
55 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd">
Cassette tapes for the Microbee non-disk models. These extensions are supported: TAP, WAV.
Compatibility flags:
1 = mbee
2 = mbeeic, mbeepc, mbeepc85, mbeepc85a, mbeepc85s, mbeeppc
If no flag is specified, it's assumed it works on all of them.
They do not work on disk-based microbees, or on the Teleterm.
It's possible for a tape to work on some disk-based models but your mileage may vary.
To try it out, boot the machine into the shell, select BASIC, then load the tape as loose software.
You use the CLOAD command (rather than LOAD in the rom-based models). It will load. If you're
lucky, it might even run.
Cassette File Types:
- This is a single letter that displays after the 6-character filename, while loading.
- B = Basic, loaded by Basic. If it doesn't self-start type RUN.
- M = Machine-code, loaded by Basic. If it doesn't self-start type EXEC.
- W = Wordbee, loaded by Wordbee only.
- T = Teleterm, loaded by Teleterm machine (mbeett) only.
<softwarelist name="mbee_cass" description="Microbee cassettes">
<software name="bee3">
<description>Bee III Basic</description>
<info name="usage" value="LOAD then start the tape" />
<part name="cass" interface="mbee_cass">
<dataarea name="cass" size="0x3088">
<rom name="bee3.tap" size="0x3088" crc="4b250be5" sha1="97683a7b7a8bdebfb3bfc19bd07443b97a229079"/>
<software name="starblock">
<description>Star Block</description>
<info name="usage" value="LOAD then start the tape. When finished, RUN" />
<part name="cass" interface="mbee_cass">
<dataarea name="cass" size="0x33dc29">
<rom name="starblock.wav" size="0x33dc29" crc="0dca01c6" sha1="a38e3c8ce559f2795da485726c665ff38c3e6f97"/>