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843 lines
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#!/bin/env python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# xPml2XHtml.py
# This is a python script. You need a Python interpreter to run it.
# For example, ActiveState Python, which exists for windows.
# Based on Code, Input and Ideas from:
# The Dark Reverser (original author)
# Kevin Hendricks
# Logan Kennelly
# John Schember (Calibre project)
# WayneD's (perl pml2html.pl)
# Changelog
# 0.02 - tried to greatly improve html conversion especially with \t tags
# 0.03 - more cleanup, a few fixes, and add in use of tidy to output xhtml
# 0.04 - incorporate more cleanups
# 0.05 - add check to fix block elements nested in inline elements which are not allowed
# 0.07 - handle clean up for remains left over from fixing nesting issues rampant in pml
# 0.08 - deal with inline style tags nesting issues in new way using a style tag list
# 0.09 - add in support for wrapping all text not in a block in <p></p> tags
# 0.10 - treat links effectively as block elements for style markup
# 0.11 - add in various paragraphs indentations to handle leading spaces that html would ignore or compress
# 0.12 - add in support for handling xml based pml footnotes and sidebars - using pseudo pml tags
# 0.14 - add in full header info parsing and remove need for bookinfo.txt
# 0.15 - cleanup high chars better handled, optional use of tidy with command line switch
# 0.16 - use proper and safe temporary file when passing things to tidy
# 0.17 - add support for tidy.exe under windows
# 0.18 - fix corner case of lines that start with \axxx or \Uxxxx tags
import struct, binascii, zlib, os, getopt, sys, os.path, urllib, re, tempfile
import logging
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
class PmlConverter(object):
def __init__(self, s):
def cleanupHighChars(src):
# special win1252 chars 0x80 - 0xa0 properly handled
src = re.sub('[\x80-\xff]', lambda x: '\\a%03d' % ord(x.group()), src)
src = re.sub('[^\x00-\xff]', lambda x: '\\U%04x' % ord(x.group()), src)
return src
def convertFootnoteXMLtoPseudoPML(src):
# creates pseudo tag \Ft="id"footnote text\Ft
p = re.compile(r'<footnote id="(?P<label>[^"]+)">\n')
m = p.search(src)
while m:
(b, e) = m.span()
fid = m.groups('label')[0]
src = src[0:b] + '\\p\\Ft="' + fid + '"' + src[e:]
src = re.sub('\n</footnote>\n','\\\\Ft\n\n',src,1)
m = p.search(src)
return src
def convertSidebarXMLtoPseudoPML(src):
# creates pseudo tag \St="id"sidebar text\St
p = re.compile(r'<sidebar id="(?P<label>[^"]+)">\n')
m = p.search(src)
while m:
(b, e) = m.span()
sid = m.groups('label')[0]
src = src[0:b] + '\\p\\St="' + sid + '"' + src[e:]
src = re.sub('\n</sidebar>\n','\\\\St\n\n',src,1)
m = p.search(src)
return src
def convert_x_to_pX0(src):
# converts all \x \x to \p\X0 \X0 make later code simpler
p = re.compile(r'\\x(.*?)\\x')
m = p.search(src)
while m:
(b, e) = m.span()
src = src[0:b] + '\\p\\X0' + src[b+2:e-2] + '\\X0' + src[e:]
m = p.search(src)
return src
def findPrevStartofLine(src,p,n):
# find last end of previous line in substring from p to n
b1 = src.rfind('\n',p,n)
b2 = src.rfind('\\c',p,n)
b3 = src.rfind('\\r',p,n)
b4 = src.rfind('\\x',p,n)
b5 = src.rfind('\\p',p,n)
b = max(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5)
if b == -1:
return n
if b == b1:
return b + 1
return b + 2
def markHangingIndents(src):
r = ''
p = 0
while True:
if p > len(src):
return r
n = src.find('\\t', p)
if n == -1:
r += src[p:]
return r
pc = findPrevStartofLine(src,p,n)
if pc == n :
