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synced 2025-01-01 06:21:00 +01:00
THIS IS ON THE MASTER BRANCH. The Master branch will be Python 3.0 from now on. While Python 2.7 support will not be deliberately broken, all efforts should now focus on Python 3.0 compatibility. I can see a lot of work has been done. There's more to do. I've bumped the version number of everything I came across to the next major number for Python 3.0 compatibility indication. Thanks everyone. I hope to update here at least once a week until we have a stable 7.0 release for calibre 5.0
540 lines
18 KiB
540 lines
18 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# topazextract.py
# Mostly written by some_updates based on code from many others
# Changelog
# 4.9 - moved unicode_argv call inside main for Windows DeDRM compatibility
# 5.0 - Fixed potential unicode problem with command line interface
# 6.0 - Added Python 3 compatibility for calibre 5.0
from __future__ import print_function
__version__ = '6.0'
import sys
import os, csv, getopt
import zlib, zipfile, tempfile, shutil
import traceback
from struct import pack
from struct import unpack
from calibre_plugins.dedrm.alfcrypto import Topaz_Cipher
class SafeUnbuffered:
def __init__(self, stream):
self.stream = stream
self.encoding = stream.encoding
if self.encoding == None:
self.encoding = "utf-8"
def write(self, data):
if isinstance(data,bytes):
data = data.encode(self.encoding,"replace")
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.stream, attr)
iswindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
isosx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
def unicode_argv():
if iswindows:
# Uses shell32.GetCommandLineArgvW to get sys.argv as a list of Unicode
# strings.
# Versions 2.x of Python don't support Unicode in sys.argv on
# Windows, with the underlying Windows API instead replacing multi-byte
# characters with '?'.
from ctypes import POINTER, byref, cdll, c_int, windll
from ctypes.wintypes import LPCWSTR, LPWSTR
GetCommandLineW = cdll.kernel32.GetCommandLineW
GetCommandLineW.argtypes = []
GetCommandLineW.restype = LPCWSTR
CommandLineToArgvW = windll.shell32.CommandLineToArgvW
CommandLineToArgvW.argtypes = [LPCWSTR, POINTER(c_int)]
CommandLineToArgvW.restype = POINTER(LPWSTR)
cmd = GetCommandLineW()
argc = c_int(0)
argv = CommandLineToArgvW(cmd, byref(argc))
if argc.value > 0:
# Remove Python executable and commands if present
start = argc.value - len(sys.argv)
return [argv[i] for i in
range(start, argc.value)]
# if we don't have any arguments at all, just pass back script name
# this should never happen
return [u"mobidedrm.py"]
argvencoding = sys.stdin.encoding
if argvencoding == None:
argvencoding = 'utf-8'
return argv
#global switch
debug = False
if 'calibre' in sys.modules:
inCalibre = True
from calibre_plugins.dedrm import kgenpids
inCalibre = False
import kgenpids
class DrmException(Exception):
# recursive zip creation support routine
def zipUpDir(myzip, tdir, localname):
currentdir = tdir
if localname != u"":
currentdir = os.path.join(currentdir,localname)
list = os.listdir(currentdir)
for file in list:
afilename = file
localfilePath = os.path.join(localname, afilename)
