module PF struct Matrix(T, W, H) property values = Slice(T).new(W * H, # Creates a new square `Matrix` with the given *args* # # ``` # m = Matrix[1, 2, 3, 4] # m[0, 0] # => 1 # m[1, 0] # => 2 # m[0, 1] # => 3 # m[1, 1] # => 4 # m.class # => Matrix(Int32, 2, 2) # ``` macro [](*args) %values = Slice(typeof({{*args}})).new({{args.size}}, typeof({{*args}}).new(0)) {% for arg, i in args %} %values.to_unsafe[{{i}}] = {{arg}} {% end %} # width and height are the isqrt of args.size {% if args.size == 1 %} Matrix(typeof({{*args}}), 1, 1).new(%values) {% elsif args.size == 4 %} Matrix(typeof({{*args}}), 2, 2).new(%values) {% elsif args.size == 9 %} Matrix(typeof({{*args}}), 3, 3).new(%values) {% elsif args.size == 16 %} Matrix(typeof({{*args}}), 4, 4).new(%values) {% else %} raise "Cannot determine width and height of matrix with {{ args.size }} elements" {% end %} end def initialize end def initialize(@values) end # Width of the matrix def width W end # Height of the matrix def height H end def size {% if W == H %} W {% else %} raise "Matrix({{W}}x{{H}}) is not square" {% end %} end # Tests the equality of two matricies def ==(other : Matrix) self.values == other.values end # Get the index of an element in the matrix by *x* and *y* coordinates def index(x : Int, y : Int) y * width + x end def [](i : Int) @values[i] end def []=(i : Int, value : T) @values[i] = value end # Get an element def [](x : Int, y : Int) self[index(x, y)] end # Set an element at an *x* and *y* position def []=(x : Int, y : Int, value : T) self[index(x, y)] = value end def *(other : Matrix) result = Matrix(T, W, H).new {% for y in (0...H) %} {% for x in (0...W) %} {% for n in (0...W) %} result[{{x}},{{y}}] = result[{{x}},{{y}}] + self[{{n}}, {{y}}] * other[{{x}}, {{n}}] {% end %} {% end %} {% end %} result end end end