#!/bin/sh TMP=/tmp CWD=`pwd` PKG=$TMP/package-ngstar rm -rf $PKG mkdir -p $PKG VERSION=2.1.9 ARCH=${ARCH:-i486} BUILD=1cyco # unpacking archive cd $TMP rm -rf ngstar-$VERSION tar xjvf $CWD/ngstar-$VERSION-src.tar.bz2 cd ngstar-$VERSION chown -R root.root . # configuring ./configure \ --enable-ncurses \ --enable-fltk2 \ --enable-editor \ --prefix /usr \ # --install-dev \ #<- intentionaly commented # --enable-static \ #<- intentionaly commented # building make # installing to temporary directory make install DESTDIR=$PKG # tidy up permissions and ownership, installing documentation, stripping binaries chown -R root.bin $PKG/usr/bin mkdir -p mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/ngstar-$VERSION cp -a \ AUTHORS Changelog COPYING README TODO \ $PKG/usr/doc/ngstar-$VERSION chown -R root:root $PKG/usr/doc/ngstar-$VERSION/* chmod 0644 $PKG/usr/doc/ngstar-$VERSION/* chown root:bin $PGK/usr/bin/* chmod 0755 $PGK/usr/bin/* # chown root:bin $PGK/usr/lib/* #<- uncomment if building with --install-dev # chmod 0755 $PGK/usr/lib/* #<- uncomment if building with --install-dev # chmod 0644 $PKG/usr/include/ngstar/* #<- uncomment if building with --install-dev chown -R root:root $PKG/usr/share for i in $PKG/usr/share/ngstar/levelsets/* ; do chmod 0644 $i/* ; done for i in $PKG/usr/share/ngstar/themes/* ; do chmod 0644 $i/* ; done strip -s $PKG/usr/bin/* # writing the two files that makes the future tgz a genuine slackware package mkdir -p $PKG/install cat < $PKG/install/slack-desc # HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' # on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must # make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also # customary to leave one space after the ':'. |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| ngstar: ngstar (reflection/puzzle game) ngstar: ngstar: ngstar: The goal is to catch all gifts (<>) in the level to get access to the ngstar: next one. Use the ball (()) to catch them, use the cube ([]) to stop ngstar: the ball. The ball only move to the next obstacle (wall or cube). ngstar: It comes with ncurses UI (ngstar), fltk2 GUI (xngstar) and a fltk2 ngstar: level editor (xngstar-editor). ngstar: ngstar: Please read /usr/doc/ngstar/README for more details. ngstar: EOF # building the package cd $PKG makepkg -l y -c n $TMP/ngstar-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz # that's it ;)