EROS Ver.4.0 (Licensed to The Yorkshire Post) 1995 Design Systems MC Missile 1990 <homebrew> Spreadsheet 1990 Psion System Disk V2.12 1989 Psion System Disk V2.20 1989 Psion System Disk (MC Word) V2.50 1992 Psion 3a Chess 1995 Purple Software 3Fax Software 1994 Psion ACT! 1996 Symantec AutoRoute Express 1995 Psion Berlitz Interpreter 1992 Psion Berlitz Phrase Book 1994 Psion Chess 1992 Psion DataDeLuxe 1994 Pocket & Soul En Route: Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg 1997 Palmtop BV Financial Calculator 1993 Psion FloChart 1995 Purple Software Games 1 1993 Psion Games 2 1993 Psion Games 3a 1995 Psion Games Deluxe 3a 1995 Psion Messenger 3a 1995 Palmtop BV Messenger 3c 1997 Palmtop BV Money 1991 Psion Monopoly 1997 Psion Paint & Compose 1994 Widget Software Personal Accounts & Expenses 1993 Psion Personal Accounts & Expenses 3a 1994 Psion PipeMania 1993 Psion Scrabble 1996 Psion Spell Checker & Thesaurus 1992 Psion Spreadsheet (Series 3) 1992 Psion ToolKit 1 1995 Purple Software VT100 Emulator V3.3BT 1997 Widget Software Widget Games Pack 3 1995 Widget Software Widget Games 3a 1995 Widget Software Hugh Johnson's Wine Guide 1994 Psion OPL Programming Language 1992 Acorn Plotter 1993 Acorn Schedule 1992 Acorn Spell 1992 Acorn PsionMan v1.3 1993 <freeware> Pyramid 1.0a 1993 <freeware> OVAL Workabout Repro V0.24B 1996 Psion PC Card Adaptor Repro V1.00F 1996 Psion SidePDT V1.01F 1993 Psion