realfilePath = os.path.join(currentdir,file)
if os.path.isfile(realfilePath):
myzip.write(realfilePath, localfilePath)
elif os.path.isdir(realfilePath):
zipUpDir(myzip, tdir, localfilePath)
# Utility routines
# Get a 7 bit encoded number from file
def bookReadEncodedNumber(fo):
flag = False
data = ord(fo.read(1))
if data == 0xFF:
flag = True
data = ord(fo.read(1))
if data >= 0x80:
datax = (data & 0x7F)
while data >= 0x80 :
data = ord(fo.read(1))
datax = (datax <<7) + (data & 0x7F)
data = datax
if flag:
data = -data
return data
# Get a length prefixed string from file
def bookReadString(fo):
stringLength = bookReadEncodedNumber(fo)
return unpack(str(stringLength)+'s',fo.read(stringLength))[0]
# crypto routines
# Context initialisation for the Topaz Crypto
def topazCryptoInit(key):
return Topaz_Cipher().ctx_init(key)
# ctx1 = 0x0CAFFE19E
# for keyChar in key:
# keyByte = ord(keyChar)
# ctx2 = ctx1
# ctx1 = ((((ctx1 >>2) * (ctx1 >>7))&0xFFFFFFFF) ^ (keyByte * keyByte * 0x0F902007)& 0xFFFFFFFF )
# return [ctx1,ctx2]
# decrypt data with the context prepared by topazCryptoInit()
def topazCryptoDecrypt(data, ctx):
return Topaz_Cipher().decrypt(data, ctx)
# ctx1 = ctx[0]
# ctx2 = ctx[1]
# plainText = ""
# for dataChar in data:
# dataByte = ord(dataChar)
# m = (dataByte ^ ((ctx1 >> 3) &0xFF) ^ ((ctx2<<3) & 0xFF)) &0xFF
# ctx2 = ctx1
# ctx1 = (((ctx1 >> 2) * (ctx1 >> 7)) &0xFFFFFFFF) ^((m * m * 0x0F902007) &0xFFFFFFFF)
# plainText += chr(m)
# return plainText
# Decrypt data with the PID
def decryptRecord(data,PID):
ctx = topazCryptoInit(PID)
return topazCryptoDecrypt(data, ctx)
# Try to decrypt a dkey record (contains the bookPID)
def decryptDkeyRecord(data,PID):
record = decryptRecord(data,PID)
fields = unpack('3sB8sB8s3s',record)
if fields[0] != 'PID' or fields[5] != 'pid' :
raise DrmException(u"Didn't find PID magic numbers in record")
elif fields[1] != 8 or fields[3] != 8 :
raise DrmException(u"Record didn't contain correct length fields")
elif fields[2] != PID :
raise DrmException(u"Record didn't contain PID")
return fields[4]
# Decrypt all dkey records (contain the book PID)
def decryptDkeyRecords(data,PID):
nbKeyRecords = ord(data[0])
records = []
data = data[1:]
for i in range (0,nbKeyRecords):
length = ord(data[0])
key = decryptDkeyRecord(data[1:length+1],PID)
except DrmException:
data = data[1+length:]
if len(records) == 0:
raise DrmException(u"BookKey Not Found")
return records
class TopazBook:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.fo = open(filename, 'rb')
self.outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# self.outdir = 'rawdat'
self.bookPayloadOffset = 0
self.bookHeaderRecords = {}
self.bookMetadata = {}
self.bookKey = None
magic = unpack('4s',self.fo.read(4))[0]
if magic != 'TPZ0':
raise DrmException(u"Parse Error : Invalid Header, not a Topaz file")
def parseTopazHeaders(self):
def bookReadHeaderRecordData():
# Read and return the data of one header record at the current book file position
# [[offset,decompressedLength,compressedLength],...]
nbValues = bookReadEncodedNumber(self.fo)
if debug: print("%d records in header " % nbValues, end=' ')
values = []
for i in range (0,nbValues):
return values
def parseTopazHeaderRecord():