# \t tag is at start of line so indent block will work
end = src.find('\\t',n+2)
if end == -1:
end = n
r += src[p:end+2]
p = end + 2
else :
# \t tag not at start of line so hanging indent case
# recode \t to pseudo \h tags and move it to start of this line
# and recode its close as well
r += src[p:pc] + '\\h' + src[pc:n]
end = src.find('\\t',n+2)
if end == -1:
end = n+2
r += src[n+2:end] + '\\h'
p = end + 2
return r
# recode double single slashes in pml to allow easier regular expression usage
s = s.replace('\\\\','_amp#92_')
s = cleanupHighChars(s)
s = markHangingIndents(s)
s = convertFootnoteXMLtoPseudoPML(s)
s = convertSidebarXMLtoPseudoPML(s)
s = convert_x_to_pX0(s)
# file('converted.pml','wb').write(s)
self.s = s
self.pos = 0
self.markChapters = (s.find('\\X') == -1)
def headerInfo(self):
title, author, copyright, publisher, eisbn = None, None, None, None, None
m = re.search(r'\\v.*TITLE="(?P<value>[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL)
if m:
title = m.groups('value')[0]
m = re.search(r'\\v.*AUTHOR="(?P<value>[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL)
if m:
author = m.groups('value')[0]
m = re.search(r'\\v.*PUBLISHER="(?P<value>[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL)
if m:
publisher = m.groups('value')[0]
m = re.search(r'\\v.*EISBN="(?P<value>[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL)
if m:
eisbn = m.groups('value')[0]
m = re.search(r'\\v.*COPYRIGHT="(?P<value>[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL)
if m:
copyright = m.groups('value')[0]
return title, author, copyright, publisher, eisbn
def nextOptAttr(self):
p = self.pos
if self.s[p:p+2] != '="':
return None
r = ''
p += 2
while self.s[p] != '"':
r += self.s[p]
p += 1
self.pos = p + 1
return r
def skipNewLine(self):
p = self.pos
if p >= len(self.s):
if self.s[p] == '\n':
self.pos = p + 1
def next(self):
p = self.pos
if p >= len(self.s):
return None
if self.s[p] != '\\':
res = self.s.find('\\', p)
if res == -1:
res = len(self.s)
self.pos = res
return self.s[p : res], None, None
c = self.s[p+1]
# add in support for new pseudo tag \\h
if c in 'pxcriuovthnsblBk-lI\\d':
self.pos = p + 2
return None, c, None
if c in 'TwmqQ':
self.pos = p + 2
return None, c, self.nextOptAttr()
if c == 'a':
self.pos = p + 5
return None, c, int(self.s[p+2:p+5])
if c == 'U':
self.pos = p + 6
return None, c, int(self.s[p+2:p+6], 16)
c = self.s[p+1:p+1+2]
if c in ('X0','X1','X2','X3','X4','Sp','Sb'):
self.pos = p + 3
return None, c, None
# add in support for new pseudo tags Ft and St
if c in ('C0','C1','C2','C3','C4','Fn','Sd', 'Ft', 'St'):
self.pos = p + 3
return None, c, self.nextOptAttr()
print "unknown escape code %s" % c
self.pos = p + 1
return None, None, None
def LinkPrinter(link):
return '<a href="%s">' % link
# for every footnote provide a unique id (built on footnote unique id)
# so that a hyperlink return is possibly
def FootnoteLinkPrinter(link):
rlink = 'return_' + link
footnote_ids[link] = rlink
return '<a id="%s" href="#%s">' % (rlink, link)
def Footnote(link):
return '<div title="footnote" id="%s">' % link
def EndFootnote(link):
return ' <a href="#%s"><small>return</small></a></div>' % footnote_ids[link]
# for every sidebar provide a unique id (built from sidebar unique id)
# so that a hyperlink return is possibly
def SidebarLinkPrinter(link):
rlink = 'return_' + link
sidebar_ids[link] = rlink
return '<a id="%s" href="#%s">' % (rlink, link)
def Sidebar(link):
return '<div title="sidebar" id="%s">' % link
def EndSidebar(link):
return ' <a href="#%s"><small>return</small></a></div>' % sidebar_ids[link]
