (1) "hello" size -> stack should be 5 erase # size (2) "" size -> stack should be 0 erase # size, str->, ->str "hello" str-> ->str size -> stack should be 7 erase # pos (1) "my big string" "big" pos -> stack should be 4 erase # pos (2) "my big string" "bOg" pos -> stack should be 0 erase # pos (3) "my big string" pos -> error should be 2 -> stack size should be 1 erase # pos (4) pos -> error should be 2 erase # sub (1) "my string to sub" 4 6 sub -> stack should be "str" erase # sub (2) "my string to sub" -1 -2 sub -> stack should be "m" erase # sub (3) "my string to sub" 0 0 sub -> stack should be "m" erase # sub (4) "my string to sub" 6 5 sub -> stack should be "" erase # sub (5) "my string to sub" 100 101 sub -> stack should be "" erase # sub (6) "my string to sub" 14 100 sub -> stack should be "sub" erase