This is a list of dependencies for the packages in the /extra directory. 1. extra/mate-applets require deps/pygobject3, deps/libgtop, and deps/gtksourceview 2. extra/caja-extensions requires deps/gssdp and deps/gupnp 3. extra/mate-netspeed and extra/mate-utils both require extra/libgtop. 4. extra/mate-text-editor requires extra/gtksourceview. 5. extra/mate-system-monitor requires deps/libsigc++, deps/glibmm, deps/cairomm, deps/pangomm, deps/atkmm, deps/mm-common, and deps/gtkmm. 6. extra/mate-system-tools requires deps/perl-xml-twig, deps/perl-net-dbus, deps/system-tools-backends, and deps/liboobs. 7. extra/pluma requires both deps/gtksourceview and deps/pygtksourceview