# standard font switch is used mainly for special chars that may not be in user fonts
# but since these special chars are html encoded neither of these are needed
# def NormalFont(link):
# return '<!-- NormalFont -->%s' %link
# def EndNormalFont(link):
# return '<!-- EndNormalFont -->'
# def StdFont(link):
# return '<!-- StdFont -->%s' %link
# def EndStdFont(link):
# return '<!-- EndStdFont -->'
# See http://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/PML#Palm_Markup_Language
# html non-style related beg and end tags
html_tags = {
'v' : ('<!-- ', ' -->'),
'c' : ('\n<div class="center">', '</div>\n'),
'r' : ('\n<div class="right">', '</div>\n'),
't' : ('<div class="indent">','</div>\n'),
'h' : ('<div class="hang">','</div>\n'), # pseudo-tag created to handle hanging indent cases
'X0' : ('<h1>', '</h1>\n'),
'X1' : ('<h2>', '</h2>\n'),
'X2' : ('<h3>', '</h3>\n'),
'X3' : ('<h4>', '</h4>\n'),
'X4' : ('<h5>', '</h5>\n'),
'q' : (LinkPrinter, '</a>'),
'Fn' : (FootnoteLinkPrinter, '</a>'),
'Sd' : (SidebarLinkPrinter, '</a>'),
'Ft' : (Footnote, EndFootnote),
'St' : (Sidebar, EndSidebar),
'I' : ('<i>', '</i>'),
'P' : ('<p>', '</p>\n'), # pseudo tag indicating a paragraph (imputed from pml file contents)
#'x' : ('<div class="breakafter"></div><h1>', '</h1>\n'), handled via recoding
# html style related beg and end tags
html_style_tags = {
'i' : ('<i>', '</i>'),
'u' : ('<span class="under">', '</span>'),
'b' : ('<b>', '</b>'),
'B' : ('<b>', '</b>'),
'o' : ('<del>', '</del>'),
'v' : ('<!-- ', ' -->'),
'Sb' : ('<sub>', '</sub>'),
'Sp' : ('<sup>', '</sup>'),
'l' : ('<span class="big">', '</span>'),
'k' : ('<span class="smallcaps">', '</span>'),
'I' : ('<i>', '</i>'), # according to calibre - all ereader does is italicize the index entries
'l' : ('<span class="big">', '</span>'),
'k' : ('<span class="smallcaps">', '</span>'),
#'n' : (NormalFont, EndNormalFont), handle as a single and strip out to prevent undesired mid word breaks
#'s' : (StdFont, EndStdFont), handle as a single and strip out to prevent undesired mid word breaks
# single tags (non-paired) that require no arguments
html_one_tags = {
#'p' : '<div class="breakafter"></div>\n', handle them in the if block to create at body level
#'\\': '\\', handled via recoding
'-' : '­',
's' : '', # strip out see earlier note on standard and normla font use
'n' : '', # strip out see earlier note on standard and normla font use
# single tags that are not paired but that require attribute an argument
#'w' : handled in the if block,
#'m' : handled in if block,
#'Q' : handled in if block,
#'a' : handled in if block,
#'U' : handled in if block,
#'C0' : handled in if block,
#'C1' : handled in if block,
#'C2' : handled in if block,
#'C3' : handled in if block,
#'C4' : handled in if block,
#'T' : handled in if block,
html_block_tags = ('c','r','t','h','X0','X1','X2','X3','X4','x','P', 'Ft', 'St')
html_link_tags = ('q','Fn','Sd')
html_comment_tags = ('v')
pml_chars = {
128 : '€', 129 : '' , 130 : '—', 131 : 'ƒ' , 132 : '„',
133 : '…', 134 : '†', 135 : '‡', 136 : 'ˆ' , 137 : '‰',
138 : 'Š' , 139 : '‹', 140 : 'Œ' , 141 : '' , 142 : 'Ž' ,
143 : '' , 144 : '' , 145 : '‘', 146 : '’', 147 : '“',
148 : '”', 149 : '•', 150 : '–', 151 : '—', 152 : '' ,
153 : '™', 154 : 'š' , 155 : '›', 156 : 'œ' , 157 : '' ,
158 : 'ž' , 159 : 'Ÿ' , 160 : ' ' ,
def process(self):
lastbreaksize = 0
final = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">\n'
final += '<html>\n<head>\n'
final += '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>\n'
title, author, copyright, publisher, eisbn = self.headerInfo()
