mod common; use std::{ io::Write, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use crate::common::{output_for_name, sleep_secs, test_api, with_state}; use anyhow::anyhow; use pinnacle::backend::dummy::DUMMY_OUTPUT_NAME; use pinnacle::state::WithState; use test_log::test; fn run_lua(ident: &str, code: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { #[rustfmt::skip] let code = format!(r#" require("pinnacle").run(function({ident}) local run = function({ident}) {code} end local success, err = pcall(run, {ident}) if not success then print(err) print("exiting") os.exit(1) end end) "#); let mut child = Command::new("lua").stdin(Stdio::piped()).spawn()?; let mut stdin = child.stdin.take().ok_or(anyhow!("child had no stdin"))?; stdin.write_all(code.as_bytes())?; drop(stdin); let exit_status = child.wait()?; if exit_status.code().is_some_and(|code| code != 0) { return Err(anyhow!("lua code panicked")); } Ok(()) } struct SetupLuaGuard { child: std::process::Child, } impl Drop for SetupLuaGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { let _ = self.child.kill(); } } fn setup_lua(ident: &str, code: &str) -> anyhow::Result { #[rustfmt::skip] let code = format!(r#" require("pinnacle").setup(function({ident}) local run = function({ident}) {code} end local success, err = pcall(run, {ident}) if not success then print(err) print("exiting") os.exit(1) end end) "#); let mut child = Command::new("lua").stdin(Stdio::piped()).spawn()?; let mut stdin = child.stdin.take().ok_or(anyhow!("child had no stdin"))?; stdin.write_all(code.as_bytes())?; drop(stdin); Ok(SetupLuaGuard { child }) } macro_rules! run_lua { { |$ident:ident| $($body:tt)* } => { run_lua(stringify!($ident), stringify!($($body)*))?; }; } macro_rules! setup_lua { { |$ident:ident| $($body:tt)* } => { let _guard = setup_lua(stringify!($ident), stringify!($($body)*))?; }; } use pinnacle::{ tag::TagId, window::{ rules::{WindowRule, WindowRuleCondition}, window_state::FullscreenOrMaximized, }, }; // Process mod process { use super::*; #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn spawn() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(3); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!([0].class(), Some("foot".to_string())); }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn set_env() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.set_env("PROCESS_SET_ENV", "env value") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |_state| { assert_eq!( std::env::var("PROCESS_SET_ENV"), Ok("env value".to_string()) ); }); Ok(()) }) } } // Window mod window { use super::*; #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn get_all() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|_sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| assert(#Pinnacle.window.get_all() == 0) for i = 1, 5 do Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") end } sleep_secs(1); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| assert(#Pinnacle.window.get_all() == 5) } Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn get_focused() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|_sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| assert(not Pinnacle.window.get_focused()) Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1")[1]:set_active(true) Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| assert(Pinnacle.window.get_focused()) } Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn add_window_rule() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "Tag Name") Pinnacle.window.add_window_rule({ cond = { classes = { "firefox" } }, rule = { tags = { Pinnacle.tag.get("Tag Name") } }, }) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(state.pinnacle.config.window_rules.len(), 1); assert_eq!( state.pinnacle.config.window_rules[0], ( WindowRuleCondition { class: Some(vec!["firefox".to_string()]), ..Default::default() }, WindowRule { tags: Some(vec![TagId::new(0)]), ..Default::default() } ) ); }); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "Tag Name 2") Pinnacle.window.add_window_rule({ cond = { all = { { classes = { "steam" }, tags = { Pinnacle.tag.get("Tag Name"), Pinnacle.tag.get("Tag Name 2"), }, } } }, rule = { fullscreen_or_maximized = "fullscreen" }, }) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(state.pinnacle.config.window_rules.len(), 2); assert_eq!( state.pinnacle.config.window_rules[1], ( WindowRuleCondition { cond_all: Some(vec![WindowRuleCondition { class: Some(vec!