The following is a list of notes on building MATE on Slackware -current: Sun Feb 23 01:56:59 UTC 2014 MATE 1.8 is replacing mate-doc-utils with yelp-tools. This change requires yelp-tools and yelp-xsl to be added to deps/. Both require itstool, which is already available on Slackware since 14.1, so there is no need to build itstool if you are using Slackware -current. Tue Jun 11 00:41:15 UTC 2013 Pat has rebuilt xdg-utils in Slackware 14.1 to properly support MATE DE, so xdg-utils patch is no longer needed in Slackware -current, but running these two commands as normal user are still needed to set caja as the default handler: xdg-mime default caja-folder-handler.desktop inode/directory xdg-mime default caja-folder-handler.desktop application/x-directory please make a backup of your $HOME/.local/share/applications/defaults.list before executing the above commands