mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 21:58:42 +01:00
BREAKING CHANGE: Changed Pascal string to C-string
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 152 additions and 153 deletions
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ $ cat bootstrap.fs - | ./planck
| i | docol | ( -- a-addr ) | Get the interpreter function |
| e | exit | ( -- ) | Exit current function |
| L | lit | ( -- n ) | Load immediate |
| S | litstring | ( -- c-addr u ) | Load string literal |
| S | litstring | ( -- c-addr ) | Load string literal |
| + | add | ( a b -- c ) | c = (a + b) |
| - | sub | ( a b -- c ) | c = (a - b) |
| * | mul | ( a b -- c ) | c = (a * b) |
@ -134,8 +134,9 @@ l!
\ 'latest' will not be updated.
h@l@, k1k0-h@$ kch@k1k0-+$ h@C+h!
i, 'h, '@, 'l, '@, ',,
'L, k1k0-, 'h, '@, '$,
'k, 'h, '@, 'L, k1k0-, '+, '$,
'L, k1k0-, 'h, '@, '$, \ fill 1
'k, 'h, '@, 'L, k1k0-, '+, '$, \ fill "c"
'L, k0k0-, 'h, '@, 'L, k2k0-, '+, '$, \ fill "\0"
'h, '@, 'C, '+, 'h, '!,
'e, l!
@ -215,37 +216,41 @@ ca i,
\ Round up 'here' to a nearlest multiple of CELL
cA i, 'h, '@, 'a, 'h, '!, 'e, l!
\ 'E' ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n ) STR=
\ Compare two strings.
\ 'E' ( c-addr1 c-addr2 -- flag ) STR=
\ Compate null-terminated strings.
\ Return 1 if they are same 0 otherwise.
cE i,
'{, '~, '}, \ ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u1 u2 )
'o, '=, 'J, kVk0-C*, \ jump to <not_equal> if u1!=u2
\ <loop>
\ ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u )
'#, 'J, kMk0-C*, \ jump to <equal> if u==0
'{, \ preserve u
'o, '?, \ ( c-addr1 c-addr2 c1 )
'o, '?, \ ( c-addr1 c-addr2 c1 c2 )
'}, \ ( c-addr1 c-addr2 c1 c2 u ) restore u
'~, '{, '~, '}, \ ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u c1 c2 )
'=, 'J, kFk0-C*, \ jump to <not_equal> if c1!=c2
'{, '{, \ ( c-addr1 , R:u c-addr2 )
'L, k1k0-, '+, \ increment c-addr1
'}, 'L, k1k0-, '+, \ increment c-addrr2
'}, 'L, k1k0-, '-, \ decrement u
'j, k0kN-C*, \ jump to <loop>
\ <equal>
'_, '_, '_, 'L, k1k0-, 'e,
'o, '?, 'o, '?, \ ( c-addr1 c-addr2 c1 c2 )
'o, '=, 'J, k=k0-C*, \ goto <not_equal> if c1<>c2
'J, kAk0-C*, \ goto <equal> if c1==0
'L, k1k0-, '+, '~, \ increment c-addr2
'L, k1k0-, '+, '~, \ increment c-addr1
'j, k0kC-C*, \ goto <loop>
\ <not_equal>
'_, '_, '_, 'L, k0k0-, 'e,
\ <equal>
'_, '_, 'L, k1k0-, 'e,
\ 'z' ( c-addr -- u ) STRLEN
\ Calculate length of string
cz i,
'L, k0k0-, \ 0
\ <loop>
'o, '?, 'J, k;k0-C*, \ goto <exit> if '\0'
'L, k1k0-, '+, '~, \ increment u
'L, k1k0-, '+, '~, \ increment c-addr
'j, k0k=-C*, \ goto <loop>
\ <exit>
'~, '_, 'e,
\ 's' ( c -- n)
\ Return 1 if c==' ' or c=='\n', 0 otherwise.
cs i, '#, 'L, k , '=, '~, 'L, k:k0-, '=, '|, 'e, l!
