require "../src/game" require "../src/controller" require "../src/sprite" require "../src/sprite/vector_sprite" require "../src/pixel" require "../src/point" struct Vec3d(T) property x : T property y : T property z : T property w : T def initialize(@x : T, @y : T, @z : T, @w = end def +(other : T) + other, @y + other, @z + other) end def +(other : Vec3d) + other.x, @y + other.y, @z + other.z) end def -(other : T) - other, @y - other, @z - other) end def -(other : Vec3d) - other.x, @y - other.y, @z - other.z) end def *(matrix : Mat4) vec = @x * matrix[0, 0] + @y * matrix[1, 0] + @z * matrix[2, 0] + matrix[3, 0], @x * matrix[0, 1] + @y * matrix[1, 1] + @z * matrix[2, 1] + matrix[3, 1], @x * matrix[0, 2] + @y * matrix[1, 2] + @z * matrix[2, 2] + matrix[3, 2] ) w = @x * matrix[0, 3] + @y * matrix[1, 3] + @z * matrix[2, 3] + matrix[3, 3] vec /= w unless w == 0.0 vec end def *(other : Vec3d) * other.x, @y * other.y, @z * other.z) end def *(other : T) * other, @y * other, @z * other) end def /(other : Vec3d) / other.x, @y / other.y, @z / other.z) end def /(other : T) / other, @y / other, @z / other) end def cross_product(other : Vec3d) x: @y * other.z - @z * other.y, y: @z * other.x - @x * other.z, z: @x * other.y - @y * other.x ) end # Geth the length using pythagorean def length Math.sqrt(@x * @x + @y * @y + @z * @z) end def normalized l = length / l, @y / l, @z / l) end # Returns the dot product def dot(other : Vec3d) @x * other.x + @y * other.y + @z * other.z end end struct Mat4 alias T = Float64 alias RowT = Tuple(T, T, T, T) property matrix = Slice(T).new(4*4, 0.0) def index(x : Int, y : Int) y * 4 + x end def set(value : Tuple(RowT, RowT, RowT, RowT)) {% for y in (0..3) %} {% for x in (0..3) %} self[{{x}},{{y}}] = value[{{x}}][{{y}}] {% end %} {% end %} end def [](x : Int, y : Int) self[index(x, y)] end def []=(x : Int, y : Int, value : Float64) self[index(x, y)] = value end def [](index) @matrix[index] end def []=(index, value) @matrix[index] = value end end struct Tri property p1 : Vec3d(Float64) property p2 : Vec3d(Float64) property p3 : Vec3d(Float64) @normal : Vec3d(Float64)? def initialize(@p1 : Vec3d(Float64), @p2 : Vec3d(Float64), @p3 : Vec3d(Float64)) end def initialize(p1x : Float64, p1y : Float64, p1z : Float64, p2x : Float64, p2y : Float64, p2z : Float64, p3x : Float64, p3y : Float64, p3z : Float64) @p1 = Vec3d(Float64).new(p1x, p1y, p1z) @p2 = Vec3d(Float64).new(p2x, p2y, p2z) @p3 = Vec3d(Float64).new(p3x, p3y, p3z) end # Return the normal assuming clockwise pointing winding def normal line1 = @p2 - @p1 line2 = @p3 - @p1 @normal ||= line1.cross_product(line2).normalized end # Get the average x value def x (@p1.x + @p2.x + @p3.x) / 3.0 end # Get the average y value def y (@p1.y + @p2.y + @p3.y) / 3.0 end # Get the average z value def z (@p1.z + @p2.z + @p3.z) / 3.0 end # Multiply all points by a Mat4, returning a new Tri def *(mat : Mat4) * mat, @p2 * mat, @p3 * mat) end end class Mesh property tris = [] of Tri def initialize(@tris) end def self.load(path) verticies = [] of Vec3d(Float64) tris = [] of Tri line_no = 0 do |file| file.each_line do |line| line_no += 1 next if line =~ /^\s*$/ parts = line.split(/\s+/) case parts[0] when "v" verticies <<[1].to_f64, parts[2].to_f64, parts[3].to_f64) when "f" face_verts = [] of Vec3d(Float64) parts[1..3].each do |part| face = part.split('/') face_verts << verticies[face[0].to_i - 1] end tris <<[0], face_verts[1], face_verts[2]) end end end new(tris) end end class Model property mesh : Mesh property position = Vec3d(Float64).new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) property rotation = Vec3d(Float64).new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) @mat_rx = @mat_ry = @mat_rz = @mat_translation = def initialize(obj : String) @mesh = Mesh.load(obj) end def update(dt : Float64) cox = Math.cos(@rotation.x) sox = Math.sin(@rotation.x) coy = Math.cos(@rotation.y) soy = Math.sin(@rotation.y) coz = Math.cos(@rotation.z) siz = Math.sin(@rotation.z) @mat_rx.set({ {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, cox, sox, 0.0}, {0.0, -sox, cox, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, }) @mat_ry.set({ {coy, 0.0, soy, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {-soy, 0.0, coy, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, }) @mat_rz.set({ {coz, siz, 0.0, 0.0}, {-siz, coz, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, }) @mat_translation.set({ {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {@position.x, @position.y, @position.z, 1.0}, }) end def draw(engine : PF::Game, mat_proj, camera, light) # Translation and rotation tris = do |tri| tri *= @mat_rx tri *= @mat_ry tri *= @mat_rz tri *= @mat_translation tri end # only draw triangles facing the camera tris = do |tri| - camera) < 0 end # sort triangles tris = tris.sort { |a, b| a.z <=> b.z } tris.each do |tri| shade : UInt8 = ( * 255.0).clamp(0.0..255.0).to_u8 tri.p1 *= mat_proj tri.p2 *= mat_proj tri.p3 *= mat_proj tri.p1 += 1.0 tri.p2 += 1.0 tri.p3 += 1.0 tri.p1 *= 0.5 * engine.width tri.p2 *= 0.5 * engine.width tri.p3 *= 0.5 * engine.width engine.fill_triangle(, tri.p1.y.to_i),, tri.p2.y.to_i),, tri.p3.y.to_i), pixel:, shade, shade, 255) ) end end end class CubeGame < PF::Game @cube : Model @paused = false @aspect_ratio : Float64 @fov : Float64 @fov_rad : Float64 @near : Float64 @far : Float64 @camera : Vec3d(Float64) @light : Vec3d(Float64) =, 0.0, -1.0).normalized @mat_proj : Mat4 @speed = 3.0 def initialize(@width, @height, @scale) super(@width, @height, @scale) @cube ="examples/cube.obj") @cube.position.z = @cube.position.z - 3.0 @controller = PF::Controller(LibSDL::Keycode).new({ LibSDL::Keycode::RIGHT => "Rotate Right", LibSDL::Keycode::LEFT => "Rotate Left", LibSDL::Keycode::UP => "Rotate Up", LibSDL::Keycode::DOWN => "Rotate Down", LibSDL::Keycode::SPACE => "Pause", }) @near = 0.1 @far = 1000.0 @fov = 90.0 @aspect_ratio = @height / @width @fov_rad = 1.0 / Math.tan(@fov * 0.5 / 180.0 * Math::PI) @camera =, 0.0, 0.0) @mat_proj = @mat_proj[0, 0] = @aspect_ratio * @fov_rad @mat_proj[1, 1] = @fov_rad @mat_proj[2, 2] = @far / (@far - @near) @mat_proj[3, 2] = (-@far * @near) / (@far - @near) @mat_proj[2, 3] = 1.0 @mat_proj[3, 3] = 0.0 @theta = 0.0 end def update(dt) @paused = !@paused if @controller.pressed?("Pause") if @controller.action?("Rotate Right") @cube.rotation.x = @cube.rotation.x + @speed * dt end if @controller.action?("Rotate Left") @cube.rotation.x = @cube.rotation.x - @speed * dt end if @controller.action?("Rotate Up") @cube.rotation.z = @cube.rotation.z - @speed * dt end if @controller.action?("Rotate Down") @cube.rotation.z = @cube.rotation.z + @speed * dt end unless @paused @cube.rotation.y = @cube.rotation.y + 1.0 * dt end @cube.update(dt) end def draw clear(0, 0, 100) @cube.draw(self, @mat_proj, @camera, @light) end end engine =, 300, 2)!