2024-02-21 23:56:19 -06:00

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-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at
local client = require("pinnacle.grpc.client")
---The protobuf absolute path prefix
local prefix = "pinnacle.output." .. client.version .. "."
local service = prefix .. "OutputService"
---@type table<string, { request_type: string?, response_type: string? }>
---@enum (key) OutputServiceMethod
local rpc_types = {
SetLocation = {},
ConnectForAll = {
response_type = "ConnectForAllResponse",
Get = {
response_type = "GetResponse",
GetProperties = {
response_type = "GetPropertiesResponse",
---Build GrpcRequestParams
---@param method OutputServiceMethod
---@param data table
---@return GrpcRequestParams
local function build_grpc_request_params(method, data)
local req_type = rpc_types[method].request_type
local resp_type = rpc_types[method].response_type
---@type GrpcRequestParams
return {
service = service,
method = method,
request_type = req_type and prefix .. req_type or prefix .. method .. "Request",
response_type = resp_type and prefix .. resp_type,
data = data,
---@class OutputHandleModule
local output_handle = {}
---An output handle.
---This is a handle to one of your monitors.
---It serves to make it easier to deal with them, defining methods for getting properties and
---helpers for things like positioning multiple monitors.
---This can be retrieved through the various `get` functions in the `Output` module.
---@class OutputHandle
---@field name string The unique name of this output
local OutputHandle = {}
---Output management.
---An output is what you would call a monitor. It presents windows, your cursor, and other UI elements.
---Outputs are uniquely identified by their name, a.k.a. the name of the connector they're plugged in to.
---@class Output
---@field private handle OutputHandleModule
local output = {}
output.handle = output_handle
---Get all outputs.
---### Example
---local outputs = Output.get_all()
---@return OutputHandle[]
function output.get_all()
-- Not going to batch these because I doubt people would have that many monitors
local response = client.unary_request(build_grpc_request_params("Get", {}))
---@type OutputHandle[]
local handles = {}
for _, output_name in ipairs(response.output_names or {}) do
return handles
---Get an output by its name (the connector it's plugged into).
---### Example
---local output = Output.get_by_name("eDP-1")
---@param name string The name of the connector the output is connected to
---@return OutputHandle | nil
function output.get_by_name(name)
local handles = output.get_all()
for _, handle in ipairs(handles) do
if == name then
return handle
return nil
---Get the currently focused output.
---This is currently defined as the most recent one that has had pointer motion.
---### Example
---local output = Output.get_focused()
---@return OutputHandle | nil
function output.get_focused()
local handles = output.get_all()
for _, handle in ipairs(handles) do
if handle:props().focused then
return handle
return nil
---Connect a function to be run with all current and future outputs.
---This method does two things:
---1. Immediately runs `callback` with all currently connected outputs.
---2. Calls `callback` whenever a new output is plugged in.
---This will *not* run `callback` with an output that has been unplugged and replugged
---to prevent duplicate setup. Instead, the compositor keeps track of the tags and other
---state associated with that output and restores it when replugged.
---### Example
--- -- Add tags "1" through "5" to all outputs
--- local tags = Tag.add(output, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
--- tags[1]:toggle_active()
---@param callback fun(output: OutputHandle)
function output.connect_for_all(callback)
local handles = output.get_all()
for _, handle in ipairs(handles) do
connect = callback,
local signal_name_to_SignalName = {
connect = "OutputConnect",
---@class OutputSignal
---@field connect fun(output: OutputHandle)?
---@param signals OutputSignal
---@return SignalHandles
function output.connect_signal(signals)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: invisible
local handles = require("pinnacle.signal"){})
for signal, callback in pairs(signals) do
require("pinnacle.signal").add_callback(signal_name_to_SignalName[signal], callback)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: invisible
local handle = require("pinnacle.signal")[signal], callback)
handles[signal] = handle
return handles
---Set the location of this output in the global space.
---On startup, Pinnacle will lay out all connected outputs starting at (0, 0)
---and going to the right, with their top borders aligned.
---This method allows you to move outputs where necessary.
---Note: If you have space between two outputs when setting their locations,
---the pointer will not be able to move between them.
---### Example
--- -- Assume two monitors in order, "DP-1" and "HDMI-1", with the following dimensions:
--- -- - "DP-1": ┌─────┐
--- -- │ │1920x1080
--- -- └─────┘
--- -- - "HDMI-1": ┌───────┐
--- -- │ 2560x │
--- -- │ 1440 │
--- -- └───────┘
---Output.get_by_name("DP-1"):set_location({ x = 0, y = 0 })
---Output.get_by_name("HDMI-1"):set_location({ x = 1920, y = -360 })
--- -- Results in:
--- -- ┌───────┐
--- -- ┌─────┤ │
--- -- │DP-1 │HDMI-1 │
--- -- └─────┴───────┘
--- -- Notice that y = 0 aligns with the top of "DP-1", and the top of "HDMI-1" is at y = -360.
---@param loc { x: integer?, y: integer? }
---@see OutputHandle.set_loc_adj_to
function OutputHandle:set_location(loc)
client.unary_request(build_grpc_request_params("SetLocation", {
output_name =,
x = loc.x,
y = loc.y,
---@alias Alignment
---| "top_align_left" Set above, align left borders
---| "top_align_center" Set above, align centers
---| "top_align_right" Set above, align right borders
---| "bottom_align_left" Set below, align left borders
---| "bottom_align_center" Set below, align centers
---| "bottom_align_right" Set below, align right border
---| "left_align_top" Set to left, align top borders
---| "left_align_center" Set to left, align centers
---| "left_align_bottom" Set to left, align bottom borders
---| "right_align_top" Set to right, align top borders
---| "right_align_center" Set to right, align centers
---| "right_align_bottom" Set to right, align bottom borders
---Set the location of this output adjacent to another one.