\ 'W' ( "name" -- c-addr u )
\ 'W' ( "name" -- c-addr )
\ Skip leading spaces (' ' and '\n'),
\ Read name, then return its address and length.
\ The maximum length of the name is 63. The behavior is undefined
@ -253,9 +258,9 @@ cs i, '#, 'L, k , '=, '~, 'L, k:k0-, '=, '|, 'e, l!
\ Note that it returns the address of statically allocated buffer,
\ so the content will be overwritten each time 'w' executed.
\ Allocate buffer of 63 bytes or more,
\ Allocate buffer of 63+1 bytes or more,
\ push the address for compilation of 'w'
h@ # kok0-+ h! A
h@ # kpk0-+ h! A
\ skip leading spaces
@ -267,19 +272,20 @@ i,
'o, '$, \ store c to p
'L, k1k0-, '+, \ increment p
'k, '#, 's, 'J, k0k9-C*, \ goto <loop> if c is not space
'_, 'L, , \ ( p buf )
'~, 'o, '-, \ ( buf p-buf )
'L, k0k0-, 'o, '$, \ fill \0
'_, 'L, , \ return buf
'e, l!
\ 'F' ( c-addr u -- w )
\ 'F' ( c-addr -- w )
\ Lookup multi-character word from dictionary.
\ Return 0 if the word is not found.
\ Entries with smudge-bit=1 are ignored.
cF i,
'l, '@,
\ <loop> ( addr u it )
'#, 'J, kUk0-C*, \ goto <exit> if it=NULL
'#, 'C, '+, '?, \ ( addr u it len+flag )
\ <loop> ( addr it )
'#, 'J, kEk0-C*, \ goto <exit> if it=NULL
'#, 'C, '+, '?, \ ( addr it len+flag )
'L, k@, '&, \ test smudge-bit of it
'J, k4k0-C*,
\ <1>
@ -288,15 +294,12 @@ cF i,
'j, k0k>-C*, \ goto <loop>
\ <2>
\ smudge-bit=0
'{, 'o, 'o, 'r, '@, '~, '{, '~, '}, '},
\ ( addr u it addr u it )
'#, 'L, Ck1k0-+, '+, \ address of name
'~, 'C, '+, '?, \ length+flag
'L, kok0-, '&, \ take length (lower 6-bits)
\ ( addr1 u1 it addr1 u1 addr2 u2 )
'E, 'J, k0kJ-C*, \ goto <1> if different name
'o, 'o, \ ( addr it addr it )
'L, Ck1k0-+, '+, \ address of name
\ ( addr1 it addr1 addr2 )
'E, 'J, k0k:-C*, \ goto <1> if different name
\ <exit>
'{, '_, '_, '}, \ Drop addr u return it
'{, '_, '}, \ Drop addr, return it
'e, l!
\ 'G' ( w -- xt )
@ -305,7 +308,7 @@ cG i,
'C, '+, '#, '?, \ ( addr len+flag )
'L, kok0-, '&, \ take length
'+, \ add length to the addr
'L, k1k0-, '+, \ add 1 to the addr (1byte for len+field)
'L, k2k0-, '+, \ add 2 to the addr (len+field and \0)
'a, \ align
'e, l!
@ -361,18 +364,19 @@ c ] i , ' L , k 1 k 0 - , ' M , ' ! , ' e , l !
\ Read name, create word with smudge=1,
\ compile 'docol' and enter compile mode.
c : i ,
' A , \ align here
' A , \ align here
' h , ' @ ,
' l , ' @ , ' , , \ fill link
' l , ' ! , \ update latest
' W , \ read name ( addr len )
' # , \ ( addr len len )
' L , k @ , ' | ,
' B , \ fill length + smudge-bit
' m , \ fill name
' A , \ align here
' i , ' , , \ compile docol
' ] , \ enter compile mode
' l , ' @ , ' , , \ fill link
' l , ' ! , \ update latest
' W , \ read name ( addr )
' # , ' z , ' # , \ ( addr len len )
' L , k @ , ' | , \ set smudge-bit
' B , \ fill length + smudge-bit
' m , \ fill name
' L , k 0 k 0 - , ' B , \ fill \0
' A , \ align here
' i , ' , , \ compile docol
' ] , \ enter compile mode
' e , l !
