#!/usr/bin/env python3 # planck - # Copyright (C) 2021 nineties # import os import sys import operator MEMORY_SIZE = 0x08000000 STACK_SIZE = 0x400 RSTACK_SIZE = 0x400 HERE_CELL = 0 LATEST_CELL = 4 memory = [0]*(MEMORY_SIZE>>2) sp = MEMORY_SIZE>>2 rp = (MEMORY_SIZE - STACK_SIZE)>>2 ip = 0 np = 0 def aligned(n): return (n + 4 - 1) & ~(4 - 1) def align(): write(HERE_CELL, aligned(read(HERE_CELL))) def read(addr): return memory[addr>>2] def write(addr, v): memory[addr>>2] = v def comma(v): here = read(HERE_CELL) write(here, v) write(HERE_CELL, here + 4) def read_byte(addr): #return memory[addr] i = addr>>2 m = (addr&0x3)*8 v = memory[i] return (v >> m) & 0xff def write_byte(addr, c): #memory[addr] = v i = addr>>2 m = (addr&0x3)*8 v = memory[i] memory[i] = (v & ~(0xff << m)) | (c&0xff) << m def comma_byte(v): here = read(HERE_CELL) write_byte(here, v) write(HERE_CELL, here + 1) def comma_string(s): for c in s: comma_byte(ord(c)) comma_byte(0) def read_string(addr): s = "" while True: c = read_byte(addr) if c == 0: break s += chr(c) addr += 1 return s def find(c): it = read(LATEST_CELL) while it != 0: n = read_byte(it + 4) C = chr(read_byte(it + 4 + 1)) if (c == C and n == 1): return it + 2*4 it = read(it) raise Exception('Unknown word: {}'.format(c)) def push(v): global sp sp -= 4 write(sp, v) def pop(): global sp v = read(sp) sp += 4 return v def rpush(v): global rp rp -= 4 write(rp, v) def rpop(): global rp v = read(rp) rp += 4 return v operators = [] def add_operator(name, func): funcid = len(operators) here = read(HERE_CELL) latest = read(LATEST_CELL) write(LATEST_CELL, here) comma(latest) comma_byte(len(name)) comma_string(name) align() comma(funcid) operators.append(func) return funcid def next(np): return read(np), np + 4 def add_simple_operator(name, func): def func_(ip, np): func() return next(np) return add_operator(name, func_) def add_binary_operator(name, op): def func(): b = pop() push(op(pop(), b)) return add_simple_operator(name, func) write(HERE_CELL, 2*4) write(LATEST_CELL, 0) # Store command line arguments argv_addrs = [] for arg in sys.argv: argv_addrs.append(read(HERE_CELL)) comma_string(arg) align() ARGV_ADDR = read(HERE_CELL) for addr in argv_addrs: comma(addr) def docol(ip, np): rpush(np) return next(ip + 4) DOCOL_ID = add_operator('', docol) add_simple_operator('Q', lambda: exit(0)) add_simple_operator('C', lambda: push(4)) add_simple_operator('h', lambda: push(HERE_CELL)) add_simple_operator('l', lambda: push(LATEST_CELL)) def key(): c = sys.stdin.read(1) if c: push(ord(c)) else: exit(0) add_simple_operator('k', key) add_simple_operator('t', lambda: sys.stdout.write(chr(pop()))) add_operator('j', lambda ip,np: next(np + read(np))) add_operator('J', lambda ip,np: next(np + (4 if pop() else read(np)))) add_simple_operator('f', lambda: push(find(chr(pop())))) add_operator('x', lambda ip,np: (pop(), np)) add_simple_operator('@', lambda: push(read(pop()))) # NB: Python evaluates expressions from left to right # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#evaluation-order add_simple_operator('!', lambda: write(pop(), pop())) add_simple_operator('?', lambda: push(read_byte(pop()))) add_simple_operator('$', lambda: write_byte(pop(), pop())) add_simple_operator('d', lambda: push(sp)) def set_sp(): global sp sp = pop() add_simple_operator('D', set_sp) add_simple_operator('r', lambda: push(rp)) def set_rp(): global rp rp = pop() add_simple_operator('R', set_rp) add_simple_operator('i', lambda: push(DOCOL_ID)) add_operator('e', lambda ip,np: next(rpop())) def lit(ip, np): push(read(np)) return next(np + 4) add_operator('L', lit) def litstring(ip, np): push(np + 4) return next(aligned(np + 4 + read(np))) add_operator('S', litstring) add_binary_operator('+', operator.add) add_binary_operator('-', operator.sub) add_binary_operator('*', operator.mul) add_binary_operator('/', operator.floordiv) add_binary_operator('%', operator.mod) add_binary_operator('&', operator.and_) add_binary_operator('|', operator.or_) add_binary_operator('^', operator.xor) add_binary_operator('<', operator.lt) add_binary_operator('=', operator.eq) def argv(): push(ARGV_ADDR) push(len(sys.argv)) add_simple_operator('v', argv) def openfile(): flag = pop() name = read_string(pop()) fd = os.open(name, flag) push(fd) push(fd >= 0) def closefile(): fd = pop() os.close(fd) push(fd >= 0) add_simple_operator('(open-file)', openfile) add_simple_operator('(close-file)', closefile) start = read(HERE_CELL) comma(find('k')) comma(find('f')) comma(find('x')) comma(find('j')) comma(-4*4) ip, np = next(start) while True: ip, np = operators[read(ip)](ip, np)