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} } } my.Slider.prototype.release = function(e) { this.isGrabbed = false; this.frame.setAttribute("stroke", this.frameColor); } my.Slider.prototype.activeTouchCenter = function() { var n = this.activeTouches.size; if (n <= 0) { return undefined; } var x = 0; var y = 0; for (const touch of this.activeTouches.values()) { x += touch.x; y += touch.y; } return new my.Touch(x / n, y / n); } my.Slider.prototype.touchstart = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var wasEmpty = this.activeTouches.size == 0; for (var i = 0; i < e.targetTouches.length; i++) { var touch = e.targetTouches.item(i); this.activeTouches.set(touch.identifier, my.makeTouch(touch)); } center = this.activeTouchCenter(); if (center != null) { this.grab(center.x, center.y); } return false; } my.Slider.prototype.touchmove = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); for (var i = 0; i < e.changedTouches.length; i++) { var touch = e.changedTouches.item(i); if (this.activeTouches.has(touch.identifier)) { this.activeTouches.set(touch.identifier, my.makeTouch(touch)); } } center = this.activeTouchCenter(); if (center != null) { this.drag(center.x, center.y); } return false; } my.Slider.prototype.touchend = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); for (var i = 0; i < e.changedTouches.length; i++) { var touch = e.changedTouches.item(i); this.activeTouches.delete(touch.identifier) } if (this.activeTouches.size == 0) { this.release(); } else { center = this.activeTouchCenter(); if (center != null) { this.grab(center.x, center.y); } } return false; } my.Panel = function(serverUrl, keyboard, version) { this.serverUrl = serverUrl; this.keyboard = keyboard; this.version = version; this.container = my.createElement("svg"); this.container.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet"); this.container.setAttribute("width", "2000"); this.container.setAttribute("height", "375"); this.container.setAttribute("overflow", "scroll"); this.haloContainer = my.createElement("g"); this.container.appendChild(this.haloContainer); this.mainContainer = my.createElement("g"); this.container.appendChild(this.mainContainer); this.displayContainer = my.createElement("svg"); this.display = new my.Display(this.displayContainer, 2, 40); this.displayContainer.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet"); this.displayContainer.setAttribute("x", my.displayRect.x); this.displayContainer.setAttribute("y", my.displayRect.y); this.displayContainer.setAttribute("width", my.displayRect.w); this.displayContainer.setAttribute("height", my.displayRect.h); this.container.appendChild(this.displayContainer); this.buttons = new Array(); this.lightButtons = new Array(); this.analogControls = new Array(); this.addControls(keyboard); this.cursorX = 0; this.cursorY = 0; this.savedCursorX = 0; this.savedCursorY = 0; this.blink = false; this.underline = false; this.serverUrl = serverUrl; try { this.connect(); } catch (e) { console.log("Unable to connect to '" + serverUrl + "': " + e); } var that = this; this.blinkPhase = 0; setInterval(function() { that.updateBlink(); }, 250); } my.Panel.prototype.updateBlink = function() { this.blinkPhase = (this.blinkPhase + 1) % 4; this.display.setBlinkPhase(this.blinkPhase < 2); var buttonPhase = (this.blinkPhase % 2) == 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.lightButtons.length; i++) { this.lightButtons[i].setBlinkPhase(buttonPhase); } } my.Panel.prototype.connect = function() { var that = this; var panel = this; var reconnect = function() { that.connect(); } this.socket = new WebSocket(this.serverUrl); this.socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; this.socket.onopen = function(event) { console.log("opened: " + event); panel.sendString("I"); // Request server information }; this.socket.onmessage = function(event) { var data = new Uint8Array(; var c = String.fromCharCode(data[0]); if (c == 'A') { console.log("handling analog value") panel.handleAnalogValue(data.slice(1)); } else if (c == 'B') { console.log("handling button state") panel.handleButtonState(data.slice(1)); } else if (c == 'D') { console.log("handling display data") panel.handleDisplayData(data.slice(1)); } else if (c == 'I') { console.log("handling server information"); panel.handleServerInformation(data.slice(1)); } }; this.socket.onclose = function(event) { console.log("closed: ", event); // reconnect after 1 second setTimeout(reconnect, 1000); }; this.socket.onerror = function(event) { console.log("error: ", event); }; } my.Panel.prototype.addButton = function(x, y, w, h, label, labelPosition, value, color, multiPage, lightId) { var that = this; var button = new my.Button(x, y, w, h, label, labelPosition, value, color, multiPage, lightId); this.haloContainer.appendChild(button.halo); if (lightId >= 0) { if (lightId >= this.lightButtons.length) { this.lightButtons.length = lightId + 1; } this.lightButtons[lightId] = button; } this.mainContainer.appendChild(; this.buttons[value] = button; button.onPress = function(b) { that.onButtonPressed(b); } button.onRelease = function(b) { that.onButtonReleased(b); } return button; } my.Panel.prototype.addSlider = function(x, y, w, h, channel, value) { var that = this; var slider = new my.Slider(x, y, w, h, channel, value); this.mainContainer.appendChild(; this.analogControls[channel] = slider; slider.onValueChanged = function(s) { that.onAnalogValueChanged(s); } return slider; } my.Panel.prototype.addButtonBelowDisplay = function(x, y, label, value, shade) { return this.addButton(x, y, 6, 4, label, my.LabelPosition.BELOW, value, shade, false, -1); } my.Panel.prototype.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay = function(x, y, label, value, shade, lightId) { return this.addButton(x, y, 6, 4, label, my.LabelPosition.BELOW, value, shade, false, lightId); } my.Panel.prototype.addLargeButton = function(x, y, label, value, shade) { return this.addButton(x, y, 6, 4, label, my.LabelPosition.ABOVE, value, shade, false, -1); } my.Panel.prototype.addLargeButtonWithLight = function(x, y, label, value, shade, lightId) { return this.addButton(x, y, 6, 4, label, my.LabelPosition.ABOVE, value, shade, false, lightId); } my.Panel.prototype.addSmallButton = function(x, y, label, value, shade, multiPage) { return this.addButton(x, y, 6, 2, label, my.LabelPosition.ABOVE, value, shade, multiPage, -1); } my.Panel.prototype.addIncDecButton = function(x, y, label, value, shade, multiPage) { return this.addButton(x, y, 6, 2, label, my.LabelPosition.ABOVE_CENTERED, value, shade, multiPage, -1); } my.Panel.prototype.addControls = function(keyboard) { console.log("keyboard is '" + keyboard + "'"); // Normalize the keyboard string. var hasSeq = false; var hasBankSet = false; keyboard = keyboard.toLowerCase(); if (keyboard.indexOf('sd') != -1) { hasSeq = true; if (keyboard.indexOf('1') != -1) { hasBankSet = true; if (keyboard.indexOf('32') != -1) { keyboard = my.Keyboard.SD1_32; } else { keyboard = my.Keyboard.SD1; } } else { keyboard = my.Keyboard.VFX_SD; } } else { keyboard = my.Keyboard.VFX; } console.log("normalized keyboard is '" + keyboard + "'"); var cartString = hasBankSet ? "BankSet" : "Cart"; this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(10, 29, cartString, 52, my.Shade.LIGHT, 0xf); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(16, 29, "Sounds", 53, my.Shade.LIGHT, 0xd); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(22, 29, "Presets", 54, my.Shade.LIGHT, 0x7); if (hasSeq) { this.addButtonBelowDisplay (28, 29, "Seq", 51, my.Shade.LIGHT); } this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(42, 29, "0", 55, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0xe); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(48, 29, "1", 56, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x6); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(54, 29, "2", 57, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x4); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(60, 29, "3", 46, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0xc); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(66, 29, "4", 47, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x3); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(72, 29, "5", 48, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0xb); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(78, 29, "6", 49, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x2); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(84, 29, "7", 35, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0xa); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(90, 29, "8", 34, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x1); this.addButtonWithLightBelowDisplay(96, 29, "9", 25, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x9); // Large buttons on the main panel part this.addLargeButton (108, 29, "Replace\nProgram", 29, my.Shade.MEDIUM); this.addLargeButtonWithLight(114, 29, "1-6", 30, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x0); this.addLargeButtonWithLight(120, 29, "7-12", 31, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x8); this.addLargeButton (154, 29, "Select\nVoice", 5, my.Shade.MEDIUM); this.addLargeButton (160, 29, "Copy", 9, my.Shade.MEDIUM); this.addLargeButton (166, 29, "Write", 