# Read and parse one header record at the current book file position and return the associated data
# [[offset,decompressedLength,compressedLength],...]
if ord(self.fo.read(1)) != 0x63:
raise DrmException(u"Parse Error : Invalid Header")
tag = bookReadString(self.fo)
record = bookReadHeaderRecordData()
return [tag,record]
nbRecords = bookReadEncodedNumber(self.fo)
if debug: print("Headers: %d" % nbRecords)
for i in range (0,nbRecords):
result = parseTopazHeaderRecord()
if debug: print(result[0], ": ", result[1])
self.bookHeaderRecords[result[0]] = result[1]
if ord(self.fo.read(1)) != 0x64 :
raise DrmException(u"Parse Error : Invalid Header")
self.bookPayloadOffset = self.fo.tell()
def parseMetadata(self):
# Parse the metadata record from the book payload and return a list of [key,values]
self.fo.seek(self.bookPayloadOffset + self.bookHeaderRecords['metadata'][0][0])
tag = bookReadString(self.fo)
if tag != 'metadata' :
raise DrmException(u"Parse Error : Record Names Don't Match")
flags = ord(self.fo.read(1))
nbRecords = ord(self.fo.read(1))
if debug: print("Metadata Records: %d" % nbRecords)
for i in range (0,nbRecords) :
keyval = bookReadString(self.fo)
content = bookReadString(self.fo)
if debug: print(keyval)
if debug: print(content)
self.bookMetadata[keyval] = content
return self.bookMetadata
def getPIDMetaInfo(self):
keysRecord = self.bookMetadata.get('keys','')
keysRecordRecord = ''
if keysRecord != '':
keylst = keysRecord.split(',')
for keyval in keylst:
keysRecordRecord += self.bookMetadata.get(keyval,'')
return keysRecord, keysRecordRecord
def getBookTitle(self):
title = ''
if 'Title' in self.bookMetadata:
title = self.bookMetadata['Title']
return title.decode('utf-8')
def setBookKey(self, key):
self.bookKey = key
def getBookPayloadRecord(self, name, index):
# Get a record in the book payload, given its name and index.
# decrypted and decompressed if necessary
encrypted = False
compressed = False
recordOffset = self.bookHeaderRecords[name][index][0]
raise DrmException("Parse Error : Invalid Record, record not found")
self.fo.seek(self.bookPayloadOffset + recordOffset)
tag = bookReadString(self.fo)
if tag != name :
raise DrmException("Parse Error : Invalid Record, record name doesn't match")
recordIndex = bookReadEncodedNumber(self.fo)
if recordIndex < 0 :
encrypted = True
recordIndex = -recordIndex -1
if recordIndex != index :
raise DrmException("Parse Error : Invalid Record, index doesn't match")
if (self.bookHeaderRecords[name][index][2] > 0):
compressed = True
record = self.fo.read(self.bookHeaderRecords[name][index][2])
record = self.fo.read(self.bookHeaderRecords[name][index][1])
if encrypted:
if self.bookKey:
ctx = topazCryptoInit(self.bookKey)
record = topazCryptoDecrypt(record,ctx)
else :
raise DrmException("Error: Attempt to decrypt without bookKey")
if compressed:
record = zlib.decompress(record)
return record
def processBook(self, pidlst):
raw = 0
keydata = self.getBookPayloadRecord('dkey', 0)
except DrmException as e:
print(u"no dkey record found, book may not be encrypted")
print(u"attempting to extrct files without a book key")
print(u"Successfully Extracted Topaz contents")
if inCalibre:
from calibre_plugins.dedrm import genbook
import genbook
rv = genbook.generateBook(self.outdir, raw, fixedimage)
if rv == 0:
print(u"Book Successfully generated.")