if not title: title = bookname
if not author: author = 'Unknown'
final += '<title>%s by %s</title>\n' % (title, author)
final += '<meta name="Title" content="%s"/>\n' % title
final += '<meta name="Author" content="%s"/>\n' % author
if copyright: final += '<meta name="Copyright" content="%s"/>\n' % copyright
if publisher: final += '<meta name="Publisher" content="%s"/>\n' % publisher
if eisbn: final += '<meta name="EISBN" content="%s"/>\n' % eisbn
final += '<style type="text/css">\n'
final += 'div.center { text-align:center; }\n'
final += 'div.right { text-align:right; }\n'
final += 'div.indent { margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; }\n'
final += 'div.hang { text-indent: -5%; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; }\n'
final += 'span.big { font-size: 175%; }\n'
final += 'span.smallcaps { font-size: 80%; font-variant: small-caps; }\n'
final += 'span.under { text-decoration: underline; }\n'
final += '.breakafter { page-break-after: always; }\n'
final += 'p { text-indent: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }\n'
final += 'p.i0 { text-indent: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }\n'
final += 'p.i1 { text-indent: 1%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }\n'
final += 'p.i2 { text-indent: 2%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }\n'
final += 'p.i3 { text-indent: 3%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }\n'
final += 'p.i4 { text-indent: 4%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }\n'
final += 'p.i5 { text-indent: 5%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }\n'
final += '</style>\n'
final += '</head>\n<body>\n'
in_tags = []
st_tags = []
def inSet(slist):
rval = False
j = len(in_tags)
if j == 0:
return False
while True:
j = j - 1
if in_tags[j][0] in slist:
rval = True
if j == 0:
return rval
def inBlock():
return inSet(self.html_block_tags)
def inLink():
return inSet(self.html_link_tags)
def inComment():
return inSet(self.html_comment_tags)
def inParaNow():
j = len(in_tags)
if j == 0:
return False
if in_tags[j-1][0] == 'P':
return True
return False
def getTag(ti, end):
cmd, attr = ti
r = self.html_tags[cmd][end]
if type(r) != str:
r = r(attr)
return r
def getSTag(ti, end):
cmd, attr = ti
r = self.html_style_tags[cmd][end]
if type(r) != str:
r = r(attr)
return r
def applyStyles(ending):
s = ''
j = len(st_tags)
if j > 0:
if ending:
while True:
j = j - 1
s += getSTag(st_tags[j], True)
if j == 0:
k = 0
while True:
s += getSTag(st_tags[k], False)
k = k + 1
if k == j:
return s
def indentLevel(line_start):
nb = 0
while line_start[nb:nb+1] == ' ':
nb = nb + 1
line_start = line_start[nb:]
if nb > 5:
nb = 5
return nb, line_start
def makeText(s):
# handle replacements required for html
s = s.replace('&', '&')
s = s.replace('<', '<')
s = s.replace('>', '>')
return_s =''
# parse the text line by line
lp = s.find('\n')
while lp != -1:
line = s[0:lp]
s = s[lp+1:]
if not inBlock() and not inLink() and not inComment():
if len(line) > 0:
# text should not exist in the <body> tag level unless it is in a comment
nb, line = indentLevel(line)
return_s += '<p class="i%d">' % nb
return_s += applyStyles(False)
return_s += line
return_s += applyStyles(True)
return_s += '</p>\n'
return_s += '<p> </p>\n'
elif inParaNow():
# text is a continuation of a previously started paragraph
return_s += line
return_s += applyStyles(True)
return_s += '</p>\n'
j = len(in_tags)
del in_tags[j-1]
if len(line) > 0:
return_s += line + '<br />\n'
return_s += '<br />\n'
lp = s.find('\n')
linefrag = s