3, my.Shade.MEDIUM); this.addLargeButtonWithLight(172, 29, "Compare", 8, my.Shade.MEDIUM, 0x5); // Small buttons, main panel // -- Performance: this.addSmallButton(108, 20, "Patch\nSelect", 26, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(114, 20, "MIDI", 27, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(120, 20, "Effects", 28, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(108, 13, "Key\nZone", 39, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(114, 13, "Trans-\npose", 40, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(120, 13, "Release", 41, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(108, 6, "Volume", 36, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(114, 6, "Pan", 37, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(120, 6, "Timbre", 38, my.Shade.DARK, false); // Sequencer / System, both large and small buttons: if (hasSeq) { // The 'Master', 'Storage' and 'MIDI Control' buttons are small & at the to, // the sequencer buttons are big and at the bottom. this.addLargeButton(131, 29, "Rec", 19, my.Shade.MEDIUM); this.addLargeButton(137, 29, "Stop\n/Cont", 22, my.Shade.MEDIUM); this.addLargeButton(143, 29, "Play", 23, my.Shade.MEDIUM); this.addSmallButton(131, 20, "Click", 32, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(137, 20, "Seq\nControl", 18, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(143, 20, "Locate", 33, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(131, 13, "Song", 60, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(137, 13, "Seq", 59, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(143, 13, "Track", 61, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(131, 6, "Master", 20, my.Shade.LIGHT, true); this.addSmallButton(137, 6, "Storage", 21, my.Shade.LIGHT, false); this.addSmallButton(143, 6, "MIDI\nControl", 24, my.Shade.LIGHT, true); } else { // The 'Master', 'Storage' and 'MIDI Control' buttons are large & at the bottom, // and there are no sequencer buttons this.addLargeButton(131, 29, "Master", 20, my.Shade.LIGHT, true); this.addLargeButton(137, 29, "Storage", 21, my.Shade.LIGHT, false); this.addLargeButton(143, 29, "MIDI\nControl", 24, my.Shade.LIGHT, true); } // -- Programming: this.addSmallButton(154, 20, "Wave", 4, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(160, 20, "Mod\nMixer", 6, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(166, 20, "Program\nControl", 2, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(172, 20, "Effects", 7, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(154, 13, "Pitch", 11, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(160, 13, "Pitch\nMod", 13, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(166, 13, "Filters", 15, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(172, 13, "Output", 17, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(154, 6, "LFO", 10, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(160, 6, "Env1", 12, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(166, 6, "Env2", 14, my.Shade.DARK, true); this.addSmallButton(172, 6, "Env3", 16, my.Shade.DARK, true); // Display buttons - approximate: this.addSmallButton(32, 21, "", 50, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(57, 21, "", 44, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(82, 21, "", 45, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(32, 4, "", 58, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(57, 4, "", 42, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addSmallButton(82, 4, "", 43, my.Shade.DARK, false); // Value slider var valueSlider = this.addSlider(-2.75, 4, 7, 22, 3, 0.7); // Increment and Decrement this.addIncDecButton(-12.5, 22, "\u25BC", 63, my.Shade.DARK, false); this.addIncDecButton(-12.5, 12, "\u25B2", 62, my.Shade.DARK, false); // Volume slider var volumeSlider = this.addSlider(-30, 4, 7, 22, 5, 1.0); var r = undefined; for (var i = 1; i < this.buttons.length; i++) { var button = this.buttons[i]; if (button != null) { if (r != null) { r = r.union(button.rect); } else { r = button.rect; } } } r = r.union(valueSlider.rect); r = r.union(volumeSlider.rect); r.x -= 2; r.y -= 2; r.w += 4; r.h += 4; var viewBox = "" + r.x + " " + r.y + " " + r.w + " " + r.h; this.container.setAttribute("viewBox", viewBox); } my.Panel.prototype.sendString = function(s) { if (this.socket != undefined && this.socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { var b = new Uint8Array(s.length); for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { b[i] = s.charCodeAt(i); } this.socket.send(b); } } my.Panel.prototype.onButtonPressed = function(button) { this.sendString("BD " + button.value); } my.Panel.prototype.onButtonReleased = function(button) { this.sendString("BU " + button.value); } my.Panel.prototype.onAnalogValueChanged = function(slider) { // 0.05 == 0; 0.95 == 760 var value = (slider.value - 0.05) / 0.9; value = 760 * value; value = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(1023, value))); var s = "A" + + " " + value; // console.log(s); this.sendString(s); } my.Panel.prototype.handleDisplayData = function(data) { console.log("Handling display data " + data.length + " : " + data); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var received = data[i]; if (this.ignoreNext > 0) { console.log("skipping byte: 0x" + received.toString(16)); this.ignoreNext--; continue; } console.log("handling byte: 0x" + received.toString(16)); if (this.light) { var whichLight = received & 0x3f; var button = this.lightButtons[whichLight]; if (button != null) { var state = (received & 0xc0); if (state == 0x80) { button.setLight(my.Light.ON); } else if (state == 0xc0) { button.setLight(my.Light.BLINK); } else { button.setLight(my.Light.OFF); } } this.light = false; } else if ((received >= 0x80) && (received < 0xd0)) { this.cursorY = ((received & 0x7f) >= 40) ? 1 : 0; this.cursorX = (received & 0x7f) % 40; this.blink = this.display.blink(this.cursorY, this.cursorX); this.underline = this.display.underline(this.cursorY, this.cursorX); console.log("moving to row " + this.cursorY + ", column " + this.cursorX); } else if (received >= 0xd0) { switch (received) { case 0xd0: // blink start console.log("blink on"); this.blink = true; break; case 0xd1: // blink stop (cancel all attribs on VFX+) console.log("attrs off"); this.blink = false; this.underline = false; break; case 0xd2: // blinking underline? console.log("blinking underline on"); this.blink = true; this.underline = true; break; case 0xd3: // start underline console.log("underline on"); this.underline = true; break; case 0xd6: // clear screen console.log("clear screen"); this.cursorX = this.cursorY = 0; this.blink = this.underline = false; this.display.clear(); break; case 0xf5: // save cursor position this.savedCursorX = this.cursorX; this.savedCursorY = this.cursorY; console.log("saving cursor position (row " + this.savedCursorY + ", col " + this.savedCursorX + ")"); break; case 0xf6: // restore cursor position this.cursorX = this.savedCursorX; this.cursorY = this.savedCursorY; this.blink = this.display.blink(this.cursorY, this.cursorX); this.underline = this.display.underline(this.cursorY, this.cursorX); console.log("restored cursor position (row " + this.savedCursorY + ", col " + this.savedCursorX + ")"); break; case 0xff: // Specify a button light state this.light = true; break; default: console.log("Unexpected control code: " + received); break; } } else if ((received >= 0x20) && (received <= 0x5f)) { // var attrs = this.blink ? this.underline ? " with blink & underline" : " with blink" : this.underline ? " with underline" : ""; // console.log("at (" + this.cursorY + ", " + this.cursorX + ") char " + received + attrs); this.display.setChar(this.cursorY, this.cursorX, received, this.underline, this.blink); this.cursorX = Math.min(this.cursorX + 1, 39); } else { console.log("Unexpected byte: " + received.toString(16)); } } } my.Panel.prototype.handleAnalogValue = function(data) { var s = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data); console.log("Handling analog value: '" + s + "'"); var parts = s.split(" "); if (parts.length == 2) { var channel = parseInt(parts[0]); var value = parseInt(parts[1]); var analogControl = this.analogControls[channel]; if (analogControl != null) { if (analogControl instanceof my.Slider) { // 0.05 == 0; 0.95 == 760 value = value / 760.0; value = 0.05 + 0.9 * value; analogControl.setValue(value); } } } } my.Panel.prototype.handleButtonState = function(data) { var s = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data); var parts = s.split(" "); if (parts.length == 2) { var pressed = parts[0] == 'D'; var number = parseInt(parts[1]); var button = this.buttons[number]; if (button != null && button instanceof my.Button) { button.showPressed(pressed); } } } my.Panel.prototype.handleServerInformation = function(data) { var s = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data); var parts = s.split(","); var keyboard = "none"; var version = -1; if (parts.length == 2) { keyboard = parts[0]; version = parseInt(parts[1]); } if (keyboard == this.keyboard && version == this.version) { // same keyboard type version - proceed! this.sendString("CA1B1D1"); // Send me analog data, buttons, and display data } else { // we need to reload, forcing a refresh from the server. document.location.reload(true); } } return my; })();