\ planckforth - \ Copyright (C) 2021 nineties \ test/tester.fs and test codes are base on \ https://github.com/gerryjackson/forth2012-test-suite decimal testing do +loop with run-time increment, negative increment, infinite loop \ Contributed by Reinhold Straub variable iterations variable increment : gd7 ( limit start increment -- ) increment ! 0 iterations ! do 1 iterations +! i iterations @ 6 = if leave then increment @ +loop iterations @ ; T{ 4 4 -1 gd7 -> 4 1 }T T{ 1 4 -1 gd7 -> 4 3 2 1 4 }T T{ 4 1 -1 gd7 -> 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 6 }T T{ 4 1 0 gd7 -> 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 }T T{ 0 0 0 gd7 -> 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 }T T{ 1 4 0 gd7 -> 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 }T T{ 1 4 1 gd7 -> 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 }T T{ 4 1 1 gd7 -> 1 2 3 3 }T T{ 4 4 1 gd7 -> 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 }T T{ 2 -1 -1 gd7 -> -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 6 }T T{ -1 2 -1 gd7 -> 2 1 0 -1 4 }T T{ 2 -1 0 gd7 -> -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 6 }T T{ -1 2 0 gd7 -> 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 }T T{ -1 2 1 gd7 -> 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 }T T{ 2 -1 1 gd7 -> -1 0 1 3 }T T{ -20 30 -10 gd7 -> 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 6 }T T{ -20 31 -10 gd7 -> 31 21 11 1 -9 -19 6 }T T{ -20 29 -10 gd7 -> 29 19 9 -1 -11 5 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing do +loop with large and small increments \ Contributed by Andrew Haley max-uint 8 rshift 1+ constant ustep ustep negate constant -ustep max-int 7 rshift 1+ constant step step negate constant -step variable bump T{ : gd8 bump ! do 1+ bump @ +loop ; -> }T T{ 0 max-uint 0 ustep gd8 -> 256 }T T{ 0 0 max-uint -ustep gd8 -> 256 }T T{ 0 max-int min-int step gd8 -> 256 }T T{ 0 min-int max-int -step gd8 -> 256 }T \ Two's complement arithmetic, wraps around modulo wordsize \ Only tested if the Forth system does wrap around, use of conditional \ compilation deliberately avoided max-int 1+ min-int = constant +wrap? min-int 1- max-int = constant -wrap? max-uint 1+ 0= constant +uwrap? 0 1- max-uint = constant -uwrap? : gd9 ( n limit start step f result -- ) >r if gd8 else 2drop 2drop r@ then -> r> }T ; T{ 0 0 0 ustep +uwrap? 256 gd9 T{ 0 0 0 -ustep -uwrap? 1 gd9 T{ 0 min-int max-int step +wrap? 1 gd9 T{ 0 max-int min-int -step -wrap? 1 gd9 \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing do +loop with maximum and minimum increments : (-mi) max-int dup negate + 0= if max-int negate else -32767 then ; (-mi) constant -max-int T{ 0 1 0 max-int gd8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 -max-int negate -max-int over gd8 -> 2 }T T{ 0 max-int 0 max-int gd8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 max-int 1 max-int gd8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 max-int -1 max-int gd8 -> 2 }T T{ 0 max-int dup 1- max-int gd8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 min-int 1+ 0 min-int gd8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 min-int 1+ -1 min-int gd8 -> 1 }T T{ 0 min-int 1+ 1 min-int gd8 -> 2 }T T{ 0 min-int 1+ dup min-int gd8 -> 1 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ testing +loop Setting i to an arbitrary value \ The specification for +loop permits the loop index i to be set to any value \ including a value outside the range given to the corresponding do. \ set-i is a helper to set i in a do ... +loop to a given value \ n2 is the value of i in a do ... +loop \ n3 is a test value \ If n2=n3 then return n1-n2 else return 1 : set-i ( n1 n2 n3 -- n1-n2 | 1 ) over = if - else 2drop 1 then ; : -set-i ( n1 n2 n3 -- n1-n2 | -1 ) set-i dup 1 = if negate then ; : pl1 20 1 do i 18 i 3 set-i +loop ; T{ pl1 -> 1 2 3 18 19 }T : pl2 20 1 do i 20 i 2 set-i +loop ; T{ pl2 -> 1 2 }T : pl3 20 5 do i 19 i 2 set-i dup 1 = if drop 0 i 6 set-i then +loop ; T{ pl3 -> 5 6 0 1 2 19 }T : pl4 20 1 do i max-int i 4 set-i +loop ; T{ pl4 -> 1 2 3 4 }T : pl5 -20 -1 do i -19 i -3 -set-i +loop ; T{ pl5 -> -1 -2 -3 -19 -20 }T : pl6 -20 -1 do i -21 i -4 -set-i +loop ; T{ pl6 -> -1 -2 -3 -4 }T : pl7 -20 -1 do i min-int i -5 -set-i +loop ; T{ pl7 -> -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 }T : pl8 -20 -5 do i -20 i -2 -set-i dup -1 = if drop 0 i -6 -set-i then +loop ; T{ pl8 -> -5 -6 0 -1 -2 -20 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing multiple recurses in one colon definition : ack ( M N -- U ) \ Ackermann function, from Rosetta Code over 0= if nip 1+ exit then \ ack(0, n) = n+1 swap 1- swap ( -- m-1 n ) dup 0= if 1+ recurse exit