if len(linefrag) > 0:
if not inBlock() and not inLink() and not inComment():
nb, linefrag = indentLevel(linefrag)
return_s += '<p class="i%d">' % nb
return_s += applyStyles(False)
return_s += linefrag
ppair = ('P', None)
return_s += linefrag
return return_s
while True:
r = self.next()
if not r:
text, cmd, attr = r
if text:
final += makeText(text)
if cmd:
# handle pseudo paragraph P tags
# close if starting a new block element
if cmd in self.html_block_tags or cmd == 'w':
j = len(in_tags)
if j > 0:
if in_tags[j-1][0] == 'P':
final += applyStyles(True)
final += getTag(in_tags[j-1],True)
del in_tags[j-1]
if cmd in self.html_block_tags:
pair = (cmd, attr)
if cmd not in [a for (a,b) in in_tags]:
# starting a new block tag
final += getTag(pair, False)
final += applyStyles(False)
# process ending tag for a tag pair
# ending tag should be for the most recently added start tag
j = len(in_tags)
if cmd == in_tags[j-1][0]:
final += applyStyles(True)
final += getTag(in_tags[j-1], True)
del in_tags[j-1]
# ow: things are not properly nested
# process ending tag for block
# ending tag **should** be for the most recently added block tag
# but in too many cases it is not so we must fix this by
# closing all open tags up to the current one and then
# reopen all of the tags we had to close due to improper nesting of styles
print 'Warning: Improperly Nested Block Tags: expected %s found %s' % (cmd, in_tags[j-1][0])
print 'after processing %s' % final[-40:]
j = len(in_tags)
while True:
j = j - 1
final += applyStyles(True)
final += getTag(in_tags[j], True)
if in_tags[j][0] == cmd:
del in_tags[j]
# now create new block start tags if they were previously open
while j < len(st_tags):
final += getTag(in_tags[j], False)
final += applyStyles(False)
j = j + 1
elif cmd in self.html_link_tags:
pair = (cmd, attr)
if cmd not in [a for (a,b) in in_tags]:
# starting a new link tag
# first close out any still open styles
if inBlock():
final += applyStyles(True)
# output start tag and styles needed
final += getTag(pair, False)
final += applyStyles(False)
# process ending tag for a tag pair
# ending tag should be for the most recently added start tag
j = len(in_tags)
if cmd == in_tags[j-1][0]:
j = len(in_tags)
# apply closing styles and tag
final += applyStyles(True)
final += getTag(in_tags[j-1], True)
# if needed reopen any style tags
if inBlock():
final += applyStyles(False)
del in_tags[j-1]
# ow: things are not properly nested
print 'Error: Improperly Nested Link Tags: expected %s found %s' % (cmd, in_tags[j-1][0])
print 'after processing %s' % final[-40:]
elif cmd in self.html_style_tags:
spair = (cmd, attr)
if cmd not in [a for (a,b) in st_tags]:
# starting a new style
if inBlock() or inLink():
final += getSTag(spair,False)
# process ending tag for style
# ending tag **should** be for the most recently added style tag
# but in too many cases it is not so we must fix this by
# closing all open tags up to the current one and then
# reopen all of the tags we had to close due to improper nesting of styles
j = len(st_tags)
while True:
j = j - 1
if inBlock() or inLink():
final += getSTag(st_tags[j], True)
if st_tags[j][0] == cmd:
del st_tags[j]
# now create new style start tags if they were previously open
while j < len(st_tags):
if inBlock() or inLink():
final += getSTag(st_tags[j], False)
j = j + 1
elif cmd in self.html_one_tags:
final += self.html_one_tags[cmd]
elif cmd == 'p':
# create page breaks at the <body> level so
# they can be easily used for safe html file segmentation breakpoints
# first close any open tags
j = len(in_tags)
if j > 0:
