--- - `modifiers`: An array of `Modifier`s. If you don't want any, provide an empty table.
--- - `key`: The key that will trigger `action`. You can provide three types of key:
--- - Something from the `Keys` table in `input.keys`, which lists every xkbcommon key. The naming pattern is the xkbcommon key without the `KEY_` prefix, unless that would make it start with a number or the reserved lua keyword `function`, in which case the `KEY_` prefix is included.
--- - A single character representing your key. This can be something like "g", "$", "~", "1", and so on.
--- - A string of the key's name. This is the name of the xkbcommon key without the `KEY_` prefix.
--- - `action`: The function that will be run when the keybind is pressed.
---It is important to note that `"a"` is different than `"A"`. Similarly, `keys.a` is different than `keys.A`.
---Usually, it's best to use the non-modified key to prevent confusion and unintended behavior.
---input.keybind({ "Shift" }, "a", function() end) -- This is preferred
---input.keybind({ "Shift" }, "A", function() end) -- over this
--- -- And in fact, this keybind won't work at all because it expects no modifiers,
--- -- but you can't get "A" without using `Shift`.