then \ ack(m, 0) = ack(m-1, 1) 1- over 1+ swap recurse recurse \ ack(m, n) = ack(m-1, ack(m,n-1)) ; T{ 0 0 ack -> 1 }T T{ 3 0 ack -> 5 }T T{ 2 4 ack -> 11 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing multiple else's in an if statement \ Discussed on comp.lang.forth and accepted as valid ANS Forth : melse if 1 else 2 else 3 else 4 else 5 then ; T{ 0 melse -> 2 4 }T T{ -1 melse -> 1 3 5 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing manipulation of >in in interpreter mode T{ 12345 depth over 9 < 32 * + 3 + >in ! -> 12345 2345 345 45 5 }T T{ 14145 8115 ?dup 0= 33 * >in +! tuck mod 14 >in ! gcd calculation -> 15 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing immediate with constant variable and create [ ... does> ] T{ 123 constant iw1 immediate iw1 -> 123 }T T{ : iw2 iw1 literal ; iw2 -> 123 }T T{ variable iw3 immediate 234 iw3 ! iw3 @ -> 234 }T T{ : iw4 iw3 [ @ ] literal ; iw4 -> 234 }T T{ :noname [ 345 ] iw3 [ ! ] ; drop iw3 @ -> 345 }T T{ create iw5 456 , immediate -> }T T{ :noname iw5 [ @ iw3 ! ] ; drop iw3 @ -> 456 }T T{ : iw6 create , immediate does> @ 1+ ; -> }T T{ 111 iw6 iw7 iw7 -> 112 }T T{ : iw8 iw7 literal 1+ ; iw8 -> 113 }T T{ : iw9 create , does> @ 2 + immediate ; -> }T \ : find-iw bl word find nip ; ( -- 0 | 1 | -1 ) \ T{ 222 iw9 iw10 find-iw iw10 -> -1 }T \ iw10 IS NOT IMMEDIATE \ T{ iw10 find-iw iw10 -> 224 1 }T \ iw10 BECOMES IMMEDIATE \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing that immediate doesn't toggle a flag variable it1 0 it1 ! : it2 1234 it1 ! ; immediate immediate T{ : it3 it2 ; it1 @ -> 1234 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing parsing behaviour of s" ." and ( \ which should parse to just beyond the terminating character no space needed T{ : gc5 s" A string"drop ; gc5 -> }T T{ ( A comment)1234 -> 1234 }T T{ : pb1 cr ." You should see 2345: "." 2345"( A comment) cr ; pb1 -> }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing number prefixes # $ % and 'c' character input \ Adapted from the Forth 200X Draft 14.5 document variable old-base decimal base @ old-base ! T{ #1289 -> 1289 }T T{ #-1289 -> -1289 }T T{ $12eF -> 4847 }T T{ $-12eF -> -4847 }T T{ %10010110 -> 150 }T T{ %-10010110 -> -150 }T T{ 'z' -> 122 }T T{ 'Z' -> 90 }T \ Check base is unchanged T{ base @ old-base @ = -> }T \ rEPEAT IN hEX MODE 16 old-base ! 16 base ! T{ #1289 -> 509 }T T{ #-1289 -> -509 }T T{ $12eF -> 12ef }T T{ $-12eF -> -12ef }T T{ %10010110 -> 96 }T T{ %-10010110 -> -96 }T T{ 'z' -> 7A }T T{ 'Z' -> 5A }T \ Check BASE is unchanged T{ base @ old-base @ = -> }T \ 2 decimal \ Check number prefixes in compile mode T{ : nmp #8327 $-2cbe %011010111 ''' ; nmp -> 8327 -11454 215 39 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing definition names \ should support {1..31} graphical characters : !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? 1 ; T{ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? -> 1 }T : @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ 2 ; T{ @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ -> 2 }T : _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|} 3 ; T{ _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|} -> 3 }T : _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~ 4 ; \ Last character different T{ _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~ -> 4 }T T{ _`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|} -> 3 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ testing find with a zero length string and a non-existent word \ \ create emptystring 0 c, \ : emptystring-find-check ( C-ADDR 0 | XT 1 | XT -1 -- T|F ) \ dup if ." FIND returns a TRUE value for an empty string!" cr then \ 0= swap emptystring = = ; \ T{ emptystring find emptystring-find-check -> }T \ \ create non-existent-word \ Same as in exceptiontest.fth \ 15 c, char $ c, char $ c, char q c, char w c, char e c, char q c, \ char w c, char e c, char q c, char w c, char e c, char r c, char t c, \ char $ c, char $ c, \ T{ non-existent-word find -> non-existent-word 0 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing if ... begin ... repeat (unstructured) T{ : uns1 dup 0 > if 9 swap begin 1+ dup 3 > if exit then repeat ; -> }T T{ -6 uns1 -> -6 }T T{ 1 uns1 -> 9 4 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ testing does> doesn't cause a problem with a created address \ \ : make-2const does> 2@ ; \ T{ create 2k 3 , 2k , make-2const 2k -> ' 2k >body 3 }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testing allot ( n -- ) where n <= 0 T{ here 5 allot -5 allot here = -> }T T{ here 0 allot here = -> }T \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cr ." End of additional Core tests" cr