Support importing multiple keys from ADE

This commit is contained in:
NoDRM 2021-12-20 21:10:21 +01:00
parent cdd6402b9a
commit 3eb4eab18d

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ __license__ = 'GPL v3'
# Python 3, September 2020
# Standard Python modules.
import os, traceback, json, codecs
import sys, os, traceback, json, codecs
from PyQt5.Qt import (Qt, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit,
QGroupBox, QPushButton, QListWidget, QListWidgetItem, QCheckBox,
@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ import calibre_plugins.dedrm.androidkindlekey as androidkindlekey
def checkForDeACSMkeys():
from calibre_plugins.deacsm.libadobeAccount import exportAccountEncryptionKeyDER, getAccountUUID
# Looks like DeACSM is not installed.
return None, None
from calibre.ptempfile import TemporaryFile
@ -774,6 +779,9 @@ class AddAdeptDialog(QDialog):
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
self.new_keys = []
self.new_names = []
if iswindows or isosx:
from calibre_plugins.dedrm.adobekey import adeptkeys
@ -785,43 +793,64 @@ class AddAdeptDialog(QDialog):
scriptpath = os.path.join(parent.parent.alfdir,"")
defaultkeys, defaultnames = WineGetKeys(scriptpath, ".der",parent.getwineprefix())
self.default_key = defaultkeys[0]
self.default_name_A = defaultnames[0]
for key in self.parent.plugin_keys.values():
if key == codecs.encode(self.default_key,'hex').decode("utf-8"):
# We already have the ADE key imported into the plugin.
# Set it back to "" as if we had not found anything,
# so the next code path searches more places for potential keys.
print("Found key '{0}' in ADE - already present, skipping.".format(self.default_name_A))
self.default_key = ""
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
# Python2
import itertools
zip_function = itertools.izip
# Python3
zip_function = zip
for key, name in zip_function(defaultkeys, defaultnames):
if codecs.encode(key,'hex').decode("latin-1") in self.parent.plugin_keys.values():
print("Found key '{0}' in ADE - already present, skipping.".format(name))
self.default_key = ""
self.foundInPlugin = False
print("Exception while checking for ADE keys")
if len(self.default_key) == 0:
# No (new) key found in ADE. Check the DeACSM calibre plugin instead.
# Check for keys in the DeACSM plugin
key, name = checkForDeACSMkeys()
if key is not None:
self.default_key = key
self.default_name_A = name
for key in self.parent.plugin_keys.values():
if key == codecs.encode(self.default_key,'hex').decode("utf-8"):
# We already have the ADE key imported into the plugin.
# Set it back to "" as if we had not found anything,
# so the next code path searches more places for potential keys.
print("Found key '{0}' in DeACSM - already present, skipping.".format(self.default_name_A))
self.default_key = ""
if codecs.encode(key,'hex').decode("latin-1") in self.parent.plugin_keys.values():
print("Found key '{0}' in DeACSM - already present, skipping.".format(name))
# Found new key, add that.
print("Exception while checking for DeACSM keys")
# Just in case ADE and DeACSM are activated with the same account,
# check the new_keys list for duplicates and remove them, if they exist.
new_keys_2 = []
new_names_2 = []
i = 0
while True:
if i >= len(self.new_keys):
if not self.new_keys[i] in new_keys_2:
i = i + 1
self.new_keys = new_keys_2
self.new_names = new_names_2
if len(self.default_key)>0:
# Okay, new_keys is now a list of new keys, and new_names has the names for these keys.
# Right now this code only supports adding one key per each invocation,
# so if the user has multiple keys, he's going to need to add the "plus" button multiple times.
if len(self.new_keys)>0:
self.button_box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)
data_group_box = QGroupBox("", self)
@ -832,10 +861,15 @@ class AddAdeptDialog(QDialog):
key_group = QHBoxLayout()
key_group.addWidget(QLabel("Unique Key Name:", self))
self.key_ledit = QLineEdit("default_ade_key_uuid_" + self.default_name_A, self)
self.key_ledit = QLineEdit("ade_key_uuid_" + self.new_names[0], self)
self.key_ledit.setToolTip("<p>Enter an identifying name for the current Adobe key. Note that it's recommended to leave the UUID (the random-looking digits and letters) as it is.")
if len(self.new_keys) > 1:
# The code currently doesn't support adding multiple keys.
# If there are more keys, tell the user to trigger this again.
data_group_box_layout.addWidget(QLabel("<p>There are more keys available. <br/>Click the 'plus' icon again after adding this key to add the other keys.</p>", self))
# No new key found - neither in ADE nor in the DeACSM plugin
@ -859,12 +893,12 @@ class AddAdeptDialog(QDialog):
def key_value(self):
return codecs.encode(self.default_key,'hex').decode("utf-8")
return codecs.encode(self.new_keys[0],'hex').decode("utf-8")
def accept(self):
if len(self.key_name) == 0 or self.key_name.isspace():
errmsg = "All fields are required!"
errmsg = "Key name must not be empty!"
return error_dialog(None, "{0} {1}".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION), errmsg, show=True, show_copy_button=False)
if len(self.key_name) < 4:
errmsg = "Key name must be at <i>least</i> 4 characters long!"