---`alignment` is how you want this output to be placed.
---For example, "top_align_left" will place this output above `other` and align the left borders.
---Similarly, "right_align_center" will place this output to the right of `other` and align their centers.
---### Example
--- -- Assume two monitors in order, "DP-1" and "HDMI-1", with the following dimensions:
--- -- - "DP-1": ┌─────┐
--- -- │ │1920x1080
--- -- └─────┘
--- -- - "HDMI-1": ┌───────┐
--- -- │ 2560x │
--- -- │ 1440 │
--- -- └───────┘
---Output.get_by_name("DP-1"):set_loc_adj_to(Output:get_by_name("HDMI-1"), "bottom_align_right")
--- -- Results in:
--- -- ┌───────┐
--- -- │ │
--- -- │HDMI-1 │
--- -- └──┬────┤
--- -- │DP-1│
--- -- └────┘
--- -- Notice that "DP-1" now has the coordinates (2280, 1440) because "DP-1" is getting moved, not "HDMI-1".
--- -- "HDMI-1" was placed at (1920, 0) during the compositor's initial output layout.
---@param other OutputHandle
---@param alignment Alignment
function OutputHandle:set_loc_adj_to(other, alignment)
local self_props = self:props()
local other_props = other:props()
if not self_props.x or not other_props.x then
-- TODO: notify
local alignment_parts = {}
for str in alignment:gmatch("%a+") do
table.insert(alignment_parts, str)
---@type "top"|"bottom"|"left"|"right"
local dir = alignment_parts[1]
---@type "top"|"bottom"|"center"|"left"|"right"
local align = alignment_parts[3]
---@type integer
local x
---@type integer
local y
if dir == "top" or dir == "bottom" then
if dir == "top" then
y = other_props.y - self_props.pixel_height
y = other_props.y + other_props.pixel_height
if align == "left" then
x = other_props.x
elseif align == "center" then
x = other_props.x + math.floor((other_props.pixel_width - self_props.pixel_width) / 2)
elseif align == "bottom" then
x = other_props.x + (other_props.pixel_width - self_props.pixel_width)
if dir == "left" then
x = other_props.x - self_props.pixel_width
x = other_props.x + other_props.pixel_width
if align == "top" then
y = other_props.y
elseif align == "center" then
y = other_props.y + math.floor((other_props.pixel_height - self_props.pixel_height) / 2)
elseif align == "bottom" then
y = other_props.y + (other_props.pixel_height - self_props.pixel_height)
self:set_location({ x = x, y = y })
---@class OutputProperties
---@field make string?
---@field model string?
---@field x integer?
---@field y integer?
---@field pixel_width integer?
---@field pixel_height integer?
---@field refresh_rate integer?
---@field physical_width integer?
---@field physical_height integer?
---@field focused boolean?
---@field tags TagHandle[]?
---Get all properties of this output.
---@return OutputProperties
function OutputHandle:props()
local response = client.unary_request(build_grpc_request_params("GetProperties", { output_name = }))
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: invisible
local handles = require("pinnacle.tag").handle.new_from_table(response.tag_ids or {})
response.tags = handles
response.tag_ids = nil
return response
---Get this output's make.
---Note: make and model detection are currently somewhat iffy and may not work.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().make`.
---@return string?
function OutputHandle:make()
return self:props().make
---Get this output's model.
---Note: make and model detection are currently somewhat iffy and may not work.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().model`.
---@return string?
function OutputHandle:model()
return self:props().model
---Get this output's x-coordinate in the global space.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().x`.
---@return integer?
function OutputHandle:x()
return self:props().x
---Get this output's y-coordinate in the global space.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().y`.
---@return integer?
function OutputHandle:y()
return self:props().y
---Get this output's width in pixels.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().pixel_width`.
---@return integer?
function OutputHandle:pixel_width()
return self:props().pixel_width
---Get this output's height in pixels.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().pixel_height`.
---@return integer?
function OutputHandle:pixel_height()
return self:props().pixel_height
---Get this output's refresh rate in millihertz.
---For example, 144Hz is returned as 144000.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().refresh_rate`.
---@return integer?
function OutputHandle:refresh_rate()
return self:props().refresh_rate
---Get this output's physical width in millimeters.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().physical_width`.
---@return integer?
function OutputHandle:physical_width()
return self:props().physical_width
---Get this output's physical height in millimeters.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().physical_height`.
---@return integer?
function OutputHandle:physical_height()
return self:props().physical_height
---Get whether or not this output is focused.
---The focused output is currently implemented as the one that last had pointer motion.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().focused`.
---@return boolean?
function OutputHandle:focused()
return self:props().focused
---Get the tags this output has.
---Shorthand for `handle:props().tags`.
---@return TagHandle[]?
function OutputHandle:tags()
return self:props().tags
---Create a new `OutputHandle` from its raw name.
---@param output_name string
---@type OutputHandle
local self = {
name = output_name,
setmetatable(self, { __index = OutputHandle })
return self
return output