\ ; ( -- ) SEMICOLON
@ -412,9 +416,11 @@ set-immediate \
\ Copy code pointer of builtin word "name-old" to
\ the new word "name-new".
\ "name-old" must not be a FORTH word.
A h @ l @ , l ! \ fill link, update latest
W # B m A \ fill length and chars of "name-new"
W F G @ , \ fill code-pointer of "name-old"
A h @ l @ , l ! \ fill link, update latest
W # z # B m \ fill length and chars of "name-new"
[ ' L , k 0 k 0 - , ] B \ fill \0
W F G @ , \ fill code-pointer of "name-old"
\ Add new names to builtin primities.
@ -455,6 +461,7 @@ alias-builtin xor ^
: >cfa G ;
: c, B ;
: cmove, m ;
: strlen z ;
: state M ;
: aligned a ;
: align A ;
@ -795,15 +802,16 @@ alias-builtin xor ^
\ at the end of the entry.
: create
latest , \ fill link
here cell- &latest ! \ update latest
latest , \ fill link
here cell- &latest ! \ update latest
dup c, cmove, align \ fill length and name
docol , \ compile docol
dup strlen
dup c, cmove, 0 c, align \ fill length, name and \0
docol , \ compile docol
['] lit ,
here 3 cells + , \ compile the address
['] nop , \ does>, if any, will fill this cell
['] exit , \ compile exit
here 3 cells + , \ compile the address
['] nop , \ does>, if any, will fill this cell
['] exit , \ compile exit
: does>-helper
@ -903,7 +911,7 @@ create exception-marker
( === Printing Numbers === )
\ Skip reading spaces, read characters and returns first character
: char ( <spces>ccc -- c ) word drop c@ ;
: char ( <spces>ccc -- c ) word c@ ;
\ compile-time version of char
: [char] ( compile: <spaces>ccc -- ; runtime: --- c )
@ -1002,25 +1010,20 @@ decimal \ set default to decimal
( === Parsing Numbers === )
\ Parse string c-addr2 u2 as an unsigned integer with base u1
\ Parse string c-addr as an unsigned integer with base u
\ and return n. f represents the conversion is success or not.
: parse-uint ( u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n f )
: parse-uint ( u c-addr -- n f )
0 \ accumulator
over 0>
\ ( base addr len acc )
begin over c@ while
\ ( base addr acc )
>r \ save acc
1- >r \ decrement len and save
dup c@ swap 1+ >r \ load char, increment addr and save
dup case
'0' '9' rangeof '0' - endof
'a' 'z' rangeof 'a' - 10 + endof
'A' 'Z' rangeof 'A' - 10 + endof
\ failed to convert
r> r> r> drop drop drop
swap drop
2drop r> r> swap drop false
@ -1029,74 +1032,69 @@ decimal \ set default to decimal
\ ( base n 0 base n )
within unless
\ failed to convert
r> r> r> drop drop drop
swap drop
2drop r> r> swap drop false
\ ( base addr len n acc )
r> swap r> swap r>
4 pick * +
\ ( base addr n acc )
r> swap r>
3 pick * +
\ success
swap drop
swap drop
swap drop
\ increment c-addr1 and decrement u1
: s++ ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 )
1- swap 1+ swap
\ Parse string as number.
\ This function interprets prefixes that specifies number base.