while True:
j = j - 1
if in_tags[j][0] in self.html_block_tags:
final += applyStyles(True)
final += getTag(in_tags[j], True)
if j == 0:
# insert the page break tag
final += '\n<div class="breakafter"></div>\n'
if sigil_breaks:
if (len(final) - lastbreaksize) > 3000:
final += '<div>\n <hr class="sigilChapterBreak" />\n</div>\n'
lastbreaksize = len(final)
# now create new start tags for all tags that
# were previously open
while j < len(in_tags):
final += getTag(in_tags[j], False)
if in_tags[j][0] in self.html_block_tags:
final += applyStyles(False)
j = j + 1
elif cmd[0:1] == 'C':
if self.markChapters:
# create toc entries at the <body> level
# since they will be in an invisible block
# first close any open tags
j = len(in_tags)
if j > 0:
while True:
j = j - 1
if in_tags[j][0] in self.html_block_tags:
final += applyStyles(True)
final += getTag(in_tags[j], True)
if j == 0:
level = int(cmd[1:2]) + 1
final += '<h%d title="%s"></h%d>' % (level, attr, level)
# now create new start tags for all tags that
# were previously open
while j < len(in_tags):
final += getTag(in_tags[j], False)
if in_tags[j][0] in self.html_block_tags:
final += applyStyles(False)
j = j + 1
final += '<!-- ToC%s: %s -->' % (cmd[1:2], attr)
# now handle single tags (non-paired) that have attributes
elif cmd == 'm':
unquotedimagepath = bookname + '_img/' + attr
imagepath = urllib.quote( unquotedimagepath )
final += '<img src="%s" alt="" />' % imagepath
elif cmd == 'Q':
final += '<span id="%s"> </span>' % attr
elif cmd == 'a':
if not inBlock() and not inLink() and not inComment():
final += '<p class="i0">'
final += applyStyles(False)
final += self.pml_chars.get(attr, '&#%d;' % attr)
ppair = ('P', None)
final += self.pml_chars.get(attr, '&#%d;' % attr)
elif cmd == 'U':
if not inBlock() and not inLink() and not inComment():
final += '<p class="i0">'
final += applyStyles(False)
final += '&#%d;' % attr
ppair = ('P', None)
final += makeText('&#%d;' % attr)
elif cmd == 'w':
# hr width and align parameters are not allowed in strict xhtml but style widths are possible
final += '\n<hr style="width: %s;" />' % attr
# final += '<div style="width: %s; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; \
# border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: grey; border-top-width: thin;"> </div>' % attr
elif cmd == 'T':
if inBlock():
final += '<span style="margin-left: %s;"> </span>' % attr
final += '<p style="text-indent: %s;">' % attr
final += applyStyles(False)
ppair = ('P', None)
logging.warning("Unknown tag: %s-%s", cmd, attr)
# handle file ending condition for imputed P tags
j = len(in_tags)
if (j > 0):
if in_tags[j-1][0] == 'P':
final += '</p>'
final += '</body>\n</html>\n'
# recode html back to a single slash
final = final.replace('_amp#92_', '\\')
# cleanup the html code for issues specifically generated by this translation process
# ending divs already break the line at the end so we don't need the <br /> we added
final = final.replace('</div><br />\n','</div>\n')
# clean up empty elements that can be created when fixing improperly nested pml tags
# and by moving page break tags to the body level so that they can be used as html file split points
while True:
s = final
final = final.replace('<b></b>','')
final = final.replace('<i></i>','')
final = final.replace('<del></del>','')
final = final.replace('<sup></sup>','')
final = final.replace('<sub></sub>','')
final = final.replace('<span class="under"></span>','')
final = final.replace('<span class="big"></span>','')
final = final.replace('<span class="smallcaps"></span>','')
