use std::{ io::Write, panic::UnwindSafe, process::{Command, Stdio}, time::Duration, }; use pinnacle::{ backend::dummy::setup_dummy, state::{State, WithState}, }; use smithay::reexports::calloop::{ self, channel::{Event, Sender}, }; use test_log::test; fn run_lua(ident: &str, code: &str) { #[rustfmt::skip] let code = format!(r#" require("pinnacle").run(function({ident}) local run = function({ident}) {code} end local success, err = pcall(run, {ident}) if not success then print(err) os.exit(1) end end) "#); let mut child = Command::new("lua").stdin(Stdio::piped()).spawn().unwrap(); let mut stdin = child.stdin.take().unwrap(); stdin.write_all(code.as_bytes()).unwrap(); drop(stdin); let exit_status = child.wait().unwrap(); if exit_status.code().is_some_and(|code| code != 0) { panic!("lua code panicked"); } } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn assert( sender: &Sender>, assert: impl FnOnce(&mut State) + Send + 'static, ) { sender.send(Box::new(assert)).unwrap(); } fn sleep_secs(secs: u64) { std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(secs)); } macro_rules! run_lua { { |$ident:ident| $($body:tt)* } => { run_lua(stringify!($ident), stringify!($($body)*)); }; } fn test_lua_api( test: impl FnOnce(Sender>) + Send + UnwindSafe + 'static, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (mut state, mut event_loop) = setup_dummy(true, None)?; let (sender, recv) = calloop::channel::channel::>(); event_loop .handle() .insert_source(recv, |event, _, state| match event { Event::Msg(f) => f(state), Event::Closed => (), }) .map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("failed to insert source"))?; let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir()?; state.start_grpc_server(tempdir.path())?; let loop_signal = event_loop.get_signal(); let join_handle = std::thread::spawn(move || { let res = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { test(sender); }); loop_signal.stop(); if let Err(err) = res { std::panic::resume_unwind(err); } });, &mut state, |state| { state.fixup_z_layering();; state.popup_manager.cleanup(); state .display_handle .flush_clients() .expect("failed to flush client buffers"); // TODO: couple these or something, this is really error-prone assert_eq!(, state.z_index_stack.len(), "Length of `windows` and `z_index_stack` are different. \ If you see this, report it to the developer." ); })?; if let Err(err) = join_handle.join() { panic!("{err:?}"); } Ok(()) } mod coverage { use pinnacle::{ tag::TagId, window::{ rules::{WindowRule, WindowRuleCondition}, window_state::FullscreenOrMaximized, }, }; use super::*; // Process #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn process_spawn() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!([0].class(), Some("foot".to_string())); }); }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn process_set_env() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.set_env("PROCESS_SET_ENV", "env value") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |_state| { assert_eq!( std::env::var("PROCESS_SET_ENV"), Ok("env value".to_string()) ); }); }) } // Window #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn window_get_all() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|_sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| assert(#Pinnacle.window.get_all() == 0) for i = 1, 5 do Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") end } sleep_secs(1); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| assert(#Pinnacle.window.get_all() == 5) } }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn window_get_focused() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|_sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| assert(not Pinnacle.window.get_focused()) Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1")[1]:set_active(true) Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| assert(Pinnacle.window.get_focused()) } }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn window_add_window_rule() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "Tag Name") Pinnacle.window.add_window_rule({ cond = { classes = { "firefox" } }, rule = { tags = { Pinnacle.tag.get("Tag Name") } }, }) } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(state.config.window_rules.len(), 1); assert_eq!( state.config.window_rules[0], ( WindowRuleCondition { class: Some(vec!["firefox".to_string()]), ..Default::default() }, WindowRule { tags: Some(vec![TagId(0)]), ..Default::default() } ) ); }); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "Tag Name 2") Pinnacle.window.add_window_rule({ cond = { all = { { classes = { "steam" }, tags = { Pinnacle.tag.get("Tag Name"), Pinnacle.tag.get("Tag Name 2"), }, } } }, rule = { fullscreen_or_maximized = "fullscreen" }, }) } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(state.config.window_rules.len(), 2); assert_eq!( state.config.window_rules[1], ( WindowRuleCondition { cond_all: Some(vec![WindowRuleCondition { class: Some(vec!["steam".to_string()]), tag: Some(vec![TagId(0), TagId(1)]), ..Default::default() }]), ..Default::default() }, WindowRule { fullscreen_or_maximized: Some(FullscreenOrMaximized::Fullscreen), ..Default::default() } ) ); }); }) } // TODO: window_begin_move // TODO: window_begin_resize // WindowHandle #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn window_handle_close() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 1); }); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.window.get_all()[1]:close() } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 0); }); }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn window_handle_move_to_tag() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| local tags = Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1", "2", "3") tags[1]:set_active(true) tags[2]:set_active(true) Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!([0].with_state(|st| st .tags .iter() .map(|tag| .collect::>()), vec!["1", "2"] ); }); // Correct usage run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.window.get_all()[1]:move_to_tag(Pinnacle.tag.get("3")) } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!([0].with_state(|st| st .tags .iter() .map(|tag| .collect::>()), vec!["3"] ); }); // Move to the same tag run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.window.get_all()[1]:move_to_tag(Pinnacle.tag.get("3")) } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!([0].with_state(|st| st .tags .iter() .map(|tag| .collect::>()), vec!["3"] ); }); }) } } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn window_count_with_tag_is_correct() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1") Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| assert_eq!(, 1)); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| for i = 1, 20 do Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") end } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| assert_eq!(, 21)); }) } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn window_count_without_tag_is_correct() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| assert_eq!(, 1)); }) } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn spawned_window_on_active_tag_has_keyboard_focus() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1")[1]:set_active(true) Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!( state .focused_window(state.focused_output().unwrap()) .unwrap() .class(), Some("foot".to_string()) ); }); }) } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn spawned_window_on_inactive_tag_does_not_have_keyboard_focus() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1") Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(state.focused_window(state.focused_output().unwrap()), None); }); }) } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn spawned_window_has_correct_tags() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_lua_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1", "2", "3") Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!([0].with_state(|st| st.tags.len()), 1); }); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.get("1"):set_active(true) Pinnacle.tag.get("3"):set_active(true) Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); assert(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!([1].with_state(|st| st.tags.len()), 2); assert_eq!([1].with_state(|st| st .tags .iter() .map(|tag| .collect::>()), vec!["1", "3"] ); }); }) }