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#!/usr/bin/env python3
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Mobipocket PID calculator v0.4 for Amazon Kindle.
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 Igor Skochinsky <>
# History:
# 0.1 Initial release
# 0.2 Added support for generating PID for iPhone (thanks to mbp)
# 0.3 changed to autoflush stdout, fixed return code usage
# 0.3 updated for unicode
# 0.4 Added support for serial numbers starting with '9', fixed unicode bugs.
# 0.5 moved unicode_argv call inside main for Windows DeDRM compatibility
# 1.0 Python 3 for calibre 5.0
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
import sys
import binascii
# Wrap a stream so that output gets flushed immediately
# and also make sure that any unicode strings get
# encoded using "replace" before writing them.
class SafeUnbuffered:
def __init__(self, stream): = stream
self.encoding = stream.encoding
if self.encoding == None:
self.encoding = "utf-8"
def write(self, data):
2021-11-16 11:09:03 +01:00
if isinstance(data,str) or isinstance(data,unicode):
# str for Python3, unicode for Python2
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
data = data.encode(self.encoding,"replace")
2021-11-16 11:09:03 +01:00
buffer = getattr(, 'buffer',
# for Python3, for Python2
# We can do nothing if a write fails
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(, attr)
iswindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
isosx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
def unicode_argv():
if iswindows:
# Uses shell32.GetCommandLineArgvW to get sys.argv as a list of Unicode
# strings.
# Versions 2.x of Python don't support Unicode in sys.argv on
# Windows, with the underlying Windows API instead replacing multi-byte
# characters with '?'.
from ctypes import POINTER, byref, cdll, c_int, windll
from ctypes.wintypes import LPCWSTR, LPWSTR
GetCommandLineW = cdll.kernel32.GetCommandLineW
GetCommandLineW.argtypes = []
GetCommandLineW.restype = LPCWSTR
CommandLineToArgvW = windll.shell32.CommandLineToArgvW
CommandLineToArgvW.argtypes = [LPCWSTR, POINTER(c_int)]
CommandLineToArgvW.restype = POINTER(LPWSTR)
cmd = GetCommandLineW()
argc = c_int(0)
argv = CommandLineToArgvW(cmd, byref(argc))
if argc.value > 0:
# Remove Python executable and commands if present
start = argc.value - len(sys.argv)
return [argv[i] for i in
range(start, argc.value)]
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
# if we don't have any arguments at all, just pass back script name
# this should never happen
return [""]
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
argvencoding = sys.stdin.encoding or "utf-8"
2021-11-16 11:09:03 +01:00
return [arg if (isinstance(arg, str) or isinstance(arg,unicode)) else str(arg, argvencoding) for arg in sys.argv]
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
def crc32(s):
return (~binascii.crc32(s,-1))&0xFFFFFFFF
def checksumPid(s):
crc = crc32(s.encode('ascii'))
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
crc = crc ^ (crc >> 16)
res = s
l = len(letters)
for i in (0,1):
b = crc & 0xff
pos = (b // l) ^ (b % l)
res += letters[pos%l]
crc >>= 8
return res
def pidFromSerial(s, l):
crc = crc32(s)
arr1 = [0]*l
for i in range(len(s)):
arr1[i%l] ^= s[i]
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
crc_bytes = [crc >> 24 & 0xff, crc >> 16 & 0xff, crc >> 8 & 0xff, crc & 0xff]
for i in range(l):
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
arr1[i] ^= crc_bytes[i&3]
pid = ''
for i in range(l):
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
b = arr1[i] & 0xff
pid+=letters[(b >> 7) + ((b >> 5 & 3) ^ (b & 0x1f))]
return pid
def cli_main():
print("Mobipocket PID calculator for Amazon Kindle. Copyright © 2007, 2009 Igor Skochinsky")
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
if len(argv)==2:
serial = argv[1]
print("Usage: <Kindle Serial Number>/<iPhone/iPod Touch UDID>")
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
return 1
if len(serial)==16:
if serial.startswith("B") or serial.startswith("9"):
print("Kindle serial number detected")
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
print("Warning: unrecognized serial number. Please recheck input.")
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
return 1
pid = pidFromSerial(serial.encode("utf-8"),7)+'*'
print("Mobipocket PID for Kindle serial#{0} is {1}".format(serial,checksumPid(pid)))
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
return 0
elif len(serial)==40:
print("iPhone serial number (UDID) detected")
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
pid = pidFromSerial(serial.encode("utf-8"),8)
print("Mobipocket PID for iPhone serial#{0} is {1}".format(serial,checksumPid(pid)))
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
return 0
print("Warning: unrecognized serial number. Please recheck input.")
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
2013-10-02 19:59:40 +01:00