final = final.replace('<span class="under"> </span>','')
final = final.replace('<span class="big"> </span>','')
final = final.replace('<span class="smallcaps"> </span>','')
final = final.replace('<p></p>','')
final = final.replace('<p> </p>','')
final = final.replace('<p class="i0"></p>','')
final = final.replace('<p class="i1"></p>','')
final = final.replace('<p class="i2"></p>','')
final = final.replace('<p class="i3"></p>','')
final = final.replace('<p class="i4"></p>','')
final = final.replace('<p class="i5"></p>','')
final = final.replace('<h1></h1>\n','')
final = final.replace('<h2></h2>\n','')
final = final.replace('<h3></h3>\n','')
final = final.replace('<h4></h4>\n','')
final = final.replace('<h5></h5>\n','')
final = final.replace('<div class="center"></div>\n','')
final = final.replace('<div class="hang"></div>\n','')
final = final.replace('<div class="indent"></div>\n','')
final = final.replace('<div class="right"></div>\n','')
if s == final:
return final
def tidy(rawhtmlfile):
# processes rawhtmlfile through command line tidy via pipes
rawfobj = file(rawhtmlfile,'rb')
# --doctype strict forces strict dtd checking
# --enclose-text yes - enclosees non-block electment text inside <body></body> into its own <p></p> block to meet xhtml spec
# -w 100 -i will wrap text at column 120 and indent it to indicate level of nesting to make structure clearer
# -win1252 sets the input encoding of pml files
# -asxhtml convert to xhtml
# -q (quiet)
cmdline = 'tidy -w 120 -i -q -asxhtml -win1252 --enclose-text yes --doctype strict '
if sys.platform[0:3] == 'win':
cmdline = 'tidy.exe -w 120 -i -q -asxhtml -win1252 --enclose-text yes --doctype strict '
p2 = Popen(cmdline, shell=True, stdin=rawfobj, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False)
stdout, stderr = p2.communicate()
# print "Tidy Original Conversion Warnings and Errors"
# print stderr
return stdout
def usage():
print "Converts PML file to XHTML"
print "Usage:"
print " xpml2xhtml [options] infile.pml outfile.html "
print " "
print "Options: "
print " -h prints this message"
print " --sigil-breaks insert Sigil Chapterbbreaks"
print " --use-tidy use tidy to further clean up the html "
print " "
def main(argv=None):
global bookname
global footnote_ids
global sidebar_ids
global sigil_breaks
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["sigil-breaks", "use-tidy"])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err)
return 2
if len(args) != 2:
return 2
sigil_breaks = False
use_tidy = False
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-h":
return 0
elif o == "--sigil-breaks":
sigil_breaks = True
elif o == "--use-tidy":
use_tidy = True
infile, outfile = args[0], args[1]
bookname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0]
footnote_ids = { }
sidebar_ids = { }
print "Processing..."
import time
start_time = time.time()
print " Converting pml to raw html"
pml_string = file(infile,'rb').read()
pml = PmlConverter(pml_string)
html_src = pml.process()
if use_tidy:
print " Tidying html to xhtml"
fobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b',suffix=".html",delete=False)
tempname = fobj.name
html_src = tidy(tempname)
end_time = time.time()
convert_time = end_time - start_time
print 'elapsed time: %.2f seconds' % (convert_time, )
print 'output is in file %s' % outfile
print "Finished Processing"
except ValueError, e:
print "Error: %s" % e
return 2
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
#import cProfile
#command = """sys.exit(main())"""
#cProfile.runctx( command, globals(), locals(), filename="cprofile.profile" )