return rv
# try each pid to decode the file
bookKey = None
for pid in pidlst:
# use 8 digit pids here
pid = pid[0:8]
print(u"Trying: {0}".format(pid))
bookKeys = []
data = keydata
except DrmException as e:
bookKey = bookKeys[0]
print(u"Book Key Found! ({0})".format(bookKey.encode('hex')))
if not bookKey:
raise DrmException(u"No key found in {0:d} keys tried. Read the FAQs at Harper's repository: https://github.com/apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools/blob/master/FAQs.md".format(len(pidlst)))
print(u"Successfully Extracted Topaz contents")
if inCalibre:
from calibre_plugins.dedrm import genbook
import genbook
rv = genbook.generateBook(self.outdir, raw, fixedimage)
if rv == 0:
print(u"Book Successfully generated")
return rv
def createBookDirectory(self):
outdir = self.outdir
# create output directory structure
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
destdir = os.path.join(outdir,u"img")
if not os.path.exists(destdir):
destdir = os.path.join(outdir,u"color_img")
if not os.path.exists(destdir):
destdir = os.path.join(outdir,u"page")
if not os.path.exists(destdir):
destdir = os.path.join(outdir,u"glyphs")
if not os.path.exists(destdir):
def extractFiles(self):
outdir = self.outdir
for headerRecord in self.bookHeaderRecords:
name = headerRecord
if name != 'dkey':
ext = u".dat"
if name == 'img': ext = u".jpg"
if name == 'color' : ext = u".jpg"
print(u"Processing Section: {0}\n. . .".format(name), end=' ')
for index in range (0,len(self.bookHeaderRecords[name])) :
fname = u"{0}{1:04d}{2}".format(name,index,ext)
destdir = outdir
if name == 'img':
destdir = os.path.join(outdir,u"img")
if name == 'color':
destdir = os.path.join(outdir,u"color_img")
if name == 'page':
destdir = os.path.join(outdir,u"page")
if name == 'glyphs':
destdir = os.path.join(outdir,u"glyphs")
outputFile = os.path.join(destdir,fname)
print(u".", end=' ')
record = self.getBookPayloadRecord(name,index)
if record != '':
open(outputFile, 'wb').write(record)
print(u" ")
def getFile(self, zipname):
htmlzip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname,'w',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, False)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.outdir,u"cover.jpg")):
zipUpDir(htmlzip, self.outdir, u"img")
def getBookType(self):
return u"Topaz"
def getBookExtension(self):
return u".htmlz"
def getSVGZip(self, zipname):
svgzip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname,'w',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, False)
zipUpDir(svgzip, self.outdir, u"svg")
zipUpDir(svgzip, self.outdir, u"img")
def cleanup(self):
if os.path.isdir(self.outdir):
shutil.rmtree(self.outdir, True)
def usage(progname):
print(u"Removes DRM protection from Topaz ebooks and extracts the contents")
print(u" {0} [-k <kindle.k4i>] [-p <comma separated PIDs>] [-s <comma separated Kindle serial numbers>] <infile> <outdir>".format(progname))
# Main
def cli_main():
progname = os.path.basename(argv[0])
print(u"TopazExtract v{0}.".format(__version__))
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "k:p:s:x")
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
print(u"Error in options or arguments: {0}".format(err.args[0]))
return 1
if len(args)<2:
return 1
infile = args[0]
outdir = args[1]
if not os.path.isfile(infile):
print(u"Input File {0} Does Not Exist.".format(infile))
return 1
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
print(u"Output Directory {0} Does Not Exist.".format(outdir))
return 1
kDatabaseFiles = []
serials = []
pids = []
for o, a in opts:
if o == '-k':
if a == None :
raise DrmException("Invalid parameter for -k")
if o == '-p':
if a == None :
raise DrmException("Invalid parameter for -p")
pids = a.split(',')
if o == '-s':
if a == None :
raise DrmException("Invalid parameter for -s")
serials = [serial.replace(" ","") for serial in a.split(',')]
bookname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0]
tb = TopazBook(infile)
title = tb.getBookTitle()
print(u"Processing Book: {0}".format(title))
md1, md2 = tb.getPIDMetaInfo()
pids.extend(kgenpids.getPidList(md1, md2, serials, kDatabaseFiles))
print(u"Decrypting Book")
print(u" Creating HTML ZIP Archive")
zipname = os.path.join(outdir, bookname + u"_nodrm.htmlz")
print(u" Creating SVG ZIP Archive")
zipname = os.path.join(outdir, bookname + u"_SVG.zip")
# removing internal temporary directory of pieces
except DrmException as e:
print(u"Decryption failed\n{0}".format(traceback.format_exc()))
return 1
except Exception as e:
print(u"Decryption failed\n{0}".format(traceback.format_exc()))
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':