\ planckforth - \ Copyright (C) 2021 nineties ( === Hash Table === ) include lib/bitscan.fs include lib/array.fs private{ s" Key not found" exception constant KEY-NOT-FOUND export create prime_numbers 5 , 11 , 17 , 37 , 67 , 131 , 257 , 521 , 1031 , 2053 , 4099 , 8209 , 16411 , 32771 , 65537 , 131101 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , struct cell% field table>bucket cell% field table>hash ( hash function ) cell% field table>equal ( equal function for keys ) cell% field table>entries ( list of entries ) int% field table>size ( number of entries ) end-struct table% struct cell% field entry>key cell% field entry>value cell% field entry>sibling ( pointer to the next entry in bucket ) cell% field entry>next ( pointer to the next entry in entries ) int% field entry>hash ( the hash value ) end-struct entry% \ Number of elments in the table : table-size ( tbl -- n ) table>size @ ; export \ Make hashtable considering given size hint : make-table-with-hint ( hash equal n -- tbl ) bitscan-reverse cells prime_numbers + @ ( n to bucket size ) make-array ( allocate bucket ) ( hash equal bucket ) table% %allocate throw tuck table>bucket ! tuck table>equal ! tuck table>hash ! 0 over table>entries ! 0 over table>size ! ; 10 constant DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE_HINT \ Make hashtable. It takes two functions. \ hash ( w -- n ) : compute hash value of w \ equal ( w1 w2 -- n ) : compute equality of w1 and w2 : make-table ( hash equal -- tbl ) DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE_HINT make-table-with-hint ; export : release-table ( tbl -- ) dup table>entries @ begin ?dup while dup entry>next @ swap free repeat dup table>bucket @ release-array free ; export : find-entry ( key tbl hash -- entry ) over table>bucket @ array-size mod ( key tbl idx ) over table>bucket @ array@ ( key tbl entry ) swap table>equal @ -rot ( equal key entry ) begin ?dup while dup entry>key @ 2 pick 4 pick execute if ( equal key entry ) nip nip exit then entry>next @ repeat 2drop 0 ; \ Lookup table entry. KEY-NOT-FOUND exception is raised \ when there is no corresponding entry. : table@ ( key tbl -- val ) 2dup 2dup table>hash @ execute find-entry ?dup if entry>value @ nip nip else KEY-NOT-FOUND throw then ; export \ Returns true when the key is in the table : ?table-in ( key tbl -- n ) 2dup table>hash @ execute find-entry 0 <> ; export \ Store key-value pair to the table : table! ( val key tbl -- ) 2dup 2dup table>hash @ execute dup >r find-entry r> swap ( val key tbl hash entry ) ?dup if ( `tbl` already has an entry for `key` ) nip nip nip entry>value ! else swap >r ( val key hash , R:tbl ) entry% %allocate throw tuck entry>hash ! tuck entry>key ! tuck entry>value ! 0 over entry>sibling ! 0 over entry>next ! r> ( entry tbl ) \ Find corresponding bucket entry over entry>hash @ over table>bucket @ tuck array-size mod ( entry tbl bucket index ) \ Add new entry to the bucket 2dup swap array@ 4 pick entry>sibling ! 3 pick swap rot array! \ Add the entry to the list of entries ( entry tbl ) tuck table>entries @ over entry>next ! over table>entries ! \ Increment table>size table>size 1 swap +! then ; export \ Returns cons-list of keys : table-keys ( tbl -- list ) 0 swap table>entries @ begin ?dup while tuck entry>key @ swap cons swap entry>next @ repeat ; export \ Returns cons-list of values : table-values ( tbl -- list ) 0 swap table>entries @ begin ?dup while tuck entry>value @ swap cons swap entry>next @ repeat ; export ( === tables for major builtin types === ) : hash-next ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) + 6122117 * 1627577 + ; : hash-int ( n -- n ) 0 hash-next ; : make-int-table ( -- tbl ) ['] hash-int ['] = make-table ; export : hash-string ( s -- n ) 0 begin over c@ dup while hash-next swap 1+ swap repeat drop nip ; : make-string-table ( -- tbl ) ['] hash-string ['] streq make-table ; export }private T{ make-int-table constant A -> }T T{ A table-size -> 0 }T T{ 0 A ' table@ catch -> 0 A KEY-NOT-FOUND }T T{ 0 A ?table-in -> false }T T{ 1 0 A table! -> }T T{ 0 A ?table-in -> true }T T{ 0 A table@ -> 1 }T T{ A table-size -> 1 }T T{ 2 0 A table! -> }T T{ A table-size -> 1 }T T{ 3 1 A table! -> }T T{ A table-size -> 2 }T T{ 1 A table@ -> 3 }T T{ :noname 100 0 do i 1 + i A table! loop ; execute -> }T :noname 100 0 do T{ i A table@ -> i 1 + }T loop ; execute T{ A table-size -> 100 }T T{ A table-keys car -> 0 }T T{ A table-keys cdr car -> 1 }T T{ A table-keys cdr cdr car -> 2 }T T{ A table-values car -> 1 }T T{ A table-values cdr car -> 2 }T T{ A table-values cdr cdr car -> 3 }T T{ A release-table -> }T T{ make-string-table constant A -> }T T{ 0 s" zero" A table! -> }T T{ 1 s" one" A table! -> }T T{ s" zero" A table@ -> 0 }T T{ s" one" A table@ -> 1 }T T{ A release-table -> }T