: >number ( c-addr u -- n f )
dup 0<= if
: >number ( c-addr -- n f )
dup c@ unless
0 false
over c@ case
dup c@ case
'-' of
recurse if
negate true
'&' of s++ 10 -rot parse-uint endof
'#' of s++ 10 -rot parse-uint endof
'%' of s++ 2 -rot parse-uint endof
'&' of 1+ 10 swap parse-uint endof
'#' of 1+ 10 swap parse-uint endof
'%' of 1+ 2 swap parse-uint endof
'0' of
\ hexadecimal
dup 1 = if
2drop 0 true exit
\ ( addr )
dup c@ unless
drop 0 true exit
over c@ 'x' = if
s++ 16 -rot parse-uint exit
dup c@ 'x' = if
1+ 16 swap parse-uint exit
2drop 0 false exit
drop 0 false exit
'\'' of
\ character code
1 of drop 0 false endof
2 of 1+ c@ true endof
3 of
1+ dup c@ swap
1+ c@ '\'' = if true else false then
\ ( addr )
dup c@ unless
drop 0 false exit
dup c@ swap 1+
c@ case
0 of true exit endof
'\'' of true exit endof
drop 0 false
\ default case
drop base @ -rot
dup \ need this because endcase drops top of stack
\ ( addr base )
drop base @ swap parse-uint
dup \ need this because endcase drops top of stack
@ -1119,29 +1117,29 @@ decimal \ set default to decimal
\ we already have cmove,
\ ( a-addr -- c-addr u )
\ Load address of length of a string from length-prefixed string
\ | length (1cell) | characters ... |
: string dup @ swap cell+ swap ;
\ ( c-addr u a-addr -- )
\ Store length-prefixed string to given address
: copy-string
2dup ! \ fill length
cell+ \ increment addr
swap cmove \ copy string
\ ( c-from c-to -- )
\ copy nul terminated string from c-from to c-to
: strcpy
begin over c@ dup while
\ ( c-from c-to c )
over c!
1+ swap 1+ swap
repeat drop drop drop
\ ( c-addr u -- )
\ Allocate memory and store length-prefixed string
: string, dup , cmove, ;
\ ( c-addr -- )
\ copy string to here including \0
: strcpy,
begin dup c@ dup while
c, 1+
repeat drop
0 c,
\ Print string
: type ( c-addr u -- )
begin dup 0> while \ while u>0
over c@ emit \ print char
1- \ decrement u
swap 1+ swap \ increment c-addr
: type ( c-addr -- )
begin dup c@ dup while \ while c<>\0
emit 1+
@ -1166,6 +1164,7 @@ char 0 char B - constant STRING-OVERFLOW-ERROR \ -18
c, \ store character
1+ \ increment length
repeat drop
0 c, \ store \0
swap ! \ back-fill length
@ -1177,8 +1176,7 @@ char 0 char B - constant STRING-OVERFLOW-ERROR \ -18
over c! \ store char
1+ \ increment address
repeat drop
\ ( start-addr last-addr )
over - \ calculate length
0 swap c! \ store \0
; immediate
@ -1196,24 +1194,24 @@ char 0 char B - constant STRING-OVERFLOW-ERROR \ -18
\ Single linked list of error code and messages.
\ Thre structure of each entry:
\ | link | code | len | message ... |
\ | link | code | message ... |
variable error-list
0 error-list !
: error>next ( a-addr -- a-addr) @ ;
: error>message ( a-addr -- c-addr u ) 2 cells + string ;
: error>message ( a-addr -- c-addr ) 2 cells + ;
: error>code ( a-addr -- n ) cell+ @ ;
: add-error ( n c-addr u -- )
: add-error ( n c-addr -- )
error-list here
over @ , \ fill link
swap ! \ update error-list
rot , \ fill error-code
string, \ fill message
strcpy, \ fill message
: def-error ( n c-addr u "name" -- )
create 2 pick ,
: def-error ( n c-addr "name" -- )
create over ,
does> @
@ -1226,7 +1224,7 @@ variable next-user-error
s" -256" >number drop next-user-error !
\ Create new user defined error and returns error code.