["steam".to_string()]), tag: Some(vec![TagId::new(0), TagId::new(1)]), ..Default::default() }]), ..Default::default() }, WindowRule { fullscreen_or_maximized: Some(FullscreenOrMaximized::Fullscreen), ..Default::default() } ) ); }); Ok(()) }) } // TODO: window_begin_move // TODO: window_begin_resize mod handle { use super::*; // WindowHandle #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn close() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 1); }); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.window.get_all()[1]:close() } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 0); }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn move_to_tag() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| local tags = Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1", "2", "3") tags[1]:set_active(true) tags[2]:set_active(true) Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!([0].with_state(|st| st .tags .iter() .map(|tag| .collect::>()), vec!["1", "2"] ); }); // Correct usage run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.window.get_all()[1]:move_to_tag(Pinnacle.tag.get("3")) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!([0].with_state(|st| st .tags .iter() .map(|tag| .collect::>()), vec!["3"] ); }); // Move to the same tag run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.window.get_all()[1]:move_to_tag(Pinnacle.tag.get("3")) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!([0].with_state(|st| st .tags .iter() .map(|tag| .collect::>()), vec!["3"] ); }); Ok(()) }) } } } mod tag { use super::*; mod handle { use super::*; #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn props() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|_sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.connect_for_all(function(op) local tags = Pinnacle.tag.add(op, "First", "Mungus", "Potato") tags[1]:set_active(true) tags[3]:set_active(true) end) } sleep_secs(1); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| local first_props = Pinnacle.tag.get("First"):props() assert( == true) assert( == "First") assert( == "Dummy Window") assert( == 2) assert([1]:class() == "foot") assert([2]:class() == "foot") local mungus_props = Pinnacle.tag.get("Mungus"):props() assert( == false) assert( == "Mungus") assert( == "Dummy Window") assert( == 0) local potato_props = Pinnacle.tag.get("Potato"):props() assert( == true) assert( == "Potato") assert( == "Dummy Window") assert( == 2) assert([1]:class() == "foot") assert([2]:class() == "foot") } Ok(()) }) } } } mod output { use smithay::{output::Output, utils::Rectangle}; use super::*; mod handle { use common::sleep_millis; use super::*; #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn set_transform() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.get_focused():set_transform("flipped_90") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let op = state.pinnacle.focused_output().unwrap(); assert_eq!(op.current_transform(), smithay::utils::Transform::Flipped90); }); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.get_focused():set_transform("normal") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let op = state.pinnacle.focused_output().unwrap(); assert_eq!(op.current_transform(), smithay::utils::Transform::Normal); }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn set_powered() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.get_focused():set_powered(false) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let op = state.pinnacle.focused_output().unwrap(); assert!(!op.with_state(|state| state.powered)) }); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.get_focused():set_powered(true) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let op = state.pinnacle.focused_output().unwrap(); assert!(op.with_state(|state| state.powered)) }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn props() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|_sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| local props = Pinnacle.output.get_focused():props() assert(props.make == "Pinnacle") assert(props.model == "Dummy Window") assert(props.x == 0) assert(props.y == 0) assert(props.logical_width == 1920) assert(props.logical_height == 1080) assert(props.current_mode.pixel_width == 1920) assert(props.current_mode.pixel_height == 1080) assert(props.current_mode.refresh_rate_millihz == 60000) assert(props.preferred_mode.pixel_width == 1920) assert(props.preferred_mode.pixel_height == 1080) assert(props.preferred_mode.refresh_rate_millihz == 60000) -- modes assert(props.physical_width == 0) assert(props.physical_height == 0) assert(props.focused == true) -- tags assert(props.scale == 1.0) assert(props.transform == "flipped_180") } Ok(()) }) } // FIXME: split this into keyboard_focus_stack and keyboard_focus_stack_visible tests #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn keyboard_focus_stack() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|_sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.setup({ ["*"] = { tags = { "1", "2", "3" } }, }) } sleep_secs(1); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_millis(250); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_millis(250); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_millis(250); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.get("2"):switch_to() Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_millis(250); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.get("1"):switch_to() local focus_stack = Pinnacle.output.get_focused():keyboard_focus_stack() assert(#focus_stack == 5, "focus stack len != 5") assert(focus_stack[1].id == 0, "focus stack at 1 id != 0") assert(focus_stack[2].id == 1, "focus stack at 2 id != 1") assert(focus_stack[3].id == 2, "focus stack at 3 id != 2") assert(focus_stack[4].id == 3, "focus stack at 4 id != 3") assert(focus_stack[5].id == 4, "focus stack at 5 id != 4") local focus_stack = Pinnacle.output.get_focused():keyboard_focus_stack_visible() assert(#focus_stack == 3, "focus stack visible len != 3") assert(focus_stack[1].id == 0) assert(focus_stack[2].id == 1) assert(focus_stack[3].id == 2) Pinnacle.tag.get("2"):switch_to() local focus_stack = Pinnacle.output.get_focused():keyboard_focus_stack_visible() assert(#focus_stack == 2) assert(focus_stack[1].id == 3) assert(focus_stack[2].id == 4) } Ok(()) }) } } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn setup() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { setup_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.setup({ ["1:*"] = { tags = { "1", "2", "3" }, }, ["2:*"] = { filter = function(op) return string.match(, "Test") ~= nil end, tags = { "Test 4", "Test 5" }, }, ["Second"] = { scale = 2.0, mode = { pixel_width = 6900, pixel_height = 420, refresh_rate_millihz = 69420, }, transform = "90", }, }) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { state.pinnacle.new_output("First", (300, 200).into()); state.pinnacle.new_output("Second", (300, 200).into()); state.pinnacle.new_output("Test Third", (300, 200).into()); }); sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let original_op = output_for_name(state, DUMMY_OUTPUT_NAME); let first_op = output_for_name(state, "First"); let second_op = output_for_name(state, "Second"); let test_third_op = output_for_name(state, "Test Third"); let tags_for = |output: &Output| { output .with_state(|state| state.tags.iter().map(|t|>()) }; let focused_tags_for = |output: &Output| { output.with_state(|state| { state.focused_tags().map(|t|>() }) }; assert_eq!(tags_for(&original_op), vec!["1", "2", "3"]); assert_eq!(tags_for(&first_op), vec!["1", "2", "3"]); assert_eq!(tags_for(&second_op), vec!["1", "2", "3"]); assert_eq!( tags_for(&test_third_op), vec!["1", "2", "3", "Test 4", "Test 5"] ); assert_eq!(focused_tags_for(&original_op), vec!["1"]); assert_eq!(focused_tags_for(&test_third_op), vec!["1"]); assert_eq!(second_op.current_scale().fractional_scale(), 2.0); let second_mode = second_op.current_mode().unwrap(); assert_eq!(second_mode.size.w, 6900); assert_eq!(second_mode.size.h, 420); assert_eq!(second_mode.refresh, 69420); assert_eq!( second_op.current_transform(), smithay::utils::Transform::_90 ); }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn setup_has_wildcard_first() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { setup_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.setup({ ["*"] = { tags = { "1", "2", "3" }, }, ["First"] = { tags = { "A", "B" }, }, }) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { state.pinnacle.new_output("First", (300, 200).into()); }); sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let first_op = output_for_name(state, "First"); let tags_for = |output: &Output| { output .with_state(|state| state.tags.iter().map(|t|>()) }; assert_eq!(tags_for(&first_op), vec!["1", "2", "3", "A", "B"]); }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn setup_loc_with_cyclic_relative_locs_works() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { setup_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.setup_locs("all", { ["Dummy Window"] = { x = 0, y = 0 }, ["First"] = { "Second", "left_align_top" }, ["Second"] = { "First", "right_align_top" }, }) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { state.pinnacle.new_output("First", (300, 200).into()); }); sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let original_op = output_for_name(state, DUMMY_OUTPUT_NAME); let first_op = output_for_name(state, "First"); let original_geo =; let first_geo =; assert_eq!( original_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 0), (1920, 1080)) ); assert_eq!