require("pinnacle").setup(function(Pinnacle) local Input = Pinnacle.input local Process = Pinnacle.process local Output = Pinnacle.output local Tag = Pinnacle.tag local Window = Pinnacle.window local Layout = Pinnacle.layout local key = Input.key ---@type Modifier local mod_key = "ctrl" local terminal = "alacritty" -------------------- -- Mousebinds -- -------------------- Input.mousebind({ mod_key }, "btn_left", "press", function() Window.begin_move("btn_left") end) Input.mousebind({ mod_key }, "btn_right", "press", function() Window.begin_resize("btn_right") end) -------------------- -- Keybinds -- -------------------- -- mod_key + alt + q = Quit Pinnacle Input.keybind({ mod_key, "alt" }, "q", function() Pinnacle.quit() end) -- mod_key + alt + c = Close window Input.keybind({ mod_key, "alt" }, "c", function() local focused = Window.get_focused() if focused then focused:close() end end) -- mod_key + alt + Return = Spawn `terminal` Input.keybind({ mod_key }, key.Return, function() Process.spawn(terminal) end) -- mod_key + alt + space = Toggle floating Input.keybind({ mod_key, "alt" },, function() local focused = Window.get_focused() if focused then focused:toggle_floating() end end) -- mod_key + f = Toggle fullscreen Input.keybind({ mod_key }, "f", function() local focused = Window.get_focused() if focused then focused:toggle_fullscreen() end end) -- mod_key + m = Toggle maximized Input.keybind({ mod_key }, "m", function() local focused = Window.get_focused() if focused then focused:toggle_maximized() end end) -------------------- -- Tags -- -------------------- local tag_names = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" } -- `connect_for_all` is useful for performing setup on every monitor you have. -- Here, we add tags with names 1-5 and set tag 1 as active. Output.connect_for_all(function(op) local tags = Tag.add(op, tag_names) tags[1]:set_active(true) end) -------------------- -- Layouts -- -------------------- local layout_manager = Layout.new_cycling_manager({ Layout.builtins.master_stack, Layout.builtins.dwindle, Layout.builtins.spiral, Layout.builtins.corner, Layout.builtins.fair, }) Layout.set_manager(layout_manager) -- mod_key + space = Cycle forward one layout on the focused output Input.keybind({ mod_key },, function() local focused_op = Output.get_focused() if focused_op then local tags = focused_op:tags() local tag = nil for _, t in ipairs(tags or {}) do if t:active() then tag = t break end end if tag then layout_manager:cycle_layout_forward(tag) Layout.request_layout(focused_op) end end end) -- mod_key + shift + space = Cycle backward one layout on the focused output Input.keybind({ mod_key, "shift" },, function() local focused_op = Output.get_focused() if focused_op then local tags = focused_op:tags() local tag = nil for _, t in ipairs(tags or {}) do if t:active() then tag = t break end end if tag then layout_manager:cycle_layout_backward(tag) Layout.request_layout(focused_op) end end end) -- Spawning must happen after you add tags, as Pinnacle currently doesn't render windows without tags. Process.spawn_once(terminal) for _, tag_name in ipairs(tag_names) do -- nil-safety: tags are guaranteed to be on the outputs due to connect_for_all above -- mod_key + 1-5 = Switch to tags 1-5 Input.keybind({ mod_key }, tag_name, function() Tag.get(tag_name):switch_to() end) -- mod_key + shift + 1-5 = Toggle tags 1-5 Input.keybind({ mod_key, "shift" }, tag_name, function() Tag.get(tag_name):toggle_active() end) -- mod_key + alt + 1-5 = Move window to tags 1-5 Input.keybind({ mod_key, "alt" }, tag_name, function() local focused = Window.get_focused() if focused then focused:move_to_tag(Tag.get(tag_name) --[[@as TagHandle]]) end end) -- mod_key + shift + alt + 1-5 = Toggle tags 1-5 on window Input.keybind({ mod_key, "shift", "alt" }, tag_name, function() local focused = Window.get_focused() if focused then focused:toggle_tag(Tag.get(tag_name) --[[@as TagHandle]]) end end) end -- Enable sloppy focus Window.connect_signal({ pointer_enter = function(window) window:set_focused(true) end, }) end)