vm/nga-c-no-libc: drop WIP support for OpenBSD as future OpenBSD releases will require syscalls to be routed through libc. Ref thread: https://www.mail-archive.com/tech@openbsd.org/msg54429.html

FossilOrigin-Name: 909ee67a53191440235e0a9dcfdea1e8588c91344541d3bce250eddf2f50897f
This commit is contained in:
crc 2019-12-27 13:58:31 +00:00
parent d8d1b0b759
commit e7d3030ebf
3 changed files with 117 additions and 89 deletions

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@ -1,46 +1,133 @@
This implements a FIFO queue. It's directly based on the code in
a comp.lang.forth post titled "A queue without move". See
# FIFO Queue
This implements a FIFO queue. It was based on the code in
a comp.lang.forth post titled "A queue without move", but
has been refactored and expanded slightly. See
https://narkive.com/khcCauFY for the original posting.
# Limits
The queue size needs to be a power of 2.
# Code
:q:named (size,string) d:create #0 , #0 , dup , allot ;
:q:head (q-a) ; immediate
:q:tail (q-a) n:inc ;
:q:size (q-n) #2 + fetch ;
:q:list (q-a) #3 + ;
:q:mask (q-n) q:size n:dec ;
:q:len (q-n) [ q:head fetch ] [ q:tail fetch ] bi - ;
:q:free (q-n) [ q:size ] sip q:len - ;
:q:clear (q-) [ q:head v:off ] [ q:tail v:off ] bi ;
:q:new (n-a) here [ #0 , #0 , dup , allot ] dip ;
:q:named (ns-) [ q:new ] dip const ;
:q:head (q-a) ; immediate
:q:tail (q-a) n:inc ;
:q:size (q-n) #2 + fetch ;
:q:list (q-a) #3 + ;
:q:mask (q-n) q:size n:dec ;
:q:length (q-n) [ q:head fetch ] [ q:tail fetch ] bi - ;
:q:free (q-n) [ q:size ] sip q:length - ;
:q:clear (q-) [ q:head v:off ] [ q:tail v:off ] bi ;
:q:masked (aq-n) q:mask swap fetch and ;
:q:reset0 (q-) dup q:len n:zero? [ q:clear ] [ drop ] choose ;
:q:reset0 (q-) dup q:length n:zero? &q:clear &drop choose ;
'R var
:append-value swap @R q:list @R q:head @R q:masked + store
@R q:head v:inc ;
:fetch-value @R q:list @R q:tail @R q:masked + fetch
@R q:tail v:inc swap @R q:reset0 ;
:q:add (nq-f)
[ !R ] [ q:free n:strictly-positive? dup ] bi
[ append-value ] if; nip ;
:q:get (q-nf)
[ !R ] [ q:length n:strictly-positive? dup ] bi
[ fetch-value ] if; #0 swap ;
I am separating out the display code as it's fairly large
and some may want to leave it out. (When compiled, this
increases the size by more than 50%. While useful, the size
hit may make it undesirable on systems with tight memory
'R var
:head? @R q:tail @R q:masked eq? ;
:tail? @R q:head fetch n:dec @R q:mask and eq? ;
:display nl I dup n:put sp dup @R q:list + fetch n:put sp ;
:indicators dup head? [ '<--_tail s:put ] if
tail? [ '<--_head s:put ] if ;
:q:add (nq-f)
[ !R ] [ q:free n:strictly-positive? ] bi
[ @R q:list @R q:head @R q:masked + store
@R q:head v:inc TRUE ]
[ drop FALSE ] choose ;
:q:get (q-nf)
[ !R ] [ q:len n:strictly-positive? ] bi
[ @R q:list @R q:tail @R q:masked + fetch @R q:tail
v:inc TRUE @R q:reset0 ]
[ #0 FALSE ] choose ;
:q:put (q-)
[ !R ] [ q:free ] [ q:len ] tri
[ !R ] [ q:free ] [ q:length ] tri
'\nin_que:_%n,_free:_%n s:format s:put
@R q:len n:strictly-positive?
[ @R q:size
[ display dup head? [ '<--_tail s:put ] if
tail? [ '<--_head s:put ] if
] times<with-index> ]
@R q:length n:strictly-positive?
[ @R q:size [ display indicators ] times<with-index> ]
[ 'queue_is_empty s:put nl ] choose ;
# Usage
The original didn't include any documentation, so here are a few
brief notes on this.
Creating a new queue:
#16 q:new (returns_a_pointer_to_the_queue)
#16 'Q q:named (create_a_queue_and_create_a_constant)
See the Limits section for a note on the sizing.
Adding Values:
#1 Q q:add
#2 Q q:add
The `q:add` returns a flag indicating success or fail. Check or
discard this as necessary for your application.
Retreive Values:
Q q:get
Q q:get
Like `q:add`, this returns a flag indicating success or failure.
This also returns the value, or a value of 0 on failure.
Empty the Queue:
Q q:clear
Queue Queries:
Q q:size
Q q:length
# A Test
#16 'Q q:named
#100 Q q:add
#200 Q q:add
#300 Q q:add
#400 Q q:add
#500 Q q:add dump-stack nl reset
Q q:put
Q q:get drop n:put sp
Q q:get drop n:put sp
Q q:get drop n:put nl
Q q:get drop n:put nl
Q q:put

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@ -24,12 +24,6 @@ freebsd-x86-64bit: common
nasm -f elf64 fbsd64.s
ld -nostdlib -m elf_x86_64_fbsd fbsd64.o retro.o -o bin/retro.freebsd64
openbsd-x86-64bit: common
cc -m64 -c retro.c
nasm -f elf64 obsd64.s
ld.bfd -m elf_x86_64_obsd -r obsd64.o retro.o -o bin/retro.openbsd64
chmod +x bin/retro.openbsd64
macos: common
cc -m64 -c retro.c
nasm -f macho64 macos.s

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@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
; This is the minimal startup + I/O functionality needed to run
; RETRO on an OpenBSD x86-64 system.
; =============================================================
bits 64
section .note.openbsd.ident
align 2
dd 8,4,1
db "OpenBSD",0
dd 0
align 2
section .text
global putchar
global getchar
global _start
extern main
align 8
jmp main
jmp $
align 8
mov rax, rdi
mov [buf], eax
mov rax, 4 ; sys_write
mov rdi, 1 ; stdout
mov rsi, buf ; address
mov rdx, 1 ; 1 byte
align 8
mov rax, 3 ; sys_read
mov rdi, 0 ; stdin
mov rsi, buf ; address
mov rdx, 1 ; 1 byte
mov rax, 0
mov eax, [buf]
section .data
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0