( first_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((1920, 0), (300, 200)) ); state.pinnacle.new_output("Second", (500, 500).into()); }); sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let original_op = output_for_name(state, DUMMY_OUTPUT_NAME); let first_op = output_for_name(state, "First"); let second_op = output_for_name(state, "Second"); let original_geo =; let first_geo =; let second_geo =; assert_eq!( original_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 0), (1920, 1080)) ); assert_eq!( first_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((1920, 0), (300, 200)) ); assert_eq!( second_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((1920 + 300, 0), (500, 500)) ); }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[self::test] async fn setup_loc_with_relative_locs_with_more_than_one_relative_works() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { setup_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.output.setup_locs("all", { ["Dummy Window"] = { 0, 0 }, ["First"] = { "Dummy Window", "bottom_align_left" }, ["Second"] = { "First", "bottom_align_left" }, ["4:Third"] = { "Second", "bottom_align_left" }, ["5:Third"] = { "First", "bottom_align_left" }, }) } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { state.pinnacle.new_output("First", (300, 200).into()); state.pinnacle.new_output("Second", (300, 700).into()); state.pinnacle.new_output("Third", (300, 400).into()); }); sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let original_op = output_for_name(state, DUMMY_OUTPUT_NAME); let first_op = output_for_name(state, "First"); let second_op = output_for_name(state, "Second"); let third_op = output_for_name(state, "Third"); let original_geo =; let first_geo =; let second_geo =; let third_geo =; assert_eq!( original_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 0), (1920, 1080)) ); assert_eq!( first_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 1080), (300, 200)) ); assert_eq!( second_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 1080 + 200), (300, 700)) ); assert_eq!( third_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 1080 + 200 + 700), (300, 400)) ); state.pinnacle.remove_output(&second_op); }); sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { let original_op = output_for_name(state, DUMMY_OUTPUT_NAME); let first_op = output_for_name(state, "First"); let third_op = output_for_name(state, "Third"); let original_geo =; let first_geo =; let third_geo =; assert_eq!( original_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 0), (1920, 1080)) ); assert_eq!( first_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 1080), (300, 200)) ); assert_eq!( third_geo, Rectangle::from_loc_and_size((0, 1080 + 200), (300, 400)) ); }); Ok(()) }) } } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn window_count_with_tag_is_correct() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1") Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| assert_eq!(, 1)); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| for i = 1, 20 do Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") end } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 21) }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn window_count_without_tag_is_correct() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| assert_eq!(, 1)); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn spawned_window_on_active_tag_has_keyboard_focus() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1")[1]:set_active(true) Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!( state .pinnacle .focused_window(state.pinnacle.focused_output().unwrap()) .unwrap() .class(), Some("foot".to_string()) ); }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn spawned_window_on_inactive_tag_does_not_have_keyboard_focus() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1") Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!( state .pinnacle .focused_window(state.pinnacle.focused_output().unwrap()), None ); }); Ok(()) }) } #[tokio::main] #[test] async fn spawned_window_has_correct_tags() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_api(|sender| { run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.add(Pinnacle.output.get_focused(), "1", "2", "3") Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!([0].with_state(|st| st.tags.len()), 1); }); run_lua! { |Pinnacle| Pinnacle.tag.get("1"):set_active(true) Pinnacle.tag.get("3"):set_active(true) Pinnacle.process.spawn("foot") } sleep_secs(1); with_state(&sender, |state| { assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!([1].with_state(|st| st.tags.len()), 2); assert_eq!([1].with_state(|st| st .tags .iter() .map(|tag| .collect::>()), vec!["1", "3"] ); }); Ok(()) }) }