: exception ( c-addr u -- n )
: exception ( c-addr -- n )
next-user-error @ -rot add-error
next-user-error @
1 next-user-error -!
@ -1237,12 +1235,13 @@ s" -256" >number drop next-user-error !
create word-buffer s" 63" >number drop cell+ allot drop
: interpret
word \ read name from input
2dup word-buffer copy-string \ save input
2dup find \ lookup dictionary
word \ read name from input
\ ( addr )
dup word-buffer strcpy \ save input
dup find \ lookup dictionary
?dup if
\ Found the word
-rot 2drop
swap drop
state @ if
\ compile mode
dup cell+ c@ immediate-bit and if
@ -1281,7 +1280,7 @@ create word-buffer s" 63" >number drop cell+ allot drop
2 pick = if
error>message type
." : "
word-buffer string type cr
word-buffer type cr
@ -1423,15 +1422,15 @@ R/O stdin_ file>fam c!
dup >r
begin dup 0> while
key 2 tuck c! s++
\ c-addr u c
key 2 pick c!
1- swap 1+ swap
r> success \ 0: no-error
; stdin_ file>read-file !
:noname ( c-addr u1 file -- u2 flag e )
." Readline!" cr
.s cr
drop 0
( c-addr u1 u2 )
@ -1446,7 +1445,7 @@ R/O stdin_ file>fam c!
3 pick c!
1+ >r s++ r>
1+ >r 1- swap 1+ swap r>
; stdin_ file>read-line !
@ -1493,3 +1492,5 @@ variable input-streams
stdin_ push-input-stream
." Ready" cr
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ defcode('L', lit) { push(*pc++); next(); }
defcode('S', litstring) {
int len = *pc++;
push((cell) pc);
pc += (len + CELL - 1)/CELL;
defcode('k', key) {
@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ while True:
elif code == LITSTRING:
n = read(pc)
push(pc + CELL)
pc = (pc + 2*CELL + n - 1) & ~CELL
elif code == ADD:
b = pop()
@ -106,9 +106,9 @@
000002a0: 2000 0000 0000 0000
000002a8: 9082 0408 0153 0000 S: litstring
000002b0: b482 0408 ad56 5001 lodsl; pushl %esi; pushl %eax
000002b8: c683 c603 83e6 fcad addl %eax,%esi; addl $3,%esi; andl $~3,%esi;next;
000002c0: ff20 0000 0000 0000
000002b0: b482 0408 ad56 01c6 lodsl; pushl %esi; addl %eax,%esi;
000002b8: 83c6 0383 e6fc adff addl $3,%esi; andl $~3,%esi;next;
000002c0: 2000 0000 0000 0000
000002c8: a882 0408 012b 0000 +: add
000002d0: d482 0408 5801 0424 popl %eax; addl %eax,(%esp)
@ -124,15 +124,15 @@
00000310: f882 0408 012f 0000 /: div
00000318: 1c83 0408 31d2 5b58 xorl %edx,%edx; popl %ebx; popl %eax
00000320: f7fb 50ad ff20 0000 idiv %ebx; pushl %eax
00000320: f7fb 50ad ff20 0000 idiv %ebx; pushl %eax; next;
00000328: 1083 0408 0125 0000 %: mod
00000330: 3483 0408 31d2 5b58 xorl %edx,%edx; popl %ebx; popl %eax
00000338: f7fb 52ad ff20 0000 idiv %ebx; pushl %edx
00000338: f7fb 52ad ff20 0000 idiv %ebx; pushl %edx; next;
00000340: 2883 0408 0126 0000 &: and
00000348: 4c83 0408 5821 0424 popl %eax; andl %eax,(%esp)
00000350: adff 2000 0000 0000 next;
00000350: adff 2000 0000 0000 next; next;
00000358: 4083 0408 017c 0000 |: or
00000360: 6483 0408 5809 0424 popl %eax; orl %eax,(%esp)
Reference in a new issue